Cat.Year Cat.No. Document Creator Notes Date Location
Dates: A number of documents did not have a clear date, or when originally added to the catalogue, the date was recorded simply as a month or a range of years. Such dates, when identified, have been rounded to the final date of the month where month was recorded, or the year, or the range of years, and highlighted red. Converting all dates to a standardised spreadsheet date format allows the Excel version of the index to be sorted by date as needed.     Key to Location:
ASAC: All Saints Archive Centre
C2A: (example) Compactus Bay 2 left shelves
(example) Box 1 [archive box]
Search by decade (approximate)
Links: Series 1: 1823-1921 1823-1921 Hyperlink example
Series 1Cor: Correspondence etc 1898-1922 1898-1922
Series 2Cor: Correspondence etc 1920-1948
Series 3Cor: Correspondence etc 1949 onwards
Series 2: 1922-1948 1841-1860 Series 2: 1922-1948
Series GL (Glebe) 1848-1913 1848-1913
Series 3: 1948-1955 1881-1900
Series OC: Organ Correspondence 1845-1960 1921-1940
Petitions and Faculties - 1911 onwards 1941-1960
Series SP: Specifications and designs for various works 1838-1984
Series CW - Annual Reports of St. John's Church
Series 1
SJC-1981 1A-001 Notice Archdeacon Scott Appropriation of Pews & laying out of Burial Ground 08/03/1828 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-002 Memo Churchwardens Pew Rents 31/12/1832 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-003 Letter Colonial Secretary £25 to organist 21/01/1834 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-004 Letter Archdeacon  Scott on seating 15/08/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-005 Letter Churchwardens on seating reply on seating 23/08/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-006 Letter from Auditor 23/06/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-007 Letter from Rural Dean on Churchwardens 25/08/1835 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-008 Letter from Rural Dean Government & extra Accommodation 04/07/1834 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-009 Reply to   Colonial Secretary 09/12/1833 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-010 Letter Colonial Auditor quarter returns & payment of pew rents 31/12/1832 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-011 Tender Robert de Little gallery 31/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-012 salary Mrs Nairne Oganist 06/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-013 account Mr L.N. Hall for gallery 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-014 Tender Mr L.N. Hall for gallery 31/12/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-015 Letter Archdeacon to Churchwardens Mr Gilles ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-016 Dec accounts Churchwardens Annual account 31/12/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-017 Tender James Ferguson £98-0-0 31/12/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-018 accounts Clerk seating 31/08/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-019 Letter Colonial Auditor audit request 24/10/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-019A Act Govt of Sir John Franklin provision for support of ministers of religion 7/11/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-020 Statements Churchwardens Annual account 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-021 account Robert de Little Burial Ground 30/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-022 Memo Chaplain Browne conduct of services 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-023 specification  unknoqn work on gallery 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-024 Letter Colonial Secretary pew rents reply to 25 02/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-025 Letter Colonial Secretary pew rents reply  01/02/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-026 Tender Ferguson fitting out of south gallery St John's 31/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-027 account H Dowling stationary & music 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-028 account Mr W. Hall sundry work on church 20/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-029 account Mr W. Hall repairs to church 20/07/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-030 Tender James Reardon repairs   20/03/1837 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-031 Letter Archdeacon charges for Officers' pews 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-032 account H Dowling Stationery 30/06/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-033 Tender John  Brown fitting up gallery £128-0-0 31/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-034 notice Churchwardens Burial of Convicts 30/11/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-035 Letter to Robinson pew rent 07/04/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-036 Letter to Mr Butler military pew rents 27/04/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-037 account Mr Dowling stationery 31/03/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-037A gazette Church of England (UK) various notices regarding church practices 11/9/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-037B Act Govt of Sir John Franklin provision for support of ministers of religion 2/11/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-038 Letter to Commanding Officer military attendance 13/03/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-039 account Churchwardens pew rents 31/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-040 account Churchwardens to Capon building works 27/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-041 Letter Churchwardens re choir 28/05/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-042 payment Churchwardens to R de Little 15/03/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-043 account A. Brain repairs 14/11/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-044 account Sam Smith hardware supplies 16/11/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-045 account Thomas Faro timber supplies 20/08/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-046 account ??? for wax 27/10/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-047 Letter C. Thomson return of convicts 01/02/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-048 Letter Arch Hutchins to Churchwardens Thanks for accounts 15/02/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-049 Tender Mr L.N. Hall building works 16/03/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-050 Letter Mr Munro  on Major Turner 14/03/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-051 Tender Chas Saunders for repairs 23/03/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-052 receipt Robert de Little church plans 17/05/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-053 receipt John Stoneham repairs 14/05/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-054 receipt Mr Hobbart winding clock 31/07/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-055 account J. Dunning materials and repairs 11/08/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-056 rent Churchwardens letting of pews 14/08/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-057 account Mr Hall gallery repairs 23/07/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-058 rent Churchwardens letting of pews 31/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-059 account Churchwardens candles 03/11/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-060 account H Dowling stationery 24/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-061 account Mr L.N. Hall repairs and alterations 21/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-062 Tender Mr R Hay painting and repairs 10/02/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-063 rent Dr Browne pew rent 22/01/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-064 account Perkins & Bennett furnishings 31/12/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-065 account Churchwardens advertising 31/12/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-065 account Ferrall & Wallis candles 31/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-067 account  from  Mr Budd candles 07/02/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-068 receipt Dr Browne for relief of poor 31/12/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-069 account Churchwardens Communion Table cloth 02/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-070 account J. Stoneham repairs, alterations and hardware 09/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-071 account Joseph Parker drapery 31/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-072 Letter from James Burns funeral payment 31/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-073 Tender Charles Saunders specifications for repairs and painting 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-074 account John Williams plastering and painting 30/05/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-075 account J. Stoneham repairs and alterations 11/05/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-076 Letter Gibbons to Cameron Ticket of Leave reseating 27/04/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-077 account H. Dowling candles 30/06/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-078 account J. Atkinson 6 cedar chairs 13/07/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-079 memo Churchwardens Burial Ground 31/03/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-080 account Gunn's Blacksmith - supply hardware also 5th 17/08/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-081 account Chas Best candlesticks 04/06/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-082 receipt Chas Best Wine 29/07/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-083 account Gunn's Blacksmith - supply and repair 01/07/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-084 Letter Mr R. Gunn returns of convicts 31/07/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-085 account Mr Capon glazing 31/12/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-086 Letter H. Dowling Burial Ground 10/08/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-087 Letter Mr Gunn Burial Ground 26/08/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-087A Act Govt of Sir John Franklin provision for support of ministers of religion 1/9/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-088 account Chas Best repairs and alterations 30/09/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-089 Letter Archd to chw absconders 23/09/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-090 salary Mrs Nairne organist 01/10/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-091 Letter to Churchwardens Sexton's resignation 12/10/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-092 account Chas Best Wine 31/10/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-093 Letter Archd to chw Burying fees 31/10/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-094 Letter Archd to Col Sec. Burying fees for convicts 31/10/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-095 salary Mrs Nairne Organist 31/12/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-096 account Thos Hall fitting up pews 14/06/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-097 account Thos Hall curtain alterations 14/06/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-098 account Geo. Best for collecting bowls 15/05/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-099 account Mr Capon painting closet 31/12/1839 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-100 account John Farrell candles 25/08/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-101 memo to Churchwardens apprpriation of pews 31/07/1832 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-102 account Farrell & Wallis candles 27/10/1838 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1A-103 Act Govt of Sir John Franklin provision for support of ministers of religion 1/9/1840 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 Set 1B ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-001 account Chas Best small repairs 11/10/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-002 account Wm Duncan candles 17/04/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-003 account Henry Dowling stationery 13/07/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-004 account Wm Hart repairs to organ 23/08/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-005 account Perkins, Bennett & Co candles 22/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-006 account Mr Capon small repairs 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-007 account Cornwall Chronicle advertisements 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-008 Letter Mr Henty to chw Cottagers library literature 02/03/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-009 Letter Mr Walbourne donation towards beautifying church 02/05/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-010 Letter Rev W.L. Gibbon seating north gallery 13/02/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-011 account Henry Prioulx poor fund 04/05/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-012 account Cornwall Chronicle printing 04/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-013 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 30/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-014 account Farrell & Wallis candles 30/09 1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-015 account Launceston Advertiser advertisements 28/02/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-016 account John Williams candlesticks 13/08/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-017 account Joseph Parker candles 24/09/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-018 account William Jones wine 24/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-019 account Farrell & Co candles 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-020 account William Jones quarter return and accounts 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-021 account Mr Capon glazing 09/03/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-022 account Chas Best pew opening salary 15/03/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-023 account Chas Best pew repairs 02/07/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-024 account Mr Anderson candles 05/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-025 account Perkins & Co candles 27/07/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-026 account Mr Campbell candles 14/01/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-027 account Samuel Basham water cask 18/05/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-028 account Mr Anderson candles 02/07/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-029 account Mr Flexman rope 27/09/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-030 Letter Dr  Browne on nomination of Churchwardens 28/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-031 account Wm Duncan candles 09/04/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-032 Letter Mr Gunn to Dr Browne - convict burials 12/03/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-033 Letter Chas Saunders to Mr Anderson - unable to do repairs 19/02/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-034 account John Brown bookcase 18/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-035 salary C. Mason Sexton -supply of requisites 24/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-036 Letter Joseph Mayor application as sexton 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-037 account Wm Parker assessment of repairs 20/10/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-038 account Mr Anderson candles 05/07/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-039 collection Hy Priaulx Poor fund - return 31/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-040 Tender Churchwardens curtain repairs 03/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-041 Letter Chas Best quotation for repairs 05/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-042 Letter Chas Mason resignation as sexton 30/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-043 Letter John Parsons application as sexton 21/11/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-044 Letter Mr Lucas application as sexton 12/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-045 account Mr Coleman candles 10/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-046 account Mr Perkins candles  [document missing from collection] 31/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-047 account Joseph Parker candles 15/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-048 letter Mrs Nairne wages as organist not paid 20/01/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-049 account Chas Mason  Sexton - duties and requisites 05/04/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-050 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 31/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-051 account W H Luckhurst timber and repairs 26/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-052 account Chas Mason water and requisites 26/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-053 Letter & account Gleadow & Henty survey of square 13/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-054 account Mr H Goble ironmongery 13/09/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-055 account Mr C Mason Sexton - duties and requisites 30/09/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-056 account Mr Jas. Noakes candles 31/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-057 account Dyson & Bell repairs 12/10/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-058 account Dyson & Bell payment demand 20/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-059 collection Churchwardens Poor fund - return 31/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-060 collection Churchwardens offertory fund disbursement 31/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-061 Letter Chas Best agreement for repairs 31/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-062 Letter Mrs Nairne organ pupil 11/05/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-063 account Perkins & Bennett candles 10/06/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-064 account William Smith chinaware 01/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-065 Letter Mr F. Palmer burials - return 09/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-066 Letter Mr Braddington sittings - theology 26/03/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-067 account C. Best repairs and alterations 20/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-068 Tender Wm Beveridge repairs quotation 06/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-069 Tender N. Luckhurst repairs quotation 06/08/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-070 Letter F. Palmer burials - return 07/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-071 Letter J. Spode convict burials 04/10/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-072 Letter J. Spode convict burials 08/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-073 Letter Revd F Palmer to Dr Browne - government funding for repairs 28/10/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-074 Letter Revd F Palmer to Dr Browne - burial fees 11/10/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-075 Letter Revd Dr Browne land by church - parsonage 28/11/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-076 Letter Gleadow & Henty land by church - parsonage 20/12/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-077 account Perkins & Bennett coffin drapery - Archdeacon Huthinson 30/06/1841 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-078 account 2 Mr Tyson floor repairs 02/12/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-079 account Mr Tyson floor repairs 22/09/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-080 estimates Wm Gunn for matting 05/05/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-081 receipt Churchwardens stationery 06/04/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-082 Letter Revd Palmer to Dr Browne - church repairs - colonial funds 10/07/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-083 account Mallor & Co candles 18/02/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-084 account Mallor & Co candles 28/02/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-085 account A. Anderson candles 25/03/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-086 account Perkins & Bennett candles 11/03/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-087 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 31/12/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-088 account J.M. Cunningham hardware - lock 09/12/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-089 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 30/09 1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-090 account C.J. Weedon fireproof box 04/12/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-091  account Mr B Francis candles 01/08/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-092 receipt Churchwardens pew rents 31/12/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-093 estimates Samuel Langham for roof 31/12/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-094 account Richard Boyles repairs to gates 31/08/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-095 Letter James Childs landscaping materials 05/02/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-096 Letter Dr Browne apponting clerk 21/02/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
a/c 1B-097 Letter Dr Browne offertory banking 21/05/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-098 Letter D.A. Turner poor fund request 14/08/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-099 Letter Hamilton to Cunningham furniture quotation 09/04/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-100 Letter from S.P.C.K. donation towards church repairs 31/01/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-101 Letter J. Tozer appointed Clock minder 28/10/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-102 Letter Compt. General road repairs 17/06/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-103 Tender John Knight landscaping materials 29/01/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-104 Letter Bishop Nixon to Dr Browne re use of offertory funds for Sunday School 17/07/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-105 Letter Comptroller General on convicts 15/07/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-106 Letter from  Dr Browne on new schools 10/07/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-107 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 30/06/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-108 Letter Dr Browne Burial Ground 14/08/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-109 Statements Churchwardens quarter return 31/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-110 account S.B. Francis candles 12/04/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-111 salary Mrs Nairne organist 02/01/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-112 account John Marsden landscaping materials 31/10/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-113 account Mr Tozer clock repairs 29/01/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-114 account Mr Graham & Mr Shaw Items for support of needy family 31/08/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-115 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 31/03/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-116 Letter ? Sunday School anniversary expenses 03/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-117 estimates R. de Little repairs to gallery floor 31/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-118 account R. de Little repairs to galleries 30/06/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-119 Report R. de Little survey for repairs including tower 31/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-120 Report Wm Parker repairs to gallery 30/06/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-121 Report Surveyor General repairs including roof and windowsills 31/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-122 Tender R de Little repairs tender 14/02/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-123 account R de Little repairs and painting 31/12/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-124 Letter F.A. Marriott to Churchwardens - purchase of flagon 24/05/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1B-125 Letter Wm Tyson repairs to floor 01/09/1842 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-001 Letter Edmund Lefler appointment as organist 26/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-002 Letter S.L. Beckford appointment as organist 26/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-003 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 30/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-004 account Richard Fuller alterations to reading desk 24/05/1843 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-005 account G. Best Bible Society - purchase of bible 01/08/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-006 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 30/09/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-007 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-008 Statements Churchwardens quarter return and accounts 31/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-009 reference Benson poor fund request for requisites 19/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-010 reference John  ? poor fund request for financial assist. 14/05/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-011 reference W. Henty poor fund reference requesting assist. 18/02/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-012 reference Symott poor fund request for financial assist. 03/02/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-013 reference Symott poor fund request for financial assist. 27/02/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-014 reference Symott poor fund request for financial assist. 03/02/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-015 reference Guss poor fund request for financial assist. 14/01/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-016 reference Geo Jones poor fund request for coffin 29/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-017 Letter Lorriman & Carlep on Choir - donation of music book 04/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-018 Letter to Dr Browne of supplication - assistance of the needy 27/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-019 reference Isaac Cooke appointment as sexton 25/08/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-020 Letter Isaac Cooke appointment as sexton - St. John's 20/08/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-021 account Colin Campbell bread for the needy 31/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-022 account Wm Jackson account and receipt for lodging 12/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-023 account Churchwardens account for pharmacy 28/02/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-024 payment Churchwardens to Mr Lyalls - meats 30/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-025 payment Churchwardens to Mr Bonzor - bellringing and organ bellows operation 01/10/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-026 payment to J. Wood poor fund - lodging 07/05/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-027 payment John Tozer for clock - winding and regulating 01/10/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-028 receipt Joseph Dyson Meat dockets 05/07/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-029 account Mr Corbett padlock 16/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-030 payment Churchwardens poor fund disbursements 30/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-031 account Launceston Advertiser advertisements 30/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-032 account I. Morris groceries - poor relief 05/07/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-033 Letter Atkins to Browne on advertisements - no date 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-034 account John Parsons supply of water 30/09/1844 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-035 Letter to Mr Atkins medical assistance for the needy 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-036 Letter Church Community Committee supply of landscaping and stone 01/01/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-037 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 01/01/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-038 account Mr King bookbinder 10/03/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-039 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 01/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-040 account Cornwall Chronicle advertisements 01/01/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-041 account John Tozer clock winding and regulation 01/01/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-042 account Churchwardens poor relief supplies 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-043 payment Churchwardens poor fund hospital fees 25/10/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-043a account Churchwardens to chemist - poor relief supplies 30/04/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-044 payment Churchwardens poor fund - names 29/11/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-045 payment St John's Society poor fund medical supplies 01/11/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-046 receipt Brooks & W ??? [item missing from boxes] no date 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-047 account J. Brain [item missing from boxes] 26/01/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-048 account C.N. Campbell poor fund supplies - bread 21/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-049 account C.N. Campbell poor fund supplies - tea, sugar etc 30/06/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-050 account E. Brooks poor fund supplies - clothing 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-051 account J. Lyall poor fund supplies - meat 31/12/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-052 account Charles Johnson music (copy) 08/09/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-053 Letter Rev R.R. Davies to Churchwardens Burial Ground 01/08/1845 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-054 Letter C.J. Weedon note re shipping 14/04/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-055 account Josiah Morris [6 items] poor fund supplies 31/12/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-056 account Dr Pugh poor fund hospital & funeral expenses 04/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-057 account Dr Pugh poor fund hospital fees 06/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-058 account C.J. Weedon groceries for poor 31/07/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-059 account A. Shields desks for Sunday School 30/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-060 account J. Morris poor fund - relief supplies 30/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-061 account E Brooks poor fund - relief supplies 30/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-062 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - wardens 31/03/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-063 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - wardens 30/06/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-066 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - wardens 31/12/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-067 Report Frankland St School monthly attendance 01/07/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-068 Report Churchwardens offertory fund - list 31/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-069 Letter J. Wood resignation - verger 06/07/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-070 Report to Churchwardens offertory fund - list 31/01/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-071 Letter J. Wood -Churchwardens salary not paid - verger 23/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-072 Subscriptions to Churchwardens clock fund 31/08/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-073 Letter Richard Green to J. Wood - verger salary 11/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-074 Subscriptions to Churchwardens clock fund - subscriptions 28/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-075 Letter J. Wood salary dispute - verger 28/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-076 rents to Churchwardens pew rents 31/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-077 Letter Rural Dean on S.P.C.K. 01/03/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-078 rents to Churchwardens pew rents 31/01/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-079 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 19/01/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-080 account Cornwall Chronicle advertisements 18/01/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-081 account C.N. Campbell candles 17/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-082 account Courier Office Hobart advertisements 17/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-083 account Mr Lachlin repairs 20/03/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-084 Statements Churchwardens quarter return 31/03/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-085 Statements Churchwardens quarter return 01/07/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-086 account C.N. Campbell candles 30/04/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-087 Letter C.N. Campbell candles 07/07/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-088 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 30/09/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-089 account C.N. Campbell candles 22/09/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-090 account W. Smith hardware and repairs - gallery and organ 29/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-091 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 31/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-092a account Dr Pugh poor fund - hospital fees 10/10/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-092b letter Dr Pugh poor fund - support for John Grice 25/09/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-093 account William Dawson cleaning pews 14/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-094 account James Bennell repairs - gate and church painting 30/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-095 account James Bennell repairs - gate and church painting 31/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-096 Letter Isaac Coote resignation as sexton 09/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-097 Letter minute 'DA Turner' complaint outline - use of pews 23/08/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-098 Letter J.A. Marriott to Browne cost of flagon 21/05/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-099 Letter & account Wm Pearce poor fund - request for clothing 25/05/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-100 account J. Morris poor fund disbursements 30/01/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-101 account Mr Field poor fund - request for clothing 19/05/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-102 account J. Morris poor fund disbursements 31/03/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-103 account J. Morris poor fund disbursements 28/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-104 account J. Morris poor fund disbursements 30/04/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-105 account J. Morris poor fund disbursements 31/05/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-106 account Thos Corbett pharmacy supplies 15/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-107 account John Barrett timber supplies 15/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-108 account Wm Smith repairs to gates 15/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-109 account F. Hollingsworth hardware for gates 15/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-110 account J. Brain work carried out at burial Ground 05/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-111 account A. Carswell supply timber 20/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-112 account A. Carswell supply gate posts 14/02/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-113 account Launceston Examiner & Cornwall Chronicle advertising  services at schools 13/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-114 Statements Churchwardens quarter return 03/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-115 Letter Benj. Liversey application as sexton 30/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-116 Letter James Barton application as sexton 31/07/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-117 Letter Wm Swan application as sexton 30/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-118 account Launceston Examiner advertised sermons and schools 30/04/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-119 Subscriptions Churchwardens subscription list 31/12 1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-120 Letter Dr Browne to D.A. Turner re Dr. Browne's residence 04/10/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-121 Letter Thos Smith application as sexton 27/06/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-122 Letter James Jones application as sexton 22/09/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-123 accounts (3) C.N. Campbell [3 docs] candles 31/10/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-124 account Mrs Cox [4 docs] upholstery requisites 14/07/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-125 Report Churchwardens appropriation of offertory - invoices for school expenses 31/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-126 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 30/09/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-127 Letter Dr Browne committee minutes - request for items and funds 13/04/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-128 meeting notice Dr Browne School committee minutes - curriculum, costs, requirement to attend services, holidays 12/01/1846 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-129 Statements Churchwardens returns of Grammar School - expenses 20/10/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1C-130 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 31/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981  1D letters Rural Dean 1D001 to 1D012 - letters concerning disputed ownership of communion plate (chalice and patten) loaned to Revd R.R.Davies at Longford.   ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-001 Letter Revd Davies to Bishop Nixon 01/01/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-002 Letter Revd Davies to Rural Dean 19/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-003 Letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens 20/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-004 Letter Wm Gunn to Dr Browne 20/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-005 copy Churchwardens Revd Stackhouse 14/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-006 copy Churchwardens to Mr Jones 20/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-007 letter Revd Stackhouse to Churchwardens 20/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-008 letter Churchwardens to Bishop Nixon 27/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-009 letter Bishop  to Churchwardens 09/01/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-010 letter Stackhouse to Churchwardens 24/09/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-011 letter Stackhouse to Churchwardens 27/08/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1D-012 letter Churchwardens to Stackhouse 28/09/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.001 account Henry Dowling printing of receipt forms 31/12/1847 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.002 account Mr Johnstone port wine 31/12/1848 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.003 account Cornwall Chronicle advertisements - AGM 31/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.004 account Launceston Examiner advertisements AGM, pews, printing 01/01/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.005 account Isaiah Morris Stationery, sundries, cleaning services 31/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.006 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 30/09/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.007 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 30/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E-007A letter Browne (rector) to "a friend Open letter contesting dismissal of Revd. J.L. Ison from govt service 26/9/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.008 account Josiah McAllan candles 31/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.009 account C.N. Campbell candles 06/10/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.010 account James Bennell plastering and painting - church 07/02/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.011 Letter A.M. Milligan pew rent - renewal 27/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.012 account E. Brooks poor relief - clothing 24/10/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.013 account Thomas Hill cab hire - to burial ground and return 01/10/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.014 account Isaiah Morris poor relief - groceries 31/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.015 account Isaiah Morris poor relief - list names, cost of supplies 31/05/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.016 account Isaiah Morris poor relief - list names, cost of supplies 31/01/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.017 account Isaiah Morris poor relief - list names, cost of supplies 28/02/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.018 account W. Johnstone poor relief - clothing 02/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.019 account Henry Dowling printing of offertory forms 29/08/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.020 account Joseph Dyson poor relief - meat supplies 01/02/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.021 account Joseph Dyson poor relief - meat supplies 01/07/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.022 account James Robertson haberdashery supplies 30/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.023 account C.N. Campbell candles 30/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.024 account Launceston Examiner advertisements - sermons and confirmation 30/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.025 account Wm Smith repairs and hardware 05/07/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.026 account Wm McAllan candles 23/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.027 account I McAllan candles 30/06/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.028 estimates Mr Dawson demolish and replace fence 25/07/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.029 account James Collins poor relief - boots 12/01/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.030 account Launceston Examiner advertisements - lent lectures 30/04/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.031 letter John Grice poor relief - request 11/04/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.032 Statements Churchwardens quarter return - income and expenses 31/03/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.033 collections Bishop of Gibraltar Fund subscription list and amounts 31/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.034 notice Churchwardens AGM notice and eligibility 31/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.035 estimates John Denney painting of church exterior 09/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.036 contract Wm G. Angel repairs - church plaster, architraves, windows 16/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.037 estimate James Bennell repairs - church plaster, architraves, windows 16/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.038 letter D.A. Turner [SPCK] amt towards operation of clock 26/02/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.039 tender N.G. Angel painting of church windows, architraves, wainscot 10/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.040 account N.G. Angel painting of church windows, architraves, wainscot 31/12/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.041 account Clayton's supervision of building of Sunday School 01/04/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.042 letter John Waldron request to change pews following complaint from another pew holder 04/03/1850 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.043 account James Gould painting, plastering, hardware 31/07/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.043a letter S.L. Beckford to wardens - complaint regarding choir 28/02/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.044 circular Churchwardens fundraising - church repairs 10/04/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.045 inventory Churchwardens plate, furniture, books etc. held 27/02/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.046 estimate/buget Churchwardens expenses 31/12/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.047 detail Churchwardens pew rents 31/12/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.048 requisition Churchwardens to Bishop to call special meeting 28/02/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.049 Offertory Churchwardens offertory fund - poor relief recipients 07/01/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.050 Letter Archdeacon Davies on Bishop 14/01/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.051 Letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens proposed porch 19/04/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.052 account W.G. Angel painting - invoices 17/05/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.053 account Stewart Harvey day labour 16/04/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.054 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens proposed porch 19/04/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.055 donation Mr Harvey donation 25/08/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.056 letter Thos Brain appointed as organist 01/12/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.057 letter Dr Browne  on Harvey poor fund 26/08/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.058 account Chas McCormack timber supplies 31/05/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.059 account Isaac Robertson upholstery repairs 06/05/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.060 account Thos Corbett hardware supplies 30/06/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.061 account George Fry pharmacy supplies 29/07/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.062 receipt Chas McCormack repairs to church 11/06/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.063 receipt Chas McCormack Day labour 17/07/1852 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.064 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens re Hobkirk - pew dispute 24/01/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.065 letter A. Barrett to Churchwardens S.P.C.K. - funds for school repair 09/04/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.066 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens on furniture 23/01/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.067 notice Churchwardens on offertory for building repairs 20/10/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.068 subscription list Churchwardens repairs subscription list 31/12/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.069 tender Robert James McH ?? repairs to church exterior 05/10/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.070 Report sub-committee Angel's claim - dispute re repairs 31/12/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.071 estimate R de Little repairs - external painting 14/03/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.072 agreement R de Little repairs - external painting 31/12/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.073 subscription list Churchwardens repairs 31/12/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.074 letter Dr Browne leave of absence - intention for 2 years 01/02/1853 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.075 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education Frankland St Chapel - land for school 29/11/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.076 letter W.F. Watham resignation as schoolteacher 01/02/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.077 account Robert Tuttell repairs - painting 01/02/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.078 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education land for school - St. John's preferred over Frankland St. 11/12/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.079 letter Bd of Education proposed "efficient" school 08/06/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.080 letter Mr Cleveland free pupils - negotiations and costs 22/09/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.081 letter David Burston St John's School - payments 19/09/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.082 letter Dr Browne Trinity expenses - cost of meetings 23/09/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.083 letter from Bishop Sustentation Fund - loss of government funding 12/11/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.084 account M.D. Clayton school - designs for extensions 05/09/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.085 budget Churchwardens annual budget 31/12/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.086 letter Thos Sharp appointment as organist 29/06/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.087 letter Dr Browne to R. Green thanks for funding of school extensions 16/12/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.088 letter R. Green to Vestry clerk instruction to affix pewholder names to pews 07/04/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.089 letter Rev H,P. Kane school building funds granted 18/08/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.090 letter Churchwardens St Paul's  to Dr Browne - receipt for enlargement of schoolroom 12/06/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.091 letter Alfred H. Willis complaint re pew opener conduct 03/06/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.092 letter Dr Browne end 14 months leave in Europe - report on state of parish 06/05/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.093 letter Wm Smith pew opener reply to complainant re pew opener conduct 13/06/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.094 letter Churchwardens to Wm Smith outlining complaint against pew opener 04/06/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.095 Report Churchwardens annual report [document is  missing] 31/12/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.096 letter Town Clerk on clock 06/01/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.097 tender R de Little north gallery alterations 24/11/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.098 letter Board of Patronage Synod resolution - patronage and voting 31/08/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E-098A Act Tasmanian Government Allow bishop, clergy and laity to regulate affairs of Church of England in Tas. 5/11/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.099 letter Board of Patronage patronage notice 07/06/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.100 letter Synod  general church fund contributions 10/11/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.101 minutes Churchwardens Sustentation Fund 10/11/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.102 letter Harmonia Society use of schoolroom 29/12/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.103 letter Thos Sharp payment to choir 21/01/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.104 letter Churchwardens key for Municipal Council for clock 31/05/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.105 notice Thos Sharp choir meeting motion re school 03/10/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.106 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens Annual Meeting agenda items 10/01/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.107 letter Thos Brain, sec of S.S & G Windeatt - complaint against organist 09/10/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.108 comments Mr Henty's paper response to article about choir 01/02/1851 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.109 letter Thos Sharp proposal to purchase new organ 26/12/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.109a letter T Sharp to wardens proposal to purchase new organ 26/12/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.110 letter Churchwardens to Thos Sharp instruction to apologise to Sunday School teachers 31/10/1859 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.111 Report Churchwardens fittings for light and heat for church 31/12/1860 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.112 account Launceston Gas Co. fittings for light and heat for church 03/09/1860 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.113 letter S.H. Little on Sunday School anniversary 28/02/1860 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.114 letter Wm Henty school - request for reimbursement 27/12/1849 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.115 letter Mr Arnold school - government payment of master 25/07/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.116 letter Mr Arnold school - transfer of school to Board of Education 30/12/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.117 letter W.F. Watham (ex teacher) poor treatment by Bd of Ed 04/05/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.118 letter Churchwardens to Arnold school - transfer of school to Board of Education 09/11/1854 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.119 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education school - negotiations re transfer of school to Board of Education 02/02/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.120 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education negotiations for improvement of school 05/02/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.121 letter Churchwardens to Arnold school - negotiations re transfer of school to Board of Education 06/01/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.122 letter Wm Henty plan of St Paul's and extension of St John Sunday School 22/04/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.123 letter Bishop to Henty school land title issue 20/02/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.124 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education school rent negotiations 01/03/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.125 letter Wm Henty land needed for school at risk of sale 31/01/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.126 letter Wm Henty to Arnold school - negotiations to share cost of land 08/03/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.127 letter T. Arnold Bd of Education school - request for copy of designs 12/03/1855 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.128 letter Dr Browne Sunday School & alms house proposal 26/12/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.129 account Little extensions to Sunday School 13/03/1858 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.130 letter M. Burgess rent on school 10/11/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.131 estimate H Clayton ventilation materials 31/10/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.132 letter Richard Green 2 school extension costs 30/11/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.133 letter to Bd of Education payment of rent by Bd of Education 09/12/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.134 letter to Bd of Education to Mr Green - negotiations for extension of lease 03/12/1856 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.135 subscription list Churchwardens school extension fund subscription list 31/12/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.136 account Mr Clayton supervision of school extension work 01/01/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.137 account R. de Little Sunday School building receipt for works 06/02/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.138 letter Mr Green to Mr Weetman school building details 08/01/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.139 letter Bd of Education to Weetman request for repair of dilapidated school residence 28/09/1857 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1E.140 letter E Skemp, town clerk  agreement to pay costs of winding clock 30/5/1859
SJC-1981 1F-000   THESE DOCUMENTS MISSING JG noted as missing in 1981. Gap in dates from end of  series 1E 31/12/1861 JG's index has "find" for this item.
Dates of 1E and 1G do suggest missing items!
SJC-1981 1F-001 letter Thomas Hillier to Browne Notice of seat holder meeting 10/06/1866
SJC-1981 1F-002 declaration Revd M. B. Brownrigg synod authorisation re Glebe lands 15/10/1872
SJC-1981 1G-001 bazaar sale Churchwardens diocesan fee structure 01/01/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-002 Visiting list Churchwardens clergy visits to schools 31/12/1861 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-003 account Ditccham & Button hardware and timber 31/07/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-004 account John Wilson building repairs 26/08/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-005 Letter Board of Education to Churchwardens school repairs 06/11/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-006 Letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens appointment of sexton 13/01/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-007 account John Drysdale repairs to building 17/02/1863 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-008 account ???? organ installation 28/08/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-009 account Dobson & Giblin conduct of land grant deeds 31/12/1863 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-010 account Dr Browne pew rents 08/02/1864 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-011 notice Churchwardens to seatholders fitting of lamp at gate 31/01/1864 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-012 account Launceston Gas Co. light & heat for Ch 05/06/1865 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-013 minutes Churchwardens annual meeting 31/12/1865 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-014 proposal Churchwardens additions to Sunday School 31/12/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-015 account James W. Lloyd new chancel costs 15/10/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-016 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens funding 09/02/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-017 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens skylight for chancel 22/10/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-018 letter R.W. Butler to Dr Browne seating 28/08/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-019 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens chancel windows 13/08/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-020 letter Dr Browne to Mr Arnold complaints about new chancel 24/09/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-021 memorandum Churchwardens costs for chancel 31/12/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-022 estimate Churchwardens repirs & painting - church 31/05/1869 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-023 account Chas Edmunds painting closet 14/10/1868 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-024 account John Wilson repairs - church and Sunday School 16/02/1868 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-025 subscription list Churchwardens proposed new organ subscription list 31/12/1869 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-026 letter Bd of Rducation on tender for repairs 30/08/1871 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-027 agreement Churchwardens & Bd of Ed agreement re costs and occupancy 12/05/1871 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-028 expenditure Churchwardens & Bd of Ed Elizabeth St Public School rents and repairs 31/12/1877 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-029 approval Bd of Education school - repairs 11/09/1871 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-030 tenders Bd of Education agreement re costs and occupancy 19/01/1871 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-031 account Gridley & Kidd shingling repairs cost 29/05/1872 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-032 account Henry Bennell repairs - painting and wallpaper 01/08/1873 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-033 agreement Churchwardens & Bd of Ed school - rent 02/03/1874 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-034 agreement George Gooch loan for parsonage (rectory) 11/10/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-035 receipt Churchwardens sale of Gray organ 31/12/1862 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-036 account Bennell Bros repairs to church including steeple 24/10/1875 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-037 agreement Bennell Bros repairs to exterior of church 14/01/1875 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-038 application J.J. Pollard organ repairs 29/04/1875 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-039 account McPhail & Weymouth/ Geo Woods & Co organ repair quotation 16/08/1875 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-040 account J.D. Redfearn organ repair estimate and invoice 05/06/1876 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-041 loan Thomas Jones loan negotiations for parsonage (rectory) fund 30/06/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-042 bazaar sale Churchwardens parsonage fund - bazaar returns 31/10/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-043 loan Thomas Jones parsonage fund loan 01/07/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-044 letter N.H. Kidd to Churchwardens school damage 09/07/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-045 letter Board of Education school extension plans 15/11/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-046 tenders Board of Education school extension - acceptance of tender 09/12/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-047 letter Board of Education to Lakin re agreement for use of premises 24/09/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-048 letter Board of Education re agreement for rent of premises 08/08/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-049 letter Board of Education on school closet (likely means toilet) 21/08/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-050 letter Board of Education school - rent and repairs 21/09/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-051 letter Board of Education school - rent and repairs agreement 24/10/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-052 letter Board of Education school - copy of agreement 26/04/1878 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-053 letter Board of Education intention to quit school premises 09/07/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-054 estimate Churchwardens Sunday School extension improvements - no date 31/12/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-055 subscription list Churchwardens parsonage (rectory) fund subscriptions 31/12/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-056 letters Churchwardens meetings & clergys attendance 24/04/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-057 letter Churchwardens to K Adams meetings & clergys attendance 16/04/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-058 account Launceston Corporation asphalt costs 29/11/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-059 letter Archd. Hales to Churchwardens request to pay Brownrigg's cost to attend synod 10/03/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-060 account  David Scott parsonage  (rectory) 31/12/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-061 account  Churchwardens parsonage (rectory) various invoices for building costs 31/12/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-062 loan Thomas Jones parsonage (rectory) fund loan agreement 10/02/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-063 letter Dr Browne to Churchwardens chancel roof 22/05/1866 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-064 loan Thomas Jones parsonage (rectory) fund loan agreement 10/02/1879 ASAC C2A Box 1
SJC-1981 1G-065
SJC-1981 1H-001   THESE DOCUMENTS MISSING JG noted this in 1981 31/12/1883 missing
SJC-1981 1I-001 letter Wm Pike salary 06/03/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-002 account James Howard 01/06/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-003 Letter Mr Savigny to Churchwardens 29/09/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-004 Letter H J Pollard to Brownrigg 17/10/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-005 Letter Arthur Gilles to Churchwardens pew rents 21/10/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-006 account Bennell Bros 01/12/1883 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-007 letter Bennell Bros to Churchwardens glebe 21/03/1884 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-008 letter Arthur Green withdraws subscription 21/04/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-009 letter John Gilles sec of Sunday School repairs 10/03/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-010 letter to Bishop Sanford on Revd Brownrigg 20/03/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-011 letter Alfred Gunn to Mr Lakin withdraws subscription 22/04/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-012 letter Mr Lakin gGlebe fence 11/06/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-013 letter Mr Atkins Tas. District I.O.P. 30/01/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-014 letter F. Lakin  to Town Council 18/08/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-015 letter Bishop to Churchwardens Rev. Samuel Fox to replace Revd Brownrigg 02/10/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-016 letter Bishop to Churchwardens Rev. Canon Gunther 28/10/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-017 letter Bishop to Churchwardens re Brownrigg's absence 16/12/1885 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-018 letter Bishop to Brownrigg app of curate 19/01/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-019 letter Town Hall to F Lakin on rates 29/02/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-020 letter Wm Pike to Churchwardens Verger 02/03/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-021 letter Lt-Col A.H. Warner military parade 14/05/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-022 letter Brownrigg on leave Rev. S Hart to be curate 18/05/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-023 letter Mr Lakin to Archd Hales 18/08/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-024 letter Lt-Col A.H. Warner church parade 29/10/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-025 letter Lt-Col A.H. Warner church parade 02/11/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-026 letter A.H. Champion Grammar School 14/12/1886 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-027 notice Churchwardens call special meeting 31/12/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-028 notice Board of Patronage meetng 31/12/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-029 letter Mr Cox to F. Lakin glebe 17/01/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-030 letter Wm Pike, verger offertory fund 07/02/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-031 letter F. Haley to Churchwardens finance 26/02/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-032 letter L. Cox to Churchwardens glebe 23/03/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-033 account Launceston Gas Co. light & heat for Church 28/03/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-034 letter Rev S Hart salary & conditions 29/03/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-035 letter Mr S Whiting glebe 30/04/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-036 letter Revd S. Hart train fare to Synod 20/04/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-037 letter Revd S. Hart funds for poor 20/04/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-038 estimate J. & T. Gunn work on school 29/04/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-039 letter Mr Cox to Mr Martin work at glebe 04/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-040 letter Mr Cox to Mr Martin work at glebe 09/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-041 letter to Church trustees funds for repairs 12/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-042 letter Mr Cox to Mr Martin work at glebe 14/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-043 letter to Church trustees finance 16/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-044 letter to Church trustees finance 06/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-045 letter Bishop to Churchwardens on Revd Champion as Rector 04/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-046 letter Ch Trustees funds for repaire 16/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-047 letter A H Barrett bell-ringer 18/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-048 letter Revd Champion accepts cure of St John's Church 22/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-049 resolution Synod  Queen Vic's Jubilee memorial 27/06/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-050 letter Champion to Churchwardens 07/07/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-051 letter Mr Cox glebe 30/07/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-052 letter Robert Hales rent of glebe Launceston Grammar School 03/08/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-053 letter Police to Churchwardens breach of law 15/08/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-054 tender Mr Cox glebe 04/08/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-055 tender J. Ballard & Sons glebe windows 06/08/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-056 letter James Marriott glebe work 24/08/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-057 letter Public Works Office fencing Grey St 24/09/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-058 letter Mr Cox glebe lease 30/09/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-059 letter C H Haygarth to Mr Lakin 31/10/1887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-060 letter Champion to Churchwardens poor fund ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-061 donation from  Anon poor fund 21/03/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-062 letter Treasury 26/03/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-063 account Woolbridge & Co water to garden taps 31/12/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-064 letter N Lovett for synod no lease of ch ground 20/04/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-065 letter N Lovett for synod poor funds 08/05/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-066 loan Jones & Gooch to pay Woolbridge 31/07/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-067 letter Wm Martin on new pulpit 16/07/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-068 letter Wm Pike, verger more pay for cleaning 03/01/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-069 letter Dobson, Ritchie, Allport rent on rifle range 11/08/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-070 letter Dobson, Ritchie, Allport invest rent 15/08/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-071 minutes Churchwardens meeting social gathering 10/09/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-072 letter Church Trustees sale of Rifle Range 15/09/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-073 letter J. Dakin work on cottage 17/10/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-074 letter Church Trustees investment 30/10/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-075 letter Champion to Churchwardens poor fund 01/11/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-076 letter Champion to Churchwardens trip to Synod 03/12/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-077 letter Wm Pike to Churchwardens grievance over pay 19/12/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-078 letter Church Trustees Rifle Range 03/11/1888 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-079 minutes Churchwardens meeting new Curate 15/04/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-080 minutes Churchwardens meeting alterations to property 15/04/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-081 tender Robert Gamlin new pulpit 12/05/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-082 account J. & T. Gunn work on school 30/06/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-083 letter Choir to Churchwardens on Thornthwaite 14/08/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-084 letter Bennell Bros payment advise 02/09/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-085 letter Diocesan Office on loan 17/10/1889 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-086 letter Diocesan Office Clergy widows & orphans fund 03/01/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-087 letter & account Mr Tennison debtor 31/12/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-088 letter Gerard Bourdillon donation of cushions and kneelers for free seats 25/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-089 letter Reece donation of brass gas fittings 28/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-090 account J & T Gunn building materials - Sunday School 31/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-091 account Bennell Bros. painting and varnishing 14/04/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-092 letter bishop leave of absence granted - W. Champion 08/11/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-093 letter bishop to wardens leave of absence granted - W. Champion 19/11/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-094 letter diocesan secretary (Hales) to A. Robinson proceeds of glebe land sale for rifle range 05/02/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-095 letter J S Grubb complaint re location of pulpit 28/02/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-095a letter J Barnes complaint re location of pulpit 07/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-095b letter Grubb & Barnes complaint re location of pulpit 31/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-096 letter rector - E C Champion to Martin re pulpit 06/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-097 letter rector - E C Champion to Robinson sale of glebe land 18/03/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-098 account Daily Telegraph Sunday School 30/11/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-099 account J & T Gunn building materials (bundle of 4) 31/12/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-100 account J & T Gunn building materials 31/12/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1I-101 estimate E A Cooke estimate for building of chancel and transepts 25/07/1890
SJC-1981 1I-102
SJC-1981 1J-001 account A W Mayhead debtor 04/05/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-002 account J. & T. Gunn 4 items 28/02/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-003 account Bennell Bros 07/01/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-004 account Launceston Corporation rates 03/01/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-005 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/01/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-006 letters 6 Churchwardens ground let to Grammar 31/12/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-007 letter Churchwardens Champion very ill 28/01/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-008 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-009 account Gas Co. light & heat for Ch 01/02/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-010 account Stephenson & Son 31/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-011 letter J. Bryan  resigns from School 11/02/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-012 letter A.H. Champion Grammar School 06/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-013 letter Gerrard Bourdillon very ill 03/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-014 account J. & T. Gunn 31/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-015 account W. Hart & Sons 31/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-016 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 01/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-017 account Walch Bros & Birchall 30/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-018 account J. & T. Gunn 31/03/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-019 letter Gerrard Bourdillon leave of absence 16/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-020 plan Churchwardens ground let to Grammar 08/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-021 receipt 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co 30/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-022 account J. & T. Gunn 30/04/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-023 account 2 Walch Bros & Birchall 01/06/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-024 account Fincham & Halliday organ repairs 01/06/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-025 account Launceston Corporation 31/05/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-026 account J. & T. Gunn 30/06/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-027 account Richards & Sons 01/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-028 letter Revd Bourdillon still uwell 07/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-029 letter Grace Elizabeth Toltam hore of schoolroom 15/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-030 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 27/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-031 account J. & T. Gunn 31/08/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-032 account Davies Bros 01/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-033 letter Champion to Churchwardens complaints 16/07/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-034 letter Champion to Churchwardens complaints 16/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-035 account J. & T. Gunn 20/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-036 account J. Storrer clock 30/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-037 account Stephenson & Son 30/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-038 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-039 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-040 letter DiRector of Ed hore of schoolroom 04/11/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-041 letter Churchwardens to Dir of Ed. suggestions 30/11/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-042 letter to DiRector of Ed hore of schoolroom 16/12/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-043 account Pepper & Perrin 31/12/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-044 account J. & T. Gunn 25/01/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-045 account J. & T. Gunn 31/12/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-046 account Frank Walker 01/10/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-047 account Gas Co. light & heat for Ch 01/11/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-048 letter E. Whitfeld to Stackhouse seating complaint 16/01/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-049 letter Diocesan Office glebe 06/04/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-050 letter Diocesan Office glebe 07/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-051 letter Elizabeth Powell to E.W. please pay W. Hart & Sons 29/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-052 list Churchwardens school property 02/05/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-053 payment Churchwardens damages to Star of the North Lodge 02/05/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-054 rent Churchwardens schoolroom to Star of the North Lodge 09/05/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-055 account 11 J. & T. Gunn 31/12/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-056 account Frank Walker 30/09/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-057 account Bennell Bros 01/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-058 account L. Holder 19/09/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-059 account Launceston Corporation 29/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-060 account  5 Gas Co. light & heat for Ch 31/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-061 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-062 account Birchall's 30/09/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-063 account D.Storrer 26/08/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-064 account  2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 29/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-065 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-066 account Town Treasurer's Office 28/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-067 account  4 Churchwardens at Cantata 08/08/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-068 account A.W. Mayhead 31/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-069 account Fincham & Holliday organ 01/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-070 account Stephenson & Son 31/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-071 account Building & Engineering Journal Design of church for Corrie & North 20/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-072 account Abbott Street rent of schoolroom 01/12/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-073 account  4 Churchwardens advert for lectures on church history 30/09/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-074 salary Revd Parnell curate 04/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-075 account F. Jackson 01/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-076 account Gas Co. light & heat for Ch 31/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-077 account Wallbridge & Co 01/01/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-078 account Launceston Corporation 31/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-079 account  4 J. & T. Gunn 31/12/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-080 account  9 J. & T. Gunn 31/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-081 letter Robert Gardner glebe 20/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-082 account George Hulls 09/08/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-083 account S. Spurling pics of St Aidan's 09/07/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-084 account A. North & Cunningham st Aidan's drawing 20/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-085 Statements Churchwardens st Aidan's entertainment 30/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-086 account J.H. Taylor nurseryman plants 30/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-087 financial Churchwardens St Aidan's entertainment 30/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-088 notice Churchwardens opening day St Aidan's 17/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-089 invoice J. Dunning carpet 26/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-090 receipt F. Wilson misc 09/04/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-091 invoice Diocesan Book Depot books 19/02/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-092a invoice Diocesan Book Depot books 19/02/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-092 invoice Johnstone & Wilmot wine 08/01/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-093 invoice C. North plans for St. Aidan's School 12/02/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-094 letter bishop thanks re St. Aidan's Church 18/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-095 letter H S Smith to E Whitfeld complaint - music on Ash Wednesday 12/03/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-096 letter wardens to G Edwards thanks re Sunday School in Abbott St. 22/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-097 letter A North to Perrin thanks re payment for plans - St. Aidan's 25/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-098 invoice J & T Gunn building materials 14/07/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-099 invoice unknown 6% interest on loan - land for St. Aidan's 31/12/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-100 invoice Johnstone & Wilmot wine 01/01/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-101 letter Diocesan secretary new regulations for churchwardens 31/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-102 letter Diocesan secretary query re expenditure at St. John's over 30 year period. 15/08/1890 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-103 letter Sunday School building fund committee appropriation of funds for A North 19/04/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-104 letter Diocesan secretary purchase of land scheme 09/01/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-105 circular bishop observation re non-attendance of clergy at synod 17/03/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-106 letter F Parnell re payment of stipend 13/10/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-107 receipt R C Nugent Kelly freight on prayer desk 15/05/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-108 invoice Sinclair & Hobday organ repairs 15/04/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-109 summary of account unknown "Cantata" ticket receipts vs expenses 24/04/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-110 circular R C Nugent Kelly appeal for funds 01/07/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-111 invoice Dempsters hire of furniture etc 04/08/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-112 invoice J & T Gunn seats- Sunday School - Abbott St 30/09/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-113 invoice F Walker & Co purchase of trees 30/06/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-114 letter Education Department re use of St. John's School building 23/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-115 letter Education Department re use of St. John's School building 13/04/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-116 estimate J & T Gunn cost of church works 11/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-117 estimate J & T Gunn cost of Sunday School works 15/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-118 letter Education Department re heating of school 03/05/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-119 invoice R McNeily hire of equipment 05/01/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-120 invoice Daily Telegraph advertisement - Sunday School 10/01/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-121 invoice Launceston Examiner printing 11/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-122 summary of account unknown "Cantata" ticket receipts vs expenses 10/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-123 invoice Beaumont Bros catering - supply of food 03/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-123a invoice Beaumont Bros catering - supply of food 03/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-124 invoice various (x3) Band of Hope receipts and expenses 23/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-124a invoice various (x3) Band of Hope receipts and expenses 18/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-125 summary of account E A Cooke building fund excursion - receipts and expenses 08/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-126 letter Launceston Gas Co repairs to gas pipes 23/04/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-126a summary of account unknown ticket receipts 01/07/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-127 letter Education Department re opening of school 09/03/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-128 letter Diocesan secretary interest payment on funds cheque 02/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-129 invoice Daily Telegraph printing 03/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-130 invoice Launceston Examiner printing 03/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-131 invoice Launceston Examiner printing 31/05/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-132 invoice A Macdonald stationery 29/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-133 synopsis unknown bishop's lecture 02/06/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-134 invoice J & T Gunn account rendered 30/06/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-135 invoice J & T Gunn materials 30/06/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-136 invoice J & T Gunn repairs  01/09/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-137 invoice J & T Gunn materials 30/09/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-138 invoice J & T Gunn repairs to urinal 30/09/1893 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-140 agreement Revd A Beresford - rector terms authorising publication of Church Messenger magazine 30/06/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1J-141 letter SPCK London toBishop response to request for grant towards St. Aidan's school-church 10/01/1895
SJC-1981 1J-142 receipt Walter Perrin interest payment on loan 01/01/1895
SJC-1981 1K-001 account Cox & Gooch St Aidan's printing 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-002 account Birchall's stationery 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-003 account J. & T. Gunn building materials 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-004 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-005 account A W Mayhead stationery 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-006 account L. Holder picture framing 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-007 letter Churchwardens to Revd Parnell on leaving St John's 26/03/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-008 account 4 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-009 salary H.L. Smith, organist salary 3 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-010 account Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 26/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-011 salary R. Freiboth salary   11 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-012 letter Diocesan Office on payments 07/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-013 account  6 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-014 receipt Diocesan Office funds forwarded to diocese 25/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-015 account Churchwardens St Aidan's flower show 31/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-016 account A W Mayhead stationery 30/09/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-017 account  2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-018 letter to Mr Powell, caretaker duties 31/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-019 letter Mr Dakin to Churchwardens departure 18/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-020 letter Wm Pike, verger resigns  31/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-021 letter Abraham H. Barrett Bell-ringer 01/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-022 letter Abraham H. Barrett resigns as bell-ringer 12/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-023 subscription list for Revd Parnell "purse" 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-024 letter W L Pike leaving church 11/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-025 letter Miss Jeannie Bateman resignation from  Choir 12/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-026 letter of reply + £3.3s E Whitfeld to Miss Bateman resignation from  Choir 01/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-027 letter  Miss Bateman returns thanks 02/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-028 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-029 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 06/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-030 account Arthur Munnew tuning piano & organ at St Aidan's 01/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-031 payment  to Miss Bateman choir salary 01/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-032 account F. Stewart silver jub 22/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-033 account 3 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-034 account  Birchall's stationery 27/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-035 receipt Diocesan Office synod expenses 14/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-036 account 3 Launceston Gas Co. light & heating 31/07/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-037 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-038 account  Launceston Corporation rates 31/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-039 receipt Diocesan Office collections forwarded to diocese 13/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-040 letter from Revd Kelly traell expenses 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-041 account A.W. Mayhead stationery 15/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-042 account  2 J. & T. Gunn hardware 30/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-043 receipt Churchwardens prizes for St Aidan's 17/05/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-044 account Hopwood & Co hymn books 01/04/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-045 account A.W. Mayhead stationery 31/03/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-046 account T. Hood & Co stationery 01/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-047 account Corrie & North drawings & plans 16/05/1895 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-048 account Corrie & North drawings & plans 25/06/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-049 letter A. North   St Aidan's 05/05/1894 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-050 letter A. North   drawings  22/02/1892 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-051 account  2 Daily Telegraph printing 29/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-052 account F. Ferguson hymn books 27/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-053 account Pepper & Perrin habedashery 01/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-054 account  2 J. & T. Gunn building works 31/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-055 account   Launceston Gas Co. light & heating 30/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-056 receipt Wm Pike commission on rents 01/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-057 payment Jeannie Bateman professional singer 01/04/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-058 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 29/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-059 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 01/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-060 account Mrs Powell school cleaning 31/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-061 account  2 A W Mayhead hymn books and stationery 17/03/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-062 account   Henry Button stationery 14/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-063 account  2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 01/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-064 salary 2 Mrs Powell cleaning 01/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-065 salary  A.H. Barrett organ & bell-ringing 01/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-066 salary 2 Wm Pike, vestry clerk salary and laundry 28/02/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-067 account Walter Perrin St. Aidan's interest receipt 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-068 account Hopwood & Co stationery 01/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-069 account G. Castley hardware 01/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-070 account H. Button stationery 18/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-071 account Johnstone & Wilmot material 11/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-072 account  5 Launceston Gas Co. light & heating 30/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-073 account   A.W. Mayhead hymn books and stationery 01/01/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-074 account   Tasmanian Democrat advertisements 30/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-075 account    4 J. & T. Gunn hardware and building materials 30/06/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-076 account  2 T. Haslam plumber for cottage 31/08/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-077 account  2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/10/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-078 account  2 J. & T. Gunn hardware and building materials 30/09/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-079 account  3 John Ferguson ironmonger 05/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-080 account 27 J. & T. Gunn St Aidan's hardware and building 31/12/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-081 receipt Mr Lakin Sunday School 03/01/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-082 receipt Diocesan Office Misson Fund 12/01/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-083 account  2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 01/01/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-084 receipt  7 Tas Government. land tax 05/01/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-085 letter Revd Beresford to Churchwardens Rectory 20/02/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-086 letter Mr R. Freiboth to Churchwardens salary 03/04/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-087 letter Diocesan Office St John's endowment 21/06/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-088 letter Diocesan Office St Aidan's 04/09/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-089 letter Mr E Howell to Beresford 28/11/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-090 letter wardens to diocese New Guinea mission fund 10/5/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-091 receipt H.L. Smith, organist salary 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-092 letter E Whitfeld to diocese Mission House funds 31/12/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-093 circular diocese to parishes bushfire fund 10/1/1898 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-094 letter wardens to Archdeacon Whitington bushfire fund 13/1/1898 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-095 letter St. John's Literary & Debating Soc use of Sunday School room 13/7/1898 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-096 letter Union Jack Gymnastics Club use of Sunday School room 23/2/1899 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-097 letter wardens to Union Jack Gymn. terms for use of Sunday School room 27/2/1899 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-098 letter wardens to F J Read notice of meeting of Parish Council 1/12/1899 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-099 letter Operetta Society to wardens request for alterations to school room 13/11/1899 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-100 account T Hood & Co stationery 1/10/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-101 account Launceston Gas Co. light & heating 1/10/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-102 receipt Diocesan Office St. Paul's collections 3/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-103 receipt Freiboth verger salary 21/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-104 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/9/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-105 account A W Mayhead hymn books and stationery 1/10/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-106 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-107 letter Scottsdale C of E Society campaign against proposed "sisterhoods" 20/7/0887 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-108 letter wardens to Archdeacon Hales (mostly illegible) likely re clergy ill health 26/3/1891 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-109 account Launceston Corporation cost of drainage 30/11/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-110 account J & T Gunn building repairs and materials 30/6/1897 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-111 account F. Whitfield & Co UK safe, deed box, locks and freight 14/11/1896 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-112 account Pepper & Perrin Matting and binding 19/4/1898 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1K-113 account J & T Gunn plaster repairs and interior decorating 30/09/1998
SJC-1981 1K-114 receipt Walter Perrin interest payment on St. Aidan's debt 29/03/1897
SJC-1981 1K-115 receipt Walter Perrin interest payment on St. Aidan's debt 01/01/1897
SJC-1981 1K-116 receipt Walter Perrin interest payment on St. Aidan's debt 01/11/1897
SJC-1981 1K-117 Statements Walter Perrin interest payment on St. Aidan's debt 01/01/1898
SJC-1981 1K-118
SJC-1981 1L-001 account  7 Chas Adams foundations 19/05/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-002 account A. North drawings 2/05/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-003 wages Jacob Morgan clerk of works 30/06/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-004 account T. Haslam plumbing work 30/04/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-005 account Chas Adams building materials and labour 31/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-006 account Chas Adams temporary platform for stone laying ceremony 10/03/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-007 account J. Dunn stone 10/05/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-008 account F. Stewart silver trowel 20/02/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-009 account Jacob Morgan foundation stone - no date 31/12/1901 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-010 account W. Holyman & sons freight on bricks 2/06/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-011 account 3 C.R. Briggs cartage 31/07/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-012 account & Letter C.R. Briggs cartage 5/07/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-013 account 2 C.R. Briggs cartage 30/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-014 account  A. Hutton bricks 31/08/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-015 account  2 Chas Adams building materials and labour 15/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-016 account  2 Chas Adams freight 16/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-017 account  2 A. & J. Cosgrove bricks 27/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-018 account   Northcote Brick Co - Melbourne bricks 20/02/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-019 account  2 Port   wharfage dues 10/08/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-020 account   C.R. Briggs cartage 10/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-021 letter A. North re account 7/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-022 account J. & T. Gunn building materials 30/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-023 account C. Ferguson & Co. hardware 30/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-024 account J. Notman ? hardware 31/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-025 account Broomby & Dent timber 1/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-026 account 3 A. Hutton building materials 31/10/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-027 account 2 C.R. Briggs cartage 9/12/1902 missing
SJC-1981 1L-028 account Port   wharfage dues 30/12/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-029 account 2 Union Steam Ship Co. freight on bricks 29/12/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-030 account 2 Northcote Brick Co bricks 23/12/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-031 account 3 A. Hutton cartage 30/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-032 account 2 Port   wahrfage dues St Aidan's 20/12/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-033 account  A. North to Churchwardens Briggs' cheque 2/12/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-034 account 2 C.R. Briggs stone supplies 30/11/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-035 account  Chas Adams building materials 14/12/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-036 account  Chas Adams building materials 6/10/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-037 account  A. Hutton sand 31/10/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-038 account 2 J & T Gunn repairs to Sunday School 30/09/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-039 account 3 John Campbell pipework - air bricks etc 1/10/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-040 account  C.R. Briggs sand 1/10/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-041 account  Chas Adams building materials and labour 6/05/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-042 account  C. Eberhard & Co request for pew allocation 11/01/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-043 account 2 J. & T. Gunn cement 30/06/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-044 account 2 W. & G. Genders rope 2" 4/08/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-045 account 2 Union Steam Ship Co. freight on bricks 5/10/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-046 account 3 A. Hutton cartage of bricks 30/09/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-047 account 11 C.R. Briggs sand 17/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-048 account 2 A. & J. Cosgrove cartage of bricks 30/06/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-049 account  J. Smith cartage 6/06/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-050 account 5 Northcote Brick Co bricks 17/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-051 account 2 Chas Adams building materials 28/02/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-052 account 2 John Campbell pipework - air bricks etc 14/03/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-053 account 2 Union Steam Ship Co. freight on bricks 1/04/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-054 account 2 A. Hutton cartage and supply sand 31/03/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-055 account 2 Eliza Tinsley hire / crab winch 27/01/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-056 account  Huddart, Parker & Co. freight and wharfage 2/02/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-057 account 3 A. & J. Cosgrove cartage of bricks 31/03/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-058 account  Port Authority wharfage dues 30/04/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-059 account 2 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement 10/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-060 account 2 Northcote Brick Co bricks 1/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-061 account 2 John Campbell pipework - air bricks etc 1/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-062 account 3 A. & J. Cosgrove cartage of bricks 15/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-063 account 3 A. Hutton cartage of bricks 31/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-064 account 4 C.R. Briggs cartage of bricks 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-065 account  Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement 26/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-066 account  Isaac Church scaffold poles 26/02/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-067 account  McNear Bros cartage 3/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-068 account 3 A. Hutton materials and cartage 17/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-069 account  John Blackaly ? stone 9/07/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-070 account 4 Northcote Brick Co bricks 30/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-071 account 2 A. & J. Cosgrove cartage of bricks 15/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-072 account  Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement 22/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-073 account  J. & T. Gunn cement 30/11/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-074 account 2 C.R. Briggs cement 30/11/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-075 agreement A. North & Churchwardens cost of design 25% of £8000 2/03/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-076 account Port Authority wharfage dues - Mar-Apr 30/04/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-077 account 2 Chas Adams building materials 30/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-078 account  Joseph Brandwood strongroom door 19/02/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-079 account  Hugh Cunningham carver 15/04/1904 missing
SJC-1981 1L-080 account 4 Port Authority wharfage dues 30/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-081 account 2 Cocker & Ockerby freight on bricks 31/05/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-082 account 3 Union Steam Ship Co. freight on bricks 30/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-083 account 8 C.R. Briggs stone 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-084 account  A. Hutton sand 31/07/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-085 account 3 McNear Bros cartage 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-086 account 3 Northcote Brick Co bricks 31/03/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-087 account 7 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-088 account  J. & T. Gunn repairs to Sunday School 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-089 account  Diocesan Book Depot baptism cards 31/10/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-090 account  Hopwood & Co literature 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-091 account  W.A. Whitaker printer 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-092 account  J.E. Dodd organ build - install 12 pipes 1/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-093 account 2 Launceston Corporation drainage 2/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-094 account  J.H. Fray cartage / organ pipes 6/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-095 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-096 account 2 A. Hutton sand and cartage 31/12/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-097 account  McNear Bros cartage 3/03/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-098 account 2 Sylvanus Wilmot supply Carrara marble 1/08/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-099 account  J. & T. Gunn Sunday School seats 31/03/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-100 account  J. & T. Gunn install iron roofing to church 30/01/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-101 account  W. & G. Genders supply rope for building site 30/01/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-102 letter James Miller & Co to Churchwardens re quality of rope for building site 24/01/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-103 account J Brith stone 8/07/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-104 letter wardens to Rvd F A Fernau thanks for locum and reply 2/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-105 letter Union Jack Gym. Club to wardens apply for use of Sunday School and install shower 14/04/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-106 letter Sunday School supt to wardens concern re Union Jack Gymn equipt 1/09/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-107 letter wardens to diocese negotiation - mortgage rectory £5000 11/03/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-108 letter R Montague Browne to wardens subscription to Dr Browne's annual ? 18/09/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-109 letter S-School Supt E Tevelein to wardens Union Jack Gymnastics Club equipment 30/08/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-110 letter S-School Supt E Tevelein to wardens dispute re removal of Union Jack Gym equipment for Sundays 30/08/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-111 letter E Whitfeld and wardens to Brownrigg - Sun. School Supt. dispute re removal of Union Jack Gym equipment for Sundays 29/08/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-112 letter M F Brownrigg Sun.School Supt to wardens dispute re removal of Union Jack Gym equipment for Sundays incl punching ball 29/08/1904 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-113 letter Florence Friere GFS sec to rector potential for boys club 18/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-114 letter wardens to bishop un-affordability of 3 clergy 3/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-115 letter E Whitfeld and wardens to bishop negotiations re payment of Revd Riley 7/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-116 memorandum Launceston Corporation to wardens approval for additions to schoolroom 18/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-117 letter wardens to Union Jack Gym Club acceptance of lease and conditions 18/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-118 circular J S Bryers - rector notice of AGM 22/07/1910 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-119 letter M Dodder (?) Sec. GFS to wardens proposal for GFS "Josephine Mercer Lodge" 4/01/1908 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-120 letter Gordon F Smythe to wardens on accepting benefice of St. John's Launceston and likely arrival in parish (actually went to Holy Trinity Launceston) 13/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-121 letter Wardens to Education Dept and replies sanitation and lighting of schoolroom leased by Education Dept 24/06/1909 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-122 minute Special meeting of Building Committee request for £2500 loan to allow completion of building work 7/11/1910 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-123 letter wardens to bishop request for £2500 loan to allow completion of building work 7/11/1910 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-124 letter wardens to diocesan trustees request for £2500 loan to allow completion of building work 7/11/1910 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-125 letter wardens to diocesan secretary request for £2500 loan to allow completion of building work 7/11/1910 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-126 letter F Tyson to wardens re tenancy agreement - St. John's Hall 12/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-127 letter District Naval Officer to Sub-district re tenancy agreement - St. John's Hall 12/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-128 letter wardens to Lieut. Jenkins re tenancy agreement - St. John's Hall 17/07/1911 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-129 letter Union Jack Gym. Club to wardens relinquishing use of St. John's Hall in favour of Mission House hall 19/08/1911 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-130 letter wardens to Union Jack Gym Club agreement to use of Mission House hall 29/08/1911 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-131 claim Naval cadets to Dist. Paymaster Hobart claim for cost of use - St. John's Hall 8/08/1913 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-132 telegram Sec. Home Affairs (C'wealth) to wardens intention to vacate St. John's Hall - not required for defence purposes 7/02/1914 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-133 quotation Kayll & Reed Leeds UK The Lord's Supper altar panel in pictus sertus 19/01/1912 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-134 agreement Commonwealth of Aust Naval Cadets use of Sunday School room 13/02/1912 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-135 agreement Commonwealth of Aust Naval Cadets use of Sunday School room 3/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-136 plan Alexander North site plan of church buildings 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-137 agreement Union Jack Gymnastics Club use of Sunday School room 1/05/1907 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-138 policy Mutual Fire Ins Co cover for Glebe, St. Aidan's and St. John's 12/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-139 quotation Gordon Cumming choir stalls carving (data approximate) 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-140 exam paper Sunday School New Testament paper for ages 13-15 31/12/1903 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1L-141 letter Revd A Beresford - rector pastoral letter ahead of sick leave 24/05/1902 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-001 salary C. Burton Verger 28/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-002 salary J.H. Fray Organist 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-003 account Hopwood & Co hymn books 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-004 account George Gooch St Aidan's printing 28/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-005 account 2 Launceston Gas Co. St Aidan's 1/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-006 account  J. & T. Gunn St Aidan's repairs 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-007 account  Daily Telegraph St Aidan's 1/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-009 salary Vivien B. Wetton St Aidan's organist 23/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-010 collection Walter Perrin St Aidan's Sunday School 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-011 collection Mutual Fire Ins Co glebe 10/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-012 salary J.H. Fray for choir boys - payments 31/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-013 collection Mothers' Union collection for Mothers' Union 1/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-014 account C. Barton Verger salary 1/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-015 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 16/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-016 salary J.H. Fray tuning organ 20/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-017 account James Barclay hardware 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-018 account Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-019 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-020 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-021 account J. & T. Gunn hardware 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-022 account Land Tax land tax 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-023 account J.H. Fray for choir boys - payments 30/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-024 account C. Barton Verger salary 1/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-025 expenses 7 clergy travelling in Lent 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-026 account C.C. Cooley stables 1/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-027 account 3 Diocesan Book Depot hymn books 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-028 account 4 Mutual Fire Ins Co glebe 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-029 account 4 Tas Government Railways synod train tickets 2/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-030 expenses clergy travelling in Lent 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-031 account 2 Launceston Gas Co. St John's 31/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-032 account C. Barton Verger salary 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-033 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 31/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-034 account 2 Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Fund 7/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-035 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-036 account  The Cleavers hardware 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-037 expenses 2 clergy travelling 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-038 account T. Haslam, plumbing Parsonage 28/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-039 account J.H. Fray for choir boys 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-040 account C. Burton Verger salary 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-041 account J. & T. Gunn contract payment 3/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-042 salary J.H. Fray Organist 5/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-043 account 3 Gas Co. heating and light 1/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-044 account  E.G. Stephenson printing 1/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-045 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 21/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-046 account  A.W. Mayhead stationery 11/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-047 account  J. & T. Gunn materials and repairs 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-048 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-049 salary J.H. Fray for choir boys 28/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-050 account Launceston Fruit Board codlin moth dues 27/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-051 salary 2 J.H. Fray Organist 31/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-052 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-053 account James Barclay ironmonger 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-054 account A.W. Mayhead stationery 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-055 account Perrin's furnishings and goods 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-056 account C. Barton Verger salary 1/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-057 account 2 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-058 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. St Aidan's 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-059 account  Daily Telegraph St Aidan's 1/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-060 account  Launceston Examiner St Aidan's 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-061 account  Hopwood & Co St Aidan's 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-062 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co St Aidan's 1/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-063 account  James Barclay St Aidan's 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-064 salary Vivien B. Wetton St Aidan's organist 1/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-065 salary 2 L.C. MacArthur St Aidan's organist 30/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-066 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-067 account  Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-068 receipt donation to Sunday School 16/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-069 salary Mr Rule for choir boys 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-070 account Metropole Hotel accommodation - Mrs Otto 1/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-071 account C. Barton Verger salary 2/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-072 account 2 Birchall's mainland advertising for organist 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-073 account  French Bros varnishing 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-074 account  Perrin's doormat 1/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-075 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-076 account  W.J. Southerwood stables 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-077 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-078 account  2 Hopwood & Co catechisms 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-079 salary C. Barton Verger 1/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-080 account 4 Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Fund 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-081 account J.H. Fray for choir boys 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-082 receipt Choir to Churchwardens Choir fund from  'Crucifixion' & 'Ascension' 7/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-083 account J.H. Fray tuning organ 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-084 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 21/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-085 account pd to St John's by A. Whitaker 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-086 account pd to St John's by W. Perrin 27/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-087 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-088 account Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-089 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-090 account  George Gooch printing 14/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-091 account  Stephen Spurling photographs 13/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-092 rates Launceston Corporation cottage 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-094 account Henry W. Grattan photographer 8/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-095 account 2 Dunning & Brown carpet 24/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-096 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 1/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-097 salary J.H. Fray Organist 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-098 salary J.H. Fray for choir boys 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-099 salary C. Barton Verger 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-100 account an electrician for Sunday School 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-101 salary Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-102 salary 3 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-103 expenses 5 Beresford & Ferneau travelling 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-104 account Launceston Municipal water 1/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-105 account State Government land tax 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-106 account E. Whitfeld   cartage to St Aidan's 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-107 account Churchwardens choir boys 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-108 receipt Diocesan Office Choir Fund collection 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-109 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 5/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-110 account 2 Launceston Corporation repairs   30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-111 account  Dempster's chair hire 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-112 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 5/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-113 account  T. Haslam repairs - plumbing 31/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-114 account  C.R. Briggs stone 27/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-115 account 2 Chas Adams building materials 11/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-116 account  Chas Adams building materials 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-117 account  A. Hutton sand 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-118 account  Chas Davis hardware 30/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-119 account  Chas Adams building materials 1/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-120 account 4 A. Hutton sand, coke 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-121 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-122 account 3 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 1/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-123 account  J. & T. Gunn hardware 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-124 account  James Barclay oil and hardware 30/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-125 account  Hopwood & Co prayer books and stationery 30/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-126 letter Otto Waschatz & Co to A. North (possibly item 1N-114) 20/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-127 letter Launceston Corporation surveying 3/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-128 letter A.E. Evershed tiles 8/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-129 brochure A.E. Evershed tiles 8/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-130 account 8 Chas Adams timber specification and order - extension 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 2
SJC-1981 1M-131 receipt St. Wilfred's College Cressy Fees and travelling expenses ref. Canon Finnis 31/12/1905
SJC-1981 1N-001 account  W.N. Knight iron  31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-002 account  Northcote Brick Co bricks 12/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-003 account  Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 24/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-004 account 2 Cocker & Ockerby cartage 6/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-005 account 2 McNear Bros cartage 6/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-006 account 2 Port   wharfage dues 7/10/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-007 account  Chas Adams cement and lime 31/01/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-008 account  Chas Adams building materials 30/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-009 account 3 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement and lime 31/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-010 account 3 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement and lime 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-011 account 10 C.R. Briggs cartage 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-012 account 2 A. & J. Cosgrove bricks 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-013 account  E.S. Beaufoy cartage 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-014 account 2 Stabb Bros Hobart fancy bricks 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-015 account  North & Masters costs for supply of fancy bricks from Stabb Bros Hobart 17/08/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-016 account  W. Holyman & sons freight on bricks 2/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-017 account  Otto Waschatz & Co tiling - marble terazzo ceiling St John's 31/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-018 account  Cocker & Ockerby cartage of bricks 18/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-019 account  A. & J. Cosgrove cartage of bricks 14/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-020 account  John Campbell pipes - flue lining 30/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-021 account 6 McNear Bros cartage 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-022 account 6 A. Hutton sand 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-023 account 3 Northcote Brick Co bricks - 6000 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-024 account 7 Tas Government Railways freight 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-025 account 7 Tas Government Railways freight 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-026 account 4 McNear Bros cartage 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-027 account  W. Holyman & sons freight 26/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-028 account 3 Geo W. Richards - Ross Tas. stone supplies 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-029 account 7 Chas Adams building materials and labour 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-030 account 8 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement and lime 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-031 account 5 Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement and lime 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-032 letter to Lindsay Tulloch & Co samples 20/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-033 financial Churchwardens subscription list 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-034 account 10 C.R. Briggs stone and cartage 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-035 account 12 C.R. Briggs stone and cartage 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-036 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-037 account  Davies Bros Mercury advert for organist 1/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-038 account  T. Haslam plumbing at rectory 30/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-039 account  Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-040 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 3/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-041 account  A.W. Birchall & Sons stationery 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-042 account  N.A. Clark fruit & veg for school 1/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-043 account  Hopwood & Co stationery 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-044 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-045 account  Geo Gooch stationery 1/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-046 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 20/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-047 account  4 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-048 account   Richard Gee church history books 1/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-049 account  2 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-050 account for Churchwardens choir boys & salary 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-051 financial Churchwardens subscriptions for clerical maintenance 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-052 Letter Revd Reg Collison  St Andrew's Carrick 9/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-053 receipt C. Barton Verger salary 30/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-054 account A.L. Wells choirmaster for choir boys 2/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-055 account Mr Rule for choir boys 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-056 salary  Mabel Evershed Organist 2/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-057 account C. Barton rates - verger 30/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-058 receipt C. Barton fruit board 2/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-059 salary C. Barton Verger 31/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-060 salary Mr Rule for choir boys 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-061 salary A.L. Wells  choirmaster 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-062 expanses Canon Beresford trip to Synod 21/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-063 salary Mabel Evershed Organist 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-064 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 25/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-065 account A.L. Wells for choir boys 27/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-066 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund, synod dues and assessment 23/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-067 receipt Mrs Whitfeld M.U. collection 1/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-068 account 3 Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-069 account 3 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-070 account  Wiseman & Lamb printing 2/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-071 account  James Barclay hardware 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-072 account  George Gooch stationery 2/04/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-074 account 2 Selwyn Cox stationery 9/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-075 account  Geo Arnold repairs to cycle for Mr Riley 1/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-076 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 1/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-077 account 2 Hopwood & Co stationery 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-078 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-079 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-080 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 4/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-081 account  E. Anderson repairs to organ 24/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-082 salary G. Davies gardener 17/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-083 account Launceston Corporation Rectory drains 26/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-084 account Peter Bros ironmonger repairs to stove 31/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-085 account T. Haslam Rectory pluming 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-086 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-087 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/08/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-088 account  J. & T. Gunn schoolroom   30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-089 account 3 Perrins surplices x10 and cushions 31/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-090 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 1/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-091 salary Mabel Evershed Organist 1/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-092 account A.L. Wells for choir boys + list 31/08/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-093 account C. Burton Verger salary 31/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-094 receipt Diocesan Office House of Mercy contribution 24/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-095 receipt St. John's Church fractions (?) St. Paul's 1/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-096 salary A.L. Wells Choirmaster's wages 30/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-097 account W. Perrin carting rubbish 1/09/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-098 account C. Barton rates - verger 1/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-099 account Launceston Corporation rates 1/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-100 account Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 15/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-101 account State Government land tax 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-102 account A.L. Wells for choir boys 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-103 receipt City Treas. Office rates 30/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-104 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund - St. John's and St. Aidan's 18/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-105 receipt Churchwardens Sunday School Collection - Dec 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-106 account A.L. Wells chormaster's wages 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-107 salary Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-108 account C. Barton Verger salary 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-109 receipt G.F.S. to Churchwardens GFS collection 24/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-110 account C.W. Joscelyne repairs to organ 8/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-111 receipt Treas St John's Choir Choir fund 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-112 letter GFS to Churchwardens thanks for GFS collection and intentions for spending of same 19/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-113 receipt Churchwardens various clergy services, eg rural 31/03/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-114 letter Otto Waschatz & Co to A. North 1/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-115 letter Hatton & Laws to Churchwardens 28/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-116 letter Alfred Green to E. Whitfeld - Glebe lease to Freiboth 23/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-117 account J Notman tool sharpening and blacksmithing repair work 55 invoices and receipts - various dates to 30th may 1907 31/7/1902
SJC-1981 1N-118 invoice Charles Davis Hobart stone cutting tools 14/6/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-119 invoice J McNear cartage - sand and stone 3/4/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-120 invoice E Sullivan labouring - bluestone foundation 9/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-121 receipt L Whitfeld proceeds of Mothers Union collection 13/6/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-122 receipt M Walsh labouring - Glebe embankment ref Freiboth 2/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-123 receipt J Judkins labour - demolition ofclassroom and gable end at Sunday School 6/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-124 receipt Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Tas Insurance - rectory and Glebe 20/5/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-125 receipt Launceston Corporation supply and cartage of bluestone 27/5/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-126 invoice Charles Adams & Sons builders lime, air bricks, galv. hoop iron ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-127 receipt Diocesan Office clerks Superannuation Fund, Clergy Widows and Orphans fund, General Church Fund, Synod dues 21/5/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-128 receipt Launceston Corporation drainage and water supply at Sunday School, supply and cartage of bluestone 2/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-129 receipt J Judkins balance of demolition at Sunday School ref n123 3/5/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-130 receipt A Beresford - rector Ministry expenses - Easter (a mission campaign perhaps?) 9/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-131 receipt A Beresford - rector salary x 2 11/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-132 receipt Mabel Evershed organist salary - St. John's 3/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-133 receipt choirmaster (A Kelly?) salary 3/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-134 receipt C Barton verger salary 3/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-135 invoice Daily Telegraph printing of service sheets 1/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-136 invoice Geo. Gooch printing of service sheets 3/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-137 invoice Examiner advertising and printing 28/2/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-138 invoice Wiseman & Lamb printing of service sheets 1/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-139 invoice J Mercer gardening services 29/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-140 invoice A & J Cosgrove 26000 bricks for School Committee 2/4/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-141 invoice Johnstone & Wilmot wine 15/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-142 invoice John Campbell supply pipes and bends 28/2/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-143 receipt A Wells - choirmaster choir boys salary 31/3/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1N-144 receipt G Davies gardening labour 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-001 account J. & T. Gunn sawdust 25/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-002 expenses Revd C A Fawns travel expenses to Hobart and return 2/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-003 account Eric Anderson organ repairs 14/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-004 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-005 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-006 account  Diocesan Book Depot conference cards 20/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-007 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 1/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-008 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 17/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-009 account  Geo Ficham & Sons organ repairs 7/02/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-010 account  Launceston Corporation water pipe alterations 31/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-011 account 4 Hopwood & Co booklets 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-012 account 2 S. Coultans work on Glebe 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-013 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. St Aidan's 2/07/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-014 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co St Aidan's 5/05/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-015 account  James Barclay St Aidan's - broom 7/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-016 account  Daily Telegraph St Aidan's 30/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-017 account Maude Genders St Aidan's - organist fees x4 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-018 account Hatton & Laws St Aidan's - pharmacy 7/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-019 account Munnew & Findlay St Aidan's - organ repairs 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-020 account 2 J. & T. Gunn St Aidan's - repairs 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-021 account 2 Launceston Examiner St Aidan's 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-022 account 2 Daily Telegraph St Aidan's 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-023 account 2 Hopwood & Co St Aidan's - hymn books 30/06/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-024 account  French Bros painting 2/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-025 account  J. Notman  blacksmith - tools 25/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-026 account  Chas R. Briggs stone 30/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-027 account  A. Hutton sand 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-028 account  Lindsay Tulloch & Co cement 10/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-029 account 5 Geo. Richards stone 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-030 account  A. & J. Cosgrove bricks 14/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-031 letter Geo. W. Richards stone for wall 30/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-032 letter Geo. W. Richards stone for wall 17/10/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-033 letter Geo. W. Richards payment & reply 19/11/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-034 letter 2 Geo. W. Richards stone from  Ross 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-035 account  Chas R. Briggs stone 11/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-036 account 3 McNear Bros cartage 28/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-037 account 4 Tas Government Railways freight on stone 28/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-038 account 2 J. Notman tool sharpening 31/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-039 account  Geo W. Richards - Ross stone 4/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-040 account 3 McNear Bros cartage 31/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-041 account 3 Tas Government Railways freight on stone 31/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-042 account 3 J. Notman  tool sharpening 31/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-043 account 3 J. Notman  tool sharpening 31/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-044 account 11 Tas Government Railways freight on stone 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-045 account 6 J. Notman  tool sharpening 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-046 account McNear Bros stone x9 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-047 account  A. Hutton cartage 31/07/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-048 account  Union Steam Ship Co. freight - 4500 bricks 13/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-049 account  Northcote Brick Co bricks - 4500 12/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-050 receipt Robert Templeton stone x2 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-051 account  C. R. Briggs stone 6/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-052 account  Chas Adams building materials 30/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-053 account  Marine Bd. Of L wharfage on bricks 13/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-054 receipt Diocesan Office re Clerks Super Fund 12/05/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-055 account Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance x3 2/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-056 salary F. Riley stipend 8/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-057 salary C. Barton Verger 1/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-058 account  J. & T. Gunn fencing and sawdust 31/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-059 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-060 account  Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-061 account 2 Selwyn Cox stationery 2/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-062 receipt Sunday School to Churchwardens festival collection 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-063 account Daily Telegraph advertisements x8 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-064 account Launceston Examiner advertisements x7 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-065 receipt C. Barton verger salary x10 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-066 receipt A.L. Wells choirmaster salary x3 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-067 receipt Mabel Evershed Organist salary x2 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-068 receipt M.U. to Churchwardens Mothers Union collection proceeds 19/11/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-069 receipt clergy to Synod 6 people expenses - clergy 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-070 expenses Mr Haslam expenses - clergy 9/05/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-071 receipt A.L. Wells payment for choir boys x11 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-072 receipt E. Whitfeld no date padlocks and chain x2 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-073 estimate H. Russell & Sons roofing of rectory outbuilding 21/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-074 account H. Russell & Sons roofing of rectory outbuilding 1/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-075 account J. & T. Gunn building materials 30/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-076 account 3 Launceston Corporation water pipe alterations/repairs and rates 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-077 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-078 account 13 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-079 account 3 Hopwood & Co stationery 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-080 account  L. Weatherhead repairs to shelving 4/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-081 account 4 James Barclay hardware supplies 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-082 account 2 Chas Adams cut away church roof, building materials 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-083 account  Geo Gooch printing 2/04/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-084 account 2 F. Redfearn organ repairs 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-085 account State Government land tax x5 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-086 account Launceston Corporation rates x2 31/12/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-087 account  H.B. Brownrigg small organ repairs 1/08/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-088 account 2 H. Wilson  plumbing - rectory spouting & church ventilators 1/07/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-089 account E Anderson organ repairs 29/06/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-090 account A & J Cosgrove 4000 bricks for St John's school 11/05/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-091 receipt Alice Miller to wardens receipt and acknowl. of cheque for Children's Hospital Fund 2/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-092 account Hinman & Wright timber supplies 21/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-093 account A Hutton soil and sand for school 30/06/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-094 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 16/10/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-095 receipt Diocesan Office donation for Bishopscourt repairs 2/11/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-096 account J Campbell pipes ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-097 account Salisbury's Foundry steel angles 3 x13' 31/05/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-098 account Peter Bros. repairs to flue 30/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-099 account French Bros painting 30/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-100 account T Haslem plumbing - Sunday School ventilators 17/10/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-101 account J S Cox books and stationery 31/10/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-102 account Wiseman & Lamb printing x4 1/11/1907 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1O-103 invoice J & T Gunn flooring, fencing and alterations - Sunday School 15/06/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-001 salary 12 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-002 salary ? Lumsden 31/07/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-003 account W. Perrin repairs at Rectory 1/10/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-004 account 10 Diocesan Office various 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-005 salary 4 A. L. Wells choirmaster 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-006 salary 4 Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-007 account 6 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-008 account  French Bros glazing 30/09/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-009 account  J.F. Taylor florist 30/06/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-010 account 2 H. Wilson  plumber 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-011 account 28 J. Notman tool sharpening 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-012 expenses Rev. Muschamp 4/08/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-013 account New Zealand Insuance Co. 16/06/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-014 expenses Rev J.S. Bryers 30/08/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-015 salary Rev. Muschamp locum tenens 25/07/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-016 collection Sunday School to Churchwardens Festival day 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-017 expenses 2 cleric's travelling 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-018 account T. Haslam plumber 1/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-019 account C.K. Weatherhead locks 28/05/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-020 account 2 F. Redfearn organ repairs 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-021 account  H.T. Russell & Sons new fence etc builders 31/08/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-022 account 2 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-023 account 5 State Government land Tax 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-024 account 12 Tas Government Railways 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-025 account 10 Lindsay Tulloch & Co freight on stone 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-026 account 12 McNear Bros cement 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-027 account  McNear Bros stone 2/08/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-028 account 5 C.R. Briggs stone - ex Ross 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-029 expenses St Wilfred's College 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-030 expenses 7 cleric's travelling Synod 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-031 account 2 James Barclay building materials 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-032 account 4 Chas Adams building materials 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-033 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-034 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-035 account  Geo Gooch printing 2/03/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-036 account 3 A. Hutton gravel 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-037 account 5 Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-038 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-039 account 9 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-040 account 2 Hopwood & Co almanacs and year books 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-041 account 9 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-042 account 4 Wiseman & Lamb printing 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-043 deposit Launceston Bank for Savings 23/08/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-044 salary 9 choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-045 deposits 8 Uion & Commonwealth Banks 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-046 salary Deaconess Shoobridge 31/03/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-047 salary 2 Rev. J. Gray locum tenens 4/03/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-048 account 2 F. Redfearn organ repairs 4/03/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-049 account 4 R. Templeton srone 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-050 account 2 L. Joscelyne organ repairs 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-051 statement Churchwardens organ fund concert 12/05/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-052 letter Geo. Fincham organ repairs 3/04/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-053 account  Geo. Fincham organ repairs 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-054 receipt Australian Bd of Missions 5/11/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-055 expenses 5 cleric's travelling 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-056 salary 12 chormaster (Wells) for choir boys 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-057 salary 4 Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-058 salary 4 A.L. Wells choirmaster 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-059 collection Sunday School to Churchwardens Festival day 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-060 payment Churchwardens School enlargement fund 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-061 deposit 12 Unon Bank 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-062 salary 12 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-063 account 12 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-064 account 14 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-065 account 4 Wiseman & Lamb printing 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-066 account 18 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-067 account 7 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-068 rct 2 St Wilfred's College fees 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-069 account  G.T. Eddie district surveyor 30/11/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-070 account 7 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-071 account 4 Diocesan Book Depot (Melb.) publications 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-072 account 7 Diocesan Office various 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-073 donation 2 Churchwardens to St Paul's 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-074 account 2 City of Launceston rates 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-075 account 2 Municipality of Launceston hall licence etc 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-076 account  Launceston Corporation road materials 2/09/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-077 account  French Bros Rectory painting - exterior 1/01/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-078 account  F. Stewart jeweller - gilding 4/01/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-079 account  Wilson Bros plumber 30/01/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-080 account 5 Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-081 account 2 James Barclay brooms etc 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-082 expenses clerical travelling 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-083 account 3 A.W. Mayhead stationery 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-084 account  Geo Gooch printing - pew rent forms 1/04/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-085 account  T. Haslam plumbing - rectory bathroom 1/03/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-086 account  Launceston Corporation license for public dancing & music 16/02/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-087 account  A.W. Birchall & Sons greeting cards 1/04/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-088 account  W. Coogan & Co furniture 30/06/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-089 letter Dobson, Mitchell & Allport Land grant legal expenses 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-090 account Alfred Green & Co solicitors - land grant legal expenses 16/09/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-091 account Perrin's drapers 23/07/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-092 list Churchwardens donors for new Altar 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-093 circular Revd. A Beresford Farewell letter to communicants of St. John's 31/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1P-094 receipt St. Paul's Church half-year contribution 23/12/1908 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-001 account 29 C.R. Briggs stone  31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-002 account 11 J. Notman tool sharpening 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-003 account 13 J. Notman tool sharpening 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-004 account 7 Launceston Corporation supply and cartage of gravels 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-005 account  Leslie E. Morgan & Co windows - leaded for vestry - likely rector's vestry 30/04/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-006 summons Churchwardens for garnishee - debt 10/07/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-007 deposit Launceston Bank for Savings 11/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-008 account 2 H. McEnnulty tools 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-009 account 16 Lindsay Tulloch & Co 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-010 account 28 McNear Bros bricks, stone, sand 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-011 account 7 Northcote Brick Co bricks 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-012 account 10 Chas Adams building materials 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-013 account 7 Hinman & Wright builders 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-014 account  T.W. Church scaffolding 15/04/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-015 account 3 Union Steam Ship Co. shipping - bricks 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-016 account 12 Tas Government Railways freight 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-017 account 5 Wm Holyman & Sons shipping - bricks 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-018 account  H.T. Russell & Sons cable 30/10/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-019 account  James Barclay glass 30/06/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-020 account 2 W. & G. Genders window guards & rope 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-021 account 4 A. Hutton sand 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-022 account  Morris & Bone window guards   25/05/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-023 account 12 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-023a account Marine Board - Launceston wharfage 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-024 salary 3 Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-025 account 6 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance premiums 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-026 account  Geo. Fincham organ repairs 11/02/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-027 collections 4 Churchwardens 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-028 expenses Mr Howe 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-029 salary 11 A.L. Wells choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-030 salary 4 A.L. Wells Choirmaster's wages 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-031 account 2 Launceston City Council Choirmaster's wages 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-032 deposits 12 Churchwardens to Union Bank 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-033 account 14 Launceston Gas Co. gas mantles 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-034 account 4 Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-035 account 5 Diocesan Book Depot publications 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-036 account  Launceston City Council 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-037 account  Chas Adams Rectory building supplies 12/08/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-038 account  Haslam & McLean Rectory plumbing 1/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-039 account  F. & W. Stewart repairs to wine jug 1/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-040 account 2 French Bros painting 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-041 account 2 Perrin's black drapes 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-042 account 3 A. Hutton stone 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-043 receipt to Churchwardens  drawingroom entertainment 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-044 collection   Sunday School to Churchwardens 30/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-045 account  A.A. Frith organ repairs 1/07/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-046 account  A.W. Birchall & Sons communicant cards 31/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-047 account 6 Wiseman & Lamb printing 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-048 account 6 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-049 account 13 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-050 letter Emma J. Walker Cameron memorial 2/06/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-051 letter Launceston City Band thanks - Coronation service 22/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-052 account  to A. North commission to date 4/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-053 account 17 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-054 account 10 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-055 deposits 14 Churchwardens Union &Commercial Banks 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-056 collection 2 Sunday School to Churchwardens 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-057 receipt Beatrice Ferguson Coronation service 16/09/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-058 salary 3 A.L. Wells Choirmaster's wages 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-059 salary 4 Mabel Evershed Organist 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-060 salary 12 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-061 account 7 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-062 account  Diocesan Book Depot 31/03/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-063 account 4 Perrin's 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 3
SJC-1981 1Q-064 account 12 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-065 account  Geo Ficham & Sons organ 6/02/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-066 account  A.A. Frith organ repairs 1/07/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-067 account 5 Wiseman & Lamb 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-068 collections 2 Churchwardens 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-069 account  Launceston Corporation 27/01/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-070 receipt Launceston Corporation inspection of machinery 16/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-071 account 3 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-072 account 3 State Government land Tax 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-073 license Churchwardens for public dancing and music 29/03/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-074 salary 11 A.L. Wells choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-075 account 7 Diocesan Office 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-076 account 5 Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-077 account  Jacksons key cutting 1/04/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-078 account  A.W. Mayhead stationery 30/06/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-079 account  A.S. Beafoy carrier 30/06/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-080 account  Hopwood & Co hymn books 7/10/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-081 account  J. Walch & Sons Christmas cards 19/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-082 account 3 Selwyn Cox 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-083 account  Launceston Corporation rates 1/08/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-084 account 2 J. Notman tool sharpening 23/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-085 account  McNear Bros cartage 23/07/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-086 account  Launceston Corporation supply and cartage of gravels 30/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-087 account  James Barclay building materials 30/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-088 account  W. Hart & Sons cleaning requisites 30/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-089 account  Patersonia Freestone Quarry stone 4/08/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-090 account  French Bros painting and staining materials 30/06/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1Q-091 letter Inspector of Machinery Dept 16/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-001 account Hart & Son, Beard & Co iron door handles, latches etc. St John's 11/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-002 account Dempsters Ltd cushions, carpet St John's 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-003 account Geo. Ricketts cartage - mission house forms (seats) to St. John's 23/01/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-004 account Perrins curtain materials 30/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-005 account 5 Marine Bd. Of Launceston wharfage on windows 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-006 account 2 Huddart, Parker & Co. shipping glass 30/11/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-007 account 2 Union Steam Ship Co. shipping glass 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-008 account  J. & T. Gunn timber and cartage 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-009 account 3 L. Fairthorne & Son spirits of salts (hydrochloric acid) 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-010 account  H.T. Russell & Sons glass and building materials 30/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-011 account  French Bros paint and materials 30/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-012 account 2 James Barclay building materials 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-013 account  A. Hutton sand 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-014 account 2 Tas Soap & Candle Co. cement 31/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-015 account  Rust's Vitreous Mosaic Co. Dome mosaic tiling 15/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-016 account  Baillie Mason  railing 26/07/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-017 account 3 G.E. Phillips cabinet maker doors and timber finish materials St. John's 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-018 account 11 J. Notman hardware and tool sharpening 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-019 account  A. Hutton sand 31/01/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-020 account  McHugh Bros clay pipes 1/07/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-021 account 2 J.E. Dodd organ builder blowing plant, erection of organ, repairs to stop 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-022 account 5 Edgington & Henty cement 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-023 account 9 H.T. Russell & Sons timber dressing and building materials 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-024 account 2 James Barclay hardware and cleaning supplies 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-025 account 3 McNear Bros sand and cartage 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-026 account 4 Haslam & McLean plumbing and ventilation 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-027 account  Wilson Bros plumbing work and supplies 30/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-028 account 3 French Bros material for plaques 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-029 account 2 Chas Manser painting - old nave and new gates 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-030 account  Chas Adams & Sons schoolroom removals 31/05/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-031 account  Huddart, Parker & Co. shipping glass 29/05/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-032 account 6 Patersonia Freestone Quarry stone - freestone 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-033 account  G. Paton cementing floors & steps - St. John's 1/03/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-034 account 3 W.H. Knight Phoenix Works timber supplies 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-035 account  L. Fairthorne & Son hydrochloric acid 22/03/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-036 account  W.P. Thompson (Melb.) hinges 5/06/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-037 account  J. & T. Gunn drain pipes 31/08/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-038 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 29/10/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-039 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 29/10/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-040 account  Launceston Corporation rent of Albert Hall - St. John's fair 31/10/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-041 account 2 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-042 account New Zealand Insurance Co. insurance x2 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-043 account 3 Hinman, Wright & Manser St John's flooring, communion rails, fixing seats, screens for windows 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-044 account 2 Marine Bd. Of L wharfage on glass and brasswork 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-045 letter Mr Green to Churchwardens 2 Gas pendant lights 24/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-046 account 14 Brookes-Robinson & Co windows -  Includes theme names of chancel windows cost £355. Also includes Cox Sons, Buckley & Co London - polish brass lectern. 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-047 expenses Rev E Barry lenten mission costs 13/04/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-048 account 6 Diocesan Book Depot confirmation stationery 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-049 receipts Diocesan Office clergy removal fund, clerks superannuation, parish collections 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-050 account 7 Launceston City Council rates, also Tas. government land tax 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-051 receipts St Paul's & Stepney Fund subsidy for St. Paul's etc 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-052 receipts chormaster (Wells) for choir boys 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-053 receipts C. Barton Verger salary x11 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-054 deposits Union Bank Revd Bryers monthly salary x13 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-055 receipts G.F. Hopkins Organist salary 1/10/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-056 account  A.W. Birchall & Sons choir printed materials 26/03/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-057 account  W.H. Paling & Co music 2/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-058 account 3 Wiseman & Lamb printing 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-059 account  A.A. Frith organ repairs 4/04/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-060 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 2/01/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-061 account 2 Findlays  organ repairs 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-062 account  Jacksons Lock & Brass stamps and pad 1/10/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-063 account  Frank Tyson, solicitor agreement for use of hall by Naval Cadets 13/08/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-064 account  Patersonia Freestone Quarry freestone 30/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-065 account  Haslam & McLean plumbing - rectory hot water 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-066 account Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance x6 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-067 account Daily Telegraph advertisements x12 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-068 account  French Bros renovations to rectory 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-069 account  James Barclay cleaning requisites 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-070 account  Launceston Corporation rent of Albert Hall 29/07/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-071 account 3 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-072 account 8 Examiner & Courier advertisements 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-073 account 8 Selwyn Cox stationery, collection boxes 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-074 account 25 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-075 bad cheque Wardens general account to J.S. Bryers "refer to drawer" bounced cheque 1/11/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-076 collections 5 Churchwardens St Aidans 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-077 account 5 Launceston Gas Co. St Aidans 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-078 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co St Aidans 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-079 account  Selwyn Cox St Aidans stationery 27/06/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-080 receipts Maude Genders St Aidans organist salary x3 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-081 salary  Frank Bonner St Aidans organist 1/05/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-082 account M. Wood St Aidans cartage 16/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-083 account Launceston Examiner St Aidans advertisements 31/03/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-084 account 3 Launceston Gas Co. St Aidans  31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-085 collections 5 Churchwardens St Aidans  31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-086 collections  Sunday School to Mr Perrin St Aidans  10/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-087 collections 12 Churchwardens St Aidans  31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-088 account Hopwood & Co St Aidans booklets for Miss Genders 26/08/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-089 account A.W. Birchall & Sons St Aidans booklets for Miss Genders 12/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-090 account Examiner & Courier St Aidans Sunday School festival 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-091 account Daily Telegraph St Aidans advertisements 28/02/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1R-092 letter Tas Public Library on heating 2/07/1911 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-001 account 27 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-002 account  N. Porter cartage 5/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-003 bad cheque J.S. Bryers 1/02/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-004 deposits 2 Churchwardens to L.B.S. 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-005 payment Mr Joslyn day labour 4/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-006 statements Churchwardens extension collections 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-007 statements Churchwardens extension fund  to 31 Dec 1912 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-008 statements Churchwardens general account 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-009 statements Churchwardens glebe, hurniture, fence 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-010 statements Churchwardens organ fund 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-011 statements Churchwardens St Aidans 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-012 account 4 Himan, Wright & Manser 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-013 account 2 J. & T. Gunn 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-014 account  A. Hutton gravel 24/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-015 account  John Paton cement work 27/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-016 account 2 Perrins 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-017 account  Wilson Bros iron plumbers 28/02/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-018 account 10 Examiner & Courier advertisements 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-019 account  State Government land Tax 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-020 account 3 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-021 account 8 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-022 salary 11 choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-023 collections 4 Churchwardens 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-024 collections 2 Sunday Schoolto Churchwardens 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-025 expenses Clergy  for Lent 31/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-026 deposit 2 Union Bank 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-027 memo Roughton Clarke to W. Perrin state of HALL 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-028 salary 3 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-029 deposit 3 Union Bank duplicates 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-030 account 6 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-031 account 4 Diocesan Office 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-032 account  Wiseman & Lamb 1/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-033 account  Selwyn Cox 31/12/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-034 account  J.H. Taylor, nurseryman vegetables 30/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-035 account  James Barclay 30/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-036 account 4 Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-037 account  Salisbury Foundry Co. repairs to organ blower 6/06/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-038 account  Findlays  organ repairs 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-039 account  A. Hutton 4/11/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-040 account  L. Fairthorne & Son chemist 9/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-041 account 12 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-042 account  Hart & Son, Beard & Co latches & handles 26/06/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-043 account  Barry Goodluck decorating Rectory 11/10/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-044 account  Wilson Bros plumbing at Rectory 30/11/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-045 salary A.L. Wells Choirmaster's wages 31/01/1912 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-046 statement Churchwardens St Aidans general 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-047 statement Churchwardens St Aidans library 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-048 statement Churchwardens St John's home mission 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-049 statement Churchwardens St John's building fund 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-050 statement Churchwardens St John's mission house 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-051 statement Churchwardens St Aidans general 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-052 statement Churchwardens St John's extension fund 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-053 statement Churchwardens St John's glebe 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-054 statement Churchwardens St John's choir fund 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-055 statement Churchwardens St John's organ fund 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-056 statement Churchwardens St John's general 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-057 statement Churchwardens St John's Sunday School 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-058 statement Churchwardens St John's Sunday School special funds 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-059 account 29 Launceston Gas Co. 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-060 account 2 Wiseman & Lamb 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-061 account  D. Smith tinsmith 14/03/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-062 account  Alex North 27/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-063 letter Southerwood's Motor Garage glebe   2/04/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-064 salary 6 C. Barton Verger 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-065 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-066 account State Government land tax 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-067 salary 26 Rev. H.N. Baker Rector 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-068 account 8 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-069 salary  Rev. J. Hamilton Curate 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-070 salary  Rev. C.L. Crosley Curate 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-071 salary  Rev. James V. Patten Curate 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-072 salary  Rev. Frank S. Rogers Curate 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-073 account 6 Launceston Corporation rates 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-074 account 2 Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-075 account  Haslam & McLean 1/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-076 account  E. Adams glebe repairs 2/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-077 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser Sunday School extension 20/10/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-078 account 8 Examiner & Courier 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-079 account  McClymont notice board 30/09/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-080 account  H. Wilson  plants 1/04/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-081 account  W.H. Knight repairs to copper work 9/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-082 account  James Barclay 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-083 collections 5 Churchwardens 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-084 account 5 Diocesan Office 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-085 salary 12 choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-086 deposits 2 L.B.S. 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-087 salary 2 G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-088 account  G.F. Hopkins organ repairs 19/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-089 account  Perrins 1/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-090 account  Hopwood & Co 1/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-091 account  Selwyn Cox 10/11/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-092 account 2 Joseph R. Green Rectory stove 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-093 account  Launceston Gas Co. St Aidans 31/01/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-094 account & corres Churchwardens re ropes 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-095 letters 2 Dept of Home Affairs & Defence 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-096 account 5 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1S-097 letter Churchwardens building committee results of special appeal  for building costs 27/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-001 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-002 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-003 account  Launceston Corporation rates 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-004 receipts choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-005 salary  C. Barton Verger 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-006 salary  N.H. Baker  Rector 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-007 salary  Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-008 salary  E.A. Colvin asst Curate 31/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-009 salary  N.H. Baker  Rector 28/02/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-010 salary  D. Sherris Curate 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-011 salary  W.R. Barrett Curate 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-012 salary  Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-013 salary  choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-014 salary  choirmaster Rector 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-015 salary  D. Sherris Curate 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-016 salary  W.R. Barrett Curate 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-017 salary  G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-018 salary  Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-019 account 5 Launceston City Council rates 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-020 account  James Barclay 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-021 account  Selwyn Cox printer/stationer 27/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-022 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 13/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-023 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-024 account  Diocesan Office 26/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-025 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-026 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-027 account Wiseman & Lamb printing 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-028 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-029 account  choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-030 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-031 salary D. Sherris Curate 4/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-032 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-033 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 4/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-034 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co 11/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-035 deposit Ch Trustees bank interest 14/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-036 doation Churchwardens Mayor's Belgian fund 24/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-037 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-038 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-039 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-040 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-041 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/05/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-042 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-043 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-044 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-045 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-046 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-047 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's Ch 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-048 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-049 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-050 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-051a account  French Bros painting supplies and hardware 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-051b account  Hart & Sons painting supplies and hardware 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-051c account  James Barclay painting supplies and hardware 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-052 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 1/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-053 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-054 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser painting and repairs - tower and church exterior including crack in concrete roof, under floor vents for "old church", fence repairs 27/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-055 collrction Churchwardens for Red Cross 5/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-056 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-057 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-058 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-059 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-060 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-061 account H. Cunningham prayer desk and chair 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-062 account 2 Alex North drawings - prayer desk and chair 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-063 colletion Churchwardens Australia Day fund 30/06/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-064 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-065 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-066 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-067 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-068 receipts Diocesan Office synod dues, clergy removal expenses 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-069 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-070 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-071 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-072 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-073 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-074 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-075 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-076a account 2 Southerwood's Motor Garage cartage - Glebe 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-076b account  Northern Timber Agency Glebe fence repairs 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-076c account  Hart & Sons Glebe fence repair materials 30/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-077 account 7 Launceston City Council rates 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-078 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 1/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-079 account 3 J.&T. Gun repairs 31/08/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-080 account 2 A. Hutton rubbish removal (building rubble?) 31/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-081 account  McClymont blinds & rollers 16/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-082 account 2 Hinman, Wright & Manser Rectory repairs 31/03/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-083 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-084 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-085 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-086 account  Wiseman & Lamb printing 1/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-087 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-088 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-089 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-090 salary D. Sherris curate 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-091 salary W.R. Barrett curate 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-092 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-093 account L.K.Weatherhead cedar 1/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-094 rct Diocesan Office General Church Fund 14/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-095 collection Churchwardens for Sunday School 25/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-096 payment Churchwardens to L.B.S. interest owing 5/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-097 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-098 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 30/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-099 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-100 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-101 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-102 collection Churchwardens for Sunday School 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-103 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's Ch 22/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-104 salary N.H. Baker  Rector 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-105 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-106 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-107 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-108 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-109 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-110 account Selwyn Cox statoers 27/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-111 account  Wiseman & Lamb printers 1/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-112 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/10/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-113 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser repairs to Hall 1/07/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-114 account  McClymont coir matting 1/09/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-115 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 24/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-116 account  Johnstone & Wilmot 1/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-117 account 2 State Government land tax 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1T-118 receipt Diocesan Office 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-001 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-002 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-003 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-004 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-005 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-006 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-007 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-008 payment Edw. Tevelein for collecting pew rents 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-009 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-010 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 28/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-011 salary choirmaster for choir boys 28/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-012 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 28/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-013 salary D. Sherris Curate 28/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-014 salary H.N. Baker Rector 28/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-015 payment H.N. Baker sick pay 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-016 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-017 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-018 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-019 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-020 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 1/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-021 account 2 Launceston City Council rates & Tamar rates 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-022 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-023 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-024 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-025 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-026 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-027 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-028 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 2/04/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-029 account  Geo McLean plumbing - water pipe repairs 1/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-030 account  J & T  Gunn repairs 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-031 account  James Barclay polish 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-032 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-033 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-034 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-035 account  J.H. Taylor, nurseryman floral supplies 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-036 receipts L.B.S. interest owing 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-037 receipts Diocesan Office House of Mercy, General Church Fund, Chaplain Bethune 24/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-038 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-039 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-040 account 4 Launceston City Council rates & Tamar rates 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-041 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-042 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-043 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-044 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-045 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-046 receipts Diocesan Office Synod dues, clergy removal expenses, Clerks Superannuation Assessment 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-047 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-048 receipts St. Paul's Church donations 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-049 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-050 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-051 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-052 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-053 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-054 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-055 account  Johnstone & Wilmot 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-056 account 2 Launceston City Council advertisements 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-057 account  James Barclay ironmonger 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-058 account  Selwyn Cox stationer 1/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-059 account  Wiseman & Lamb printer 1/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-060 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 1/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-061 salary W.R. Barrett curate 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-062 salary D. Sherris curate 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-063 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-064 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-065 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/07/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-066 salary Edw. Tevelein caretaker's fees 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-067 account  Launceston City Council rates 31/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-068 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-069 receipt Diocesan Office 26/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-070 account Dell & Gee repairs to verger's cottage 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-071 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-072 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-073 salary D. Sherris curate 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-074 salary W.R. Barrett curate 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-075 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-076 account E. Bankin repairs to verger's cottage 12/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-077 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 26/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-078 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-079 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-080 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-081 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-082 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-083 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 2/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-084 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-085 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-086 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-087 salary D. Sherris Curate 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-088 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-089 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-090 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-091 salary D. Sherris Curate 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-092 account State Government land tax 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-093 account J & T  Gunn repairs to Sunday School 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-094 account Examiner & Courier advertisements 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-095 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-096a account McClymont furniture polish 14/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-096b account James Barclay repairs and cleaning materials 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-096c account W. Hart & Sons building materials 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-096d account Joseph R. Green building materials 30/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-096e account Geo McLean plumber repairs to Rectory 31/08/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-097 account P.J. Dell repairs & painting 1/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-098 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-099 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-100 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-101 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-102 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-103 payment L.B.S. interest owing 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-104 expenses H.N. Baker travelling for Dean of Hobart 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-105 receipts Diocesan Office General Church Fund 14/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-106 receipts Churchwardens collections from  Sunday School 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-107 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-108 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-109 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-110 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-111 payment Reyman payment on loan 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-112 dontion Churchwardens to St Paul's 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-113 receipts Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Assessment, CWM Fund 2/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1U-114 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 001 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 002 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 003 account  Electric Light Co. electricity supply 16/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 004 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 005 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 006 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 007 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 008 salary H.N. Baker Rector 28/02/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 009 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 28/02/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 010  salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 28/02/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 011  salary choirmaster for choir boys 28/02/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 012 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 013 account  Wiseman & Lamb printer 28/02/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 014 account  Examiner & Courier advertisements 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 015 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/01/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 016 account  Birchall & sons stationer 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 017 account  Selwyn Cox books 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 018 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 019 expenses H.N. Baker 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 020 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 021 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 022 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 023 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 024 receipts Diocesan Office General Church Fund 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 025 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 026 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 027 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 028 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 029 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 030 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 031 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 032 receipts Diocesan Office House of Mercy, Claremont Camp chaplain 17/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 033 collection Churchwardens for ANZAC memorial 18/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 034 payment L.B.S. interest due 17/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 035 receipts Diocesan Office Synod dues, clergy removal expenses, Clerks Superannuation Assessment 6/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 036 salary W.R. Barrett curate 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 037 expenses H.N. Baker travelling   30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 038 expenses H.N. Baker travelling   30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 039 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 040 account Geo McLean garden water to Rectory 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 041 account Johnstone & Wilmot 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 042 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 043 account Hinman, Wright & Manser repairs 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 044 account Hugh Cunningham Perrin inscription 4/04/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 045 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 046 expenses H.N. Baker travelling 31/05/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 047 salary W.R. Barrett curate 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 048 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 049 account L.E. Darcey painting 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 050 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 051 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 052 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 053 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 054 account McClymont coir matting 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 055 account 3 James Barclay 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 056 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 057 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 058 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 059 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 060 expenses H.N. Baker 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 061 salary W.R. Barrett curate 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 062 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 063 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 064 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 065 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/08/11917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 066 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/08/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 067 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/08/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 068 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/08/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 069 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/08/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 070 salary W.R. Barrett curate 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 071 salary W.M. Lowson 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 072 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 073 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 074 account Selwyn Cox stationer 27/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 075 receipts Diocesan Office Claremont Camp chaplain 9/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 076 account Home Words' Ltd - London books 30/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 077 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 078 receipt 3 Launceston City Council 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 079 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 080 account 2 State Government land tax 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 081 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 082 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser gate repairs 31/08/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 083 account  A.R. Wiseman printer 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 084 account  Jackson's locks 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 085 account  J.H. Taylor, nurseryman hedge plants 30/06/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 086 account  L.J. Dell builder 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 087 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 088 account G.F. Hopkins re-building organ 22/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 089 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 090 account F. Lester Rectory repairs 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 091 salary W.M. Lowson 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 092 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 093 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 094 expenses Edw. Tevelein extra work 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 095 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 096 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. discharge of mortgage 14/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 097 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. interest on mortgage 14/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 098 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. discharge of mortgage 16/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 099 account A. Hutton cartage 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 100 account Telephone Co. PMG telephone rental and calls 1/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 101 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 102 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 103 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 104 salary W.M. Lowson 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 105 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 106 account  J. & T. Gunn repairs 30/09/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 107 account 2 Examiner & Courier advertisements 30/11/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 108 account  Launceston City Council 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 109 account  James Beck cleaning materials 31/10/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 110 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund 3/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 111 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 112 receipt St. Paul's Church donations 19/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 113 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 114 salary W.M. Lowson 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 115 salary Fred Brammall Curate 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 116 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 117 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 118 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 119 payment ChW interest owing 21/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 120 receipt Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Assessment 28/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1V- 121 receipt Churchwardens Sunday School offertory 28/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-001 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-002 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-003 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-004 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-005 salary W.R. Barrett Curate 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-006 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-007 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-008 account Collins' Mercantile Assurance Hopkins - insurance 31/01/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-009 account A.R. Wiseman printing 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-010 salary choirmaster for choir boys 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-011 account H. Russell & Sons organ repairs 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-012 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-013 salary H.N. Baker Rector 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-014 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-015 salary choirmaster for choir boys 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-016 salary O.V. Abram curate 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-017 salary W.S. Stephens curate 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-018 expenses T.P.H. Martin  travelling 6/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-019 receipt RS&SILA donation returned soldiers & sailors fund 11/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-020 salary W.S. Stephens curate 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-021 salary O.V. Abram curate 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-022 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-023 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-024 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-025 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-026 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-027 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-028 receipt Diocesan Office House of Mercy, C of E Fund for Soldiers Overseas 16/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-029 account Northern Timber Agency fence materials 6/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-030a account J. & T. Gunn add names to honour board 31/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-030b account James Barclay repair and maintenance supplies 15/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-030c account French Bros repair and maintenance supplies 12/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-030d account W. Hart & Sons Sunday School repair materials 31/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-031 account Telephone Co. PMG calls and line rental 12/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-032 account 2 J. & T. Gunn organ work (Organ Fund) 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-033 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-034 salary O.V. Abram curate 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-035 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-036 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-037 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 1/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-038 account 5 Launceston City Council rate 1/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-039 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund, Claremont Camp chaplain 11/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-040 receipt Anzac Memorial Hostel donation 5/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-041 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 17/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-042 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 17/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-043 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-044 account G.F. Hopkins organ repairs 21/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-045 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-046 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-047 salary O.V. Abram curate 31/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-048 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-049 account  A.R. Wiseman printer 1/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-050 account  Chas Stuart matting 1/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-051 account  Johnstone & Wilmot 8/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-052 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-053 salary O.V. Abram Curate 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-054 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-055 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-056 receipt St. Paul's Church donations 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-057 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 1/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-058 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 21/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-059 receipt Diocesan Office Synod dues, clergy removal expenses, Clerks Superannuation Assessment 9/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-060 receipt Diocesan Office C of E Aust Fund for Soldiers Overseas 16/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-061 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-062 salary G.F. Hopkins organ building 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-063 account Selwyn Cox 23/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-064 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 1/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-065 account Joseph R. Green Rectory repairs to stove and heating 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-066 account James Barclay ironmongery products 30/03/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-067 account A. Hutton bricks 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-068a account Cleavers cleaning equipment 5/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-068b account Church Publishing Co. "Church Standard" subscription 9/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-069 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-070 salary O.V. Abram Curate 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-071 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-072 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-073 account G.F. Hopkins organ repairs and materials 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-074 salary Ellen Molster J S Molster salary 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-075 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 1/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-076 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-077 salary O.V. Abram Curate 31/07/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-078 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-079 account  A.H. Wiseman printer 1/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-080 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-081 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-082 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-083 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-084 salary O.V. Abram Curate 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-085 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-086 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-087 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-088 account 2  Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-089 account  J. & T. Gunn repairs - rectory and church incl waterproofing above organ loft 31/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-090 account 2  Launceston City Council rates ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-091 account  4 Telephone Co. 4/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-092 account LCC Electric Light Co. first electricity account for St. John's 6/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-093 account Church Publishing Co. "Church Standard" subscription 17/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-094 account Cleavers cleaning materials 30/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-095 salary Ellen Molster 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-096 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-097 salary O.V. Abram Curate 31/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-098 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-099 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-100 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 1/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-101 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-102 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-103 account  State Government land tax 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-104 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 20/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-105 receipt Churchwardens Festival Service collections 19/10/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-106 receipt St. Paul's Church donation 4/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 4
SJC-1981 1W-107 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-108 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund 4/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-109 account  Joseph R. Green repairs - heater 30/06/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-110 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-111 salary Ellen Molster 29/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-112 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 3/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-113 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-114 salary H.N. Baker Rector 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-115 salary O.V. Abram curate 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-116 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-117 account  Cleavers cleaning materials 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-118 account  Joseph R. Green plumbing repairs 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-119 account  Launceston City Council rates 6/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-120 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-121 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-122 salary Ellen Molster 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-123 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-124 salary O.V. Abram curate 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-125 receipt St. Paul's Church donation 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-126 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-127 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-128 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-129 account Joseph R. Green Sunday School repairs 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-130 receipt Diocesan Office Stepney Fund ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-131 account LCC Electric Light Co. electricity supply ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-132 receipt churchwardens commission on pew rents ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-133 receipt Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Assessment, CWM Fund ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1W-134 quotation J R Green supply stove and chip heater - rectory ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-001 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance 7/01/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-002 account  Launceston City Council rates 15/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-003 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 1/01/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-004 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 17/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-005 salary choirmaster for choir boys 4/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-006 salary H.N. Baker Rector 5/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-007 salary O.V. Abram curate 6/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-008 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 10/21/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-009 salary Ellen Molster [try to check nature of employment] 10/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-010 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 11/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-011 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 15/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-012 account  W. Hart & Sons cleaning supplies 31/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-013 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 15/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-014 salary Ellen Molster   28/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-015 salary H.N. Baker Rector 3/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-016 salary O.V. Abram curate 5/32/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-017 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 5/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-018 salary choirmaster for choir boys 7/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-019 account  Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/01/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-020 expenses O.V. Abram travellng expenses 11/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-021 account Launceston City Council rates 17/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-022 account Launceston City Council lighting 17/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-023 salary O.V. Abram Curate 27/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-024 salary Ellen Molster 28/03/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-025 salary choirmaster for choir boys 2/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-026 salary choirmaster for choir boys 2/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-027 salary H.N. Baker Rector 2/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-028 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 2/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-029 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 9/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-030 account 6 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 1/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-031 account  PMG - telephone line rental and calls 9/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-032 account  Jackson's repair front door lock 16/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-033 account  LCC Electric Light Co. electricity supply 9/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-034 salary Ellen Molster   29/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-035 salary H.N. Baker Rector 7/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-036 salary O.V. Abram Curate 3/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-037 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 1/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-038 account 2 Mutual Fire Ins Co 6/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-039 salary choirmaster for choir boys 12/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-040 account 2 Electric Light Co. electricity supply 20/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-041 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 20/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-042 salary Ellen Molster   20/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-043 salary H.N. Baker Rector 31/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-044 salary O.V. Abram Curate 2/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-045 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 2/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-046 account J. & T. Gunn Honour Board, repair fence, rectory painting of 1 room, repair hot water, kitchen plaster repairs etc, wire over church windows 19/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-047 account Hinman, Wright & Manser Tower roughcast 30/04/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-048 receipt 2 Diocesan Office House of Mercy 7/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-049 account  Northern Insurrance Co workers' compensation premium 7/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-050 salary  choirmaster for choir boys 27/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-051 salary 2 Ellen Molster 27/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-052 account Electric Light Co. 27/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-053 salary Chas Stuart repairs to coir matting 1/12/1918 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-054 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 20/01/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-055 account  H.N. Baker Rector 3/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-056 salary O.V. Abram Curate 23/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-057 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 3/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-058 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 3/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-059 salary choirmaster for choir boys 3/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-060 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 1/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-061 account  H.A. Reisz - Painter & Decorator work at verger's cottage 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-062 receipt St. Paul's Church donation 9/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-063 account 2 Daily Telegraph printing 31/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-064 account  A.R. Wiseman printing 2/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-065 account  Launceston Examiner printing 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-066 account  Launceston City Council drainage repairs 10/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-067 account  Cleavers houseware and cleaning supplies 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-068 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 16/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-069 account  Mohr, James & Robinson cartage to Longford 1/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-070 receipt Diocesan Office Clergy Removal fund, Annual Assessment 28/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-071 salary choirmaster allowance for paid singers 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-072 salary H.N. Baker Rector 1/08/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-073 salary Edw. Tevelein verger's wages 2/08/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-074 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 2/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-075 account  G.W. Fysh motor bicycle £45 1/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-076 salary H.N. Baker Rector 2/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-077 account Church Publishing Co. "Church Standard" subscription 8/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-078 salary Edw. Tevelein verger's wages 4/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-079 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-080 account J. & T. Gunn repairs - glazing and ventilators 15/08/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-081 salary choirmaster for choir boys 6/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-082 account Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-083 account John King & Sons motor bicycle horn and lamp 1/08/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-084 account Mutual Fire Ins Co insurance - Sunday School 3/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-085 salary H.N. Baker Rector 3/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-086 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 3/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-087 salary choirmaster for choir boys 3/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-088 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 7/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-089 s/c  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-090 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 13/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-091 account PMG - telephone line rental and calls 31/08/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-092 account 9 Launceston Gas Co. heating and light 16/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-093 receipt Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 21/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-094 salary J.W. Bethune curate 27/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-095 salary H.N. Baker Rector 27/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-096 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 1/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-097 receipt Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 11/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-098 account  J. & T. Gunn organ chamber modifications 20/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-099 account  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-100 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 12/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-101 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-102 account  State Government land tax 1/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-103 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist [document missing from folder] 30/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-104 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 21/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-105 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 25/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-106 salary choirmaster for choir boys 27/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-107 account Electric Light Co. electrical wiring for new light 30/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-108 salary J.W. Bethune curate 3/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-109 expenses C.G. Wilkinson locum services at St Aidan's & St Oswald's 4/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-110 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 4/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-111 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 4/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-112 account Launceston City Council electricity supply 23/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-113 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-114 salary John M. Wilmer curate 22/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-115 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-116 salary W.A. Leicester casual gardening work 23/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-117 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 23/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-118 account Eleanor C. Murray Sunday School repairs 24/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-119 receipt Churchwardens Sunday School festival day collections 24/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-120 receipt St. Paul's Church donation 29/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-121 receipt Diocesan Office CW Fund and Clerks Superannuation Fund 30/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-122 account  L.E. Darcey sign boards - Mission Hall 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-123 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-124 salary choirmaster choir 30/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-125 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-126 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 19/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-127 account The Cleavers cleaning supplies 4/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-128 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1X-129 account Diocesan Book Depot Common Prayer books 13/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-001 account 3 Mutual Fire Ins Co 7/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-002 account 8 Launceston Gas Co. 1/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-003 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 28/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-004 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-005 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 4/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-006 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-007 letter G.F.Hopkins to Churchwardens re: payment 5/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-008 salary choirmaster for choir boys 10/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-009 account J. Walch & Sons printer 11/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-010 account 6 Launceston City Council rates 28/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-011 account H.A. Reisz painting Sunday School 21/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-012 account Ludbrooks painting Sunday School 24/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-013 account L.E. Darcey painting - gates, repair fences, shed floor 28/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-014 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 1/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-015 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 2/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-016 salary choirmaster for choir boys 3/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-017 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 4/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-018 salary Rev Thomas Smith Curate 10/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-019 account  Northern Insurance Co 22/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-020 account  PMG - telephone Mission House 1/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-021 account  Geo H. McLean Mission House plumbing 1/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-022 account  LCC Electric Light Co. electricity supply 16/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-023 account 3 The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-024 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-025 account  Daily Telegraph printing and advertisements 19/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-026 account  J. & T. Gunn Honour Board - gilding names 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-027 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 27/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-028 account  Tas. Insurance Co. organ insurance 23/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-029 receipt F.C. Crotty Mothers Union collection 26/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-030 receipt F.C. Crotty salary 26/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-031 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 26/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-032 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 26/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-033 account G.F. Hopkins organ building 26/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-034 salary choirmaster paid singers 1/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-035 salary choirmaster for choir boys 1/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-036 account Telephone Co. Rectory   1/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-037 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 8/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-038 receipt Mrs A. Green repayment of loan for organ rebuilding 13/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-039 account Launceston City Council rates 14/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-040 account 7 Launceston Gas Co. 1/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-041 salary John Wilmer curate 3/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-042 receipt Diocesan Office House of Mercy and General Church Fund 29/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-043 account J. & T. Gunn repair notice board 27/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-044 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-045 account Selwyn Cox stationery 27/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-046 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 27/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-047 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-048 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-049 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-050 account Derwent & Tamar Insursnce Co. Mission House 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-051 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-052 account Launceston City Council cottage rates 15/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-053 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 12/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-054 receipt Diocesan Office General Church Fund- St Oswald's 4/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-055 salary Mr E.P. Tacey Verger 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-056 account  L.E. Darcey painting Mission House 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-057 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-058 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-059 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-060 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-061 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-062 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-063 receipt Diocesan book Society 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-064 account Harry Quon Mission House plumbing 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-065 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-066 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-067 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-068 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-069 salary Mr E.P. Tacey Verger 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-070 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-071 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-072 salary J.K. Wilmer curate 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-073 salary choirmaster paid singers 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-074 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-075 account Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-076 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-077 salary Mr E.P. Tacey Verger 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-078 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-079 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-080 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-081 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-082 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. 1/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-083 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-084 account L.E. Darcey repairs to Frederick St Fence 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-085 account Geo H. McLean plumbing 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-086 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-087 account  Jackson's locks 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-088 account  Findlay's tuning 31/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-089 account  J. & T. Gunn 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-090 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-091 account  McClymont coir matting 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-092 receipt Diocesan Office 31/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-093 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-094 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-095 salary Rev Thomas Smith curate 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-096 expenses F.C. Crotty 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-097 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-098 account Launceston Gas Co. 31/08/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-099 account Launceston City Council   30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-100 account Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-101 account Telephone Co. Mission House   30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-102 salary C.G. Wilkinson assistant Priest 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-103 salary Mr F.P. Tacey Verger 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-104 salary Rev Thomas Smith Curate 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-105 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-106 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-107 salary J.K. Wilmer assistant Priest 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-108 payment Churchwardens sundry purchases 4/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-109 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-110 salary choirmaster paid singers 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-111 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-112 account Tas. Assurance Co. 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-113 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. 1/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-114 account  Telephone Co. to Rectory 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-115 account  Churchwardens industrial cleaners 14/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-116 account  Tas Government Railways advertisements 21/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-117 rct Diocesan Book Depot 1/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-118 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-119 account  G.R. McLean plumbing 1/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-120 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-121 account  The Cleavers 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-122 account  J. & T. Gunn rectory repairs 30/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-123 salary F.C. Crotty Rectory 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-124 salary Mr F.P. Tacey Verger 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-125 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-126 salary R. Stewart Murray 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-127 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-128 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. bank interest due 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-129 payment Churchwardens discharge of mortgage 15/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-130 salary R. Stewart Murray 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-131 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-132 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-133 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-134 salary C.G. Wilkinson assistant Priest 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-135 offertories Churchwardens St Oswald'a 7/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-136 salary J.K. Wilmer assistant Priest 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-137 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-138 account State Government land tax 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-139 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-140 expenses F.C. Crotty Rector 30/11/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-141 expenses F.C. Crotty postal 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-142 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-143 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-144 salary R. Stewart Murray 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-145 salary Mr F.P. Tacey Verger 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-146 salary choirmaster paid singers 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-147 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-148 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-149 account Launceston City Council 16/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-150 salary C.W. Bethune assistant Priest 16/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-151 contribution  Churchwardens to St Paul's 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-152 salary C.G. Wilkinson assistant Priest 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-153 account  The Cleavers 20/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-154 account  Selwyn Cox 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-155 account  E.J. Fox builder 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-156 salary Edw. Tevelein Verger 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-157 receipt Churchwardens general funding 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-158 receipt 2 Diocesan Office 31/12/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Y-159 receipts St. Aidan's Church bundle of 31 accounts and receipts - St. Aidan's 30/11/1920
SJC-1981 1Z-001 payment R. Stewart Murray special gift 25/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-002 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. 1/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-003 account  Mutual Fire Ins Co 12/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-004 salary C.G. Wilkinson curate 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-005 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-006 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-007 salary R. Stewart Murray   31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-008 salary Elvitia A. Richardson organist Holy Trinity 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-009 salary R. Stewart Murray   28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-010 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-011 account  J.W. Pepper & Son haberdashery 19/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-012 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-013 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-014 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-015 account 3 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-016 account  Telephone Co. Mission House 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-017 account  Launceston City Council 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-018 account  & letter G.F. Hopkins organ building expenses incl excavation of blower cellar 30/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-019 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-020 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-021 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-022 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-023 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-024 account Telephone Co. 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-025 account J. & T. Gunn repairs - glazing and flooring 31/01/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-026 account Tas Government Railways advertisements 8/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-027 account 3 Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-028 account  Launceston City Council 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-029 letter G.F. Hopkins organ building - request for payment 18/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-030 letter Churchwardens to H.C. Smith & Co. organ fund - anonymous donation of war bond £100 15/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-031 letter Ritchie & Parker, Alfred Green & Co organ fund 20/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-032 letter G.F. Hopkins organ building 16/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-033 receipt Diocesan Office General church fund & House of Mercy 28/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-034 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-035 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/03/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-036 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-037 collection Churchwardens ANZAC Day 2/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-038 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-039 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-040 account Derwent & Tamar Insursnce Co. 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-041 account 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-042 account  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-043 account  Launceston Gas Co. Mission House 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-044 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-045 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-046 account Churchwardens L.B.S. interest due 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-047 account Mutual Fire Ins Co 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-048 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-049 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-050 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-051 contribution  Churchwardens to Ss Aidan's 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-052 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-053 account F. Holdstock cartage - removal of stones 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-054 receipt Diocesan Office synod dues, clergy removal expenses 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-055 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-056 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-057 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-058 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-059 account Launceston City Council 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-060 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-061 account  Northern assurance Co. 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-062 receipt E. Mosey organ fund loan repayment 9/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-063 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-064 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-065 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-066 account  D.B. Watchorn repairs  to hall gate 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-067 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-068 account 4 Tas. Assurance Co. 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-069 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-070 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-071 account 2 Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-072 account  J. & T. Gunn repairs to ceiling and plaster - old nave 10/05/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-073 account  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 1/04/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-074 account  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-075 account Launceston City Council rates 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-076 account Launceston City Council rates 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-077 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-078 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-079 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-080 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-081 account 3 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-082 account 2 Telephone Co. Mission House 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-083 account  Launceston City Council 31/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-084 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-085 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-086 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-087 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-088 salary choirmaster Choir Boys & paid singers 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-089 account J. & T. Gunn closing vents, painting 31/08/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-090 account  Tas. Insurance Co. 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-091 account  Telephone Co. 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-092 account 4 Launceston Gas Co. 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-093 salary F.C. Crotty Rector 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-094 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-095 contribution  Churchwardens to St Aidan's 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-096 account J.J. Dell key cutting - Yale key 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-097 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-098 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/10/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-099 account  Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-100 account  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-101 account 2 Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-102 account  Daily Telegraph advertisements 30/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-101 salary G.F. Hopkins Organist 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-103 account  Brookes Robinson & Co windows - possibly installation of Cameron window to north bays of old nave, or memorial window in chapel or ambulatories 14/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-104 salary J.W. Bethune   30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-105 receipt Bank for Savings mortgage payment £200 reducing balance to £2250 10/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-106 payment Eleanor C. Murray Mission House fair 21/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-107 receipt Diocesan Office 22/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-108 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-109 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-110 salary F.P. Tacey Verger 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-111 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-112 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-113 account State Government land tax 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-114 payment Churchwardens L.B.S. bank interest due 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-115 account Salisbury Foundry Co. supply and balance fan 28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-116 account Launceston City Council 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-117 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-118 salary Edward Barnes assistant Curate 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-119 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-120 salary choirmaster Choir Boys & paid singers 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-121 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-122 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-123 donation Churchwardens to St Paul's 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-124 receipt Churchwardens Stepney Trust disbursement 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-125 salary F.P. Tacey verger 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-126 account 2 J. & T. Gunn roof gutter work -  church, renovations in rectory 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-127 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-128 donation Churchwardens to St Aidan's 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-129 commission Edw. Tevelein for P.R. 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-130 account Daily Telegraph advertisements 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-131 account 3 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-132 account  G.R. McLean drain unblocking 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-133 receipt Diocesan Office Clerks Superannuation Assessment, CWM Fund 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1981 1Z-134 account The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
END OF SECTION 1, 1820s-1921
Series Corr: 1898-1942
SJC-1982 1COR-001 Memorandum  Wardens  Verger duties  1/6/1898 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-002 account Charles Adams & Sons rectory - replace roofing, general repairs 19/4/1899 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-003 account Pepper & Perrin haberdashery and surplices 23/03/1901 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-004 statement Diocesan registry receipts and interest statement 9/01/1902 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-004A letter E Tevelein Sun. School to Ch W Sunday School would sponsor a stained glass window 2/03/1903 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-005 statement Wardens  XIX century fund amounts 1900-1904 17/04/1905 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-005A appeal Home Mission Union St John's seeking contribs for Bass Strait islands ministry 1/07/1905 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-005B invitation St. John's Church Choir concert in schoolroom for organ funds 17/09/1907 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-006 letter Wardens to Diocesan Trustees request for authority to borrow £3500 11/09/1908 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-007 account Tasmanian government land tax for 5 titles 29/12/1909 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-008 valuations Diocesan registry 4 documents £5026 land only 5 titles 4/01/1909 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-009 summary wardens financial summary for Sept. 3/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-010 article unknown handwritten 15 page article about the visitation of the sick in church doctrine 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-011 letter George Harrap - Building Committee summary of amounts raised by congregation for building - £935 7/08/1913 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-012 summary wardens List of verger's duties 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-013 summary Building Committee list of contributors and amounts £1038 31/12/1913 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-014 statement wardens statement of accounts for year ending 31 Dec 31/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-015 invoices various organ expenses 1/05/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-016 statement wardens statement of accounts for year ending 31 Dec 31/12/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-017 receipt Bank for Savings Mortgage payment £200 - balance now £2800 21/11/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-018 Memorandum  G.A. Gee, solicitor position of parish boundary between St. John's and St. Aidan's parishes - Parish was inaugurated 31/8/1921 1/09/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-019 memo book St. John's Church Lists of armed services personnel from parish (or perhaps region) - chaplains, servicemen, the fallen, nurses, 31/01/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-020 legal letter Collins Mercantile re assigned estate of Mrs F.C.Williams - Beauty Point 17/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-021 receipt Revd H Baker donation re Lantern Service - Good Friday Night 1/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-022 statement Fair committee receipts and expenses - 1919 St. John's Fair 31/05/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-023 invoices various bundle of accounts and receipts for Good Friday Lantern Service 30/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-024 invoices Launceston Gas Co Hot water repairs - Sunday School 17/06/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-025 licences Bishop Mercer Unfilled but numbered diocesan marriage licences from incumbency of Bishop Mercer, 1902-1914 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-026 statement various summaries of accounts for groups for year ending Dec 1919 - Home Mission Union, Mission House, Sunday School, Choir Fund 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-027 report wardens annual wardens' reports and balance sheets to Dec. 1919 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-028 statement wardens statement of accounts for year ending 31 Dec 31/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-029 letter Mrs S. Perrin Thank you 12/04/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-030 letter E. Whitfeld - N.H. Baker (rector) financial position 10/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-031 letters 6 Ch W - Hinman, Wright & Manser repairs to church 21/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-032 receipt G.F. Hopkins - Ch W work on organ 14/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-033 letter Ch W - G.F. Hopkins work on organ 1/09/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-034 letter Ch W - Hinman, Wright & Manser Hall & Sunday School 25/07/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-035 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W re quality of choir 15/07/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-036 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W re quality of choir 15/07/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-037 letter Ch W - military establishment service books 8/07/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-038 donation Ch W - St Aidan's Sunday School Sinking Fund loan request 24/06/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-039 letter H.W. & Manser - Ch W additions to Sunday School 24/06/1914 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-040 letter 2 Henry Reed - Ch W on finances - donation and reproval 12/12/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-041 letter  H.W. & Manser - Ch W vestry roof 16/11/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-042 letter  3 G.F. Hopkins - Ch W work on organ 5/02/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-043 Letter Temperance Union - Ch W 17/02/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-044 Letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W on finances 18/01/1915 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-045 Letter Bishop R.S. Hay - H.N. Baker response to rector's request to enlist - war 19/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-046 legal Ch W on Perrin memorial 26/10/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-047 Letter H.N. Baker - Ch W rector's request to enlist - war front 22/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-048 Letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W re: rifle range - dispute re sale of land 14/09/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-049 Letter R.E. Smith - Ch W High School hire of Hall 17/02/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-050 Letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W on endowment 20/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-051 Letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W on finances 12/01/1916 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-052 Letter W.T. Southerwood lease of glebe 4/12/1917 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-053 estimate  City of Launceston construction of Arthur Street ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-054 letter City of Launceston construction of Arthur Street 2/03/1917 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-055 letters 5 Commonwealth Govt - Ch W re: rifle range - dispute re sale of land 30/09/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-056 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W re: rifle range - dispute re sale of land 27/08/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-057 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W organ stops 15/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-058 letter Ch W - G.F. Hopkins organ fund 13/05/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-059 letter Mr R. Green - G.F. Hopkins organ fund 28/02/1918 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-060 letter G.F.S - Ch W Mission House 19/12/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-061 letter J.W. Bethune - Ch W on salary - locum 16/10/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-062 a/c G.F. Hopkins - Ch W work on organ 6/11/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-063 letter St Aidan's - Ch W insurance 19/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-064 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W stipend - incoming rector 19/09/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-065 letter Ch W - Diocesan Registrar re: rifle range - dispute re sale of land 28/07/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-066 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W re: rifle range - dispute re sale of land 22/02/1919 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-067 letter D.R. - ChW St Aidan's to be a new parish 8/09/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-068 letter Miss Smith - Ch W hire of Hall 10/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-069 letter J.W. Bethune - Ch W hire of Hall 10/07/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-070 letter Ch  W Mission House 18/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-071 letter J.W. Bethune - Ch W hire of Hall by Grammar School 25/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-072 letter Ch W - J.W. Bethune hire of Hall by Grammar School - not required 25/04/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-073 letter A.R. Green - G.F. Hopkins organ fund 25/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-074 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W work on organ 25/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-075 letter A.R. Green - G.F. Hopkins organ fund 31/01/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-076 letter Ch W report on organ fund 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-077 letter Ch W organ fund 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-078 circular Ch W War Bonds - proceeds 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-079 letter LCC - Ch w drains & excess water 30/06/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-080 letter 2 Mr Tacey - Ch W Verger on cleanliness of grounds 30/11/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-081 letter 2 Mrs J. Brooke - Ch W treasury bond - donation 28/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-082 letter  Diocesan Registrar - Ch W Cameron window - window was in storage. Family was requesting that if no longer required, it could go to Kingston 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-083 letter  Mr Harrap - Ch W pew rents 30/06/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-084 payment Ch W Mission House donation 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-085 letter Union Jack Gymnasium Club lease of hall 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-086 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W glebe land 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-087 statement Ch W Inter-Church Mission 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-088 legal 3 Diocesan Registrar - Ch W Bishop Mercer's will - unlikely to benefit St. John's. Mercer had advocated building of dome. 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-089 letter 3 J.W. Bethune - Ch W school playground and use by LCGS 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-090 legal Archdeacon Beresford - Ch W thanks for condolences - wife's death 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-091 a/c Ch W Church funds 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-092 letter A. North - Ch W payment 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-093 letter W.H. Davey - Ch W donation of timber for pews 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-094 legal - Ch W estate Miss Emily Weatherhead 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-095 letter Mrs F. Martin - Ch W thanks for memorial font 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-096 letter - Ch W glebe farm 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-097 letter  - Ch W tennis court - use by LCGS and fees 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-098 memo Choir meeting - Ch W kneelers for choir stalls 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-099 letter Ch W - old playground & tennis courts 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-100 letter 3 Mr Tacey - Ch W Verger - dismissal for unhygienic state of cottage and grounds 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-101 letter  Ch W - Mr Tacey resignation 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-102 letter  Ch W - glebe water supply 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-103 letter  Ch W - St Aidan's rectory funds - thanks 6/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-104 list Ch W - contributors fund to paint St Aidan's rectory 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-105 letter A. North - Ch W roof & turrett ladder 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-106 circular Ch W motor car for Bishop 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-107 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W plea to bishop to appoint rector as a Canon 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-108 letter LCC - Ch W extended water supply 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-109 letter 2 Bishop - Ch W negative response from bishop re appointment of rector as canon 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-110 letter + drawings A. North - Ch W ventilation over dome 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-111 minute Ch W St Aidan's rectory - response to request for share of Glebe endowment 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-112 letter Ch W to diocese St Aidan's rectory - agreement to share £400 endowment 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-113 letter Ch W to diocese request and reasons for sale of glebe 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-114 letter Percy E. Johnson - ChW glebe rent - request to defer 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-115 minute St. Paul's to Ch W St Paul's grant - protest about loss of annual endowment pmt 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-116 minute Ch W lighting of church 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-117 minute Ch W mat under switchboard - required for safety 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-118 letter Lydia M. Dodery Missions - duplex envelopes proceeds 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-119 letter Mr Wyman - Ch W Synod - offer to provide afternoon teas with proceeds as fundraiser 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-120 letter S. Eardley Wilmot - Ch W confidential donation 12/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-121 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W request for mortgage 12/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-122 letter Ch W - G.F. Hopkins acceptance of resignation 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-123  Legal 2 Ch W - Estate - H.E. Hardman 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-124  Legal 2 - Ch W Estate - H.E. Hardman 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-125 letter  Ch W - St Paul's declined request for continuation of annual endowment payment 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-126 letter  Ch W request for payment - glebe 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-127 letter  Ch W retirement subscription amounts received for Hopkins 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-128 a/c Humphrey Bros telephone payment 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-129 payment - Ch W hire of Sunday School 14/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-130 letter Dr Postle - Ch W Broadland House School pew rents 15/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-131 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W clergy funds shortfall situation 1/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-132 a/c The Argus (Melbourne) adverts 29/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-133 letter Girl Guides - Ch W thanks and donation - use of hall 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-134 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W payment for motor electricity 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-135 letter Hinman, Wright & Manser - Ch W on payment 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-136 letter Lydia M. Dodery - Ch W contribution to church funds 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-137 card Ch W - Sympathy M.E. Robinson - thanks for condolence 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-138 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W glebe - request for mortgage £500 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-139 letter Ch W - Diocesan Registrar glebe mortgage approval £750 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-140 letter Ch W to Luck glebe - request for tenant to pay agreed share of rates 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-141 letter H,W. & Manser rent - glebe area 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-142 letter Union Jack Gymnasium Club thanks and donation - use of hall 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-143 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W glebe - request for mortgage 18/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-144 letter Plummer to Ch W Mission House - acknowledgement of permission to keep garage on site 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-145 letter A.R. Gee - Ch W acknowledgement of job offer as organist 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-146 letter Ch W - A.R. Gee letter offering appointment as organist 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-147 letter Lydia M. Dodery contribution to church funds 4/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-148 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W glebe - receipt on completion of works 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-149 letter Lydia M. Dodery contribution to church funds 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-150 instructions A.H. Masters, Architect - Ch W work at Shoobridge Hall - payment clearance 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-151 letter A.H. Masters, Architect - Ch W certificate of completion - Shoobridge Hall 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-152 letter Diocesesan registrar to  Ch W on endowment investments 27/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-153 letter P.M. Mayhead - Ch W choir vestry - request for co-payment for improvements 19/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-154 letter St Aidan's - Ch W thanks for grant - see item 1COR-111 6/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-155 letter H.W. & Manser - Ch W glebe rent 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-156 letter E. Jones - Chw pew rents - final payment - moving away 26/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-157 legal - Ch W estate - M.E. Robinson £100 9/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-158 letter H.W. & Manser - Ch W glebe rent 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-159 payment G.F. Hopkins via solicitor to Ch. W request for payment for ladder 2/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-160 letter Lydia M. Dodery - Ch W contribution to church funds 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-161 legal - Ch W estate - Mrs M.E. Robinson £100 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-162 letter D. Ross Hewton - Ch W request for receipt for Clayton donations 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-163 letter Lydia M. Dodery - Ch W contribution to church funds 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-164 estimate  L. Tyson door on south side - St. John's chapel 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-165 letter Tennis Club - Ch W approval for lighting of tennis courts 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-166 letter pew holders - Ch W pew rents 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-167 letter Electoral Office - Ch W hire of schoolroom for House of Assembly election 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-168 letter Lydia M. Dodery - Ch W contribution to church funds 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-169 legal -Ch W  estate Alice E. Ruffin £50 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-170 letter 4 G.F.S - Ch W agreement to lease Mission House as GFS Lodge - some exclusions including missioner's flat and hall 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-171 letter Ch W to Salisbury's Foundry organ work - send bills to Hopkins, not church 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 1COR-172 collection Ch W to Ladies' Committee request for ladies to hold a fete with proceeds to general church funds 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 18
Series 2Cor: 1920-1948
SJC-1982 2COR-001 statement Wardens likely seat holder fees 4/02/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-002 letter G.J. Cook seat fees enclosed 17/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-003 policy Northern Assurance Co employer's indemnity policy - St. John's 1/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-004 policy Northern Assurance Co private householder's policy - F. Lester 1/03/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-005 statement Wardens seat holder fees 7/05/1920 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-006 dockets Wardens weekly collections for 1921 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-007 letter A. North to R. Hewton, rector designs for sanctuary furniture 5/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-008 letter G. Hopkins to wardens (Lester) request for payment for tuning etc 6/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-009 quote J. & T. Gunn reading desk and chair £98/10/0 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-10 quote J. & T. Gunn alms table - unable to price episcopal chair 6/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-011 letters clergy to and from bishop proposal for a separate northern diocese 24/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-011A quote F.W. Tod & Co to R. Hewton estimate for carved prayer desk - design attached 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-012 letter R. Hewton (rector) to wardens request for stipend to be banked during Hewton's leave 13/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-013 letter H.C. Brammall to Revd F Morze re clergy retreat 5/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-014 letter Mayor to R. Hewton thanks for use of church buildings, and support of ladies, for flood refugees 27/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-015 letter Mayor to all clergy appeal for clothing etc for flood refugees 7/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-016 circular bishop's pastoral letter request for contributions to emergency fund resulting from floods 7/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-017 letter bishop to Revd. F.  Morze re clergy retreat and NCRU suggestion (Morze was rector of Westbury) 15/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-018 letter Margaret ? To Revd Morze thanks for condolences from Northern Clerical Reading Union 20/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-019 letter ? to Revd. Morze declining invitation to lead retreat 24/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-020 letter E.H. Fernie to Revd. Morze re invitation to lead clergy retreat 7/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-021 letter F.J. Whittington to Morze re Fernie and clergy retreat 12/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-022 letter Rector of Westbury to Lansdell re clergy retreat 5/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-023 note ? baptism of children - requirements of parents and godparents 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-023A letter A North to vestry design for proposed Batman memorial 5/10/1934
SJC-1982 2COR-023B letter A North to vestry Batman memorial plaque proposal 9/10/1934
SJC-1982 2COR-023C letter City of Launceston to North Use of City crest on proposed Batman plaque 28/11/1934
SJC-1982 2COR-023D letter A North to vestry undated fragment of listing of native flora used in church designs - perhaps for nave columns? 1/12/1934
SJC-1982 2COR-024 letter Ethel Hopgood to Revd. Greenwood re donation of Revd. Browne's prayer books to St. John's - granddaughter of Browne 3/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-024A certificate CMS Missionary Service League member card - James Sanderson 1/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-025 invoice North to wardens specifications and drawings for chancel roof 7/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-026 letter North to J. & T. Gunn complaint re use of galvanised nails instead of copper for chancel roof 13/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-027 letter Gunns to North accepting responsibility to replace nails 16/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-028 letter North to J. & T. Gunn re the nail substitution issue 17/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-029 letter North to wardens reporting on chancel roof - nails etc 20/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-030 letter North to J. & T. Gunn re the nail substitution issue 20/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-031 letter North to wardens carving designs, chancel roof, additions to tower 1/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-032 circular Clarendon Children's Home annual report to 30 Jun 1937 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-033 letter bishop to Landsdell NCRU resolution re duties of archdeacon 13/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-034 card Mrs. D. Ross Hewton thanks for condolences - death of past rector Revd. D. Ross Hewton 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-035 letter Barrett to Lansdell (archdeacon) arrangements for clergy "Recall" (retreat?) 24/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-036 letter Barrett to Lansdell (archdeacon) NCRU, clergy "Recall" and synod 3/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-037 quote East, Roy Smith & Willing to wardens Lighting specifications and estimates for St. John's (nave rebuilding) 27/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-038 letter Aust General Electric to Goodger recommendations on light fixtures 26/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-039 letter NCRU to Lansdell (archdeacon) "Violet Day" fundraiser for Clarendon Children's Home 3/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-040 letter rector of Bothwell to Lansdell use of CSSS materials for clergy "Recall 4/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-041 letter Barrett to Lansdell (archdeacon) centenary of diocese in 1942 28/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-042 letter Barrett to Lansdell (archdeacon) notes from Southern Clerical Society re fixing age for retirement of clergy 2/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-043 circular Bridge printing office (Vic) sample materials for Mothering Sunday ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-043A letter A North to vestry regarding completion of St. John's (towers etc) beyond the nave work of 1938 8/04/1939
SJC-1982 2COR-044 letter Diocesan registrar to Lansdell document regarding marriages between British women and Greek nationals 9/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-045 quote G. Cumming to North carving of pulpit canopy and proposed choir stall canopy 17/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-045A quote J. & T. Gunn supply and fix canopy for choir stalls 16/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-046 letter North to Greenwood (rector) choir stall canopy carving 1/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-047 letter North to wardens re designs and costs - carvings 1/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-048 letter North to wardens re carving designs 6/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-049 letter North to G. Cumming acceptance of carving designs 6/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-050 letter G. Cumming to North cost of 28 carvings £97/4/- 4/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-050A letter north to Ch W justifying cost of design work 9/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-050B letter north to Ch W letter accompanying handover of 29 architectural drawings to St. John's 20/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-051 reference R.J. Routley re W. Newling 19/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-052 letter H.R. Lakin to vestry plea for funds to assist servicemen 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-053 letter St. J. Tennis Club to vestry thanks for reduction of rental 4/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-054 letter A.E. Briggs GACS to Landsdell (archdeacon) Clergy conference and centenary 4/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-055 reference G.W. Baud "to whom…" on behalf of W. Newling 4/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-056 reference Marine Board Launceston on behalf of W. Newling 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-057 reference Chalmers Church - C. Wiltshire on behalf of W. Newling 13/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-058 reference Paterson St. Church - G. Gilbert on behalf of W. Newling 6/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-059 reference Holy Family Church - E. Sturzaker on behalf of W. Newling 6/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-060 quote C. Carlstrom painting of Glebe cottage & shed 13/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-061 job descript Vestry duties of verger 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-062 letter A.E. Ford to vestry tendering resignation - health reasons 4/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-063 letter Leslie M. Hammond to vestry resignation from vestry - to RAAF 4/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-064 certificate Fair Rents Board to wardens fair rent set for Mission House £2/15/- presently unoccupied 21/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-064A letter Brooks Robinson - rector assurance that designs of the various windows are on record in case of destruction through bombing 13/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-065 letter L. Stevens to rector regarding offer of employment (as verger?) 24/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-066 reference Bible Society - M. Nielson on behalf of W. Newling 15/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-067 reference W. Reilly - storekeeper on behalf of W. Newling 19/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-068 reference T. Hodgeman - Holyman & Son on behalf of W. Newling 19/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-069 pamphlet W. Greenwood - rector Holy Week services and letter 8/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-070 certificate Diocesan inspector - Oberlin Relig. Knowledge lower mid division - Maria Stebbing 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 2COR-071 ticket St. John's Church Lenten Mission - service for women only 8/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-072 letter Launceston City Council - Churchwardens Cypress St Burial Ground instruction to close from 31 Dec 1925 has been ignored 24/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-073 letter Trustees of Burial Ground to LCC Cypress St burial ground acknowledging error 25/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-074 letter Thomas Luck - Churchwardens glebe rent 22/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-075 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens parochial year 1929-1930 3/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-076 letter G. Cumming - Churchwardens on north entrance 17/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-077 account G. Cumming - Churchwardens on north entrance 17/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-078 letter A. North - Churchwardens on Gunn's work 16/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-079 letter A. North - Churchwardens on north transept repairs 18/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-080 account A. North - Churchwardens architect's commission for designs 18/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-081 letter 8 glebe tenants - Churchwardens on glebe - A.Harrap, H.W&M, Luck 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-082 circular Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens estimates 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-083 letter Olive Green lease termination - GFS Lodge 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-084 legal 2 Tas Permanent Executors estate - Percy C. Smith 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-085 legal Walter Croft, Sole estate - Alice Ruffin 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-086 account Treasurer lenten boxes 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-087 circular Diocesan secretary fire insurance 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-088 circular Commissioner for Taxes wages tax 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-089 letter LGH - Churchwardens on collections 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-090 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens stipends 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-091 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-092 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance of Sunday School 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-093 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance of Church 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-094 legal Walter Croft, Sole estate of Alice Ruffin 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-095 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens homes 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-096 letter State Taxation Department land & icome tax Act 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-097 letter J. & T. Gunn on payment 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-098 letter H. Lakin - Lester on banking 31/03/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-099 legal Tas Permanent Executors estate of C.W. Burrows 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-100 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens synod travelling expenses 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-101 letter State Taxation Department 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-102 payment State Taxation Department 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-103 legal Miller and Weston estate of William Stepney 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-104 receipt Churchwardens bicycle sold 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-105 circular Launceston City Council - Churchwardens Assessment Roll 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-106 letter Launceston City Council - Churchwardens repair fence 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-107 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on insurance 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-108 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens funds held - ref inquiry re voluntary assessment 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-109 account Launceston City Council- Churchwardens rates, final notice 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-110 letter Ritchie & Parker Miss Home's offertory donations 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-111 letter A. North - Churchwardens organ console screen 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-112 payment Himan, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens glebe rent 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-113 letter J.& T. Gunn - Churchwardens console screen 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-114 letter A. North - Churchwardens Gunn's account 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-115 statement Bankruptcy Court glebe - T.B. Luck 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-116 legal Ritchie & Parker bankrupt estate, T.B. Luck 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-117 memo Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-118 letter J. Carter donation 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-119 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens Canning St insurance 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-120 letter Henry Reed - Churchwardens pew rents 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-121 letter Henry Reed - Churchwardens pew change 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-122 letter Churchwardens - Henry Reed pew rents 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-123 letter Hinman, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens glebe rent 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-124 letter Public Hospital - Launceston LGH appeal - donation 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-125 account Howe & Simmons work on organ 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-126 letter Richard Green - Churchwardens Union Jack Gymnasium Club 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-127 donation Ritchie & Parker Extension Fund 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-128 donation Ritchie & Parker Extension Fund 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-129 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-130 letter Launceston City Council - Churchwardens Frederick & George St lands 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-131 letter J.L.R. Carter cheque payment 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-132 letter Gov Tourist Dept - Churchwardens house registration 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-133 letter G. Cumming - A. North on carving 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-134 letter Gov Tourist Dept - Churchwardens  Shoobridge House 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-135 letter G. Baylis - Churchwardens quote for plumbing 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-136 letter A. Thollar - Churchwardens quote for plumbing 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-137 donation Public Hospital - Launceston ref. donation 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-138 letter Roy Smith - architect on porch at west door 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-139 memo Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens Trustees - interest distribution 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-140 legal Shields, Heritage, Stackhouse & Martin ref. architect's plan 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-141 letter A. North - Churchwardens Chapel carvings 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-142 legal Public Trustee office estate of W.H. Davey 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-143 letter Ritchie & Parker Mission House 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-144 legal Ritchie & Parker estate of L.R. Home 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-145 payment Ritchie & Parker progress payment - J. & T. Gunn 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-146 letter Ritchie & Parker to Brooks Robinson extension windows 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-147 letter Brooks Robinson - Churchwardens extension windows 28/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-148 letter Richard Green - Churchwardens Gunn's account 7/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-149 letter Richard Green - Churchwardens interest payment 11/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-150 letter Richard Green - Churchwardens land tax refund 14/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-151 letter Chaplain - Churchwardens Brighton Camp 28/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-152 letter Red Cross - Churchwardens French relief - donation 20/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-153 letter State Taxation Department land tax 28/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-154 memo State Taxation Department tax instalments 3/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-155 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on 'Pensions' funds 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-156 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on superanuation 1/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-157 circular Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on insurance 5/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-158 letter R. Green - Churchwardens on insurance 12/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-159 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on insurance 2/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-160 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens on insurance 24/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-161 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens Clerk's Provident Fund 30/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-162 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens insurance 20/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-163 legal Lakin & Murray - executors bequest - Miss Elizabeth Harris 12/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-164 letter Diocesan Registrar - Churchwardens Red Cross Fund donation 12/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-165 letter E.S & A Bank signing authority 13/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-166 letter Churchwardens - Diocesan Registrar St Oswald's insurance 3/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-166A letter St. Oswald's sec. to vestry to record the temporary swap of organs (harmonium) between St. John's and St. Oswald's. 31/03/1943
SJC 1983 2COR-167 letter Trustees of Diocese of Tasmania Sinking fund repayments 7/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-168 memo L.B.S. - Churchwardens on Government bonds 15/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-169 letter Inglis - executor estate A.F. Wathen 28/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-170 letter Foot & Playsted - Churchwardens re sales tax 28/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC 1983 2COR-171 legal Ritchie & Parker glebe lease - H.W. & M 10/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 18
Series 3Cor: 1949 onwards
SJC-1982 3COR-001 letter A.E. Floyd to rector possible candidate for organist/choir master 17/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-002 letter Lindsay O'Neill to rector application for position of organist/choir master 2/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-003 letter Lindsay O'Neill to rector accepting appointment as organist/choir master 21/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-004 renewal United Insurance C of E Burial Board Workers Compensation 6/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-005 letter Diocesan Registry to St. John's schedule of buildings to be insured 2/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-005A roll sheet declaration of membership (used variously 1927, 1945, 1954 5/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-006 letter Diocesan Registry to St. John's diocesan assessment list - all parishes 24/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-007 policy New Zealand Insurance Co cover for cash in transit - St. John's 19/07/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-008 receipt wardens offertories - choir and general 7/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-009 receipt City Mission donation from St. John's 1/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-010 estimate Brooks Robinson via Marsdens proposed memorial window for A.R. Gee - King David the Psalmist or St. Cecilia £97 15/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-011 notice NCRU to clergy Mtg at Carrick (Clergy gathering) to Revds R Brown & E Peppercorn 17/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-012 letter Bankers Institute to rector request for, and thanks after, service for Bankers Institute at St. John's 18/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-013 estimate Oxford Uni Press to wardens prices - Book of Common Prayer and Book of Common Praise 10/04/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-014 letter Hubert Lewis to rector donating chalice of Revd. John Youl to StJ 18/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-015 estimate J & T Gunn to wardens Costs to build 5 1st class villas 30/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-016 letter wardens to R.J. Young thanks for donation to organ fund, and for making of 2 tables for western entrance 12/10/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-017 outline A.J. Wannan to St. John's details of a financial giving scheme "Programme Maintenance & Extension" to be considered by the church 30/06/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-018 letter vestry to Methodist Dept of Stewardship Promotion preparation for upcoming "canvass" (financial giving campaign) 26/04/1971 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-019 letter vestry to Anglican Yth Council request for St. John's to be represented by 2 young people on Kelso Committee 25/03/1971 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-020 letter vestry to S.T. Kerrison requesting discontinuation of use of St. John's for free parking 31/03/1971 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-021 letter Alice Roach to vestry would like to donate 2 brass vases for chapel in memory of late husband 29/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-022 letter Barbara Dutton (nee Gee) to history group Acknowledging that she had done St. J secretarial work for Mr Fred Cookman  22/03/2004 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-022a circular Rector L. Sutton inviting married couples to special family service to conclude Festival Week 17/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-023 letter Dean of Melb to rector accepting invitation to speak at Fellowship Tea 21/10/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-024 letter Dean of Melb to rector accepting invitation to speak at Patronal Festival 5/09/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-025 letter rector to Dean of Melbourne invitation to speak at Festival Sunday services 4/09/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-026 letter acting rector ML Hughes to Revd G.H. Codrington, Brighton invitation to speak at Festival Sunday services 18/08/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-027 circular LCC to churches notification of intention to convert Scotch and Catholic cemeteries to parkland 23/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-028 extract Acts of Synod - burial grounds likely to do with LCC notice 027 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-029 letter diocesan Registry to rector receipt of oaths and declarations - Revd. J.A.L. Davies, and investment of £11750 12/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-030 letter Perpetual Trustees to rector Estate of H.E. Hardman £1000 15/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-031 index St. John's Parish Roll listing of parishioners and addresses 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-033 letter Broadland House CEGGS receipt of funds from Burial Ground Board to maintain cottage and grounds - Cypress St. 7/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-034 letter rector to bishop confirming preaching invitation and noting purchase by St. John's of land at Prospect for building future church at Prospect, also discussion of site near Lilydale Rd, and shortfall of income at St. Leonards 19/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-035 circular to congregation Christian Family Year - from Lambeth conference resolutions 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-036 letter to Lton Burial Ground Board handing over of documents to new office holder - mention of costs of caretaker and maintenance 12/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-037 report unknown author on youth work in Catholic church - in context of discussion of effective youth ministry 30/06/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-038 letter Rex McLean to wardens needs to charge a fee for public address services for various events 28/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-039 letter bishop to rector passing on request from National Fitness Council for 3 delegates to represent CofE Youth Dept at upcoming meeting. 2/08/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-040 letter (vestry member?) to treasurer querying what has happened to monetary proceeds from musical events 1/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-041 circular Diocese to all clergy William Barrett Memorial appeal 17/07/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-042 account diocesan registrar assessments for 1977 30/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-043 circular wardens to parishioners Parish Life Campaign, giving, AGM 22/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-044 circular wardens to parishioners Christmas Bowl, backlog in giving 1/12/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-045 circular wardens to parishioners backlog in giving 5/05/1971 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-046 letter diocesan registrar to treasurer acknowledging need for stipend indexation 10/05/1971 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-047 letter diocesan registrar to wardens regarding mortgage investment and other securities held for St. John's 17/08/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-048 report Dr Gollan - secretary steering gp Financial study of potential for Beresford House to be converted to nursing home 30/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-049 letter Trustees of Diocese to vestry proceeds of sale of Canning St. Hostel 27/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-050 letter Diocesan registrar to rector authorisation of loan approved 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-051 letter Diocesan registrar to rector approval for purchase of 7 acres of land in Cambridge St. 16/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-052 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry discussion re investment of Harrap bequest 13/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-053 letter vestry to diocesan registrar loan repayment and insurance cover 6/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-054 letter parish treasurer to dioc. Registrar request for clarifcation of funds held by diocese on behalf of parish 20/02/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-055 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re offer of West Launceston land to diocese 16/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-056 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re lack of insurance cover for vandalism 13/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-057 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re insurance cover for hall 30/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-058 letter vestry to diocesan registrar request for release of £5400 from endowments 22/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-059 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re increase of travel allowance for rector elect 17/10/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-060 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re glebe leases 18/10/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-061 letter vestry to diocesan registrar request for increase of insurance cover - church and organ 20/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-062 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re increased insurance cover 24/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-063 letter vestry to diocesan registrar additions to insurance cover 20/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-064 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re need for inspection for insurance cover 22/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-065 letter Queensland Insur. to Dioc. Reg. re estimate of insurance cover for stained glass windows etc 2/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-066 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry covering letter for Qld. Insurance copy 6/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-067 letter vestry to diocesan registrar further discussion of insurance of windows 6/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-068 letter vestry to diocesan registrar decision not to go ahead with insur. of windows 13/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-069 letter vestry to Overseas Dept of diocese commitment to regular mission giving 23/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-070 letter vestry to diocesan registrar re gifting of West Launceston land to diocese 29/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-071 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry acknowledgement of letter re West Launceston land 19/04/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-072 letter vestry to diocesan registrar further re gifting of West Launceston land 20/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-073 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re Diocesan Development project 27/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-074 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request for funds - Diocesan Devt project 6/09/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-075 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry progress on release of funds 23/03/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-076 letter Dept of Promotion - diocese to vestry Parish Life Conference - Beresford House 30/08/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-077 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry approval for glebe leases 12/02/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-078 letter vestry to diocesan registrar donation to Endowment Fund 4/02/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-079 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry Diocesan car expenses scale 22/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-080 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry centralised approval for canvasses 22/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-081 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry minimum stipends for diocese 22/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-082 letter vestry to diocesan registrar officers of parish and clergy stipends 13/11/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-083 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry clergy stipends and insurance 19/11/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-084 letter vestry to diocesan registrar insurance cover amount for rectory 31/01/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-085 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry increased insurance cover - rectory 3/02/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-086 letter vestry to diocesan registrar increased car allowance for rector 19/02/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-087 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re rector car allowance 25/02/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-088 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re rector car allowance 25/03/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-089 letter vestry to diocesan registrar increased stipend for Revd. T.G. Cowell 13/04/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-090 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry increased stipend for Revd. T.G. Cowell 8/05/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-091 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry increased stipend for Revd. T.G. Cowell 17/08/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-092 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry increased stipend for Revd. T.G. Cowell 26/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-093 letter vestry to diocesan registrar increase insur. cover for curate cottage 9/02/1965 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-094 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry thanks for donation to Hadspen Reibey church and New Guinea Work Camp 14/12/1965 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-095 letter bishop to Frank Ikin forthcoming Ikin trip to UK to include investigation of diocesan registries 17/02/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-096 letter Ikin to London Assur. Lton re inflation, cash flow, pension funds 9/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-097 letter Ikin to Diocesan Registrar re structure, management and audit of diocesan registry 10/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-098 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry compensation $4000 to parish for land acquired by Flood Prevention Board 28/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-099 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry thanks for report re diocesan administration 29/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-100 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry regulations re bank overdraft limit 12/05/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-101 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry confirming $5000 overdraft limit 23/08/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-102 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request for title deeds for St. John's  3/02/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-103 letter bishop's secretary to rector re faculty for plaque on sanctuary wall 27/04/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-104 letter bishop to rector authorisation for Lloyd Bath and Peter Webb to assist with admin of communion 23/02/1972 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-105 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry recommendation to move parish registers to state archives 28/06/1973 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-106 letter registrar to rector request for insurance needs of parish 1/06/1973 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-107 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry query re mortgage for $5000 lent to Broadland House by St. John's 23/08/1974 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-108 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry insurance claim re organ cellar 19/09/1974 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-109 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry tax deductibility of donations towards repair of hall as National Trust building 21/10/1974 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-110 letter vestry to diocesan registrar further investigation re Broadland House mortgage 21/10/1974 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-111 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry resolution of investigation re Broadland House mortgage 21/03/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-112 letter vestry to diocesan registrar further comment re Broadland House mortgage and use of former burial ground 20/05/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-113 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry ongoing clarification of Broadland House use of burial ground and mortgage 22/05/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-114 letter vestry to diocesan registrar ongoing clarification of Broadland House use of burial ground and mortgage 24/06/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-115 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry Overseas Fund giving target 7/07/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-116 letter Dean of Hobart to rector request for contribution to chair for assistant bishop 17/07/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-117 letter Shields Heritage to Broadland House further investigation re Broadland House mortgage 18/07/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-118 letter vestry to diocesan registrar further investigation re Broadland House mortgage 22/07/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-119 letter rector to bishop re locum tenens Revd Dick Pethybridge 28/07/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-120 letter Dean of Hobart to rector re chair for assistant bishop 18/08/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-121 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry mortgage $9000 B.R.V. Adams 24/12/1975 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-122 letter vestry to diocesan registrar Long Service Leave fund and cost of locum 19/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-123 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request for clarification re LSL funds 27/01/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-124 letter rector to bishop faculty application for placement of cross 27/01/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-125 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry further comment re Broadland House mortgage and use of former burial ground 30/01/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-126 letter rector to bishop request for permission for Revd. John Wilson of Ridley to preach at St. John's 10/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-127 letter vestry to diocesan registrar request for repayment of B.R.V. Adams mortgage on 13/2/1976 10/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-128 letter vestry to Melb. Diocesan registrar advice re developer's application to develop church property (likely Hosken) 2/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-129 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry reply re LSL - diocese believes existing arrangements are satisfactory 20/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-130 letter vestry to diocesan registrar concern re delay in receipt of Myer debenture interest, and method of payment for Hosken Developments 6/04/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-131 letter vestry to Long Service Leave Fund query re method of payment for Locum, and Workers Compensation cover 6/04/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-132 letter vestry to diocesan registrar re LSL and taxable use of rectory by rector 23/02/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-133 letter Lton City Council to rector poor maintenance of 47 Cimitere St - request for information re contact 30/04/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-134 letter vestry to LCC advising to contact diocese re 47 Cimitiere 5/05/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-135 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry re insurance cover for Locum 15/04/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-136 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry apology re interest on Myer debentures 15/04/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-137 letter Trustees of Diocese to vestry interest payment on Sun. School Hall 17/06/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-138 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request that diocese be advised ASAP re any rezoning of church land 29/06/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-139 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry election process for synodsmen 11/05/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-140 letter bishop to M. Easther summons to synod 2/08/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-141 letter rector to bishop copy of St. John's parish commitment 15/09/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-142 letter Trustees of Diocese to vestry interest payment on Sun. School Hall 17/09/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-143 form rector to bishop list of newly elected Patronage Council  8/11/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-144 letter Revd. D. Lewis to Church News article submission for 150th anniversary 1/11/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-145 letter rector to Registrar General accompanying marriage certificate inadvertently not forwarded 18/11/1976 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-146 letter bishop to rector permission for Latvian Lutheran congregation use of chapel 3 times per year 4/01/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-147 circular diocese to parishes discussion of ways to increase Provident Fund value, and stewardship program 22/02/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-148 letter parish office to diocese $400 contribution to Roland Boys' Home 11/03/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-149 letter Launceston Boundaries Committee to clergy revision of parish boundaries in West Launceston 25/03/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-150 letter General synod to rectors implementation of An Australian Prayer Book 1/04/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-151 letter rector to diocesan registrar seeking information about demise of Brooks Robinson and alternative window makers 2/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-152 circular Dept of Mission to rectors request for support re shortfall of budget 14/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-153 letter Diocese of Melb. To rector information about stained glass makers 21/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-154 report Diocese of Tasmania balance sheet to 30 Jun 1977 30/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-155 form vestry to diocesan registrar statement of commitment to Mission for coming year 1/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-156 canon General synod to rectors Australian Prayer Book Canon 1977 30/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-157 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry ordering process for new Prayer Book 19/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-158 memo Archdeacon Costelloe to clergy visit of Primate, Sir Marcus Loane and welcome service St. John's 5 March 10/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-159 memo Diocesan registrar to vestry changes to annual leave entitlement for clergy 3/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-160 letter vestry to diocesan registrar re shares bequeathed by late Dorothy Edna Genders 10/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-161 memo Diocesan registrar to vestry requesting continuation of Good Friday offerings towards children's homes 1/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-162 letter vestry to diocesan registrar amount of stipend Revd. Tony Henricks 6/03/1977 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-163 letter Dept. of Mission to rector youth synod billeting request 24/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-164 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request for information re means of payment of clergy salaries 26/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-165 letter Archdeacon Costelloe to vestry need for financial support for hospital chaplaincy 1/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-166 letter rector to Dept. of Mission billet list for youth synod 7/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-167 circular Dept of Mission to rectors request for support re shortfall of budget 20/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-168 letter vestry to diocesan registrar accompanying cheque for Missions listed 29/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-169 letter Board of Christian Education (diocesan) request for speaker for Camping Seminar re Parish Family Weekend methods 10/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-170 letter rector to Dept. of Mission advising that Sybil Brownrigg will speak at camping seminar 17/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-171 letter Beresford House Cttee to vestry synod discussion whether aged care home or continue as Youth and Conference facility 10/10/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-172 letter vestry to diocesan registrar guarantee of overdraft facility 23/11/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-173 letter trustees of Diocese to Commonwealth Bank guarantee of overdraft facility 26/11/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-174 letter parish office to diocese booking of Parish Centre for Diocesan Council 13/12/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-175 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry Diocesan subsidy for rector also being archdeacon 19/12/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-176 form rector to diocesan registrar declarations - qualified to be synodsmen 3/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-177 circular diocese to clergy Shell card for discount petrol 22/02/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-178 circular Diocesan registrar to vestry diocesan regulations re leasing of church properties 10/03/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-179 letter parish office to diocese cheque for listed supported missions 13/06/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-180 letter Commonwealth Bank to dioc. Reg. re St. John's overdraft limit 22/8/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-181 letter vestry to rector donation towards synod catering 19/8/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-182 letter to Commonwealth Bank request to cancel overdraft facility 21/8/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-183 letter vestry to diocesan registrar confirming cancellation of overdraft facility 25/8/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-184 letter Diocesan registrar to vestry request for funds to meet Overseas mission shortfall 8/9/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-185 letter vestry to diocesan registrar request for cancellation of overdraft facility 16/9/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-186 letter parish office to diocese cheque for Uganda Orphans appeal 24/11/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-187 letter rector to Revd. Lou Daniels congratulations on appointment to cathedral staff 3/10/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-188 letter parish office to diocese cheque for listed supported missions 25/11/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-189 letter parish office to diocese cheque for Bishop's Special Fund 19/12/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-190 letter parish office to diocese cheque for Uganda Orphans appeal 19/12/1980 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-191 letter L Denham to rector update re parish events during Sutton's overseas trip 6/11/1979 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-192 letter Thomas Tandy to vestry quote for covered play area, church roof tiles 11/4/1978 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-193 letter Overseas Dept diocese to vestry timing of annual missions contribution 7/2/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-194 letter State Library to Bishop Davies proposal to vest church registers with Archives Office of Tasmania 11/4/1973 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-195 letter Revd. D. Lewis to vestry donation towards Bombarde stop - Youl memorial 18/6/1974 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-196 letter Minister for Education to vestry accepting offer to buy 103 Canning St. (Mission House) from St. John's 25/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-197 letter Valuation Branch Tas. Govt to vestry confirmation of Mission House titles 13/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-198 letter Ritchie Parker to rector re lease Hinman Wright & Manser 24/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-199 form Aust. Customs import of 200 copies Marriage Service 9/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-200 letter vestry to Bank of NSW remittance for import licence 28/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-201 letter Shields Heritage to rector offering sale of land in Cambridge St. to church 21/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-202 letter APRA to vestry re licensed use of music in parish hall 5/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-203 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry re APRA and licensed use of music 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-204 letter Ritchie Parker to APRA confirming that care will be taken not to infringe music rights 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-205 letter APRA to vestry warning church because no licence has been applied for 10/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-206 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry request for further information re APRA 30/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-207 letter Ritchie Parker to APRA discussing APRA annual fee 25/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-208 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry re correspondence with APRA 25/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-209 letter Diocesan Trustees to vestry release of £1000 from Endowment Fund to parish in lieu of loan for work on hall 12/07/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-210 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry re APRA and licensed use of music in hall 22/08/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-211 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry further re APRA 20/11/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-212 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry completion of APRA arrangements 11/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-213 letter Treasurer to Diocesan Registrar notifying of Commonwealth bonds 17/05/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-214 quotation W.W. Purse & Sons to wardens paving near main entrance of church 5/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-215 letter Shields Heritage to vestry re offer for property from Platt estate 17/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-216 letter vestry to Diocesan trustees re bonds associated with Ada Harrap estate 24/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-217 letter Denham to F. Marriot MHA opposing proposal by Dr. Turnbull MHA to introduce Football Pools gambling 12/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-218 letter Denham to Rev. Browning supporting World Council of Churches Tas. opposition to football pools proposal. 13/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-219 letter Denham to Premier of Tasmania personal and vestry - urging withdrawal of football pools proposal 26/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-220 letter R.J. Turnbull MHA to vestry football pools are not gambling and un-christian 7/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-221 circular Vestry to parishioners list of upcoming events for St. John's Week 1/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-222 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry APRA licence renewal 24/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-223 form agreed conditions for users of hall application by Liberal Party to use for conference 1/02/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-224 letter R.M. & Jack Green to vestry letter accompanying contribution cheque 27/06/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-225 report Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry report on condition of church building 6/10/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-226 letter wardens to Ridley College details for guest preaching by Dean of Melbourne Dr. S. Barton Babbage 14/10/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-227 report Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry progress and accounts for water ingress repair 25/06/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-228 letter wardens to Revd. G. H. Codrington (Melb.) arrangements for guest preaching at annual St. John's festival 20/10/1958 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-229 letter Revd. Codrington to wardens re expenses for guest preaching 23/10/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-230 specification Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry repairs to kindergarten room - hall 4/12/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-231 report Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry options for improvements to hall 31/07/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-232 letter Rupert Hart to vestry proposing scholarship for ministry training 2/08/1959 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-233 letter restor to Transport Department problems with funeral parking and traffic 11/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-234 letter Transport Dept to rector responding to letter re funeral parking 23/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-235 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry re sale of property on corner of Spencer and Welman Sts - perhaps from an estate? 7/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-236 letter Supreme Court Returning Officer hiring agreement for polling station in hall 21/04/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-237 letter Transport Dept to rector responding to letter re funeral parking 24/05/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-238 letter Broadland House CEGGS to rector re religious education in CEGGS 5/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-239 estimate N.E. Wing Pty Ltd to vestry floor repairs and ventilation - St. John's 7/08/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-240 letter warden to Taxation Dept. re sales tax on printing for church purposes 27/04/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-241 letter Taxation Office to vestry re sales tax on printing for church purposes 4/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-242 letter Denham to Rev. H. Butterley Butterley in Hong Kong - invite to visit St. John's 1/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-243 letter Taxation Office to vestry confirming tax exemption for organ brochure 30/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-244 letter HEC to wardens alert- faulty earthing in Sunday School hall 21/11/1961 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-245 account Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry for repairs to kindergarten room - hall 11/04/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-246 letter Denham to Church News response to anonymous letter published in Church News alleging wasteful use of church funds (on the organ rebuild) 16/04/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-247 letter Commonwealth Bank to vestry amount required to liquidate mortgage on St. John's Church 4/05/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-248 certificate Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry approving payment for kindergarten works 10/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-249 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry finalising kindergarten project and submitting account 21/06/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-250 letter R.J. Young to vestry re completion of drop-leaf table tops in church. Payment to be donated to CMS etc 18/09/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-251 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry re proposed houses for curate and verger - Frederick St. 10/10/1962 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-252 letter Women's Guild to vestry request for sink in cupboard - hall 26/02/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-253 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry further estimate for verger's cottage 7/06/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-254 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry drawings and specification for verger's cottage 7/08/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-255 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry list of tenders and prices - verger's cottage 6/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-256 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry insurance and progress payments - verger's cottage 30/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-257 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry insurance and progress payments - verger's cottage 21/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-258 letter vestry to R. M. Phelp thanks for repair to church clock 19/02/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-259 letter vestry to M.A. Ford thanks for repair to church clock 19/02/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-260 letter vestry to Roy Smith Willing & Newman list of details still needing attention - verger's cottage 9/03/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-261 letter Commonwealth Bank to vestry confirmation of overdraft facility £3000 16/03/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-262 letter Roy Smith Willing & Newman to vestry notification of Defects Liability Period - verger's cottage 20/03/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-263 letter vestry to Commonwealth Bank application for overdraft facility 21/04/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-264 letter R.J. Young to vestry resigning as representative on Aust. Council of Churches but ongoing Bible Society 27/07/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-265 letter Camsas to vestry progress on cleaning of transept and ongoing cleaning - chancel, baptistery, nave 6/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-266 letter HEC to wardens warning that old lead-sheathed electrical cabling needs replacing 9/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-267 letter vestry to R. Young requesting invoice for work on "Roll of Past Rectors 10/03/1964 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-268 letter City Council to wardens approval for building works granted 26/10/1965 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-269 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry list of church properties and valuations 1/02/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-270 letter G.J. Foot MLC to rector re request to allow private cars to park on taxi rank near St. John's on weekends 7/02/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-271 quotation J & T. Gunn to vestry repainting tower and doorways of church 22/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-272 quotation French Bros. to vestry repainting tower and doorways of church 23/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-273 letter Ritchie Parker to vestry negotiations with Valuation Court to reduce valuation on verger's cottage 27/05/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-274 letter Denham to rector willingness to stand aside for younger person - vestry and church officers elections 27/06/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-275 letter Minister for Transport to G.J. Foot, MLC some concession re parking on taxi rank 2/09/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-276 letter Alf Chipman (curate) to vestry meeting with rector and wardens re accommodation 2/11/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-277 letter Alf Chipman (curate) to vestry regarding request by vestry to change accommodation from Scotch College 10/10/1966 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-278 letter St. Andrews Evandale to wardens acknowledging receipt of copper boiler 17/03/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-279 letter vestry to St. Andrews Evandale acknowledging boiler on loan to St. John's 5/05/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-280 letter J.F. McAra to Denham opinion relating to restoration of stonework 8/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-281 letter Beatrice Robinson NSW to rector application to serve as deaconess 1/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-282 letter Beatrice Robinson NSW to rector re travel and removal arrangements to L'ton 8/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-283 letter Deaconess Crawford to rector re licensing of Deaconess Robinson in Tas. 14/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-284 estimate S.D. Clark P/L to vestry renewal of spouting on north side of church 14/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-285 circular wardens to parishioners financial situation and request for completion of pledges 25/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-286 letter D. Hitchcock MLC to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino 26/09/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-287 letter W.A. Bethune MHA to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino 26/09/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-288 letter L.H. Bessell MHA to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino - Liberal Party opposes same 26/09/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-289 letter G.J. Foot MLC to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino - is opposed 26/09/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-290 letter Eric Barnard MHA to rector relaying Mr. LeFevre MHA opposition to casino 2/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-291 letter E.W. Beattie MHA to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino - is opposed 2/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-292 letter Minister for Lands & Works to rector views of motion passed by Anglican parishes meeting re casino will be taken into account 7/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-293 letter Max Bushby MHA to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino - is opposed 7/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-294 letter R. Ingamells MHA to rector re proposed Wrest Point casino - is opposed 9/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-295 letter vestry to V. Proverbs, choir sec. declining introduction of processional cross as "divisive to the parish 28/11/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-296 letter vestry to Town Clerk letters disputing cost of tree pruning carried out by Council 24/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-297 letter Etna Stone (Hobart) to vestry agreeing to discuss stonework project 3/08/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-298 letter PMG Dept to vestry re lease of carpark spaces 4/08/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-299 letter PMG Dept to vestry confirming reservation of carpark spaces 11/08/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-300 letter Diocesan Trustees to vestry adjustment of interest on mortgage 12/09/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-301 letter Roberts Stewart & Co to vestry appraisal of sale price for 8 Spencer St. 19/12/1969 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-302 letter Commonwealth Bank to vestry continuation of concessions re bank fees 2/02/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-303 letter Shields Heritage to vestry cheque $200 from estate of late E.B. Grubb 6/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-304 letter Launceston Philatelic Soc to vestry requesting use of kindergarten room in hall 9/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-305 letter Archdeacon Jerrim to vestry requesting use of proceeds of sale of Cambridge St. land for clergy residence in Peel St. associated with St. Mark's 7/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-306 letter Lindsay O'Neill to vestry concern re loss of boys from choir - ways to keep them, and girls, involved 11/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-307 letter Launceston Philatelic Soc to vestry concern re poor lighting in kindergarten, and offer to assist with improvement of same 27/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-308 letter vestry to G.A. Purcell concern re water drainage from Overton House running under church hall 15/03/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-309 letter Town Clerk to vestry investigation into dislodgement of brick fence - problem is a tree root on rectory site 15/05/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-310 circular Jean Hearn to all offering pamphlets - how young men can conscientiously object to conscription 19/08/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-311 letter Brisbane Diocesan Registry to rector re conditions of selecting a Blake Prize artwork winner 21/12/1970 ASAC C2A Box 18
SJC-1982 3COR-312
SJC-1982 3COR-313
SJC-1982 3COR-314
SJC-1982 3COR-315
SJC-1982 3COR-316
Series 2: 1922-1948
SJC-1982 2A-001 collection Ch W Organ Fund 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-002 donation Ch W Organ Fund 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-003 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-004 a/c  Tas Gov. Railway adverts 17/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-005 a/c  Chadwick Gas Burners gas lamp and burner 20/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-006 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-007 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-008 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-009 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-010 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-011 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-012 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-013 collection Ch W for C.M.S. 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-014 salary Edward Barnes Curate 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-015 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-016 a/c  Telephone Coy calls and line rental 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-017 a/c  Launceston City Council electricity 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-018 a/c  Johnstone & Wilmot wine 28/02/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-019 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. liability insurance 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-020 a/c  McClymont wardrobe repairs 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-021 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1921 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-022 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/01/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-023 a/c  2 Tas Insurance Coy premium payments 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-024 salary Sister Flora G. Cole Deaconess 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-025 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-026 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-027 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-028 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-029 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates & electricity 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-030 salary Choirmaster paid singers 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-031 a/c A.R. Wiseman printing 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-032 a/c 2 Telephone Coy church & rectory 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-033 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-034 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-035 letter Ritchie , Parker & Green mortgage 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-036 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-037 salary Edward Barnes Curate 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-038 a/c Derwent & Tamar Assurance Co. premium payments 3/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-039 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-040 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-041 a/c The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/03/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-042 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-043 a/c 2 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-044 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 11/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-045 receipt Ch W to House of Mercy 15/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-046 payment Ch W L.B.S. interest due 28/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-047 a/c 2 Mutual Fire Insurance Co. policy renewal 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-048 collection Ch W general church fund 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-049 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-050 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-051 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser replace ironwork in tower 30/04/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-052 fare & salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-053 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-054 receipt Ch W Home Mission Union 1/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-055 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 2/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-056 a/c 2 Launceston City Council electricity 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-057 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-058 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy premium payments 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-059 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-060 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-061 salary Edward Barnes Curate 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-062 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-063 donation Ch W to St Paul's 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-064 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-065 receipt Diocesan Office 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-066 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-067 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-068 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-069 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-070 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-071 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-072 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-073 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-074 a/c 2 Launceston City Council electricity payment per meter reading 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-075 a/c  Geo. R. McLean plumber 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-076 a/c  A.W. Birchall & Sons stationery 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-077 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-078 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-079 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/08/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-080 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-081 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/08/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-082 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-083 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-084 a/c j. & T. Gunn repairs 31/07/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-085 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-086 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-087 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-088 salary Edward Barnes Curate 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-089 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-090 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-091 salary Choirmaster paid singers 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-092 a/c Tas Insurance Coy premium payments 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-093 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-094 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-095 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-096 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-097 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-098 a/c 4 Selwyn Cox stationery 30/09/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-099 a/c  Launceston City Council electricity 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-100 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-101 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-102 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-103 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-104 a/c Launceston City Council electricity for Sunday School 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-105 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-106 a/c Launceston City Council electricity for church 31/10/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-107 receipt Diocesan Office 10/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-108 donation Ch W Home Mission Union 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-109 payment Ch W L.B.S. discharge of mortgage 11/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-110 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-111 a/c L'ton Corp. tarring 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-112 payment Ch W L.B.S. interest due 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-113 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-114 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-115 salary Edward Barnes Curate 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-116 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-117 salary Edward Barnes Curate 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-118 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-118A salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-119 payment D. Ross Hewton telephone rent, half year 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-120 salary Edward Barnes Verger's wages 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-121 payment Ch W Sunday School offertory 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-122 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-123 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-124 receipt Diocesan Office 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-125 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-126 a/c 2 State gov land tax 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-127 a/c Brooks, Robinson & Co O.S.M. plaque 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-128 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser O.S.M. plaque erecting of 30/11/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-129 donation Ch W to St Paul's 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-130 payment Edw. Tevelein commission on pew rents 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2A-131 receipt Diocesan Office 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-001 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-002 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-003 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-004 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-005 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-006 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-007 a/c  Leslie Tyson repars at rectory 2/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-008 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-009 a/c 3 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-010 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/12/1922 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-011 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-012 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-013 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy premium payments 1/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-014 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. premium payments 1/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-015 letter C.T. Pargiter to Ch W of Longford 1/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-016 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-017 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-018 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 31/01/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-019 a/c  L'ton Corp. electricity 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-020 expenses Rev F Griffiths visit 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-021 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-022 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-023 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-024 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-025 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-026 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-027 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. rates 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-028 a/c  Geo. R. McLean plumber 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-029 a/c 2 Selwyn Cox stationery 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-030 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-031 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-032 a/c  Telephone Coy calls and line rental 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-033 a/c  A.C. Ford path surface 18/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-034 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-035 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 24/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-036 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons palings 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-037 salary F.S. Smith Curate 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-038 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-039 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-040 a/c  Peter Anderson coir matting 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-041 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-042 a/c 2 Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. premium payments 31/03/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-043 donation Ch W Russian Famine Fund 17/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-044 receipt Diocesan Secretary 18/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-045 payment Ch W L.B.S. interest due 22/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-046 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-047 receipt A.R. Wiseman printing (donation) 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-048 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot wine 28/02/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-049 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser marble tablets 15/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-050 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-051 salary F.S. Smith Curate 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-052 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-053 donation Ch W Roper River Missions 7/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-054 donation A.L. Green repairs to property 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-055 donation F. Lester repairs to path 30/04/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-056 salary F.S. Smith Curate 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-057 a/c Leslie Tyson repairs 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-058 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy premium payments 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-059 a/c J. & T. Gunn glazing etc - St. John's Hall 29/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-060 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-061 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-062 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-063 a/c Bungey's towels 31/05/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-064 salary F.S. Smith Curate 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-065 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-066 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-067 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-068 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-069 salary Choirmaster paid singers 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-070 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-071 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-072 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-073 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-074 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-075 donation Ch W to St Paul's 16/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-076 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-077 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-078 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-079 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-080 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-081 a/c 2 Church Stores Hymn Books 18/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-082 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-083 a/c 2 Leslie Tyson builder 31/07/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-084 a/c  J.R. Green repairs 30/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-085 payment 2 Ch W L.B.S. discharge of mortgage 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-086 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-087 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-088 receipt 2 Ch W students' help on Sundays 20/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-089 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-090 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-091 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 29/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-092 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 1/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-093 salary Rev. C.T. Pargiter 2 months 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-094 salary Rev. C.T. Pargiter 12 Sundays 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-095 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-096 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-097 salary Choirmaster paid singers 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-098 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-099 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. per meter reading 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-100 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-101 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. rates 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-102 a/c Tas Insurance Coy fire 15/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-103 a/c Quon's Plumbing G.F.S. 1/06/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-104 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-105 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-106 donation Ch W prohibition League 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-107 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-108 receipt Diocesan Book Depot - Hobart service stationery 31/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-109 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green mortgage 11/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-110 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot wine 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-111 a/c Tabart Bros Printers 15/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-112 a/c 2 j. & T. Gunn repairs 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-113 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-114 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-115 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-116 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-117 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-118 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-119 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-120 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-121 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-122 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-123 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-124 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-125 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-126 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-127 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-128 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-129 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-130 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-131 a/c  State gov land tax 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-132 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-133 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-134 a/c F.H. Stephens pipes for organ 30/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-135 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-136 donation Ch W to St Paul's 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-137 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-138 collection Ch W S. S. Festival 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-139 a/c Armitage & Armitage chairs 7/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-140 payment Ch W commission on pew rents 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2B-141 letter Ritchie , Parker & Green Gift to building fund - major donation to clear debt 14/08/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-001 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-002 a/c  Clyde Holmes Mission House repairs 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-003 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-004 salary Isabel Kelly S. S.  31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-005 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-006 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-007 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-008 a/c  Selwyn Cox Printers 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-009 a/c  Geo. R. McLean plumber 30/09/1923 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-010 a/c 3 Daily Telegraph adverts 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-011 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-012 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-013 a/c 2 j. & T. Gunn 31/01/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-014 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-015 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-016 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy fire 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-017 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-018 collection Ch W Missionary School 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-019 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-020 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-021 a/c Leslie Tyson fence repairs 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-022 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-023 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-024 a/c  L'ton Corp. rates & electricity 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-025 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-026 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-027 a/c  The Cleavers 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-028 a/c  j. & T. Gunn notice board 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-029 a/c  Selwyn Cox paper 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-030 a/c  Quon's Plumbing at "G.F.S. Lodge" Canning St. Was this the Mission House building? 28/02/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-031 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-032 a/c  Telephone Coy 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-033 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-034 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-035 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-036 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-037 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-038 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-039 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-040 donation Ch W quarterly to other churches 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-041 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-042 a/c 2 Phoenix Assurance Coy 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-043 a/c 2 j. & T. Gunn Whitfeld memorial 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-044 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-045 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-046 a/c 2 Geo. R. McLean plumbing repairs - St. John's 30/04/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-047 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-048 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-049 a/c State gov land tax 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-050 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-051 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-052 a/c j. & T. Gunn contract a/c 10/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-053 a/c Quon's Plumbing at "G.F.S. Lodge" Canning St. Was this the Mission House building? 31/05/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-054 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-055 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-056 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-057 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-058 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-059 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-060 salary F.P. Tacey Verger's wages 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-061 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-062 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-063 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-064 receipt Diocesan Office 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-065 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-066 salary D. Dickenson Verger's wages 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-067 donation Ch W Save the Children Fund 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-068 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-069 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-070 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-071 a/c  The Cleavers 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-072a a/c  Geo. R. McLean 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-072b a/c  R.J. Wilkinson 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-072c a/c  J.R. Green 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-072d a/c  Selwyn Cox 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-073 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-074 collection Ch W Mission House  19/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-075 collection Ch W building fund 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-076 salary D. Dickenson Verger's wages 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-077 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-078 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-079 salary 2 G.F. Hopkins organist 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-080 a/c Sylvanus Wilmot memorial font 30/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-081 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-082 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-083 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-084 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-085 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-086 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-087 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-088 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-089 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-090 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-091 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-092 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-093 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-094 a/c j. & T. Gunn contract a/c 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-095 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-096 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-097 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-098 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. rates & electricity 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-099 payments 9 D. Ross Hewton sundry a/c 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-100 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-101 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-102 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-103 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-104 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-105a payment 4 D. Ross Hewton sundries 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-105b letter from G.F. Hopkins to Ch W Report on break-in to choir vestry and wilful damage to organ blower fan 24/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-106 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-107 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 30/11/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-108 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-109 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/11/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-110 salary F.A. Carr (Rev) Curate 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-111 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-112 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-113 a/c Daily Telegraph adverts 30/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-114 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-115 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-116 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-117 salary A.J. McCabe Curate 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-118 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-119 a/c A. North Mosaic in chancel and roofing of organ chamber 31/10/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-120 a/c E.M. Freeland glebe 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-121 a/c j. & T. Gunn trepairs all buildings 5/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-122 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-123 donation Ch W to St Paul's 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-124 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-125 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-126 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-127 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-128 payment Ch W to Edward Tevelein comm. On pew rents 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-129 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-130 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-131 donation Ch W to Sunday School 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2C-132 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-001 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. gas supply 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-002 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-003 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-004 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-005 salary A.J. McCabe Curate 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-006 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-007 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-008 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-009 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-010 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-011 salary 2 A.E. Ford Verger's wages 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-012 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-013 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-014 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-015 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-016 a/c Geo. R. McLean repairs to organ 11/09/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-017 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-018 donation ch W fr E.C. Murray 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-019 a/c Northern Motors for organ 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-020 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-021 a/c Glasgow Egineering Co. for organ 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-022 salary E.C. Murray Curate 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-023 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-024 donation Ch W  to St Aidan's 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-025 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-026 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-027 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-028 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/03/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-029 a/c Leslie Tyson organ  30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-030 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 28/02/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-031 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-032 a/c PMG Department line rental and calls 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-033 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. gas supply 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-034 a/c  The Cleavers 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-035 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-036 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-037 a/c  L'ton Corp. 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-038 a/c  G.F. Hopkins organ building 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-039 a/c  Salisbury Foundry gates 31/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-040 receipt Diocesan Secretary House of Mercy donation 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-041 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-042 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-043 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-044 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-045 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-046 a/c L'ton Corp. glebe - attention to water supply 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-047 a/c 2 Jackson's locks 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-048 donation Ch W to choir fund 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-049 a/c 2 Phoenix Assurance Coy 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-050 a/c  E.W. Wilkins Mission House 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-051 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-052 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-053 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-054 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-055 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/05/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-056 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-057 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-058 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-059 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-060 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-061 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-062 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-063 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-064 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-065 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-066 a/c  E.G. Stephenson Printers 30/04/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-067 a/c 2 j. & T. Gunn repairs to stonework and vents 31/12/1924 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-068 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-069 a/c  Medhurst's & Son / Cleavers 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-070 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-071 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-072 donation D. Ross Hewton for unemployed 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-073 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-074 donation Ch W to St Paul's 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-075 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-076 a/c Medhurst's & Sons   Mission House 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-077 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-078 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-079 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-080 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/07/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-081 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/08/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-082 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-083 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-084 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/08/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-085 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-086 a/c J.H. Irvine Mission House 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-087 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-088 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-089 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-090 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-091 donation CH W to St Aidan's 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-092 a/c  H.A. Morgan Rectory repairs 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-093 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-094 payment Edw Tevelein commision on pew rents 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-095 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-096 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-097 a/c 6 Launceston City Council 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-098 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-099 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-100 a/c Leslie Tyson paths 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-101 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-102 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-103 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-104 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-105 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-106 a/c Leslie Tyson window repairs 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-107 expenses H.N. Baker travelling 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-108 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-109 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-110 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-111 salary D. Ross Hewton rector 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-112 a/c  j. & T. Gunn repairs 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-113 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-114 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-115 a/c  Hinman, Wright & Manser supply water pipe - Glebe 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-116 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-117 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-118 a/c  H. Goodluck Mission House repairs 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-119 a/c  Selwyn Cox Hymn books 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-120 a/c  L'ton Corp. 31/10/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-121 receipt Miss Murray C.M.S. School 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-122 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-123 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-124 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-125 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-126 a/c L'ton Corp. eater supply 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-127 donation Ch W to St Paul's 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-128 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-129 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-130 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-131 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-132 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-133 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-134 receipt Mr H Lakin Sunday School 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-135 a/c The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-136 a/c A.R. Wiseman Printers 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2D-137 a/c 2 French Bros 30/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 10
SJC-1982 2E-001 a/c 5 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-002 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-003 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-004 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-005 a/c B.F. Fox glebe repairs 10/06/1925 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-006 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-007 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-008 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-009 salary G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-010 a/c Leslie Tyson repairs at LCGS 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-011 a/c Clyde Holmes Mission House 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-012 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-013 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-014 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-015 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-016 rct Miss Murray C.M.S. School 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-017 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-018 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-019 a/c  A.R. Wiseman printing   28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-020 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-021 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-022 donation Ch W to St Aidan's 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-023 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-024a payment Maguire sundries 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-024b payment Selwyn Cox sundries 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-024c payment B. Burke sundries 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-025 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-026 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-027 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-028 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-029 salary  D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-030 salary  Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-031 a/c PMG Department line rental and calls 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-032 letter G.F. Hopkins organ building 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-033 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-034 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-035 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-036 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-037 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-038 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-039 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-040 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-041 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-042 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-043 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-044 a/c Phoenix Assurance Coy 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-045 a/c L'ton Corp. Misson Hse electricity 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-046 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-047 memo Ch W list of fares and freight 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-048 a/c 2 The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-049 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-050 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-051 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-052 salary F.J. McCabe Curate 31/05/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-053 donation Ch W to Children's Hospital 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-054 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-055 a/c  Tas Insurance Coy 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-056 a/c 2 j. & T. Gunn / S. Cox opening ventilators in dome 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-057 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-058 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-059 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-060 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-061 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-062 receipt Diocesan Secretary donation 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-063 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-064 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-065 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-066 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-067 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-068 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-069 a/c  L'ton Corp. electricity Mission Hse 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-070 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-071 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-072 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-073 donation A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-074 a/c Ch W to Children's Mission 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-075 salary Medhurst & Sons festival lighting 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-076 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-077 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-078 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-079 a/c Eric N Gidley Curate 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-080 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-081 expenses Quon's Plumbing Mission House 31/07/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-082 expenses Ch W for clergy 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-083 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-084 a/c  L'ton Corp. electricty 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-085 receipt Diocesan Secretary donations, clergy removal fund etc 30/04/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-086 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-087 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-088 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-089 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-090 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser glebe repairs 31/12/1925 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-091 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-092 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-093 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-094 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-095 a/c 3 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-096 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-097 a/c A.R. Wiseman printing   31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-098 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-099 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-100 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-101 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-102 salary W.J. Sayer gardener 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-103 a/c J. & T. Gunn repairs 30/09/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-104 a/c Quon's Plumbing repairs to water pipe 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-105 a/c J.R. Green sideplate 30/06/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-106 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-107 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-108 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-109 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-110 receipt Diocesan Secretary donations etc 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-111 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-112 a/c G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-113 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-114 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-115 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 31/08/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-116 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-117 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-118 a/c W. Jacobson cleaning 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-119 a/c 2 The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-120 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-121 a/c 4 Selwyn Cox stationery 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-122 payment A.E. Ford pew rents 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-123 salary  D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-124 a/c A.A. Castley Parish Messenger 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-125 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-126 a/c United Distributors floor mops 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-127 a/c Foot & Playsted printing   31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-128 collection Ch W Sunday School 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-129 letter G.F. Hopkins organ building 6/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-130 statements Ch W financial report to 31/12/1926 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-131 statements Ch W Annual reports & balaces 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-132 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2E-133 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-001 statement 14 Ch W Duplex Fund returns 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-002 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-003 a/c  L'ton Corp. electricity 31/10/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-004 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-005 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-006 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-007 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-008 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-009 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-010 receipt Mr Lawrence Green refund to Mr. Tacey 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-011 a/c L'ton Corp. repairs 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-012 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-013 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-014 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-015 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-016 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-017 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-018 collection Ch W C.M.S. School 28/02/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-019 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-020 receipt Diocesan Secretary donations etc 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-021 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-022 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-023 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-024 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-025 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-026 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-027 payment A.E. Ford for painting hall 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-028 pay sheet Ch W Glebe rents 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-029 a/c H.T. Russell & sons fence palings 30/11/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-030 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-031 receipt Ch W Duplex Fund 31/03/1926 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-032 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-033 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-034 a/c  Selwyn Cox 31/01/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-035 a/c  Launceston City Council telephone 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-036 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-037 a/c  Daily Telegraph adverts 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-038 a/c  The Cleavers 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-039 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-040 a/c  Foot & Playsted printing   31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-041 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-042 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-043 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-044 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-045 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-046 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-047 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour (McKay) 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-048 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-049 a/c C. Newstead electrician 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-050 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-051 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-052 a/c J. & T. Gunn supply navvy barrows 31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-053 a/c The Cleavers account cancelled 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-054 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-055 collection Ch W musical event 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-056 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-057 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-058 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-059 a/c 3 Launceston City Council 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-060 a/c 2 Phoenix Assurance Coy 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-061 a/c 2 Duncan's Boot Palace gumboots 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-062 a/c   Andrew Duncan Pty Ltd. gumboots 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-063 a/c 2 Johnstone & Wilmot wine 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-064 a/c  Foot & Playsted printing   30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-065 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-066 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-067 a/c  Medhurst & Sons Mission House 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-068 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-069 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-070 a/c F. Lundmark glebe drainage 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-071 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-072 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-073 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-074 a/c A.H. Luck Glebe sluice gates 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-075 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-076 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-077 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-078 a/c  The Cleavers 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-079 salary Ch W paid musicians 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-080 donation Ch W to Public Hospital 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-081 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-082 a/c P.J. Dell plumbing to Mission House 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-083 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-084 stationery Ch W Mission envelopes 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-085 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-086 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-087 a/c L'ton Corp. Mission House 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-088 pay sheet Ch W Glebe labour pay sheet 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-089 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-090 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-091 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-092 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-093 receipt W. Britton Glebe labour pay sheet 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-094 receipt W. Denman Glebe labour pay sheet 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-095 receipt G. Griffiths Glebe labour pay sheet 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-096 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-097 a/c  Selwyn Cox stationery 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-098 a/c  Jackson's locks 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-099 a/c  Quon's Plumbing rectory repairs 30/04/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-100 a/c  French Bros repairs  31/03/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-101 a/c  J. & T. Gun repairs  31/05/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-102 receipt Ch W cancelled 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-103 expenses Ch W for clergy 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-104 a/c G.F. Hopkins repairs to organ 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-105 a/c Quon's Plumbing repairs to rectory 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-106 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-107 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-108 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-109 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-110 a/c A.W.M. Brewer glebe surveyor - travelling 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-111 a/c P.J. Dell repairs to cottage 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-112 a/c J. Fotheringham & Co. leathers for organ 30/06/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-113 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-114 a/c  W. Denman Glebe labour pay sheet 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-115 a/c  W. Denman Glebe labour pay sheet 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-116 a/c  G. Rankin Glebe labour pay sheet 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-117 a/c  Medhurst & Sons 31/08/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-118a a/c  Sydney Morning Herald ad for organist 31/07/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-118b a/c  W.K. Thomas S.A. reply - avert for organist 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-119 a/c  Royal Exchange Assurance 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-120 receipt Diocesan Secretary donations etc 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-121 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-122 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-123 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-124 salary G.F. Hopkins orgaist 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-125 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-126 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-127 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-128 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-129 donation Ch W Foreign Mission 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-130 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-131 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-132 a/c 2 The Cleavers painting supplies 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-133 a/c  L'ton Corp. repairs at glebe 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-134 a/c  Daily Telegraph ad 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-135 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-136 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-137 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-138 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-139 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. electricity 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-140 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary donations etc 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-141 receipt  Diocesan Secretary donations etc 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-142 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-143 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-144 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-145 payment A.E. Ford commission on pew rents 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-146 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-147 a/c Resevear & Burn plumber 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-148a a/c Daily Telegraph advers for organist 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-148b a/c L'ton Examiner advers for organist 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-148c a/c Argus advers for organist 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-149 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-150 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-151 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-152 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-153 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-154 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-155 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts  30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-156 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-157 stationery C.M.S. exhibition 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-158 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-159 payment Ch W transfer to Building Society 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-160 receipt Diocesan Secretary clerks provident fund etc 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-161 donation Ch W to Srepney estate 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2F-162 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-001 card Mr Henry Reed & Family thanks for sympathy 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-002 papers Ch W G.F. Hopkins testimonial contributions: quite substantial amount from many people in recognition of 16 years of service as organist and organ builder 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-003 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-004 a/c 3 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-005 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-006 a/c G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-007 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-008 a/c L'ton Corp. electricity 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-009 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-010 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-011 salary G.F. Hopkins organist 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-012 a/c G. Archer glebe 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-013 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-014 receipt Miss Murray Missions 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-015 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-016 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-017 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-018 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-019 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-020 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-021 a/c Foot & Playsted printing   28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-022 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-023 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-024 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-025 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-026 salary Miss Murray Missions 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-027 a/c E.G. Stephenson printing   31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-028 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adv 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-029 a/c  Selwyn Cox stationery 28/02/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-030 a/c  Medhurst & Sons install earth wire 30/11/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-031 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-032 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-033 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-034 a/c 2 Daily Telegraph adverts 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-035 a/c  The Cleavers 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-036 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-037 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-038 salary D. Ross Hewton 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-039 salary Miss Leroyd paid singer 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-040 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-041 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-042 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-043 salary L'ton Corp. electricity 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-044 a/c J. & T. Gunn open hall floor for sewer repairs 31/12/1927 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-045 a/c 2 Phoenix Assurance Coy 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-046 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-047 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-048 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-049 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-050 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-051 payment Miss Murray missions 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-052 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-053 a/c 2 Tas Insurance Coy 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-054 a/c  Johnstone & Wilmot 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-055 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-056 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-057 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-058 a/c J. Sayer repairs 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-059 receipt Diocesan Society fund 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-060 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-061 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-062 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-063 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-064 receipt Diocesan Society fund 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-065 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-066 a/c  C.T. Burrows plumber 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-067 a/c  French Bros 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-068 a/c  Selwyn Cox 30/04/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-069 a/c  W. Coogan hire 31/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-070 a/c  The Cleavers 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-071 cheque bk Ch W 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-072 a/c Medhurst & Sons for organ 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-073 salary Choirmaster paid singer 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-074 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-075 payment Miss Murray missions 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-076 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-077 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-078 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-079 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-080 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-081 a/c  J.&T. Gunn repairs to Glebe buildings 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-082 a/c  A.F. Suter Pardey Memorial Reading Desk - £40 - timber supplied by church 25/05/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-083 donation Ch W to hospital 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-084 receipt Ch W choir fund 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-085 salary Eric N Gidley Curate 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-086 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-087 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-088 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-089 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-090 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-091 a/c  J.&T. Gunn repairs to door check 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-092 a/c  W. Jacobson cleaning 31/08/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-093 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons timber 30/06/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-094 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-095 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-096 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-097 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-098 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-099 salary Choirmaster for choir boys, paid singers 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-100 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-101 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-102 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-103 a/c 2 Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-104 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-105 payment Miss Murray Missions 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-106 a/c 8 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-107 receipt Diocesan Society fund 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-108 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-109 a/c Mrs Carlstrom board for Brown (curate) 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-110 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-111 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-112 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-113 payment D. Ross Hewton missions 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-114 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-115 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-116 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-117 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-118 a/c L'ton Corp. repairs to motor 30/09/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-119 a/c Medhurst & Sons 31/10/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-120 payment Ch W interest to R. Green 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-121 a/c F.J. Dell Mission House internal and external repairs 30/11/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-122 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-123 payment Mrs Carlstrom board for Brown (curate) 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-124 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-125 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-126 transfer Ch W money to Building Society 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-127 salary Choirmaster choir boys, paid singer 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-128 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-129 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-130 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-131 collection Ch W from Sunday School 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-132 receipt Diocesan Society fund 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-133 payment Mrs Carlstrom board for Brown (curate) 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-134 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-135 a/c  The Cleavers 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-136 payment Ch W interest to R. Green 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2G-137 statements Ch W reports & balance sheets 31/12/1928 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-001 payment Ch W church duplex giving envelope system - sums are marked "home" and "abroad"
This system was being promoted throughout Australia & NZ at the time.
31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-002 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-003 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-004 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-005 salary A.R. Gee paid to Miss L Frost 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-006 a/c A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-007 salary G.F. Hopkins organ repairs 29/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-008 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-009 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-010 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-011 salary Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-012 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-013 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-014 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-015 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-016 letter Tas Insurance Coy 4/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-017 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S.    4/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-018 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-019 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-020 a/c Frank Simpson clock winding 11/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-021 a/c  W. Jacobson cleaning 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-022 a/c  Medhurst & Sons 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-023 a/c  Foot & Playsted printing   15/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-024 a/c 2 John Snielling book binding 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-025a a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-025b a/c  Foot & Playsted for organ recital 16/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-025c a/c  Telegraph Printery for organ recital 31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-026 a/c  W. Denman repairs at glebe 15/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-027 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-028 salary Isabel Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-029 a/c Salisbury Foundry galvanized fan for organ  31/01/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-030 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-031 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-032 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-033 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-034 a/c 6 Launceston City Council 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-035 a/c  F.B. Luck glebe 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-036 receipt Diocesan Secretary 18/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-037 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-038 a/c  Johnstone & Wilmot 28/02/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-039 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-040 a/c  The Cleavers 30/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-041 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-042 salary Isabel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-043 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-044 salary A.R. Gee indexing 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-045 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-046 payment Ch W to building fund 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-047 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-048 donation Ch W Flood Relief Fund 1/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-049 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-050 donation Ch W Aust. Board of Missions 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-051 receipt Diocesan Insurance Board 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-052 payment Ch W interest to R. Green 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-053 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-054 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-055 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-056 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-057 salary A.R. Gee orgaist 31/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-058 salary Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-059 a/c Medhurst & Sons light repairs 1/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-060 a/c Diocesan Insurance Board fund 24/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-061 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-062 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-063 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-064 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-065 salary Choirmaster paid singer 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-066 receipt Choirmaster hoir collections 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-067 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-068 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-069 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-070 a/c  Frank Simpson clock 1/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-071 a/c  J.R. Green gas lamps 2 30/04/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-072 a/c  Selwyn Cox 27/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-073 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons timber 21/05/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-074 a/c  4 Launceston City Council 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-075 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-076 a/c 2 Foot & Playsted 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-077 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-078 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-079 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-080 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-081 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-082 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-083 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-084 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-085 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-086 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-087 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-088 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-089 a/c R. Burnett glebe repairs 6/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-090 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-091 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-092 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-093 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-094 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-095 salary Choirmaster paid singer 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-096 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-097 a/c Diocesan Insurance Board 8/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-098 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 15/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-099 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 1/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-100 a/c  telephone Co. 15/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-101 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-102 a/c 4 Launceston City Council electricity 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-103 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-104 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S.    31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-105 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-106 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-107 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-108 a/c Salisbury Foundry repairs to organ 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-109 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-110 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-111 a/c French Bros glass 30/06/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-112 a/c J.R. McLean 31/08/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-113 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs - stonework in south chancel floor 23/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-114 a/c Medhurst & Sons lights 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-115 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/10/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-116 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-117 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-118 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages  30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-119 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-120 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-121 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-122 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-123 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-124 salary Choirmaster for choir boys & paid singers 2 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-125 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-126 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-127 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-128 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-129 salary A.R. Gee 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-130 donation Ch W to G.F.S. 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-131 payment A.E. Ford commission on pew rents 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-132 payment Ch W building & organ funds 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-133 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-134 payment Miss Eleanor Murray for C.M.S.  31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2H-135 collection Ch W from Choir 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-001 a/c The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-002 a/c McClymont's chair repairs 30/11/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-003 a/c Selwyn Cox stationery 27/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-004 a/c W. Jacobson cleaning 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-005 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 1/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-006 a/c 3 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-007 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-008 expenses A.R. Gee for organ 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-009 salary A.E. Ford Verger's wages 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-010 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-011 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-012 payment Frank Simpson clock winding and regulating 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-013 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/01/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-014 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser repairs Shoobridge Hall 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-015 a/c A.H. Masters repairs Shoobridge Hall 13/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-016 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-017  a/c Diocesan insurance  28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-018 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-019 salary A.E. Ford  Verger's wages 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-020 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-021 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-022 a/c Diocesan insurance on ogan 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-023 donation Ch W to Max Harrison -home damaged/destroyed by fire 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-024 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-025 a/c  Johnstone & Wilmot 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-026 a/c  French Bros glazing repairs 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-027 policy Tas Insurance Coy 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-028 letter 2 Diocesan Registry refund of insurance mistakenly paid ref Holy Trinity 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-029 letter  Ritchie , Parker & Green glebe lease negotiations 15/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-030 letter  Ritchie , Parker & Green north porch completion contract details 15/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-031 a/c J.&T. Gunn quotation for north porch contract 11/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-032 payment 2 Ch W Duplex fund returns 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-033 a/c Medhurst & Sons 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-034 collection Miss Eleanor Murray for C.M.S.  31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-035 a/c Foot & Playsted 28/02/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-036 a/c J.&T. Gunn north porch and roofing work 21/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-037 a/c A. North plans & drawings 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-038 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-039 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-040 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-041 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-042 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-043 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-044 salary Choirmaster for choir boys & paid singers 2 31/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-045 a/c 6 Launceston City Council 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-046 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-047 payment A.R. Gee bonus for the year 28/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-048 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. electricity 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-049 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-050 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-051 salary A.E. Ford Verger'a wages 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-052 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-053 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-054a a/c The Cleavers 30/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-054b a/c 2 Diocesan Book Depot 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-055 payment Ch W Duplex fund 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-056 payment Miss Eleanor Murray for C.M.S.  31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-057 letter  Grace Harrison thanks for kind thought (donation) - ref 2I-023 house fire 15/03/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-058 return 2 Ch W Duplex fund 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-059 letter Diocesan Secretary 12/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-060 letter Diocsan Registry 27/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-061 a/c Diocsan Insurance 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-062 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-063 expenses Ch W clergy to Synod 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-064 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-065 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-066 a/c 5 Tas Insurance Coy 18/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-067 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-068 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-069 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-070 a/c 2 Medhurst & Sons 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-071 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-072 a/c  Barrenger & Lansdell repairs to leadlights 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-073 a/c  Selwyn Cox Printers 27/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-074 a/c  G.R. McLean 30/04/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-075 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-076 salary Isabel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-077 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-078 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-079 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-080 salary Choirmaster for choir boys & paid singers 2 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-081 a/c E. Morgan stone carving of capitals - north porch 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-082 collection Ch W choir fund 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-083 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-084 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. Mission Hse 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-085 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-086 a/c G.F. Hopkins tuning organ 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-087 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-088 a/c Tas Insurance Coy 14/05/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-089 a/c Gordon Cumming stone carving of capitals - north porch 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-090 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-091 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-092 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-093 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-094 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-095 a/c Gordon Cumming stone carving of capitals - north porch 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-096 a/c Gordon Cumming stone carving of capitals - north porch 15/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-097 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-098 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-099 a/c Frank Simpson clock winding and regulating 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-100 letter Ritchie , Parker & Green cost of carving work - north porch 5/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-101 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 26/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-102 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-103 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-104 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 31/08/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-105 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 5/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-106 payment Ch W Duplex fund 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-107 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 12/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-108 a/c J.&T. Gunn Sunday School -remove small tower and reinstate roof 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-109 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-110 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-111 a/c Medhurst & Sons 31/07/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-112 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-113 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-114 a/c Gordon Cumming carving handrail under arch at north entrance 26/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-115 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-116 salary R.C. Brown St Oswald's, Trevallyn 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-117 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-118 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-119 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-120 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-121 stationery Ch W duty stamps 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-122 a/c G.F. Hopkins work on organ 2/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-123 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - north porch 3/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-124 salary Choirmaster for choir boys   30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-125 salary Choirmaster paid singer 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-126 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-127 a/c  W.B. Fulton plumber Mission Hall 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-128 collection Ch W choir fund 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-129 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 1/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-130 a/c  Gordon Cumming carving - north porch 10/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-131 a/c  Leslie Tyson supply and fit vestry door 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-132 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-133 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-134 a/c  State gov land tax 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-135 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-136 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-137 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-138 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-139 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-140 a/c J.&T. Gunn paint supplies 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-141 a/c French Bros glazing repairs 30/09/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-142 a/c Russell & Sons timber 4/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-143 a/c The Cleavers 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-144 a/c J. Snelling prayer books 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-145 payment Ch W interest to R. Green 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-146 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-147 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-148 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-149 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-150 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-151 salary R.A. Laity curate 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-152 payment Miss Eleanor Murray to C.M.S. 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-153 a/c W.B. Fulton plumbing at rectory 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-154 collection Ch W organ recital 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-155 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-156 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-157 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 16 caps & 2 spandrils under small arch on north porch 17/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-158 salary Choirmaster balance for choir boys 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-159 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-160 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 24/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-161 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-162 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-163 collection Ch W Sunday School festival 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-164 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-165 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-166 collection Ch W choir 31/12/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-167 a/c 3 Launceston City Council 1/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-168 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 1/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-169 a/c  W. Jacobson cleaning 30/11/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-170 a/c  Medhurst & Sons light globes 1/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-171 payment Ch W synod dues 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-172 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-173 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-174 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-175 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-176 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-177 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-178 a/c G.F. Hopkins Tuning organ 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-179 collection Ch W organ recital 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-180 a/c Frank Simpson clock winding and regulating 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-181 receipt Ch W C.M.S. School 14/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-182 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-183 salary R.A. Laity curate 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-184 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-185 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-186 a/c Gordon Cumming carving 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-187 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-188 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-189 a/c Radio 7LA broadcast services x 2 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-190 a/c Medhurst & Sons 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-191 a/c Selwyn Cox Printers 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-192 a/c Telegraph Printery Printers 31/01/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-193 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-194 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-195 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-196 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-197 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-198 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-199 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-200 salary Choirmaster paid singers 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-201 collection W. Jacobson cleaning after cantata 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-202 salary A.E. Ford  Verger's wages 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-203 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-204 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-205 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-206 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-207 salary R.A. Laity curate 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-208 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-209 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-210 a/c French Bros glass 30/04/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-211 a/c Rowe & Simmons light globes 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-212 a/c Medhurst & Sons light globes 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-213 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-214 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-215 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs to church 31/03/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-217 letter A. North whether Cumming should get full rate for stone carving while still learning - previously only wood and clay 20/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-218 letter E. Morgan north porch carving - possibly relinquishing role 18/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-219 letter A. North certificate of completion for (some?) north porch carving 24/10/1930 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2I-220 statements Ch W quarterly statement of accounts - St. John's 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-001 a/c J.&T. Gunn cement, sand etc 9/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-002 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green interest on private loan 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-003 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-004 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-005 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-006 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-007 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-008 transfer Ch W to building fund 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-009 a/c L.C. Powell light fittings 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-010 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-011 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-012 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-013 salary R.A. Laity curate 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-014 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-015 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-016 a/c G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-017 a/c A. North designs for carvings 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-018 a/c J.&T. Gunn building materials 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-019 a/c The Cleavers building materials 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-020 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-021 a/c  Foot & Playsted printing   30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-022 a/c  Frank Simpson clock minder 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-023 a/c  Radio &LA service broadcast 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-024 a/c  Selwyn Cox Printers 31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-025 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-026 a/c  French Bros glazing repairs 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-027 a/c  5 L'ton Corp. rates 30/06/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-028 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-029 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-030 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-031 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-032 notice Launceston City Council public notice - removal of gorse 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-033 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-034 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-035 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-036 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-037 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-038 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-039 a/c W.B. Fulton plumber   31/05/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-040 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-041 a/c Medhurst & Sons repairs to radiator 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-042 a/c J.&T. Gunn roof 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-043 a/c Foot & Playsted printing   31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-044 receipt Diocesan Secretary synod - travelling 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-045 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-046 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-047 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-048 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-049 salary R.A. Laity curate 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-050 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-051 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-052 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-053 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-054 a/c  Salisbury Foundry organ repairs 31/08/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-055 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-056 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-057 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-058 a/c  C. Coones ? work at glebe 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-059 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-060 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-061 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-062 salary Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/09/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-063 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-064 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-065 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-066 salary R.A. Laity curate 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-067 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green mortgages 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-068 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-069 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-070 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-071 a/c C. Carlstrom paint rectory 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-072 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/07/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-073 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-074 salary R.A. Laity curate 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-075 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-076 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-077 receipt A.E. Ford pew rents 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-078 donation Ch W to Sunday School 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-079 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-080 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-081 collection Ch W choir fund 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-082 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-083 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-084 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-085 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-086 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. electricity 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-087 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-088 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-089 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-090 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-091 a/c Fire Insurance 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-092 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-093 a/c Salisbury Foundry organ repairs 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-094 collection Ch W Miss Frost's organ recital 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-095 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-096 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-097 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-098 salary illegible fra 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-099 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-100 a/c 7 Launceston City Council 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-101 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-102 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-103 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-104 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-105 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-106 donation Ch W East of Suez bazaar - mission funds 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-107 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-108 collection Ch W Choir fud 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-109 a/c 2 Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-110 a/c 2 Frank Simpson clock winding and regulating 31/01/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-111 a/c 2 The Cleavers building and maintenance materials 31/12/1931 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-112 a/c 5 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-113 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-114 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. rates 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-115 a/c  L'ton Corp. 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-116 a/c  L'ton Corp. 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-117 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-118 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-119 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-120 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-121 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-122 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2J-123 statements Home Mission Union St. John's Branch receipts and expenditure 1931-1932 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 11
SJC-1982 2K-001 statements Church wardens  annual financial statements 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-002 payment Ritchie , Parker & Green mortgages 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-003 a/c L'ton Corp. sewer 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-004 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-005 a/c W.F. Galloway printing   31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-006 a/c Medhurst & Sons lighting 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-007 a/c Howe & Simmons electrical 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-008 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-009 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-010 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-011 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-012 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-013 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-014 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-015 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-016a salary Choirmaster paid singers 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-016b collection Ch W choir fund 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-017 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-018 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-019 a/c Howe & Simmons electical - lighting 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-020 a/c Foot & Playsted printing   31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-021 a/c W. Jacobson cleaning 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-022 a/c L'ton Corp. telephone 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-023 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-024 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-025 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-026 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-027 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-028 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-029 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-030 collection Ch W to hospital 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-031 collection Ch W to hospital 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-032 a/c Jacksons locks 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-033 a/c J.H. Taylor florist 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-034 a/c J.&T. Gunn Szerelmy liquid treatment for freestone - north porch 28/02/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-035 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-036 a/c J.R. Green repairs 31/05/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-037 a/c Frank Simpson clock 31/07/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-038 a/c Salisbury Foundry organ - replace blower bearing 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-039 a/c W. Nicholson repairs 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-040 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-041 bonus A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-042 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-043 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-044 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-045 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-046 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-047 a/c G.F. Hopkins tuning organ 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-048 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-049 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-050 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-051 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-052 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-053 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-054 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons building hardware and materials 31/08/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-055 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-056 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-057 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-058 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-059 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-060 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-061 a/c  French Bros glazing repairs 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-062 a/c  J.H. Taylor florist wreath 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-063 a/c  Selwyn Cox 30/04/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-064 a/c  Foot & Playsted 30/06/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-065 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-066 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-067 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-068 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-069 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-070 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-071 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-072 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-073 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-074 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-075 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-076 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-077 payment Ritchie , Parker & Green mortgages 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-078 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-079 a/c Findlay & Wills broadcast service Sun. 6th Nov 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-080 a/c 2 H.T. Russell & sons builder - fence repairs 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-081 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-082 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-083 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-084 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-085 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-086 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-087 payment A.E. Ford extra work - electrical 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-088 collection Ch W Sunday school 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-089 salary E. Wynne Evans curate 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-090 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-091 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-092 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-093 a/c  State gov land tax  31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-094 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-095 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-096 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-097 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-098 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-099 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-100 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-101 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-102 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-103 a/c diocesan Fire Insurance 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-104 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-105 salary C.J. Nash curate 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-106 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-107 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-108 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-109 a/c French Bros wallpaper and glazing 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-110 a/c W. Jacobson cleaning 30/11/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-111 payment A.E. Ford commission on pew rents 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-112 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 31/12/1932 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-113 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-114 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-115 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-116 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-117 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-118 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-119 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-120 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-121 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-122 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-123 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-124 a/c 5 L'ton Examiner adverts 33/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-125 a/c  Selwyn Cox 31/03/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-126 a/c  J.H. Taylor florist 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-127 a/c 5 Launceston City Council 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-128 salary D. Ross Hewton Rector 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-129 receipt docesan se 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-130 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 28/02/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-131 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-132 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-133 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-134 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-135 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2K-136 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/04/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-001 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-002 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-003 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-004 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-005 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-006 a/c D. Ross Hewton for new cooker 30/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-007 collection LCC excess water - GFS Hostel 29/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-008 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-009 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-010 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-011 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-012 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-013 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-014 a/c  Foot & Playsted 31/05/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-015 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-016 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-017 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-018 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-019 receipt Diocesan Secretary synod travel 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-020 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-021 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-022 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-023 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-024 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-025 a/c Selwyn Cox prayer books 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-026 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-027 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-028 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-029 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-030 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-031 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-032 a/c Howe & Simmons lighting 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-033 a/c J.&T. Gunn sign 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-034 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-035 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-036 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 30/06/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-037 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-038 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-039 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-040 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-041 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-042 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 30/09/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-043 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-044 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-045 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-046 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-047 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-048 a/c 4 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-049a salary C.J. Nash curate 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-049b salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-050 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-051 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-052 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-053 a/c Medhurst & Sons electrical fittings 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-054 a/c Selwyn Cox publications 31/10/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-055 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green interest to R. Green 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-056 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-057 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-058 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-059 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-060 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-061 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-062 a/c Miss Eleanor Murray duplex envelopes 30/11/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-063 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-064 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-065 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-066 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-067 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-068 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-069 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-070 a/c London & Lancaster Insurance Co. 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-071 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-072 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-073 a/c  Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-074 salary Choirmaster choir boys & paid singers 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-075 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions - ex CMS envelopes 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-076 collection Girls' Friendly Society 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-077 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-078 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-079 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-080 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-081 receipt Diocesan Secretary clerks provident fund 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-082 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-083 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-084 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-085 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-086 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-087 collection Ch W Miss Frost's organ recital 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-088 a/c J.&T. Gunn contract to build roof over dome 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-089 a/c A. north fees for dome roof designs and supervision 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-090 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-091 salary C.J. Nash curate 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-092 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-093 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-094 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-095 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-096 payment Ch W to Church Missionary Society 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-097 memo Ch W to Mr Lester re. offerings 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-098 collection Ch W watchnight service 31/03/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-099 payment G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 31/03/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-100 a/c Howe & Simmons eectrical 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-101 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-102 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-103 a/c  Howe & Simmons install amplifier 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-104 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-105 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-106 a/c Galloway printing   30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-107 a/c Foot & Playsted 28/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-108 payment Ch W ANZAC Day & Parish Messenger 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-109 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-110 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-111 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-112 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-113 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-114 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-115 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-116 payment Ritchie , Parker & Green interest to R. Green 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2L-117 a/c Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1933 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-001 a/c Hopwood & Co. stationery 24/02/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-002 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-003a salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-003b salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-003c salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-003d salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-004 donation Ch W Launceston Public Hospital 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-005 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-006a salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-006b salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-007 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-008 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-009 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-010 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-011 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-012 expenses Choirmaster for choir  30/04/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-013a a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-013b a/c Ch W telephone line to 7LA 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-013c a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-013d a/c  Johnstone & Wilmot 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-0134a a/c  L'ton Corp. 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-014b a/c  Dunlop Rubber Co. matting 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-014c a/c  French Bros glazing repairs 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-015a a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-015b a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-016 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-017 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-018 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-019 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-020 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-021a payment Ch W Mrs Ford's fire wood 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-021b a/c 2 Medhurst & Sons lighting 31/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-021c a/c  Foot & Playsted 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-021d payment A.E. Ford fee 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-023 salary Late G.F. Hopkins organ tuning 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-024 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-025 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-026 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-027a salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-027b salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-028 a/c 2 J.&T. Gunn roof spouting, repair dome leaks 31/01/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-029a a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-029b a/c 2 L'ton Corp. 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-030 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-031 a/c Hume Pipe Co. credit sale 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-032 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-033 a/c H.T. Russell & sons builder 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-034 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-035 receipt dioesan secretary 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-036 a/c 3 L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-037a payment A.E. Ford extra work 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-037b a/c Howe & Simmons lighting - fitting to chandelier 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-038 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 30/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-039 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-040 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-041 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-042 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-043 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-044 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-045 memo Ch W wages tax upaid 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-046 policy Ch W isurance against rain 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-047 expenses Ch W for choir 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-048 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-049 a/c  Galloway Printing service printing 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-050 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-051 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-052 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-053 a/c  Launceston City Council glebe rates 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-054a collection Ch W Batman Centenary - postage & advertising 14/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-054b a/c M.F. Lynch repair church matting 14/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-054c a/c L'ton Examiner Batman advert 14/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-055 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-056 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-057 a/c  L'ton Corp. electricity 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-058 a/c  Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co. 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-059 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-060 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-061 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-062 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-063 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-064 a/c Fincham & Sons organ console contract 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-065 a/c Ch W codlin moth tax 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-066 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-067 a/c  French Bros glazing repairs 30/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-068 a/c  L'ton Corp. 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-069 a/c 2 Howe & Simmons hire of outdoor festoon lighting - pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-070a receipt Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-070b a/c D. Phillips painting - Sunday School 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-071 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-072 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-073 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-074 salary C.J. Nash curate 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-075 payment C.J. Nash holiday pay 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-076 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-077 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-078 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-079 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-080 receipt Ch W Stepney fund 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-081 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-082 a/c Gordon Cumming organ screen & 2 extra panels - carving 13/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-083 a/c diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-084 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-085 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-086 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-087 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-088 payment A.E. Ford commission on pew rents 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-089 payment W. Greenwood printing & stationery 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-090 a/c Hopwood & Co. 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-091 a/c E.B. Watchorn 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-092 a/c A.H. Blundell fruit 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-093 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-094 collection Ch W choir collection 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-095 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-096 payment Ch W postage of christmas notices 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-097 a/c F.H. Stephens mortgage 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-098 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-099 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-100 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-101 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-102 payment H. Lakin casual work 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-103 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-104 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-105 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-106 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-107 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-108 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-109 salary C.J. Nash curate 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-110 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-111 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-112 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-113 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-114 a/c J.&T. Gunn organ console screen - construction 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-115 a/c A. North organ console screen - design & supervise 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-116 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-117 a/c J. Murfet fence work 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-118 a/c 7 L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-119 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-120 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-122 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-123 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-124 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-125 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-126 a/c  Fincham & Sons tuning organ 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-127 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-128 donation H. Lakin Boys Home Fund 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-129 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-130 a/c Radio 7LA service broadcast 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-131 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-132 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-133 a/c H.T. Russell & sons builder 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-134 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-135 salary A.R. Gee orgai 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-136 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-137 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-138 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-139 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-140 collection Ch W choir collection 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-141 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-142 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-143 a/c G.L. Flowers fencing materials 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-144 a/c C. Carlstrom painter 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-145 a/c Selwyn Cox 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-146 a/c Howe & Simmons lighting 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-147 a/c Salisbury Foundry organ blower coupling maintenance 28/02/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-148 a/c 2 Foot & Playsted 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-149 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-150 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-151 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance materials 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-152 receipt Ch W collection from 'Crucifixion' service 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-153 donation A.A. Castley for Parish Messenger 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-154 donation A.A. Castley from ANZAC Day service 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-155 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-156 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-157 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-158 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-159 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-160 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-161 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-162 a/c 2 Howe & Simmons lighting 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-163 a/c  Radio 7LA service broadcast 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-164 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-165 a/c  French Bros not specified 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-166 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-167 donation Ch W Launceston Public Hospital - collection 21/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-168 a/c J.&T. Gunn paint supplies 30/04/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-169 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-170 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-171 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-172 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-173 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-174 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-175 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-176 a/c Barrenger & Lansdale glazing repairs 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-177 a/c Brooks Robinson stained glass window - painting and firing base 10.5" x 18" 31/05/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-178 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-179 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-180 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-181 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-182 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-183 collection Ch W from choir 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-184 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-185 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-186 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-187 a/c  Howe & Simmons 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-188 a/c  Radio 7LA service broadcast 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-189 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-190 a/c  The Cleavers 31/03/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-191a expenses Ch W pageant 1934 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-191b payment J. Colgrave services rendered - pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-191c a/c J. Clarke & Sons plants 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-191d payment A.E. Ford extra work - pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-191e a/c 2 G.J. Edwards provide orchestral music - pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-192 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions - postage 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-193 a/c Launceston City Council hire of chairs 7/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-194 a/c 2 W. & G. Genders hessian and tacks 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-195 a/c  Howe & Simmons lighting 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-196 payment J.S. Forward dishes and broom 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-197 a/c 6 Mrs Fisher fruit for pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-198 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-199 a/c J.P. Sullivan & Sons ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-200 a/c Mountain Ices P/L ice for pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-201 a/c Foot & Playsted pageant invitations 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-202 a/c L'ton Examiner pageant adverts 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-203 statements Ch W balance from pageant stall 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-204 a/c Abbott's Cordial  drinks for pageant 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2M-205 a/c Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. 30/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-001 payment A.E. Ford work on clock 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-002 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-003 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-004 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-005 a/c  Quon's plumbing repairs - Mission House 30/06/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-006 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-007 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-008 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-009 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-010 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-011 a/c Fincham & Sons tuning organ 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-012 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-013 donation Ch W to Children's Appeal 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-014 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-015 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-016 a/c J.H. Taylor wreaths 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-017 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-018 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-019 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-020 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-021 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-022 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-023 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-024 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing - fitting new basin 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-025 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-026 a/c  Hopwood & Co. printing & stationery 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-027 a/c  Howe & Simmons lighting 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-028 a/c  Foot & Playsted printing & stationery 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-029 a/c 4 L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-030 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-031 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-032 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-033 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-034 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-035 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-036 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-037 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-038 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-039 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-040 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-041 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-042 payment A.E. Ford supervise users of hall 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-043 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-044 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-045 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-046 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 30/09/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-047 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-048 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-049 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-050 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-051 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-052 a/c A.North plans, specifications and supervision - chancel roof 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-053 a/c J.&T. Gunn chancel roof building and tiling 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-054 a/c J. Bayliss brick fence and concrete foundations - St. John's 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-055 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-056 a/c Phoenix foundry replace castings for IXL stove in Mission House 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-057 receipt Ch W postage of circulars 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-058 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-059 a/c Howe & Simmons organ motor repairs and maintenance 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-060 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-061 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-062 payment W. Greenwood reinforcing iron rods for rectory fence 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-063 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-064 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-065 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-066 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-067 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-068 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-069 a/c Rosevears & Burn repairs to spouting - church 31/10/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-070 payment A.E. Ford work on rectory fence 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-071 a/c Powell's Electrical school -external light 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-072 a/c K.D. Atkins timber 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-073 a/c C. Carlstrom painting of St. John's, extra coat on dome, painting entrance gates 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-074 receipt Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co Fire 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-075 donation Ch W from F. Lester - Parish Messenger 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-076 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-077 a/c Merrington Bros supply sand, remove broken asphalt to tip 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-078 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser removal of stained glass windows - church 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-079 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-080 a/c 2 Howe & Simmons light over front door 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-081 a/c  McClymont's Mission House upholstery and furniture repairs 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-082 a/c  J.&T. Gunn materials for timber fence 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-083 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-084 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-085 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-086 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-087 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-088 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-089 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-090 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-091 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-092 collection Ch W & donation 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-093 donation Ch W missions 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-094 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-095 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-096 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-097 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-098 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-099 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-100 a/c 2 Hume Pipe Co. supply 150 concrete slabs for path 30/11/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-101 a/c  Hinman, Wright & Manser cementing at glebe 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-102 a/c  Hume Pipe Co. supply further 3 concrete slabs 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-103 a/c  J.H. Taylor wreaths 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-104 a/c  The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-105 a/c  Clyde Holmes Mission House window repairs 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-106 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-107 a/c 3 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-108 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-109 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-110 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-111 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-112 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-113 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-114 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-115 payment A.E. Ford extra work - path laying 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-116 a/c Perrin's haberdashery 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-117 a/c J.&T. Gunn timber for schoolroom 31/12/1935 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-118 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-119 a/c A.M. Murfett tree removal - rectory 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-120 a/c Howe & Simmons repair amplifier 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-121 expenses Revd Muschamp hymn sheets 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-122 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-123 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-124 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-125 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-126 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-127 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-128 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-129 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-130 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Summer School offertories 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-131 a/c Ch W black ribbon mem. King George V 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-132 a/c Foot & Playsted service King George V 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-133 a/c J.L. Craw black silk King George V 31/01/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-134 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-135 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-136 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-137 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-138 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-139 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-140 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-141 collection Ch W 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-142 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-143 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray Duplex Envelope mission offertories 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-144 bonus pmt A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-145 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-146 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-147 collection Ch W Crucifixion' service offertories 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-148 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-149 a/c Geo. Fincham  tuning organ 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-150 a/c Jackson's  locks 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-151 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-152 a/c Quon's Mission House - repair tap 28/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-153 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-154 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-155 a/c 4 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-156 a/c 3 Howe & Simmons new power outlets and badminton brackets in hall - a/c Badminton Club 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-157 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray Easter mission offertories 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-158 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-159 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-160 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-161 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-162 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-163 a/c Diocesan Office faculty fees 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-164 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-165 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-166 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing at rectory - cistern repair 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-167 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-168 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-169 donation Ch W to Public Hospital  - collection amount 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-170 a/c Alfred  Harrap & Son glebe - advertising 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-171 a/c J. Murfet work on Grammar fence 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-172 payment A.E. Ford prepare hall for Legislative Council election 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-173 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-174 a/c 5 L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-175 a/c  J.&T. Gunn repairs to church door 30/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-176 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-177 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-178 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-179 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-180 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-181 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-182 a/c Howe & Simmons unspecified 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-183 a/c Quon's plumbing at mission house - sink waste repair 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-184 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-185 a/c French Bros glazing 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-186 a/c H.T. Russell & sons supply timber struts 31/05/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-187 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-188 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-189 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-190 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-191 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-192 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-193 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-194 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray Duplex Envelope mission offertories 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-195 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-196 a/c  L'ton Corp. 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-197 payment A.E. Ford attending to clock 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-198 a/c  Rosevears & Burn plumbing at Sunday School replace flush pipe 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-199 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-200 a/c  J. Murfet work on fence 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-201 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2N-202 a/c Hopwood & Co. stationery 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-001 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-002 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-003 a/c  Church Stores hymn books 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-004 a/c  E.B. Watchorn ashphalt 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-005 a/c  Wm Holyman transport marble tablet ex Brooks Robinson 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-006 a/c  French Bros glazing 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-007 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons timber - hardwood struts 5x5, nails 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-008 a/c  The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 30/06/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-009 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-010 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-011 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-012 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-013 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-014 a/c 3 Brooks Robinson opus sectile 10x16.5" memorial tablet 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-015 donation Merrington Bros cartage - stone and dust 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-016 a/c  Hume Pipe Co. 35 concrete slabs - path 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-017 a/c  L'ton Corp. quarry dust (screenings?) 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-018 a/c 2 J.&T. Gunn cement  31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-019 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-020 a/c  Howe & Simmons repairs - organ switch 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-021 receipt Diocesan Book Depot 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-022 a/c Hopwood & Co. 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-023 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-025 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-026 a/c A.E. Jack supply and construct iron gates - rectory 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-027 a/c Merrington Bros supply garden loam 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-028 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-029 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-030 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-031 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-032 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-033 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-034 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-035 a/c Geo Bayliss brick wall fence - rectory 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-036 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-037 a/c J.R. Green glebe farm - no details 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-038 a/c Geo. Fincham  tuning organ 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-039 a/c The Cleavers Shoobridge Hall - supply and labour - wallpaper etc 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-040 payment A.E. Ford extra work -rectory wall 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-041 a/c Howe & Simmons electric lighting 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-042 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing - Mission House spouting and rectory cistern 31/07/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-043 a/c Selwyn Cox 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-044 circular Ch W Healing conference 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-045 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-046 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing 31/08/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-047 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-048 a/c Powell's Electrical install power points 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-049 payment A.E. Ford extra work (fence?) 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-050 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-051 salary L.F. Benjafield stipend 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-052 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-053 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-054 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-055 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions funds from Duplex envelopes 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-056 a/c 9 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-057 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-058 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-059 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-060 memo L.F. Benjafield testimonial 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-060a salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-061 a/c Church Stores Communion Set 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-061a payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-062 salary L.F. Benjafield curate 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-063 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-064 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-065 a/c Hewitt & Inglis Credence Table 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-066 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-067 a/c J.H. Taylor wreaths 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-068 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-069 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-070 a/c Merrington Bros gravel - 6 yards 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-071 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-072 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-073 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-074 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-075 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-076 payment A.E. Ford extra work - quarterly fee for supervision of Badminton Club 30/09/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-077 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-078 a/c 2 Howe & Simmons amplifier service 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-079 a/c  Selwyn Cox 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-080 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-081 a/c  The Cleavers supply galvanised bath 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-082 a/c  Alfred Harrap & Son supply fencing materials - wire etc 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-083 a/c 2 L'ton Corp. hire of flags etc 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-084 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-085 a/c  Foot & Playsted 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-086 a/c  Howe & Simmons public address system - hire and operate 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-087 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-088 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons timber and plywood 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-089 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-090 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-091 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-092 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-093 a/c Johnston & Gee Glebe fencing materials 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-094 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-095 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-096 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-097 payment A.E. Ford wood for coppers, gas 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-098 a/c Powell's Electrical repair light over organ 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-099 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-100 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-101 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-102 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-103 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-104 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-105 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-106 receipt G. Hardman charwoman - cleaning services - church 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-107 a/c Powell's Electrical install striplight 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-108 a/c 2 diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-109 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - Duplex envelopes 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-110 a/c  C.V. Luck Glebe labour - repairs to bank after flood 31/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-111 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-112 donation anon to Ch W for Home Mission Union 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-113 a/c Powell's Electrical testing 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-114 donation anon to Ch W for Sunday School - festival offering  31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-115 a/c Rosevears & Burn repairs to cistern, supply galvanized bath 30/11/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-116 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - Shoobridge Hall 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-117 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. electric lighting 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-118 payment A.E. Ford fence materials - verger's cottage 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-119 a/c E.B. Watchorn supply paint 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-120 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-121 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-122 a/c French Bros glazing 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-123 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-124 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-125 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-126 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-127 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-128 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-129 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray proceeds from Mission House fair 31/12/1936 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-130 receipt Diocesan Secretary 14/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-131 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - special thanksgiving offering 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-132 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - Sunday School hall 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-133 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-134 a/c L'ton Corp. water supply 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-135 a/c 2 Jackson's  locks and knob set 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-136 a/c  French Bros supply paint 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-137 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons sliding door repairs - Sunday School 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-138 a/c 3 J. Murfet work in hall - renovations 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-140 payment A.E. Ford work in hall - renovations 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-141 a/c  J.&T. Gunn Sunday school barge boards and materials 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-142 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-143 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-144 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-145 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-146 a/c Fincham & Sons tuning organ 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-147 a/c Rosevears & Burn spouting repairs - Mission House 31/01/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-148 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-149 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-150 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-151 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-152 collection Ch W offering from 'Crucifixion' service 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-153 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-154 payment A.E. Ford work in hall 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-155 a/c Howe & Simmons electrical - unspecified 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-156 a/c L'ton Examiner 28/02/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-157 donation anon to Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-158 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-159 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-160 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-161 a/c J. Murfet clipping trees - school grounds 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-162 a/c Howe & Simmons PA system - adjust and maintain 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-163 a/c J.&T. Gunn repair leaks - replace 2 tiles 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-164 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-165 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-166 a/c French Bros signwriting - banner 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-167 a/c French Bros glass 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-168 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-169 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. electric lighting 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-170 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-171 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-172 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-173 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-174 donation Ch W to Public Hospital 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-175 receipt Diocesan Book Depot 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-176 a/c Rosevears & Burn repair rectory cistern 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-177 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser glebe barn floor 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-178 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-179 a/c L'ton Examiner 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-180 a/c A.E. Duncan glebe building repairs 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-181 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-182 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-183 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-184 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-185 salary A. Gamble curate 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-186 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-187 a/c Howe & Simmons amplifier service 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-188 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-189 a/c 2 Johnstone & Wilmot 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-190 a/c 2 W.J. Batten supply building materials - Mission House 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-191 payment A.E. Ford clock & comm. On pew rents 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-192 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-193 a/c H.T. Russell & sons supply building timber 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-194 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green Glebe advertising, land valuation cnr George & Frederick St. 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-195 a/c The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning supplies 31/05/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-196 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-197 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-198 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-199 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-200 salary A. Gamble curate 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-201 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-202 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions giving - Duplex envelopes 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-203 a/c J.H. Taylor wreaths 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-204 receipt Diocesan Book Depot 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-205 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-206 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-207 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. supply and repair water heater, stove canopy 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-208 a/c  Rosevears & Burn spouting repairs, disconnect water heater 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-209 donation Ch W Home Mission Union 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-210 a/c 2 Powell's Electrical Glebe - mains supply and install power outlets 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-211 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-212 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray St John's Own Missionary Fund - for CMS 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2O-213 donation Ch W Renovation Fund - S. S. 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2P-001 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-002 a/c  The Cleavers tool sharpening 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-003 a/c  French Bros glazing 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-004 a/c  Launceston City Council 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-005 a/c  R.&I. Bendall soil 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-006 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-007 salary A. Gamble curate 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-008 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-009 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-010 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-011 a/c  V.J. Lovett & J. Wallace work at glebe 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-012 a/c  V.J. Lovett & J. Wallace work at glebe 30/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-013 collection Ch W general 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-014 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-015 a/c Selwyn Cox stationery 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-016 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green sale of property - cnr. George & Frederick Sts 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-017 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-018 a/c J. Wallace work at glebe 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-019 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-020 stationery Ch W rent receipt books 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-021 receipt Ch W painting rectory kitchen 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-022 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing - Shoobridge House 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-023 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-024 a/c  Powell's Electrical fittings 31/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-025 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-026 salary A. Gamble curate 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-027 salary  A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-028 salary  Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-029 salary  A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-030 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-031 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-032 a/c Geo. Fincham  tuning organ 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-033 a/c Geo. Baylis cementing at glebe 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-034 a/c 3 W. & G. Genders supply paint etc 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-035 a/c  Foot & Playsted 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-036 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-037 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. rates 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-038 a/c 2 Howe & Simmons electrical work 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-039 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-040 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 30/09/1927 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-041 a/c  L'ton Corp. clearing blocked drain 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-042 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-043 salary A. Gamble curate 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-044 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-045 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-046 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-047 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-048 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-049 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-050 a/c James Duncan duplicating 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-051 a/c J.H. Taylor wreaths 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-052 memo Ch W bank transfer 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-053 a/c James Roberts palings 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-054 a/c P.J. Manion 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-055 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-056 a/c Telegraph Printery 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-057 a/c Howe & Simmons electrical work 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-058 a/c L'ton Examiner 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-059 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-060 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-061 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-062 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-063 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-064 a/c The Cleavers crockery 30/09/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-065 receipt Diocesan Secretary collections 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-066 receipt Diocesan Secretary collections 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-067 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-068 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-069 collection Ch W Sunday school 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-070 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-071 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-072 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-073 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-074 collection Ch W Home Mission Union 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-075 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-076 payment Ch W Home of Mercy Missions 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-077 a/c Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-078 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-079 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-080 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-081 a/c 3 W.& G. Genders 30/11/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-082 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-083 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-084 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-085 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-086 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-087 a/c diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-088 receipt Ch W Home Missions 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-089 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Mssions 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-090 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-091 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray duplicate receipt 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-092 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-093 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-094 a/c  The Cleavers maintenance and cleaning materials 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-095 a/c  5 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-096 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-097 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-098 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-099 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-100 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-101 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-102 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-103 a/c W.J. Batten for Mission House 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-104 a/c Diocesan Office faculty fees - Aherin tablet 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-105 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-106 a/c Rosevears & Burn Cottage - plumbing 31/12/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-107 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-108 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-109 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-110 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-111 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-112 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-113 payment Ch W fees for C.M.S. Summer School 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-114 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-115 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-116 a/c Howe & Simmons electrical work 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-117 a/c C. Carlstrom painting rectory 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-118 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-119 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-120 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-121 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-122 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-123 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-124 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-125 a/c J.&T. Gunn contract payment £600 - nave project 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-126 receipt Ch W Home Missions  31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-127 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-128 a/c P.J. Manion clock 30/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-129 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green legal claim re commission 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-130 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-131 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-132 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-133 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-134 a/c Church Stores - Sydney vestment items 31/03/1937 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-135 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-136 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-137 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-138 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-139 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-140 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-141 a/c W.J. Batten Mission House 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-142 a/c Clyde Holmes Mission House 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-143 note notation bank transfer 13/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-144 receipt Powell's Electrical electrical work 1/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-145 account Diocesan Book Depot baptism register 29/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-146 account Examiner ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-147 receipt Diocesan Secretary ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-148 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-149 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-150 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-151 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-152 salary A.R.Ford verger's wages 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-153 account W.J. Batten Mission House - roof repairs 17/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-154 account J.&T. Gunn contract payment £1000 - nave project 27/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-155 donation Ch W Launceston Public Hospital 7/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-156 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray Missions - salary Mr. H.L. Pelleman 6/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-157 receipt Ch W House of Mercy 11/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-158 a/c 3 Howe & Simmons repairs to amplifier, install light over entrance 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-159 a/c  J.R. Green supply false front and fire door 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-160 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-161 a/c 2 Johnstone & Wilmot 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-162 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-163 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-164 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-165 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-166 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-167 salary A.R.Ford verger's wages 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-167 a/c C. Carlstrom repairs, wallpaper & painting - Shoobridge House  30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-168 payment A.E. Ford extra work - clock maintenance 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-169 a/c Howe & Simmons disconnect and temporary wiring of speakers during alterations 30/04/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-170 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-171 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-172 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2P-173 a/c 3 L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-001 payment Ch W Charity Missions 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-002 a/c Jackson's  locks 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-003 a/c Launceston City Council water supply 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-004 a/c Salisbury Foundry organ blower repair 31/03/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-005 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-006 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-007 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Missions 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-008 a/c  C. Carlstrom painting Rectory 30/06/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-009 a/c  2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-010 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-011 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-012 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-013 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-014 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-015 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-016 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-017 a/c Powell's Electrical power point 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-018 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-019 a/c W.J. Batten Mission House repairs to guttering etc 31/07/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-020 a/c Powell's Electrical Mission House repairs 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-021 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-022 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-023 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-024 a/c  J.H. Taylor floral wreath 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-025 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-026 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-027 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-028 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-029 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-030 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-031 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-032 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-033 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-034 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-035 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-036 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-037 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-038 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-039 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-040 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-041 a/c J.&T. Gunn contract payment £350 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-042 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser Glebe cottage repairs 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-043 a/c The Cleavers supply enamel sink 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-044 payment S. Winstone work done - St. John's Church yard 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-045 payment S. Winstone work done - St. John's Church yard 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-046 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-047 a/c  Ritchie , Parker & Green re Glebe 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-048 a/c  Rosevears & Burn repairs 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-049 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-050 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-051 payment H. Morley work done - labour 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-052 payment S. Winstone work done - labour 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-053 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-054 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-055 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-056 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-057 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-058 payment S. Winstone work done 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-059 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-060 payment S. Winstone work done - St. John's Church yard 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-061 a/c J.&T. Gunn contract payment £750 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-062 payment S. Winstone work done 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-063 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-064 a/c J.H. Taylor floral wreath 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-065 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-066 a/c French Bros 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-067 a/c The Cleavers 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-068 a/c James Dunstan typing 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-069 payment Ch W postage for Consecration Service 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-070 a/c Burrows & Co. photography - nave 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-071 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-072 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-073 a/c A.E. Hutton 31/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-074 payment R. Donald trimming trees 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-075 payment S. Winstone work done 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-076 a/c Barrenger & Lansdell install Cameron window and 6 leadlights 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-077 a/c 2 Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-078 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-079 payment S. Winstone work done - St. John's Church yard 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-080 a/c 3 Brooks Robinson 1 x Lakin and 2 x Harrap windows - £405 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-081 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-082 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-083 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-084 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-085 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-086 payment C. Richardson cartage 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-087 payment James Matthews work done - St. John's Church yard 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-088 a/c P. O'Toole path to north entrance & choir vestry 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-089 a/c L'ton Corp. supply quarry dust 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-090 a/c Bendall Bros unspecified 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-091 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser supply timber 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-092 a/c J.&T. Gunn supply cement 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-093 a/c Hume Pipe Co. supply concrete slabs 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-094 collection Ch W Sunday school 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-095 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-096 a/c Howe & Simmons public address system for nave consecration - install, operate, external speaker 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-097 payment Ch W postage 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-098 payment S. Winstone work done 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-099 payment C. Richardson cartage 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-100 a/c James Dunstan stationery 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-101 a/c Dunlop "Dunlopillo" x 6 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-102 a/c McClymont Bros coir matting 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-103 a/c Howe & Simmons remodelling amplifier 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-104 a/c 2 Rosevears & Burn water supply 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-105 a/c  W.J. Batten supply timber goods 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-106 a/c  W. Coogan 12 'Monds' chairs 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-107 a/c  Birchall's stationery 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-108 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-109 a/c A. E. Hutton supply gravel 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-110 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-111 a/c J.H. Taylor plants 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-112 a/c R.L. Mayhead customs clearance ?? 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-113 a/c H.T. Russell & sons timber 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-114 a/c J.&T. Gunn Bennett pews x 20 £205/5/- 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-115 a/c A. North Architect's fees - pew design 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-116 a/c J.&T. Gunn Contract payment £900 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-117 a/c 5 Powell's Electrical supply and install lighting, wiring 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-118 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-119 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-120 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-121 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-122 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-123 a/c J.&T. Gunn notice board 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-124 a/c C.M.S. Depot 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-125 a/c Jackson's Locks St. John's 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-126 a/c French Bros glazing repairs - Sunday School 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-127 a/c A.A. Castley silver plating and engraving 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-128 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-129 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-130 a/c C.M.S. Depot 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-131 receipt Ch W Home Mission 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-132 a/c 2 Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-133 income Diocesan Trustees sale of land - Frederick St. £1500 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-134 income Ch W bank interest 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-135 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-136 payment J. Cox lawns 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-137 a/c F.H. Stephens freight - stained glass a/c Brooks Robinson 30/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-138 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-139 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-140 a/c 2 Powell's Electrical repairs to lighting 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-141 a/c  J.H. Taylor floral wreath 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-142 a/c 2 The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-143 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts and printing of programmes for consecration of nave 31/12/1938 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-144 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-145 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-146 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-147 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-148 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-149 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-150 a/c J.&T. Gunn repair, polish and mount old organ fronts on west wall of nave 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-151 a/c Gordon Cumming carving capitals x 4 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-152 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-153 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-154 a/c A. North plans, specifications and supervision of J & T Gunn contract - erection of nave and aisles - 6% of £3745 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-155 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-156 payment Ch W bush fires relief fund 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-157 news press cutting bush fires relief fund 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-158 a/c Rosevears & Burn repair taps and downpipe - rectory 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-159 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-160 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-161 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-162 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-163 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-164 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-165 certificate East, Roy Smith & Willing clearance for payment to G. Cumming - carving in nave 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-166 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - CMS thank offering 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-167 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-168 a/c Gordon Cumming design and make 2 hymn boards 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-169 a/c Holyman & Sons freight - stained glass a/c Brooks Robinson 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-170 a/c A.E. Hutton cartage 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-171 a/c French Bros glazing materials 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-172 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-173 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-174 donation Girls' Friendly Society cover cost of carpet - St. John's 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-175 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-176 certificate East, Roy Smith & Willing clearance for payment to G. Cumming - carving in nave 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-177 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-178 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-179 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-180 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-181 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-182 a/c J. Brill cutting down large oak tree - church grounds 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-183 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-184 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-185 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-186 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-187 receipt Ch W Crucifixion service offertory 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-188 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-189 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - CMS duplex envelopes 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-190 a/c Rosevears & Burn move tap at Shoobridge Hall 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-191 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-192 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-193 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-194 a/c McClymont Bros coir matting 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-195 certificate East, Roy Smith & Willing payment clearance - J & T Gunn 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-196 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - rectory 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-197 a/c Powell's Electrical install 19 power points, lighting, strip light behind altar 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-198 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green glebe works payments 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-199 a/c W.J. Batten kneelers for St. John's 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-200 certificate East, Roy Smith & Willing clearance for payment to G. Cumming - carving in nave 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-201 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. rates and electricity 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-202 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-203 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-204 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-205a salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-205b salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-206 a/c Frank Spence grading work 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-207 a/c French Bros 31/03/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-208 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-209 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-210 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-211 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing repairs 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-212 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-213 a/c  J.H. Taylor floral wreath 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-214 a/c  Gordon Cumming hymn board inscriptions 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-215 a/c  The Cleavers electric radiators qty 18 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-216 a/c  Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital "blue gum" 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-217 receipt Ch W fireplace at rectory 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-218 a/c G. Baylis plumbing - lavatory 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-219 a/c Howe & Simmons repair blown motor for organ blower 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-220 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-221 a/c McClymont Bros coir matting - repairs 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-222 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-223 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-224 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-225 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-226 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-227 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-228 a/c J.&T. Gunn hymn book cupboards 2 and minor works from nave extension 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-229 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital no. 6 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-230 a/c A.R. Thollar plumber 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-231 a/c A.M. Murfett fence at Canning St 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-232 a/c Church Stores printed materials 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-233 a/c L'ton Examiner 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-234 a/c Powell's Electrical repairs- Sunday School Hall 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-235 a/c J.H. Taylor floral wreath 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-236 a/c The Cleavers supply paint etc 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-237 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital no. 7 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-238 donation Ch W Launceston Public Hospital 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-239 a/c Church Stores hymnals 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-240 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-241 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-242 a/c Jackson's Locks 31/05/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-243 payment A.E. Ford extra work 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-244 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-245 a/c  Selwyn Cox hymnals 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-246 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-247 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-248 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-249 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-250 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-251 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-252 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-253 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-254 statement Ch W Home Mission Fund 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-255 a/c French Bros signs 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-256 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital no. 8 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-257 a/c J.&T. Gunn old organ pipes - add dates (signwriting) 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-258 a/c J.&T. Gunn organ screen alterations 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2Q-259 a/c 4 Powell's Electrical supply and install lighting, wiring 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-001 receipt Equitable Building Society monthly installment - shares 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-002 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-003 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-004 a/c 5 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-005 a/c  L'ton Corp. cottage 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-005A receipt wardens cartage from verger's cottage 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-005B a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-006 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-007 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-008 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-009 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-010 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-011 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-012 a/c H. Irvine Mission House bathroom partition 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-013 a/c A.M. Murfett fence at Canning St 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-014 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-015 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital - no. 10 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-016 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - St. John's porch 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-017 a/c W. & G. Genders lighting supplies 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-018 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-019 a/c Howe & Simmons repairs to amplifier 30/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-020 a/c L'ton Examiner 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-021 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-022 a/c J.&T. Gunn supply table 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-023 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-024 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-025 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-026 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-027 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-028 donation Ch W for eccess water 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-029 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-030 a/c  Gordon Cumming carving - capital no. 11 "Waratah" 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-031 a/c  J.H. Irvine painting - Shoobridge Hall 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-032 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-033 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 31/07/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-034 a/c A.R. Thollar new bath - Shoobridge Hall 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-035 payment W. Greenwood books 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-036 a/c L'ton Gas Co. Mission House 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-037 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-038 a/c The Cleavers 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-039 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-040 a/c J.&T. Gunn supply timber - verger's cottage 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-041 a/c Gordon Cumming carving - cement capital - no. 12 "native arbotis" 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-042 payment A.E. Ford extra work - hedge grubbing 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-043 a/c J.H. Taylor 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-044 a/c Jackson's Locks St. John's 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-045 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-046 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-047 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-048 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-049 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-050 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-051 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-052 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-053 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-054 payment J. Barker work at glebe - day labour 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-055 payment J. Butler work at glebe - day labour 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-056 payment L. Bounds work at glebe - day labour 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-057 payment A. Swinton work at glebe - day labour 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-058 payment R.W. Manning work at glebe - day labour 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-059 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-060 payment J. Barker work at glebe - day labour 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-061 payment R.W. Manning work at glebe - day labour 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-062 payment J. Butler work at glebe - day labour 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-063 payment A. Swinton work at glebe - day labour 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-064 payment L. Bounds work at glebe - day labour 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-065 a/c 6 Powell's Electrical electrical repairs - Shoobridge Hall 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-066 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-067 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. missions Duplex envelopes 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-068 a/c W. & G. Genders lawnmower, hardware 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-069 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-070 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-071 a/c C. Carlstrom painting garage at rectory, lattice gate 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-072 a/c C. Carlstrom painting Mission House bathroom 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-073 a/c A. Hutton 4 yards soil and remove rubbish 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-074 receipt W. Greenwood for loan of boots to embankment workers 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-075 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-076 a/c J.&T. Gunn weatherboards - seconds 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-077 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-078 receipt Ritchie , Parker & Green 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-079 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-080 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-081 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-082 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-083 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-084 a/c W. & G. Genders supply paint and brush 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-085 a/c J.H. Taylor floral wreath 30/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-086 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-087 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-088 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-089 a/c A. North architect's fees - central tower, nave, western tower 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-090 payment Ch W postage 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-091 a/c A.R. Thollar plumber 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-092 a/c J. Clarke & Sons 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-093 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-094 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-095 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-096 a/c 2 W. & G. Genders supply paint 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-097 a/c  Powell's Electrical repair plumbing & spouting - verger's cottage 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-098 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons supply weatherboards - rectory 31/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-099 collection Ch W S. S. Festival 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-100 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-101 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-102 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-103 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-104 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-105 payment Ch W postage 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-106 a/c Selwyn Cox 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-107 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-108 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-109 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-110 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-111 a/c L'ton Gas Co. Mission House 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-112 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs to moulding above front doors, cementing entrance porch, repair shutters above chancel 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-113 payment S. Cox work at Elizabeth St 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-114 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - verger's cottage 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-115 a/c G.D. Saunders supply plaster sheets 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-116 a/c A. North designs for carving of capitals on nave piers and mould terminations of nave arches 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-117 a/c Frank Spence grading grounds 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-118 a/c L.T. Hudson 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-119 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-120 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-121 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-122 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-123 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School  31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-124 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-125 salary choirmaster choir boys 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-126 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-127 a/c Tas. Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-128 payment Ch W for cartage 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-129 a/c C. Carlstrom painting cottage 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-130 a/c H.T. Russell & sons supply weatherboards - seconds 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-13! a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-132 a/c J.&T. Gunn supply plywood and scotia 30/11/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-133 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-134 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - Duplex envelopes 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-135 payment Ch W Home Missions 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-136 payment A. Allen cutting hedge at Mission House 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-137 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-138 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-139 salary W.S.B. Verrall curate 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-140 payment Ch W Home Missions 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-141 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missos 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-142 a/c French Bros supply paint 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-143 a/c A.R. Thollar Plumbing - glebe barn 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-144 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-145 a/c H.T. Russell & sons supply hardwood 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-146 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-147 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-148 a/c  French Bros glazing 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-149 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-150 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-151 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-152 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-153 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-154 a/c J.C. Ireland paths construction - north and south side 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-155 a/c Fincham & Sons tuning organ 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-156 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-157 a/c J.H. Taylor 31/01/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-158 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray missions - thanksgiving collection 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-159 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1939 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-160 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-161 salary A. Gamble curate 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-162 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-163 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-164 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-165 a/c Powell's Electrical repair hot water service 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-166 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-167 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-168 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-169 payment Ch W for postage 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-170 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-171 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-172 a/c Powell's Electrical not specified 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-173 collection Ch W Crucifixion service 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-174 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-175 salary choirmaster choir boys 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-176 a/c A. Hutton remove rubbish to tip 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-177 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-178 a/c Powell's Electrical repairs to cistern 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-179 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-180 salary A. Gamble curate 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-181 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-182 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-183 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-184 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-185 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-186 a/c The Cleavers supply 17 of Hotpoint radiators 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-187 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-188 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-189 receipt H.R. Lakin reimbursement 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-190 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser building works - glebe 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-191 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-192 a/c J.&T. Gunn refurbish and re-letter collection box 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-193 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-194 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-195 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-196 salary A. Gamble curate 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-197 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-198 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-199 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-200 a/c Jackson's Locks locks - St. John's 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-201 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-202 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-203 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-204 a/c C.M.S. Depot 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-205 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-206 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-207 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-208 payment G. Bayliss build 2 brick chimneys - St. John's hall 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-209 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-210 salary A. Gamble curate 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-211 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-212 salary Isobel R. Kelly S. S. 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-213 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-214 collection Ch W for church 'Hut' 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-215 donation Ch W for Red Cross Society 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-216 donation Ch W Aust. Comforts Fund - Fighting Forces 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-217 donation Ch W for Red Cross Society 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-218 a/c C. Carlstrom painting 2 rooms - rectory 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-219 payment A.E. Ford extra work - Legislative Council election 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-220 a/c Postmaster General telephone for Mrs Crotty 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-221 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-222 a/c Howe & Simmons repairs to amplifier 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-223 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-224 a/c W. & G. Genders lighting supplies 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-225 a/c F.H. Stephens deliver stained glass and wire screens - a/c Brooks Robinson 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-226 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-227 a/c Powell's Electrical repairs 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-228 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-229 a/c H.T. Russell & sons timber - scotia etc 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-230 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser supply flooring - verger's cottage 31/05/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-231 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-232 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-233 collection Ch W Sunday school 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-234 collection Ch W Home Missions Union 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-235 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-236 payment A.E. Ford commission on pew rents and clock winding 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-237 payment E. Lahner supply wood 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-238 a/c Howe & Simmons repairs - organ motor 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-239 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-240 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. donations - duplex envelopes 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-241 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-242 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-243 salary A. Gamble curate 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-244 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-245 salary Isobel R. Kelly S. S. 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-246 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-247 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-248 salary choirmaster choir boys 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-249 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-250 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2R-251 receipt Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. donations - duplex envelopes 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-001 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-002 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-003 a/c Clarke & Gee legal fees 30/04/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-004 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-005 a/c A.R. Thollar plumbing - Sunday School hall 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-006 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green glebe 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-007 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-008 a/c Powell's Electrical repairs 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-009 a/c The Cleavers supply paint 30/06/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-010 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-011 salary A. Gamble curate 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-012 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-013 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-014 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-015 a/c Ritchie , Parker & Green fees - Mission House 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-016 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-017 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-018 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-019 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser trestles 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-020 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-021 a/c 2 W. & G. Genders hardware supplies 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-022 payment Ch W Church Mission House 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-023 a/c Powell's Electrical unspecified 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-024 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs and maintenance 31/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-025 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-026 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-027 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-028 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-029 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-030 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-031 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-032 donation 2 Ch W to armed services 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-033 a/c Selwyn Cox 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-034 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-035 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-036 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-037 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-038 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-039 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-040 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-041 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-042 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-043 collection Ch W Mission House 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-044 do Ch W Maud Snowdon Hay Memorial Fund 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-045 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-046 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-047 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-048 donation Examiner clipping London bombing fund 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-049 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-050 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-051 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-052 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-053 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-054 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-055 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-056 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-057 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-058 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-059 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-060 a/c C. Carlstrom rectory painting and wallpapering 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-061 a/c Selwyn Cox 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-062 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-063 a/c orthern assurance Co 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-064 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-065 a/c  L'ton Examiner 31/10/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-066 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-067 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-068 salary A. Gamble curate 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-069 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-070 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-071 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-072 collection Ch W for Sunday School 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-073 expenses Ch W postage 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-074 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser glebe cottage repairs 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-075 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-076 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-077 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-078 salary A. Gamble curate 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-079 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-080 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-081 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-082 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-083 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-084 donation Ch W London bombing fund 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-085 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-086 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-087 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-088 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-089 a/c W.B. Fulton plumbing - mission house 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-090 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs to roof tiles - church 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-091 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-092 collection Ch W Home Mission Union 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-093 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-094 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-095 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - St. John's Hall 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-096 a/c 5 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-097 a/c   Phoenix Foundry stove 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-098 a/c  2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-099 a/c   The Cleavers 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-100 a/c   L'ton Examiner 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-101 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-102 salary A. Gamble curate 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-103 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-104 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-105 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-106 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-107 a/c Powell's Electrical lighting changes - church building 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-108 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-109 a/c Jowett Bros lawnmower repairs 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-110 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-111 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-112 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-113 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-114 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-115 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-116 a/c Fincham & Sons tuning organ 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-117 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-118 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-119 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-120 receipt Ch W Mission House 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-121 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-122 a/c French Bros sign and signwriting 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-123 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-124 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-125 a/c  C. Carlstrom internal painting - Sunday School 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-126 donation Ch W for armed services 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-127 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-128 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-129 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-130 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-131 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-132 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-133 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-134 receipt Ritchie , Parker & Green legal fees 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-135 a/c Foot & Playsted 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-136 a/c Powell's Electrical plumbing repairs 28/02/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-137 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-138 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-139 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-140 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-141 expenses Ch W postage 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-142 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-143 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1940 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-144 a/c The Cleavers cleaning and maintenance supplies 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-145 collection Ch W special service 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-146 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-147 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-148 a/c H.T. Russell & sons white pine sink top 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-149 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-150 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. rates 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-151 receipt Ch W donation for St Oswald's 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-152 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-153 a/c Roses store decanter 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-154 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-155 a/c Church Stores 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-156 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-157 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-158 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-159 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-160 a/c 2 J.&T. Gunn glebe - construct sluice gate and fluming 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-161 a/c  J.R. Green hardware supplies 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-162 a/c  Foot & Playsted 31/03/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-163 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-164 receipt Ch W Mission House 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-165 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-166 a/c J.&T. Gunn rectory flooring repairs 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-167 payment Gordon Inglis supply cedar desk 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-168 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-169 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-170 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-171 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-172 a/c C. Carlstrom enamel painting - bathroom 30/04/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-173 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-174 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-175 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-176 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-177 collection Ch W Church Conference 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-178 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-179 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-180 a/c C. Carlstrom painting and repairs - St. John's Hall 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-181 a/c A.R. Thollar fitting basin to clergy vestry 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-182 receipt Diocesan Book Depot   30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-183 payment E. Lahner supply firewood 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-184 a/c Powell's Electrical repairs to lighting 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-185 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-186 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-187 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-188 collection Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-189 payment Miss Eleanor Murray missions 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-190 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-191 payment A.E. Ford clock 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-192 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-193 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-194 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-195 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-196 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-197 a/c Howe & Simmons mic on prayer desk 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-198 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-199 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-200 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-201 a/c D. Eastburn & Son clock repairs 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-202 collection Ch W Home Mission 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2S-203 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-001 receipt Ch W Clerks' Provident Fund 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-002 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-003 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-004 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-005 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-006 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-007 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-008 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-009 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-010 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-011 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-012 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-013 a/c 2 L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-014 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-015 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-016 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-017 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-018 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-019 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-020 a/c Fincham & Sons organist 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-021 a/c Howe & Simmons speakers 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-022 expenses Ch W postage 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-023 a/c D. Bennett cartage 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-024 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-025 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-026 collection Ch W Sunday School funds 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-027 a/c 7 L'ton Corp. 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-028 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-029 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-030 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-031 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-032 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-033 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-034 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-035 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-036 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-037 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-038 expenses Ch W receipt books 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-039 a/c A.A. Castley Silver plate inscription 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-040 a/c J.&T. Gunn repair window and roof leaks 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-041 a/c L'ton Examiner 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-042 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-043 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-044 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-045 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-046 a/c Telegraph Printery 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-047 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-048 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-049 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-050 salary A. Gamble curate 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-051 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-052 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-053 a/c Church Stores 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-054 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-055 a/c Howe & Simmons microphones for altar 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-056 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-057 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-058 collection Ch W from Sunsay School Festival 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-059 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-060 receipt Ch W St J Badminton Club 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-061 a/c 2 Powell's Electrical 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-062 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-063 a/c  Church Stores 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-064 receipt Brooks Robinson Stained glass windows 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-065 a/c  A.R. Thollar 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-066 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-067 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-068 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-069 salary A. Gamble curate 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-070 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-071 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-072 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-073 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-074 receipt Ch W Clerks' Provident Fund 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-075 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-076 a/c 4 Powell's Electrical 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-077 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-078 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-079 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-080 a/c Gordon Cumming Stebbings memorial table 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-081 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-082 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-083 payment J. Barker work done 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-084 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-085 receipt Tas Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-086 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-087 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-088 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-089 salary A. Gamble curate 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-090 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-091 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-092 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-093 a/c Tas Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-094 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-095 payment Ch W Home Mission 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-096 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-097 a/c Tas Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-098 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-099 collection Ch W for Mission House 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-100 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-101 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-102 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-103 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-104 a/c Dunlop Rubber Co. 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-105 a/c J.H. Taylor floral wreath 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-106 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-107 a/c J.&T. Gunn communion rail 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-108 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-109 a/c 6 L'ton Corp. 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-110 receipt Ch W Clerks' Provident Fund 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-111 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-112 salary A. Gamble curate 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-113 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-114 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-115 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-116 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-117 a/c J.&T. Gunn timber floor renewal - nave (part) 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-118 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-119 a/c James Dunstan stationery 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-120 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-121 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-122 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1941 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-123 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-124 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-125 salary A. Gamble curate 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-126 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-127 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-128 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-129 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-130 receipt Ch W Home Mission Union 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-131 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-132 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-133 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-134 a/c Fincham & Sons organ tuning 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-135 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-136 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-137 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-138 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-139 salary A. Gamble curate 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-140 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-141 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-142 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-143 expenses Ch W postage 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-144 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-145 payment Ch W Home Mission Fund 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-146 a/c James Dunstan 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-147 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-148 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-149 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-150 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-151 collection Ch W "Crucifixion" 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-152 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-153 a/c W. & G. Genders 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-154 a/c H.Bennett cartage 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-155 receipt H.B. Brownrigg 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-156 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-157 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-158 a/c The Cleavers "blackout" paint 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-159 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-160 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-161 donation Isobel R. Kelly illness 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-162 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-163 a/c French Bros painting - glebe farm 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-164 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-165 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-166 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-167 a/c J.&T. Gunn 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-168 a/c H.T. Russell & sons 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-169 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-170 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-171 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-172 salary A.E. Ford verger's wages 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-173 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-174 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-175 payment A.E. Ford extra work 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-176 a/c W.J. Batten 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-177 a/c Rosevears & Burn Mission House 30/04/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-178 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-179 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-180 receipt Diocesan Secretary 3/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-181 salary F.A. Carr Assist curate 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-182 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-183 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-184 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-185 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-186 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-187 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-188 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-189 a/c Birchall's stationery 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-190 payment J. Barker work at glebe 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-191 payment M. Jones cleaning up 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-192 payment E. Dickenson cleaning up 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-193 a/c Rosevears & Burn 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-194 payment unknown labour on grounds 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-195 a/c Frank Simpson repairs to clock 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-196 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-197 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-198 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser concreting and fencing - glebe farm 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-199 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-200 a/c J.H. Taylor 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-201 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-202 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. supply firewood 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-203 a/c Hart & Sons 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-204 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-205 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-206 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-207 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-208 payment E.J.  Lehner 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-209 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-210 a/c J.&T. Gunn cottage 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-211 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-212 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2T-213 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 13
SJC-1982 2U-001 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-002 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-003 payment E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-004 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-005 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-006 a/c Jackson's Locks 30/06/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-007 a/c 2 Bd of Ed Diocesan of Sydney 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-008 a/c 6 Launceston City Council 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-009 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-010 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-011 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-012 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-013 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-014 expenses Ch W postage 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-015 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-016 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-017 payment J. Barker work done 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-018 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-019 a/c Birchall's 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-020 payment W. Greenwood books 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-021 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-022 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-023 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-024 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-025 a/c J.&T. Gunn construct paling fence, roof repairs - church building 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-026 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-027 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-028 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-029 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-030 a/c Rosevears & Burn Mission House 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-031 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-032 payment J. Barker work done 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-033 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-034 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-035 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-036 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-037 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-038 payment A.E. Ford work done as clerk 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-039 a/c Birchall & Sons 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-040 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-041 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-042 a/c Rosevears & Burn hot water service - Mission House 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-043 a/c J.H. Taylor 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-044 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-045 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-046 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-047 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-048 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-049 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-050 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-051 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-052 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-053 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-054 a/c J.&T. Gunn repairs & maintenance - church (draughts) 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-055 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-056 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-057 a/c  Fincham & Sons organ tuning 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-058 a/c  James Dunstan 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-059 a/c  Broomby & Dent 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-060 a/c  J.H. Taylor 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-061 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-062 a/c 2 Johnstone & Wilmot 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-063 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-064 a/c  L'ton Corp. 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-065 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-066 donation Ch W King George Fund for sailors 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-067 collection Ch W Sunday School funds 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-068 donation Ch W Aust. Comforts' Fund 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-069 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-070 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-071 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-072 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-073 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-074 a/c Rosevears & Burn 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-075 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-076 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-077 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-078 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-079 a/c Gordon Cumming make and carve hardwood font cover 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-080 a/c James Dunstan 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-081 a/c Rosevears & Burn 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-082 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-083 a/c Radio 7EX 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-084 a/c Launceston City Council 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-085 collection Ch W Sinday School 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-086 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-087 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-088 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-089 salary E. Lahner verger's wages 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-090 a/c powell's Electrical 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-091 a/c orthern assurance Co 30/11/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-092 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-093 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-094 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-095 a/c diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-096 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-097 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-098 salary Isobel R. Kelly Sunday School 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-099 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-100 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-101 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-102 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-103 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-104 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-105 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-106 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-107 payment Ch W clerical assistance 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-108 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-109 collection Miss Eleanor Murray G.F.S 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-110 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-111 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-112 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-113 payment Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-114 payment H.B. Brownrigg assistance 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-115 receipt Ch W Mission House School 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-116 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-117 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-118 a/c  J.&T. Gunn door - verger's cottage 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-119 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-120 a/c  The Cleavers 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-121 a/c 3 L'ton Corp. 31/12/1942 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-122 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-123 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-124 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-125 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-126 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-127 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-128 a/c 3 Powell's Electrical 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-129 a/c  L'ton Examiner 31/01/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-130 a/c  Fincham & Sons 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-131 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-132 stationery Ch w transfer book  31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-133 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Missions 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-134 a/c J.H. Taylor 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-135 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-136 a/c 2 L'ton Examiner 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-137 a/c  French Bros 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-138 a/c  J.&T. Gunn remove portion of damaged tree - St. John's 28/02/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-139 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-140 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-141 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-142 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-143 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-144 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-145 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-146 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-147 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-148 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-149 payment Ch W home mission 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-150 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-151 expenses Ch W postage 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-152 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-153 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-154 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-155 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-156 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-157 salary I. Oates verger's wages 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-158 salary E. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-159 a/c 3 Launceston City Council 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-160 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-161 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-162 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-163 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-164 payment Ch W transfer to Mission House a/c 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-165 payment Ch W transfer to Glebe a/c 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-166 expenses Ch W postage 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-167 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-168 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-169 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-170 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-171 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-172 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-173 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-174 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-175 a/c J.H. Taylor 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-176 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-177 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-178 donation Ch W R.S. Snowden memoial fund 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-179 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-180 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-181 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood & coal 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-182 a/c Rosevears & Burn plumbing - Mission House 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-183 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-184 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-185 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-186 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-187 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-188 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-189 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-190 note to Miss Murray 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-191 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-192 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/05/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-193 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-194 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-195 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-196 payment Ch W Endowment Fund 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2U-197 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-001 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-002 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-003 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-004 a/c Rosevears & Burn blocked drain 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-005 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-006 a/c 2 Launceston City Council 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-007 a/c  The Cleavers 30/06/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-008 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-009 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-010 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-011 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-012 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-013 a/c Birchall & Sons 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-014 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. firewood 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-015 collection Ch W Sunday School funds 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-016 payment Ch W C.M.S. China appeal 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-017 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-018 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-019 a/c Fincham & Sons 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-020 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-021 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-022 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-023 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-024 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-025 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-026 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-027 income Ch w Legacy - Mrs Ross Hewton, estate 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-028 a/c J.&T. Gunn rectory back door and fireplace 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-029 a/c Launceston City Council 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-030 payment H.Bennell 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-031 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-032 payment Ch w C.M.S. 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-033 expenses Ch w postage 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-034 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-035 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-036 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-037 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-038 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-039 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-040 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-041 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-042 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-043 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-044 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-045 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-046 a/c J.&T. Gunn oiling church doors 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-047 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-048 payment Ch W to Mission House a/cc 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-049 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-050 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-051 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-052 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-053 a/c 4 Powell's Electrical 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-054 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-055 a/c  L'ton Corp. 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-056 a/c  Foot & Playsted 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-057 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-058 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-059 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-060 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-061 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-062 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-063 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-064 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-065 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-066 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-067 expenses F.A. Carr clerical services 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-068 a/c James Dunstan 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-069 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-070 a/c Launceston City Council 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-071 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-072 collection Ch W Sunday School funds 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-073 a/c James Dunstan 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-074 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-075 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-076 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-077 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-078 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-079 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-080 a/c Rosevears & Burn 31/10/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-081 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-082 payment J. Barker work at rectory 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-083 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-084 a/c 2 diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-085 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-086 expenses Ch W postage 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-087 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-088 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-089 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-090 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-091 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-092 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-093 payment I. Oates honorarium 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-094 salary E.J. Lehner 2nd part for verger 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-095 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser repairs and maintenance 30/11/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-096 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-097 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-098 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-099 finance Ch W bank transfer for Mission Hse 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-100 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-101 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-102 collection Ch W Home Mission 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-103 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-104 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-105 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-106 collection Ch W Home Mission 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-107 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-108 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1943 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-109 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-110 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-111 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-112 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-113 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-114 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-115 payment Ch W E.S.& A. Bank 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-116 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-117 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Missions 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-118 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-119 payment Ch w C.M.S. 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-120 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-121 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-122 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - verandah roof - rectory 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-123 a/c Launceston City Council 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-124 payments 6 Ch w C.M.S. 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-125 a/c Rosevears & Burn roof repairs - Mission House 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-126 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-127 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-128 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-129 a/c Gordon Cumming Bishop's prayer desk - design, make and carve 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-130 salary W. Greenwood rector 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-131 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-132 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-133 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-134 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-135 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-136 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-137 a/c J.&T. Gunn 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-138 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-139 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-140 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-141 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-142 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-143 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-144 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-145 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-146 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-147 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-148 expenses Ch W for Harvest Festival 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-149 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-150 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-151 banking Ch W to Mission House a/cc 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-152 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-153 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-154 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-155 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-156 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-157 donation Ch W for Parish Messenger 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-158 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-159 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-160 a/c James Dunstan 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-161 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-162 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-163 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-164 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-165 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-166 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-167 a/c Launceston City Council 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-168 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-169 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-170 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-171 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-172 a/c T. Moorhouse plumbing 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-173 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-174 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-175 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-176 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-177 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-178 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-179 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-180 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-181 a/c J.&T. Gunn construct roof over vestry, repair rectory and cottage spoutings 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-182 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-183 a/c James Dunstan 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-184 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-185 a/c Lawrence & House electrical 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-186 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-187 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-188 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-189 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-190 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-191 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-192 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-193 a/c James Dunstan stationery 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-194 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-195 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-196 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-197 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-198 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-199 receipt C.G. Williams (organist?) expenses - Bishop's welcome service 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-200 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2V-201 payment Ch W Building Fund 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-001 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-002 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/05/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-003 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-004 a/c W. Hart & Sons   31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-005 stipend W. Greenwood Rector's stipend 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-006 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-007 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-008 a/c Rosevears & Burn 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-009 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-010 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-011 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-012 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-013 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-014 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-015 a/c J.&T. Gunn 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-016 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-017 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-018 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-019 payment G. Symonds Mission House 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-020 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-021 a/c Birchall & Sons stationery 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-022 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-023 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-024 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-025 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-026 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-027 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-028 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-029 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-030 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-031 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-032 donation Ch W Bishop's car fund 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-033 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-034 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-035 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-036 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-037 receipt Ch W on A.F. Matthews' estate 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-038 a/c L'ton Gas Co.   30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-039 expenses Ch W postage 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-040 receipt Ch W bequest, Miss Annie Nathan's estate 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-041 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-042 a/c 2 Foot & Playsted 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-043 a/c  Rosevears & Burn 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-044 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-045 a/c J.&T. Gunn Glebe - rebuild embankment 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-046 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-046 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-048 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-049 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-050 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-051 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-052 payment H.Bennell work done 31/08/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-053 payment T. Moorhouse work done 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-054 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-055 receipt 2 Ch W bank transfers 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-056 receipt  Equitable Building Society 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-057 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-058 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-059 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-060 a/c 2 French Bros 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-061 a/c  Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-062 a/c  A.E. Hutton Mission House earthworks 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-063 donation Ch W King George Fund for sailors 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-064 receipt Ch W bank transfer 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-065 a/c James Dunstan 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-066 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-067 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-068 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-069 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-070 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-071 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-072 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-073 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-074 payment Ch W loan on endowment 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-075 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-076 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-077 a/c Birchall & Sons stationery 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-078 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-079 a/c Brooks Robinson opus sectile memorial tablet 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-080 a/c W. Holyman shipping 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-081 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-082 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-083 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-084 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-085 collection Miss Eleanor Murray Sunday School Festival 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-086 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-087 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-088 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-089 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-090 salary I. Oates S.S 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-091 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-092 receipt Ch W bank transfer 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-093 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-094 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-095 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-096 collection Bishop Confirmation service 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-097 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-098 expenses Diocesan Secretary postage 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-099 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-100 a/c Perrins P/L 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-101 a/c James Dunstan 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-102 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-103 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-104 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-105 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-106 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-107 a/c Tas Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-108 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-109 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-110 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-111 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-112 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-113 receipt 2 Ch W bank transfers 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-114 receipt  Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-115 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-116 payment Ch W Home Mission 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-117 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-118 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-119 expenses Ch W stationery 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-120 a/c Rosevears & Burn 30/11/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-121 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-122 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-123 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-124 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1944 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-125 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-126 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-127 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-128 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-129 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-130 receipt Equitable Building Society 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-131 payment Ch W bank transfer 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-132 a/c  Launceston City Council 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-133 payment G. Symonds work done 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-134 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-135 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-136 payment Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-137 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-138 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-139 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-140 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-141 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-142 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-143 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-144 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-145 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-146 payment Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-147 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-148 a/c French Bros 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-149 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-150 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-151 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-152 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-153 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-154 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-155 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-156 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-157 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-158 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-159a salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-159b collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-160 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-161 a/c James Dunstan 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-162 a/c Rosevears & Burn 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-163 collection Ch W Rural Archdeacon's conference 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-164 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-165 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-166 a/c Powell's Electrical 28/02/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-167 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-168 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-169 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-170 a/c J. Clarke & Sons 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-171 a/c Public Works Rept 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-172 collection Ch W The King's Hall - choir 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-173 payment H. Bennett work done 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-174 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-175 donation Ch W Red Cross Society 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-176 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-177 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-178 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-179 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-180 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-181 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-182 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-183 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-184 a/c Rosevears & Burn 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-185 a/c Phoenix Foundry Mission House - grate for stove 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-186 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-187 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-188 a/c C. Carlstrom fit copper band around ball on steeple 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-189 receipt Equitable Building Society 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-190 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-191 payment Miss L.F. Murray Sunday School 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-192 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-193 payment G. Symonds Mission House - fencing 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-194 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-195 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-196 a/c 2 J.&T. Gunn 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-197 a/c  A.E. Jack light over front gates 30/04/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-198 a/c  Rosevears & Burn 31/05/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-199 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-200 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-201 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-202 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-203 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-204 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-205 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-206 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2W-207 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-001 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-002 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-003 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-004 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-005 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-006 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-007 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-008 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-009 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-010 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-011 a/c J. Clarke & Sons floral wreath 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-012 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-013 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-014 a/c Lutwyche Radio amplifiers 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-015 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-016 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-017 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-018 a/c James Dunstan 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-019 a/c Ludbrooks P/L canvas covers 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-020 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-021 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-022 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-023 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-024 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-025 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-026 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-027 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-028 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-029 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-030 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-031 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-032 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-033 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-034 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-035 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-036 a/c French Bros at glebe 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-037 a/c J.&T. Gunn glazing repairs 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-038 a/c Birchall's & Sons stationery 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-039 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-040 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-041 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-042 a/c G.Purcell fence between properties 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-043 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-044 expenses Ch W Rev. Gaye's visit 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-045 a/c J.&T. Gunn supply timber 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-046 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-047 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-048 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-049 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-050 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-051 a/c Launceston City Council 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-052 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-053 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-054 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-055 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-056 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-057 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-058 a/c L'ton Corp. 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-059 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-060 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-061 a/c 6 Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-062 a/c  H.T. Russell & sons supply timber 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-063 a/c  Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-064 a/c  Foot & Playsted 30/09/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-065 a/c  Powell's Electrical 31/08/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-066 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-067 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-068 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-069 a/c Findlay's Music Chapel organ repairs 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-070 a/c James Dunstan 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-071 a/c 2 Foot & Playsted 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-072 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-073 a/c  James Dunstan 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-074 a/c  L'ton Gas Co. 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-075 a/c  State gov land tax 31/10/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-076 a/c  Tas Diocesan Insurance Co 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-077 payment Albert Parish work done 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-078 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-079 a/c D. & W. Murray manchester 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-080 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-081 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-082 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-083 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-084 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-085 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-086 payment Albert Parish work done 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-087 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-088 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-089 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-090 collection Ch W from choir 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-091 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-092 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-093 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-094 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-095 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-096 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-097 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-098 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-099 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-100 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-101 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-102 payment L.A. Rawson furniture repairs 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-103 payment 3 Albert Parish work done 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-104 payment  T.S. Matthews work done - Mission House 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-105 a/c Advocate adverts 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-106 a/c T.G. Calver 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-107 collection Ch W Sunday School funds 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-108 receipt 2 Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-109 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-110 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-111 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-112 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-113 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-114 a/c G.B. Sales repairs - coir mats 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-115 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-116 a/c Mercury adverts 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-117 a/c The Cleavers 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-118 paymentss 2 Albert Parish work done 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-119 a/c S. Houston fumigsting 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-120 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood & coal 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-121 payment T.S. Matthews 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-122 a/c Launceston City Council 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-123 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-124 a/c L'ton Gas Co. Sunday School  28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-125 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-126 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-127 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-128 a/c T.G. Calver 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-129 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-130 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-131 payment Albert Parish work done 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-132 a/c J. Clarke & Sons 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-133 a/c B.A.C.P. electrical 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-134 a/c Hart & Sons 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-135 a/c W.&G. Genders 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-136 payment H.T. Russell & sons builder 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-137 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-138 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-139 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-140 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-141 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-142 expenses Ch W for Rural Dean 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-143 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-144 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-145 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-146 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-147 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-148 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-149 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-150 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-151 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-152 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-153 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood & coal 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-154 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-155 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-156 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-157 finance Ch W Endowment Fund 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-158 salary choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-159 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-160 a/c T.G. Calver 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-161 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-162 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-163 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-164 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-165 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-166 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-167 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-168 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-169 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-170 expenses Ch W Northern Rural Dean 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-171 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-172 a/c L'ton Examiner 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-173 a/c J.&T. Gunn cleaning gutters - church 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-174 a/c Superintendent Public Reserves oversight of gardens 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-175 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-176 salary C.H. Rose Curate 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-177 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-178 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-179 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-180 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-181 salary C.H. Rose Curate 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-182 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-183 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-184 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-185 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-186 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-187 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-188 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-189 donation Ch W Church Army 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-190 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-191 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-192 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-193 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-194 a/c J.&T. Gunn 31/03/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-195 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-196 a/c L'ton Examiner 31/05/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2X-197 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-001 a/c K.A. Neville Cartage - chairs from Albert Hall 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-002 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-003 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-004 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-005 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-006 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-007 payment Miss Eleanor Murray Sunday School 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-008 a/c  Foot & Playsted 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-009 a/c  L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-010 a/c  Diocesan Book Depot 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-011 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-012 a/c  The Cleavers 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-013 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-014 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-015 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-016 receipt Tas Diocesan Insurance Co fire 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-017 a/c 2 Findlay's Music 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-018 a/c  Powell's Electrical 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-019 a/c  Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-020 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-021 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-022 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-023 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-024 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-025 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-026 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-027 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-028 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-029 payment A.R. Thollar work done 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-030 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-031 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-032 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-033 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-034 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-035 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-036 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-037 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-038 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-039 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-040 payment K.R. Titmus erecting concrete posts - church 31/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-041 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-042 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-043 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-044 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-045 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-046 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-047 a/c J.&T. Gunn minor church repairs 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-048 payment A.R. Thollar 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-049 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-050 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-051 a/c J. Barker church - repairs to path 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-052 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-053 a/c French Bros 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-054 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-055 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-056 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-057 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-058 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-059 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-060 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-061 a/c J.&T. Gunn painting - church entrance doors 31/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-062 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-063 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-064 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-065 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-066 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-067 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-068 collection Ch W from Miss E. Murray Sunday School funds 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-069 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-070 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-071 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-072 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-073 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-074 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-075 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood & coal 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-076 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-077 a/c Findlay's Music carillon - supply and installation £441 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-078 a/c W. Hart & Sons 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-079 receipt Tas Diocesan Insurance Co Fire 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-080 a/c 2 Launceston City Council rates 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-081 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-082 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-083 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-084 payment unspecified work done on Glebe embankment 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-085 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-086 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-087 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-088 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-089 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-090 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-091 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/01/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-092 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-093 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-094 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-095 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-096 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-097 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-098 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-099 a/c McClymont Bros repairs and maintenance - coir matting 31/12/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-100 collection Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-101 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-102 salary W. Greenwood rector 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-103 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-104 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-105 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-106 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-107 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-108 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-109 a/c Findlay's Music piano tuning 30/11/1946 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-110 a/c R.J. Young harmonium 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-111 payment E.J. Lehner extra work 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-112 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-113 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-114 a/c Foot & Playsted 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-115 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-116 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-117 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-118 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-119 payment K.A. Kay (l.t.) clergy expenses 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-120 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-121 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-122 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-123 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-124 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-125 payment K.A. Kay (Assistant) clergy expenses 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-126 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-127 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-128 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-129 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-130 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-131 a/c 6 Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-132 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-133 expenses Ch W postage 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-134 a/c J.&T. Gunn Sunday School - drain and concrete work 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-135 payment A.R. Thollar work done 28/02/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-136 a/c L'ton Corp. 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-137 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-138 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-139 a/c Myer Emporium (Melb.) undergraduate's gown 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-140 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-141 a/c T.G. Calver 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-142 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-143 a/c The Cleavers 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-144 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-145 payment K.A. Kay (Assistant) clergy expenses 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-146 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-147 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-148 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-149 payment G. Armstrong work at Glebe 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-150 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-151 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-152 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-153 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-154 a/c T.G. Calver 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-155 collection Miss Eleanor Murray C.M.S. 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-156 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/04/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-157 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-158 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-159 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-160 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-161 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-162 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood & coal 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-163 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-164 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-165 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Y-166 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-001 a/c J.&T. Gunn Mission House - repairs & maintenance 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-002 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-003 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-004 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-005 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-006 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-007 a/c Jackson's Locks 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-008 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-009 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-010 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-011 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-012 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-013 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-014 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-015 salary W. Greenwood rector 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-016 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-017 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-018 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-019 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-020 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-021 a/c J.H. Taylor 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-022 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood   31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-023 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-024 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-025 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/07/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-026 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-027 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-028 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-029 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-030 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-031 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-032 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-033 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-034 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-035 a/c J.&T. Gunn minor works - church, rectory, Mission House 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-036 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-037 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-038 a/c J.H. Taylor 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-039 collection choirmaster from choir 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-040 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-041 salary W. Greenwood rect 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-042 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-043 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-044 salary E.J. Lehner 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-045 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-046 ? ? no document 31/08/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-047 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-048 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-049 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-050 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-051 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-052 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-053 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-054 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-055 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-056 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-057 a/c J.&T. Gunn 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-058 a/c Australian Church Record, The advertisement for curate - St. John's 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-059 a/c L'ton Examiner 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-060 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-061 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-062 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-063 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-064 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-065 receipt L.F. Murray Sunday School Anniversary 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-066 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-067 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-068 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-069 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-070 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-071 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-072 salary choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-073 a/c Jackson's locks 31/10/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-074 a/c State gov land tax 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-075 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-076 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-077 a/c Foot & Playsted 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-078 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-079 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/11/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-080 a/c Tas Diocesan Insurance Co 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-081 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-082 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-083 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-084 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-085 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-086 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-087 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-088 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-089 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-090 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-091 a/c The Cleavers 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-092 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-093 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-094 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-095 a/c Launceston City Council Mission House 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-096 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-097 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-098 salary A.R. Gee organist 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-099 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-100 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-101 a/c Findlays Music 31/01/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-102 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-103 a/c Hart & Sons 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-104 a/c L'ton Examiner 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-105 a/c J.&T. Gunn Mission House - repairs & maintenance 31/12/1947 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-106 a/c Fincham & Sons for organ 28/02/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-107 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-108 collection Ch W C.M.S.  31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-109 collection Miss Eleanor Murray missions 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-110 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-111 a/c Launceston City Council 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-112 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-113 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-114 increase W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-115 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-116 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-117 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-118 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-119 expenses Ch W Rural Deanery conference 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-120 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-121 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-122 salary W. Greenwood rector 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-123 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-124 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-125 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-126 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-127 a/c Jackson's Locks 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-128 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-129 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-130 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-131 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-132 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-133 receipt Diocesan Trustees payment on loan & extra capital 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-134 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-135 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-136 salary A.R. Gee organist 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-137 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-138 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-139 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-140 a/c J.&T. Gunn St. John's Hall - locks etc 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-141 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-142 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-143 a/c Shield's Coal & Coke Co. wood   30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-144 collection Ch W from Mothers' Uinon 31/05/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-145 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-146 a/c Birchall's stationery 30/04/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-147 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-148 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-149 salary A.R. Gee organist 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-150 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-151 salary E.J. Lehner verger's wages 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-152 payment E.J. Lehner extra work 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-153 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-154 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-155 a/c L'ton Examiner adverts 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-156 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-157 a/c L'ton Gas Co. 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
SJC-1982 2Z-158 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 14
Series GL (Glebe) 1848-1913 This series is now in with box of large amount of later Glebe docs awaiting processing Dec. 2023
SJC-2022 GL-001 report James Scott report on status of glebe land 03/01/1848 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-002 account Giblin to Browne Costs regarding grant of glebe land 11/01/1866 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-003 account Giblin & Dobson Costs regarding grant of glebe land 26/06/1866 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-004 receipt Giblin & Dobson receipt re grant of glebe land 04/10/1866 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-005 account G. Habington drainage of glebe - labour 02/11/1872 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-006 indenture Thomas W Jones £600 loan to church with glebe rentals as repayment method - 2 copies 12/11/1872 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-006A indenture Thomas W Jones £600 loan to church with glebe rentals as repayment method - 2 copies 12/11/1872 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-007 notice Daley to wardens surrender of leases - glebe 26/01/1876 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-008 tenders M Saggers, W.Imlach lease of glebe lands 28/02/1876 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-009 accounts various materials and services for glebe works 31/12/1878 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-010 letters various regarding railway easement 31/12/1879 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-011 tenders & letters various lease of glebe lands 31/12/1880 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-012 tender Laird brothers lease of glebe lands 28/04/1880 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-013 lease wardens to J Ballard lease of glebe lands 01/09/1882 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-014 letter C Haggerty to wardens lease of glebe lands 29/03/1888 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-015 note unknown lease of glebe lands 31/12/1888 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-016 letter James Lamont to Martin and Wilmot drainage of glebe 22/07/1887 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-016A report James Lamont to Martin and Wilmot condition of Glebe and recommendations 12/4/1887 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-017 account Robert Gardner fencing of glebe 15/12/1888 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-017A arbitration diocese vs Tasmanian govt compensation for use of land for rifle range 25/2/1888 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-018 tenders & letters various glebe lands leases and works 31/12/1887 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-019 letters various glebe lands leases and works 31/12/1889 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-020 letter W Martin to W Gardner drainage of glebe 02/07/1889 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-021 letters wardens to Public Works drainage of glebe 31/12/1889 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-022 account J & T Gunn fencing of glebe 06/09/1893 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-023 account J & T Gunn fencing of glebe 20/06/1893 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-024 letter diocese to wardens fencing of glebe 05/06/1893 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-025 letter Gardner to wardens drainage of glebe 31/07/1893 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-026 letter wardens to Gardner glebe lands leases and works 01/04/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-027 letter Robinson to (wardens?) disputed glebe accounts - Gardiner 01/09/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-028 account Robert Gardner glebe drainage works and supplies 03/09/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-029 letter wardens to Gardner disputed glebe accounts - Gardiner 04/09/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-029A letter wardens to officer commanding re cattle straying onto rifle range 30/9/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-030 receipt Robert Gardner glebe drainage works and supplies 27/02/1891 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-031 account Robert Gardner glebe drainage works and supplies 19/10/1892 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-032 letter McKeogh to wardens disputed lease - Mrs Miles v Laird Bros 22/04/1890 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-033 letter Gas company to wardens request to purchase part of glebe lands  04/11/1891 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-034 letter Tas Govt Railways to diocese disclaimer - cattle killed at glebe crossing 14/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-035 letter diocese to wardens disclaimer - cattle killed at glebe crossing 15/12/1894 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-036 report C StJ David to wardens drainage of glebe 24/02/1900 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-037 account Alfred Green & Co to wardens legal costs associated with glebe 5/10/1901 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-038 report wardens to diocese on lease incomes from glebe lands 14/05/1903 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-039 letter Tas Govt Railways to wardens approval for water pipe over railway 9/04/1904 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-040 letter wardens to TGR re water pipe over railway 18/04/1904 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-041 letter wardens to R. Freiboth approval for sub-lease of glebe lands 19/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-042 letter rector to diocesan trustees  request for lease approval - Freiboth 6/03/1905 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-043 account J & T Gunn construction of glebe farmhouse 28/06/1905 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-044 letter wardens to R. Freiboth sub-lease of glebe lands 10/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-045 tender Charles Adams & Sons drainage of glebe 23/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-046 tender R W Casboult drainage of glebe 24/12/1906 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-047 letter Charles Adams & Sons request for payment for glebe works 26/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-047A quotation Charles Adams & Sons cost of drainage works at glebe 7/02/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-047B account Charles Adams & Sons sluice gates - materials and construct 26/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-048 letter Tas Govt Railways to wardens approval for embankment adjoining 25/11/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-049 letter wardens to Freiboth disputed account for drainage 30/01/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-050 letter Freiboth to wardens progress report on glebe embankment 1/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-051 letter W.J. Southerwood payment of glebe lease and request for repairs 31/03/1913 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-052 account F Butterworth Glebe embankment labour claims 22/11/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-053 agreement Ashby Quarries - T. Templeton supply brown and pink stone 27/07/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-054 agreement F Butterworth & H Bishop embankment work 13/10/1907 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-055 letter W.J. Southerwood lease payment 1/09/1912 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-056 demand Launceston Council to St. John's final notice - overdue rates on glebe 8/01/1926 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-057 lease wardens to tenant terms for lease of glebe lands 1/04/1937 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-058 report G.E. Archer to wardens work required to improve embankments and other aspects of glebe farm 19/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-059 quotation French Brothers to wardens painting and repairs - glebe cottage 13/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-060 quotation J. & T. Gunn to wardens external painting - glebe cottage 14/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-061 letter Lloyd R Hughes to wardens recommendation that lease to A. Armstrong be renewed 25/03/1942 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-062 letter Launceston Council to St. John's extension of area used as municipal tip 25/09/1946 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-063 letter Ritchie & Parker to wardens extension of area used as municipal tip 28/10/1946 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-064 letter wardens to Marine Board regarding flooding of glebe farm 5/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-065 letter wardens to Launceston Council re flood protection proposals and impact of same on glebe land 5/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-066 letter wardens to Minister for Army flood protection proposals and implications for rifle range 5/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-067 summary warden meetings 1872-93 glebe embankment and drainage - historical context 5/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-068 letter wardens to Parlt. Cttee - rivers glebe embankment and flooding 5/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-069 letter Marine Board to wardens acknowledgement of receipt of letter 23/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-070 letter office of Minister for Army acknowledgement of receipt of letter 24/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-071 letter office of Minister Lands & Works acknowledgement of receipt of letter 24/06/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-072 letter wardens to A.E. Armstrong greyhound training on glebe lands is outside terms of lease 4/05/1947 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-072 letter wardens to R.M. Green discussion of termination of lease of part of glebe to allow tenancy of Hinman Wright & Manser 3/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-074 letter wardens to Transport Dept possible acquisition of part of glebe land for railway purposes. 9/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-075 corresp various incl. wardens, Transport Dept bundle of correspondence re proposal to acquire glebe land for railway goods yard 22/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-076 lease Trustees of Diocese of Tas Gordon John Luck - lease of glebe 27/05/1963 ASAC C2A Box 37
SJC-2022 GL-077
SJC-2022 GL-078
SJC-2022 GL-079
SJC-2022 GL-080
SJC-2022 GL-081
SJC-2022 GL-082
SJC-2022 GL-083
SJC-2022 GL-084
SJC-2022 GL-085
SJC-2022 GL-086
SJC-2022 GL-087
Series 3: 1948-1955
SJC 1982 3A-001 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-002 a/c Athol Martin Basketball covers 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-003 a/c French Bros 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-004 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-005 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-006 a/c Findlay's Music 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-007 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-008 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-009 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-010 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-011 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-012 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-013 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 30/06/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-014 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-015 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-016 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-017 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-018 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-019 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-020 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-021 donation Ch W United Nation Children's Appeal 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-022 a/c B.J. Wise flowers 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-023 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-024 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-025 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-026 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-027 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-028 a/c 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-029 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-030 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-031 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-032 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-033 a/c French Bros 31/07/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-034 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-035 a/c Findlay's Music 31/08/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-036 a/c C. Carlstrom painting - verger's cottage 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-037 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-038 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-039 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-040 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-041 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-042 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-043 a/c Launceston City Council   31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-044 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-045 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-046 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-047 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-048 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-049 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-050 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-051 a/c Smedley's lawnmower maintenance 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-052 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-053 a/c Diocesan Insurance Co fire 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-054 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-055 a/c C.T. Finney cabinet for Ch W vestry 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-056 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-057 a/c Findlay's Music 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-058 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-059 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-060 a/c 4 Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-061 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-062 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-063 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-064 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-065 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-066 collection Ch W Sunday School Anniversay 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-067 a/c 2 Powell's Electrical 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-068 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-069 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs & maintenance - St. John's Hall 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-070 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-071 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-072 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-073 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-074 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-075 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-076 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-077 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-078 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-079 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-080 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-081 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-082 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-083 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs & maintenance - St. John's Hall 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-084 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-085 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-086 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-087 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-088 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-089 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-090 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-091 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-092 payment G.T. McIntee painting - rectory 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-093 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-094 salary A.R. Gee Organist 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-095 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-096 salary W. Greenwood Rector 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-097 receipt Diocesan Secretary 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-098 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-099 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-100 donation Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-101 receipt C.K. Eberhard C.M.S. 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-102 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-103 a/c J.R. Green 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-104 a/c J.& T. Gunn locks 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-105 a/c Launceston City Council 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-106 a/c Kinmont Office Equipment envelopes 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-107 a/c Cooogan & Co furniture 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-108 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-109 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-110 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-111 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-112 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-113 a/c Barrenger & Lansdel glass 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-114 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-115 a/c Birchall's stationery 31/12/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-116 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs - rectory back gate 28/02/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-117 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-118 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-119 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-120 salary E.J. Lehner Verger 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-121 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-122 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-123 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-124 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-125 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-126 a/c J.& T. Gunn church nave floor repairs 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-127 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-128 receipt 2 Ch W Council for ChristIain Ed in Schools 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-129 a/c Council for ChristIain Ed in Schools 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-130 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-131 donation Ch W Tas Council of Churches 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-132 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-133 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-134 a/c Findlay's Music 31/03/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-135 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-136 salary W. Witt Gregson Curate 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-137 salary D. Young Verger 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-138 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-139 donation Ch W Archd. Atkinson fund 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-140 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-141 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-142 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-143 salary D. Young Verger 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-144 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-145 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-146 a/c Jackson's  30/04/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-147 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-148 payment A.R. Thollar work done 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-149 donation Ch W to Mothers' Union 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-150 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3A-151 payment D. Young extra work 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-001 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-002 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-003 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-004 expenses Ch W Rev F Reeves 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-005 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-006 payment Miss Murray Missons 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-007 payment Ch W E.S. & A. Bank 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-008 salary F. Reeves Locum curate 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-009 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-010 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-011 salary D. Young Verger 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-012 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-013 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-014 donation Ch W Clarendon House 30/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-015 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-016 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/05/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-017 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-018 collection Ch W from choir 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-019 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-020 payment Ch W E.S. & A. Bank 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-021 salary F. Reeves Locum curate 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-022 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-023 salary D. Young Verger 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-024 payment D. Young rent 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-025 a/c Findlay's Music 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-026 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-027 payment A.R. Thollar spouting - Sunday School hall 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-028 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-029 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood   31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-030 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-031 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-032 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-033 salary F. Reeves Locum curate 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-034 salary D. Young Verger 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-035 a/c Launceston City Council 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-036 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-037 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-038 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-039 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-040 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-041 salary W. Greenwood Rector 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-042 a/c French Bros 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-043 a/c F.H. Stephens sea freight - Revd. Sutton removals 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-044 a/c The Cleavers 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-045 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-046 banking Ch W Bass & Equitable 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-047 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-048 a/c J.& T. Gunn 31/07/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-049 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-050 salary W. Greenwood Rector 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-051 salary F. Reeves Locum curate 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-052 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-053 salary D. Young Verger 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-054 salary D. Young Verger 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-055 collection Ch W from choir 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-056 payment 2 G.T. McIntee work done 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-057 a/c J.& T. Gunn 30/06/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-058 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-059 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-060 payment C.S. Burnes work done 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-061 a/c Foot & Playsted printing 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-062 a/c B.J. Wise 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-063 receipt H.B. Brownrigg expenses - ref new rector (Sutton) 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-064 a/c Cleanquick dry cleaning 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-065 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-066 a/c 2 A.A. Castley 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-067 a/c  W. & G. Genders garden tools etc 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-068 a/c  Woolston & Sons 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-069 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-070 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-071 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-072 salary D. Young Verger 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-073 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-074 a/c Union Steam Shp Co. sea freight - Revd. Sutton removals 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-075 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-076 payment A.R. Thollar work done 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-077 receipt H.B. Brownrigg repairs and maintenance - rectory 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-078 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-079 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-080 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-081 a/c  Sheild's Wood & Coal wood & coal 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-082 a/c  F.R. Dowse gardens 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-083 a/c  Miss Gibson 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-084 a/c  Powell's Electrical 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-085 a/c  The Cleavers 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-086 receipt H.B. Brownrigg postage 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-087 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/09/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-088 a/c Launceston City Council 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-089 a/c Findlay's Music 31/08/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-090 a/c 2 W.E. Brown solution (cleaning?) 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-091 a/c 2 J.& T. Gunn repairs and maintenance - rectory 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-092 collection Ch W Sunday School Anniversay 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-093 a/c 2 Powell's Electrical 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-094 payment G.T. McIntee work done 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-095 salary I. Oates Sunday School 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-096 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-097 salary A.R. Gee Organist 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-098 salary D. Young Verger 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-099 a/c 6 Diocesan Office 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-100 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-101 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-102 a/c French Bros 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-103 a/c Kinmont Office Equipment envelopes 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-104 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-105 a/c James Dunstan stationery 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-106 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-107 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-108 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-109 a/c F.H. Stephens sea freight - Revd. Sutton removals 31/10/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-110 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-111 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-112 a/c W.B. G ?? clerical assistance 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-113 receipt A.H. Roake clerical assistance 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-114 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-115 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-116 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-117 salary D. Young Verger 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1982 3B-118 collection Ch W from choir 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-119 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-120 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-121 salary I. Oates Sunday School 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-122 salary D. Young Verger 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-123 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-124 a/c Birchall's stationery 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-125 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-126 a/c F.H. Stewart travelling expenses 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-127 a/c Advocate adverts 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-128 a/c Jackson's  31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-129 a/c Woolson & Son printing - ordination 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-130 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-131 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-132 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-133 a/c The Cleavers cleaning supplies 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-134 a/c French Bros 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-135 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-136 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-137 salary A.R. Gee Organist 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-138 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-139 salary I. Oates Sunday School 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-140 salary D. Young Verger 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-141 a/c Launceston Gas Co. 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-142 receipt ? Matthews garden work 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-143 a/c Gordon & Gotch newspapers 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-144 payment 3 Ch W C.M.S. 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-145 a/c Mercury adverts - organist 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-146 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-147 a/c Church Record Lt, The adverts 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-148 expenses Ch W F.A. Stewart 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-149 a/c Launceston City Council 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-150 salary Dessie West Sunday School 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-151 a/c Church Stores 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-152 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-153 a/c Broomby & Dent gardens 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-154 salary A.R. Gee Organist 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-155 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-156 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-157 salary D. Young Verger 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-158 a/c Powell's Electrical 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-159 a/c Church Publishing Co. 31/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-160 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-161 a/c B.J. Wise 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-162 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-163 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs and maintenance 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-164 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-165 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-166 a/c Woolston & Sons printing 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-167 salary Ch W for choir boys 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-168 collection Ch W special service 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-169 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-170 salary Dessie West Sunday School 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-171 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-172 a/c Kinmont Office Equipment 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-173 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-174 a/c Launceston City Council 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-175 payment A.R. Thollar 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-176 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-177 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-178 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-179 salary D. Young Verger 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-180 collection Ch W Summer School  30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-181 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-182 a/c R.S. Davies organ repairs 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-183 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-184 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-185 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-186 expenses Ch W H.B. Atkinson l.t. 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-187 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-188 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-189 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-190 salary D. Young Verger 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-191 salary Bernice Bungey paid singer 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-192 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-193 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-194 a/c J.& T. Gunn rectory - new laundry, cottage repairs, tower: remove old plaster and make good 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-195 expenses Ch W Rural Deanery 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-196 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-197 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood & coal 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-198 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-199 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-200 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-201 salary D. Young Verger 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-202 payment D.K. Madder work done 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-203 payment A.R. Thollar work done 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-204 a/c T.G. Calver 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-205 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-206 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-207 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-208 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-209 a/c C.K. Eberhard Donation - CMS 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-210 a/c T.G. Calver 31/05/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-211 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3B-212 receipt Aust Board of Mission donation 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-001 payment Ch W (see 2B-212) 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-002 donation Ch W Mayor's Flood Relief Fund 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-003 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-004 a/c Maples manchester 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-005 a/c Ludbrook's 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-006 payment Ch W Aust Board of Missions 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-007 a/c Coogan's 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-008 payment H.G. Smith worzk in Rectory 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-009 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-010 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-011 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-012 salary D. Young Verger 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-013 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-014 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-015 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-016 a/c French Bros 30/04/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-017 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-018 a/c J.& T. Gunn supply bolt 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-019 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-020 payment A.R. Thollar work done 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-021 payment A.S. Gee honorarium 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-022 a/c J.& T. Gunn 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-023 payment A. Thollar 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-024 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-025 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-026 payment 2 Ch W C.M.S. 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-027 receipt 3 Diocesan Secretary 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-028 payment E. Whitworth microphone etc 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-029 donation Ch W W.C.F. subscription 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-030 a/c Shields Wood & Coal wood   31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-031 a/c J. Clarke & Sons floral tribute 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-032 a/c G.W. Woolston painting 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-033 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-034 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-035 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-036 salary D. Young Verger 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-037 a/c Birchall's stationery 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-038 a/c Max Cox cement 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-039 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-040 a/c Super of Public Reserves gardens 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-041 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-042 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-043 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-044 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-045 salary D. Young Verger 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-046 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-047 a/c T.G. Calver 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-048 a/c C. Carlstrom painting 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-049 a/c Barrenger & Lansdel glass 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-050 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-051 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-052 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-053 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-054 a/c 6 Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-055 a/c  Smedley's lawnmower repairs 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-056 salary D. Young Verger 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-057 a/c Jackson's  31/08/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-058 a/c Kinmont Office Equipment 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-059 payment A.E. Smith painting 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-060 a/c 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-061 a/c  Jackson's  30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-062 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-063 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-064 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-065 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-066 a/c G.W. Woolston 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-067 a/c The Cleavers 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-068 a/c T. Prosser repairs at Rectory - fence 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-069 a/c 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-070 a/c  Perrin's 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-071 salary Iain Read Verger 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-072 donation Ch W ChristIain Social Order Movement 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-073 payment Mrs Smith cleaning 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-074 salary 7 Iain Read Verger 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-075 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-076 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-077 collection Ch W from Mothers' Union 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-078 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-079 collection Ch W Sunday School Anniversay 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-080 salary Iain Read Verger 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-081 a/c Jackson's  31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-082 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-083 salary Iain. Read Verger 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-084 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-085 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-086 a/c A.W.R. Thollar plumbing - hall 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-087 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-088 a/c R.S. Davies repairs to organ 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-089 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-090 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-091 a/c Medhurst & Sons 30/06/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-092 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-093 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-094 salary Iain Read Verger 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-095 salary Iain Read Verger 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-096 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-097 a/c J.& T. Gunn 31/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-098 a/c Jackson's  30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-099 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs - rectory and caretaker's cottage 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-100 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-101 a/c Hill, Norman & Beard organ tuning 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-102 salary W. Greenwood locum rector 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-103 salary Iain  Read Verger 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-104 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-105 a/c A.A. Castley repayment of loan £94 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-106 salary Iain Read Verger 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-107 payment Miss Bullock cleaning 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-108  a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-109 receipt Ch W Miss Murray for Sunday School 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-110 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-111 collection Ch W from choir 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-112 salary Iain Read Verger 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-113 payment Miss Bullock 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-114 a/c Findlay's Music 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-115 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-116 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-117 statement Tas Diocesan Fire Insurance   30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-118 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-119 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-120 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-121 a/c G.W. Woolston 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-122 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-123 payment Miss Bullock cleaning 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-124 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-125 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-126 payment Miss Bullock cleaning 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-127 a/c Ken Hunt cartage - rubbish removal 31/12/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-128 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-129 a/c Launceston City Council 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-130 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-131 payment 2 Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-132 payment  A. Catchpole repairs - cottage 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-133 a/c Birchall's stationery 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-134 a/c 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-135 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-136 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-137 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-138 payment Miss Bullock cleaning 31/01/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-139 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-140 a/c Geo. Fincham for organ 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-141 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-142 payment M. Weston ? 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-143 payment A.H.. Roche clerical assistance 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-144 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-145 collection Ch W Women's Committee Church Worker 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-146 expenses Ch W Revd Atkins 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-147 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-148 payment F.A. Stewart extra work 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-149 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-150 a/c G.W. Woolston & Son 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-151 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-152 salary W. Greenwood locum rector 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-153 a/c T.G. Calver 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-154 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-155 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-156 salary L.N. Sutton Rector - car allowance 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-156A receipt Wardens choir collections 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-157 Payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-158 a/c Woolston & Sons 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-159 payment A.W.R. Thollar 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-160 a/c Kinmont Office Equipment 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-161 collection Ch W Sunday School missionwork 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-162 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-163 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-164 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-165 a/c Launceston City Council 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-166 payment B.J. Wise 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-167 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-168 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-169 a/c Findlay's Music 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-170 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-171 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-172 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-173 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-174 a/c Findlay's Music servicing carillon 30/11/1950 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-175 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-176 receipt Ch W Aust Board of Missions 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-177 donation Ch W L.G.H. appeal 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-178 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-179 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-180 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-181 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-182 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-183 a/c W. Coogan furniture 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-184 a/c Jackson's  30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-185 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-186 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-187 payment W. Peterson lawn mowing 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-188 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-189 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-190 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-191 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-192 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-193 donation Ch W for Stepney Fund 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-194 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-195 a/c J.& T. Gunn church repairs and maintenance 30/04/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-196 a/c Young's Furniture House 31/05/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-197 payment A. Catchpole 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-198 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-199 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-200 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-201 receipt diocesan Registrar 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-202 a/c Young's Furniture House 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-203 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3C-204 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-001 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-002 expenses F.A. Stewart travelling 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-003 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-004 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-005 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-006 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-007 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-008 a/c The Cleavers 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-009 a/c B.G.E. Pty Ltd light lobes 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-010 a/c Hill, Norman & Beard for organ 30/06/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-011 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-012 a/c Duplcating & Typing Servic, The 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-013 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-014 a/c Woolston & Sons 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-015 a/c Launceston City Council 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-016 expenses F.A. Stewart travelling 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-017 salary Iain Read Verger 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-018 payment A. Catchpole cleaning 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-019 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-020 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-021 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-022 salary A. Catchpole Verger 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-023 donation Ch W Clarendon Children's Home 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-024 donation Ch W Home of Mercy & Babies' Home 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-025 a/c Foot & Playsted 31/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-026 receipt Diocesan Council 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-027 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-028 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-029 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-030 a/c J.& T. Gunn tower downpipe 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-031 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-032 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-033 a/c Findlay's Music 31/08/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-034 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-035 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-036 receipt Tas. Collection Service 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-037 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-038 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-039 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-040 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-041 a/c Diocese of Tas. 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-042 a/c Steane's Sound System Church earphone and control box 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-043 a/c G.A. Calver 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-044 payment N. Ralf cleaning Rectory 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-045 a/c K.R. Davis repairs to organ 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-046 donation Ch W Church Army 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-047 a/c J.& T. Gunn 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-048 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-049 payment N.Ralf cutting lawns 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-050 payment Ch W R.J. Watson loan 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-051 expenses L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-052 a/c J.R. Green 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-053 salary W. Stewart 26 ws Verger 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-054 account Jacksons Lock and Brass no date 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-055 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-056 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-057 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-058 a/c Tas Diocesan Fire Insurance 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-059 a/c Findlay's Music 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-060 receipt 2 Diocesan Secretary 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-061 collection Ch W Sunday School Festival 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-062 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-063 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-064 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-065 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-066 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-067 a/c J.& T. Gunn supply hardwood 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-068 a/c J.& T. Gunn Joinery and cross 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-069 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-070 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-071 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-072 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-073 payment N.Ralf cleaning Rectory 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-074 a/c Perrin's fabric 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-075 a/c J. Clarke & Sons 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-076 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-077 expenses Ch W C.H. Roce 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-078 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-079 a/c L.R. Davis repairs organ 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-080 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-081 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-082 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-083 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-084 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-085 a/c Diocesan Book Depot 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-086 a/c Launceston City Council 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-087 a/c Launceston City Council drains 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-088 a/c Mercury adverts 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-089 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-090 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-091 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-092 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-093 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-094 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-095 receipt F.G. Shadwick verger 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-096 collection Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-097 donation Ch W C.M.S. 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-098 a/c K.R. Davis repairs organ 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-099 a/c J. clarke & Sons 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-100 a/c Launceston Examiner 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-101 a/c Steane's Sound System 31/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-102 a/c Jackson's Locks 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-103 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1852 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-104 a/c Advocate adverts 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-105 expenses Ch W H.B. Atkinson l.t. 30/11/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-106 expenses Ch W H.B. Atkinson l.t. 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-107 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-108 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-109 a/c J.& T. Gunn rectory renovations 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-110 payment J.W. Harris gardening 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-111 a/c McGladrey & Hodgman Auctioneers bid - cabinet 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-112 receipt L.N. Sutton for car 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-113 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-114 collection Ch W from choir 31/01/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-115 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-116 a/c W. Hart & Son 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-117 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-118 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-119 payment Ch W express delivery 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-120 a/c 3 Barrenger & Lansdel glass 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-121 a/c  Launceston City Council 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-122 a/c  Findlay's service amplifier 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-123 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-124 salary M.E. Shadwick Verger 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-125 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-126 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-127 salary M.E. Shadwick Verger 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-128 a/c K.R. Davis repairs organ 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-129 a/c J.& T. Gunn skylights - Mission House 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-130 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-131 a/c French Bros at Rectory 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-132 a/c T.G. Calver 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-133 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-134 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-135 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-136 a/c T.G. Calver 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-137 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-138 a/c Perrin's 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-139 a/c 2 Young's Furniture House repairs 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-140 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-141 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-142 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-143 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood & coal 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-144 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-145 donation Ch W St David's, Cormiston 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-146 payment 6 A. Catchpole Verger 31/10/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-147 payment 7 A. Catchpole Verger 30/09/1951 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-148 payment 10 N. Ralf lawns 28/02/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-149 payment 10 M.E. Shadwick Vergerwork done 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-150 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-151 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-152 a/c 7 Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-153 a/c 4 Hydro Electric Commission 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-154 a/c  Quon's 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-155 a/c  J.W. Woolston 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-156 collection Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-157 payment Kinmomt Typing Serice 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-158 payment A.H. Roake 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-159 a/c French Bros glass 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-160 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-161 collection Ch W Sunday School 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-162 collection Ch W Women's Committee Church Worker 30/04/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-163 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-164 collection Ch W Mothers' Union service 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-165 payment R.J. Farrell 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-166 a/c Homecrafts 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3D-167 a/c Price's Radio switches 31/03/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-001 expenses Ch W sundries 31/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-002 a/c J. Von See plumbing 6/05/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-003 a/c Barrenger & Lansdel glass 30/06/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-004 donation Ch W C.M.S. 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-005 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-006 a/c J. Clarke & Sons 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-007 a/c The Cleavers cleaning materials 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-008 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-009 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs and maintenance - church, rectory, Sunday School 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-010 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-011 a/c Jackson's Lock and Brass 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-012 a/c Kennett Ladders 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-013 salary W. Matthews Verger 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-014 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-015 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-016 payment M.E. Shadwick 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-017 expenses F.A. Stewart extra duties 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-018 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-019 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-020 payment M.E. Shadwick work done 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-021 a/c F.M. Stephens 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-022 a/c Shield's Wood & Coal fire wood 31/07/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-023 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-024 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-025 a/c French Bros 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-026 receipt Diocesan Children's Homes 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-027 payment W. Matthews work done 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-028 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-029 payment M.E. Shadwick work done 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-030 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-031 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-032 a/c Repco paint  31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-033 a/c Launceston City Council 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-034 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-035 a/c T.G. Calver 31/08/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-036 receipt Diocesan Children's Homes 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-037 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-038 a/c Findlay's 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-039 payment W. Matthews work done 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-040 payment M.L. Hughes 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-041 payment C.J. Norman lawnmower 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-042 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-043 expenses L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-044 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-045 salary M.E. Shadwick Verger 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-046 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-047 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-048 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-049 payment W. Matthews work done 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-050 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-051 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-052 collection Ch W 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-053 salary M.E. Shadwick Verger 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-054 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-055 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-056 receipt Diocesan Book Depot 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-057 a/c Woolston & Sons 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-058 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-059 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-060 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-061 a/c Launceston City Council 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-062 a/c Control Systems stationery 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-063 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-064 a/c Findlay's 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-065 a/c The Cleavers 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-066 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 31/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-067 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-068 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-069 a/c Jacksons  30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-070 payment W. Matthews 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-071 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-072 a/c N. Z Insurance Co. 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-073 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-074 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-075 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-076 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-077 expenses F.A. Stewart travelling 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-078 donation Stepney Trust annual disbursement 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-079 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-080 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-081 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/11/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-082 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-083 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-084 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-085 collection Ch W Suday School 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-086 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-087 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-088 payment W. Matthews 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-089 receipt Ch W Missionary Service League 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-090 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-091 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-092 a/c N. Z Insurance Co. 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-093 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-094 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-095 a/c Tas Diocesan Fire Insurance 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-096 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-097 a/c J.W. Cohen survey of glebe 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-098 a/c J.& T. Gunn glazing - Sunday School 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-099 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1952 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-100 a/c Launceston City Council 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-101 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-102 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-103 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-104 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-105 payment W. Matthews 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-106 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-107 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-108 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-109 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-110 collection Ch W from choir 31/01/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-111 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-112 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-113 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-114 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-115 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-116 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-117 a/c Mercury adverts 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-118 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-119 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-120 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-121 a/c J.R. Green 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-122 a/c J.& T. Gunn plumbing supplies 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-123 a/c Examiner newspaper 28/02/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-124 a/c British & Foreign Bible Soc. 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-125 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-126 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-127 a/c H.J. Cassidy supply pipes etc 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-128 a/c The Cleavers 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-129 a/c Control Systems stationery 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-130 receipt Ch W C of E Council of Women 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-131 a/c Launceston City Council 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-132 a/c Selwyn Cox 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-133 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-134 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-135 a/c A.E. Jack straps 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-136 donation Ch W Flood Relief 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-137 a/c  J.& T. Gunn hardware 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-137A account J. & T. Gunn repairs and maintenance - Mission House 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-138 a/c  Powell's Electrical 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-139 a/c  Phoenix Foundry hardware 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-140 a/c  Postmaster General telephone 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-141 receipt Ch W International Aid 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-142 salary M.E. Shadwick Verger 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-143 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-144 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-145 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-146 expenses L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-147 a/c G.W. Woolston & Son 31/03/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-148 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-149 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-150 salary Choirmaster for choir boys 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-151 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-152 a/c W. & G. Genders 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-153 a/c C.H. Smith & Co. pulleys and wire rope 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-154 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-155 a/c J. Von See plumbing supplies 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-156 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-157 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-158 donation Ch W Retired Clergy Homes 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-159 expenses H.B. Brownrigg 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-160 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-161 a/c Launceston City Council 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-162 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-163 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-164 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-165 a/c J.& T. Gunn lock repairs 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-166 a/c The Cleavers 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-167 a/c Birchall's stationery 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-168 a/c Launceston City Council 30/04/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-169 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-170 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-171 a/c French Bros 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-172 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-173 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-174 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-175 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-176 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-177 collection Ch W for Sunday School 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-178 a/c R.A. Farquhar firewood supply 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-179 a/c Young's Furniture House 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-180 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-181 a/c Launceston City Council 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-182 receipt F.H. Jones stage in hall 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-183 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-184 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-185 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-186 receipt Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-187 payment Ch W S.S 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-188 receipt Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-189 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-190 receipt World Council of Churches 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-191 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-192 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-193 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-194 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-195 receipt Diocesan Secretary   30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-196 letter Diocesan Secretary on Returns 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-197 a/c Jackson's 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3E-198 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/05/1953 ASAC C2A Box 15
SJC 1983 3F-001 nil no item - misnumbered in 1980s
SJC 1983 3F-002 nil no item - misnumbered in 1980s
SJC 1983 3F-003 nil no item - misnumbered in 1980s
SJC 1983 3F-004 receipt Max Cox materials for bell 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-005 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-006 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-007 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood & coal 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-008 a/c J. von See plumbing - hall 30/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-009 a/c Telegraph Printery 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-010 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-011 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-012 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-013 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-014 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-015 payment W. Matthews 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-016 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-017 a/c Gair's repair flag 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-018 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-019 a/c B.J. Wise 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-020 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-021 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-022 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-023 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-024 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-025 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-026 paymnt W. Matthews 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-027 a/c Findlay's 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-028 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-029 payment K.R. Davis for organ 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-030 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-031 a/c Launceston City Council 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-032 a/c The Cleavers 31/08/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-033 payment W. Matthews 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-034 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-035 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-036 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-037 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-038 receipt World Council of Churches 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-039 a/c Hinman, Wright & Manser 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-040 payment Thos Gardner work at glebe 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-041 payment R.A. Farquhar 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-042 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-043 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-044 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-045 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-046 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-047 donation Ch W Westminster Abbey Appeal 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-048 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-049 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-050 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-051 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-052 payment W. Matthews 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-053 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-054 a/c G.W. Woolston & Son 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-055 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-056 a/c N.Z. Insurance Co. 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-057 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-058 a/c Jackson's Locks 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-059 a/c Hydro Electric Commission 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-060 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-061 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-062 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-063 receipt Diocesan Registrar   31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-064 a/c D.J. Davern paint supplies 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-065 a/c The Cleavers 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-066 a/c Control Systems 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-067 payment Ch W C.M.S. 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-068 a/c Launceston City Council 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-069 collection Ch W Young Women's Christian Society 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-070 a/c Charles Stuart Co. blinds 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-071 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 31/10/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-072 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs & maintenance -rectory 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-073 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-074 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-075 a/c Tas Diocesan Fire Insurance 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-076 a/c Launceston City Council 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-077 payment  W. Matthews 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-078 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-079 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-080 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-081 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-082 a/c B.J. Wise 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-083 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-084 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-085 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-086 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-087 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-088 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-089 a/c Cox Brothers 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-090 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-091 salary F.A. Stewart Curate 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-092 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-093 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-094 payment W. Matthews 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-095 donation Ch W Royal Aust. Naval Memorial Chapel Appeal 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-096 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-097 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-098 statement Ch W psrish accounts 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-099 statement Ch W Commonwealth Savings Bank 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-100 a/c Alex Clayton painter 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-101 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-102 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-103 a/c Miss Anette Gibson   31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-104 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-105 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-106 a/c Launceston City Council 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-107 a/c The Cleavers 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-108 payment W. Matthews 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-109 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-110 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-111 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-112 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1953 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-113 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-114 payment W. Matthews 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-115 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-116 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-117 a/c Powell's Electrical 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-118 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-119 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-120 a/c B.J. Wise 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-121 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-122 collection Ch W C.M.S. 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-123 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-124 collection Ch W Missionary Service League 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-125 payment W. Matthews 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-126 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-127 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-128 collection Ch W from Sunday School 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-129 collection Ch W from choir 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-130 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-131 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-132 a/c J. von See verger's cottage - flue 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-133 donation Ch W Westminster Abbey Appeal 31/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-134 a/c The Cleavers 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-135 a/c Alex Clayton painter 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-136 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-137 a/c James Dunstan stationery 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-138 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-139 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-140 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-141 a/c Findlay's 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-142 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-143 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-144 donation Ch W Inter-Church Aid 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-145 a/c Jackson's 28/02/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-146 donation Ch W Mothers' Union Sick Fund 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-147 payment W. Matthews 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-148 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-149 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-150 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-151 expenses Ch W postage 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-152 salary K.eth Kay St Aidan's 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-153 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-154 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-155 a/c J.W. Woolston 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-156 a/c James Arnold wood 30/04/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-157 receipt Ch W C.M.S. 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-158 receipt Diocesan Registrar 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-159 donation Ch W Inter-Church Aid 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-160 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-161 payment W. Matthews 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-162 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-163 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-164 payment Ch W S.S 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-165 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-166 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-167 a/c  Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-168 receipt World Council of Churches 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-169 payment Ch W Soc Promotion Christian Know. 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-170 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-171 a/c French Bros 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-172 payment F.J. Jones bell=ringer 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-173 collection Ch W from choir 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-174 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-175 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-176 donation Ch W St Oswald's 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-177 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-178 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-179 payment W. Matthews 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-180 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-181 a/c Jackson's 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-182 a/c Leonard Moon & Fuller supply typewriter 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-183 a/c Ch W Estate of Edith E.B. Watchorn 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-184 a/c J.& T. Gunn repairs to finial - hall 31/05/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-185 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-186 a/c Alex Clayton painter 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-187 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-188 a/c Postmaster General telephone 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-189 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-190 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-191 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-192 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-193 payment Ch W mail bag - C.M.S. 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-194 a/c R.A. Farquhar 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3F-195 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/06/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-001 a/c The Cleavers 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-002 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-003 a/c Telegraph Printery   31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-004 a/c Watchorn's 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-005 a/c Findlay's Music 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-006 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-007 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-008 payment W. Matthews 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-009 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-010 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-011 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-012 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-013 a/c Launceston City Council 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-014 a/c Examiner Printery 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-015 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-016 a/c Tas Diocesan Fire Insurance 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-017 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/07/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-018 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-019 a/c Sheild's Wood & Coal wood 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-020 a/c B.J. Wise flowers 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-021 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-022 a/c Examiner Printery 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-023 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-024 a/c Young's Furniture House repairs to table 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-025 payment W. Matthews 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-026 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-027 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-028 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-029 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-030 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-031 letter Diocesan Registrar 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-032 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-033 a/c Powell's Electrical 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-034 a/c R.A. Farquhar 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-035 a/c J.& T. Gunn Hall - sliding track repairs 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-036 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-037 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-038 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-039 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/08/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-040 a/c Smedley's 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-041 a/c Jackson's 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-042 payment W. Matthews 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-043 a/c M.E. Shadwick verger 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-044 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-045 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-046 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-047 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-048 a/c D.& W. Murray 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-049 receipt Ch W Diocesan Children homes 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-050 a/c Alex Clayton rectory painting and repairs 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-051 a/c R.E. Fowell services 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-052 a/c Charles Barton 30/09/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-053 a/c Alex Clayton 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-054 a/c The Cleavers 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-055 a/c Examiner Printery 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-056 a/c R.H. Watson's engraving 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-057 a/c J.& T. Gunn glebe 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-058 donation Ch W Church Army in N Z 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-059 a/c Northern Assurance Co. 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-060 payment W. Matthews 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-061 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-062 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-063 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-064 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-065 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-066 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-067 collection Ch W from choir 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-068 a/c Launceston City Council rates 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-069 donation Ch W Tas Council of Churches 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-070 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-071 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-072 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-073 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-074 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-075 collection Ch W from Sunday School 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-076 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-077 payment W. Matthews 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-078 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-079 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-080 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-081 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-082 a/c N.Z. Insurance Co. 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-083 receipt Diocesan Registrar 30/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-084 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-085 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/10/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-086 a/c Powell's Electrical 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-087 a/c The Cleavers 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-088 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-089 a/c James Dunstan stationery 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-090 a/c State Government land tax 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-091 a/c Launceston City Council 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-092 a/c F.C. Cookman photograph - churchwardens 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-093 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-094 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-095 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-096 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-097 payment W. Matthews 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-098 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-099 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-100 a/c Noyes Bros 31/12/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-101 a/c Postmaster General telephone 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-102 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-103 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-104 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-105 a/c Noyes Bros microphone 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-106 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-107 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-108 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-109 collection Ch W from choir 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-110 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-111 payment W. Matthews 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-112 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 31/01/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-113 a/c Powell's Electrical 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-114 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-115 a/c Findlay's Music 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-116 a/c B. Sutton 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-117 a/c Alex Clayton paimter 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-118 receipt Equitable Building Society 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-119 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/02/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-120 receipt Church Trustees - C of E 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-121 payment Radio 7NT broadcast service 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-122 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-123 payment W. Matthews 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-124 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-125 a/c Wm Holyman & Sons 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-126 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-127 a/c Young's Furniture House 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-128 receipt Diocesan Secretary 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-129 a/c Examiner Printery 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-130 letter Postmaster General 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-131 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-132 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-133 a/c Brown & Son rubber 31/03/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-134 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-135 a/c Woolston & Sons priting 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-136 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-137 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-138 a/c Johnstone & Wilmot 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-139 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-140 a/c Examiner Printery 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-141 statement Noyes Bros 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-142 receipt Church Trustees - C of E 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-143 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-144 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-145 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-146 Payment W. Matthews 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-147 collection Ch W from choir 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-148 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-149 payment w. Farrell work done 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-150 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-151 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-152 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-153 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-154 payment W. Matthews 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-155 a/c Launceston City Council rates 30/04/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-156 a/c T.G. Calver 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-157 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-158 a/c Launceston City Council 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-159 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-160 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-161 payment W. Matthews 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-162 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-163 note Ch W Commonwealth Savings Bank re unsigned cheque 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-164 a/c Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-165 salary M.E. Shadwick verger 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-166 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-167 donation Ch W Inter-Church Aid 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-168 donation Ch W M. U. Oveerseas Fund 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-169 a/c Launceston Examiner adverts 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-170 a/c K.R. Davis for organ 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-171 letter Vera G. Hayward to rector re donation 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-172 payment Ch W C.M.S. 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-173 receipt Diocesan Secretary 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-174 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-175 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-176 salary Miss E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3G-177 salary V.A. Maddick Curate 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
Note: Series 3H has been merged and renumbered into series 2Cor
SJC 1983 3I-001 account Powell's Electrical heater repairs 1/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-002 account Noyes Bros lighting 8/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-003 account Diocesan Registry insurance premiums 2/11/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-004 account Noyes Bros lighting 22/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-005 account Powell's Electrical heater repairs 31/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-006 account 2 Hydro Electric Commission church , Sunday School 25/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-007 receipt Church Missionary Society from Sunday School 14/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-008 receipt Churchwardens from Choir 5/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-009 payment Powell's Electrical repair vacuum cleaner 23/03/1954 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-010 account 2 Young's Furniture House repair tables and trestles 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-011 receipt Jackson's Locks sharpening ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-012 receipt Wells Organisation canvassing materials and fees 14/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-013 donation A. Hart donation to general fund 31/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-014 receipt 2 Churchwardens from Choir 30/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-015 receipt Church Missionary Society general fund donation 6/07/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-016 receipt Churchwardens St Oswald's 9/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-017 account 2 Powell's Electrical heating and lighting, wiring repairs 31/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-018 account  K.R. Davis roof above organ 7/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-019 receipt D.M. Knight Mothers Union Overseas Fund 8/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-020 salary W. Matthews Verger 10/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-021 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 27/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-022 salary W. Matthews Verger 25/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-023 salary W. Matthews Verger 18/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-024 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-025 salary A.H. Wellsl Organist 25/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-026 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 25/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-027 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 20/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-028 salary W. Matthews Verger 29/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-029 honourarium V. Maddick Curate 19/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-030 salary W. Matthews Verger 31/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-031 salary W. Matthews Verger 27/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-032 salary E. Shadwick Cleaner 21/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-033 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-034 receipt Education Department rent of hall 8/10/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-035 salary A.H. Wellsl Organist 2/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-036 salary E. Kigsmill Sunday School 21/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-037 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 21/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-038 honourarium V. Maddick Curate 24/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-039 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 2/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-040 salary W. Matthews Verger 2/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-041 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 2/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-042 salary W. Matthews Verger 21/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-043 salary A.H. Wellsl Organist 21/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-044 honourarium V. Maddick Curate 3/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-045 salary W. Matthews Verger 30/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-046 salary W. Matthews Verger 6/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-047 salary A.H. Wellsl Organist 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-048 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 21/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-049 salary W. Matthews Verger 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-050 honourarium V. Maddick Curate 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-051 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 18/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-052 account Johnstone & Wilmot port wine 11/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-053 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-054 account Diocesan Insurance Co fire insurance 29/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-055 account The Cleavers cleaning goods 20/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-056 account Diocesan Registrar diocesan assessments 29/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-057 letter St Oswald's Church annual donation towards clergy costs 25/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-058 account Business Equipment stationery 14/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-059 account Shield's Wood & Coal firewood for Sunday School 31/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-060 account 3 Skerratt Pianos Tas tuning and repairs 31/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-061 account  Powell's Electrical Att. Clock tower lights 31/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-062 account  K.R. Davis work on organ 18/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-063 account  Lauceston Examiner advertisements 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-064 account  Powell's Electrical electrical work 31/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-065 account  Young's Furniture House furniture 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-066 account  Young's Furniture House trestles 6/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-067 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-068 receipt Church Missionary Society donation - CMS General Fund 3/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-069 notice Postmaster General change to telephone connection 17/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-070 receipt Garrott & Garrott postage for church 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-071 account 3 Hydro Electric Commission power supply accounts 3/05/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-072 account  Launceston City Council water supply 3/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-073 account 2 Postmaster General telephone & connections 31/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-074 account  Launceston City Council hire of Albert Hall 27/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-075 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-076 account  Walkers Flowers floral festival 28/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-077 receipt Inter-Church Aid donation 15/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-078 account 10 Powell's Electrical lighting and heating repairs 31/10/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-079 letter Diocesan registrar fire ins. Premiums 12/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-080 account  Launceston City Council rates 3 8/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-081 account  Launceston City Council water supply 8/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-082 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-083 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-084 account  Johnstone & Wilmot port wine 31/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-085 account  Hydro Electric Commission power supply accounts 6/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-086 account  The Cleavers cleaning goods 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-087 receipt  Wells Organisatios retainer fee and canvass proceeds 24/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-088 account Postmaster General telephone 23/03/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-089 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/11/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-090 receipt Church Trustees - C of E diocesan assessments 31/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-091 donation Churchwardens St Oswald's grant 7/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-092 account Roses Gifts suitcase 15/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-093 receipt Churchwardens donation fr choir 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-094 account State Government land tax 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-095 account Launceston City Council water supply 21/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-096 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 23/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-097 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 31/01/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-098 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 24/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-099 account K.R. Davis work on organ 20/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-100 account Church Stores giving envelopes 8/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-101 ecpt Powell's Electrical service 3/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-102 ecpt Church Grammar School payment for Canon Wilson's visit 7/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-103 account Launceston City Council rates 6/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-104 letter Telegraph Printery sales tax refund 4/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-105 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-106 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-107 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 3/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-108 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-109 salary W. Matthews Verger 30/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-110 salary W. Matthews Verger 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-111 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 17/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-112 salary M.E. Shadwick missions 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-113 salary W. Matthews Verger 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-114 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 21/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-115 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-116 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 22/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-117 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-118 salary M.E. Shadwick missions 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-119 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 27/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-120 salary W. Matthews Verger 27/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-121 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-122 salary M.E. Shadwick missions 27/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-123 salary W. Matthews Verger 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-124 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 27/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-125 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 10/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-126 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 27/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-127 receipt Inter-Church Aid refugees fund 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-128 receipt ? R.W. Conference fees 9/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-129 account K.R. Davis work on organ 14/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-130 receipt Church Trustees - C of E S.E. Asia appeal 6/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-131 receipt 2 British & Foreign Bible Soc. donation 15/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-132 account K.R. Davis work on organ 8/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-133 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-134 salary M.E. Shadwick missions 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-135 salary L.A. O'Neill Organist 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-136 salary M.E. Shadwick missions 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-137 salary E. Kingsmill Sunday School 30/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-138 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 28/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-139 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 30/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-140 receipt Church Missionary Society offertory - Bishop's meeting 1/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-141 collection Churchwardens from choir 11/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-142 collection Churchwardens general collections 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-143 account Jackson's Locks services rendered 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-144 receipt K.R. Davis work on organ 29/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-145 receipt Churchwardens St Oswald's Church quarterly grant 5/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-146 account Powell's Electrical repair vacuum cleaner, lights 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-147 account J.& T. Gunn supply sheeting (ply?) 5/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-148 account Telegraph Printery annual report printing 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-149 account Launceston City Council water supply 21/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-150 account Shield's Wood & Coal firewood for Sunday School 30/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-151 account Alex P. Clayton plastering 14/06/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-152 account Hydro Electric Commission Rectory 26/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-153 account 3 diocesan Registry diocesan assessments 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-154 account  Findlays P/L amplification repairs 27/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-155 account  Powell's Electrical light globes 30/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-156 account  The Cleavers cleaning goods 27/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-157 payment Australian Broadcasting Comm'n organ recital fee 5/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-158 account Postmaster General telephone 31/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-159 account Fothreringhams P/L painting supplies 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-160 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-161 account W.F. Sanders & Son canvas cover for carport 30/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-162 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 20/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-163 account 3 Hydro Electric Commission power supply accounts 20/07/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-164 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-165 account  Launceston City Council water supply 29/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-166 account  Young's Furniture House furniture repairs 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-167 account  Launceston City Council annual sewage charge 3/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-168 receipt Equitable Building Society interest payment 3/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-169 account N Z insurance policy renewal 3/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-170 letter World Council of Churches renewal of membership 9/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-171 account Garrott & Garrott postage for church 11/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-172 account The Cleavers cleaning goods 31/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-173 account Young's Furniture House furniture supplies or repairs 6/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-174 account Launceston City Council blocked drain 11/08/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-175 receipt Equitable Building Society interest payment 28/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-176 account 4 Hydro Electric Commission power supply accounts 31/10/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-177 account  Findlays P/L piano repairs 3/12/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-178 account  Northern Assurance Co. policy renewal 30/11/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-179 account  J. & T. Gunn repair sliding door track - S.School 2/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-180 account Diocesan Registry assessments and synod 30/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-181 account  Perrins Material - Mrs Shadwick 30/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-182 account  Alex P. Clayton work in rectory - back stairs renovation 1/09/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-183 receipt Church Missionary Society - Clarice R. Eberhard CMS collection proceeds 21/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-184 account The Cleavers cleaning goods 16/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-185 account K.R. Davis work on organ 1/11/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-186 payment Hinman, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens glebe rent 11/04/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-187 payment Hinman, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens glebe rent 29/07/1955 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3I-188 letter Diocesan Registry request for Annual Balance & Parish Returns 11/06/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-001 letter H.S.I. Kewney ? - A.V. Maddick "Clipping of the Church" ceremony 16/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-002 account Diocesan Book Society green stole for Archdeacon 2/04/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-003 account Braemar Engineering Co baffle for wash boiler 3/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-004 donation C of E Mail Bag School fr L.. Sutton 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-005 donation Bush Church Aid Society fr Churchwardens 4/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-006 receipt Church Trustees - C of E for St John's Mission 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-007 payment Diocesan Registry hire of St John's Hall 2/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-008 donation Churchwardens to British & For. Bible Soc. 20/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-009 payment Churchwardens Miss E.J.E. Kiddle 19/02/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-010 receipt Churchwardens - Sis L.E. Davies for donation 26/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-011 donation Mrs G.AA. Beackew donation one guinea - garden party 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-012 salary 5 J.L. Steer Verger 6/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-013 note Commonwealth Savings Bank ref. banking - bad cheque 4/09/1956 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-014 collection Keith Kay refund Church Missionary Society 3/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-015 donation Church Missionary Societyq donation receipt 14/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-016 collection Churchwardens fr choir 11/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-017 receipt Diocesan Children's Homes donation fr Mother's Union 16/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-018 receipt 2 Church Missionary Society donations 18/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-019 account J. & T. Gunn supply timber 17/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-020 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 27/05/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-021 salary E.M. Price Clerk  30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-022 receipt Bernice Vermesey T. Dick's flat - rental 19/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-023 salary E.M. Price Clerk  30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-024 salary R.W. Flood Verger 7/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-025 salary R.W. Flood Verger 24/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-026 honourarium A.H. Wells acting organist 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-027 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-028 salary T. Dicks Curate 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-029 payment Bernice Vermesey T. Dick's flat 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-030 account J.S. Caldwell - plumber Rectory - clear drain and repair spouting 2/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-031 salary Eric A Wood Aust. Board of Missions 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-032 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 14/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-032A receipt Church Missionary Society donation - general funds 15/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-033 donation Nessie West - M.U. T. Dicks' Fund 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-034 donation C. Carlstrom for postage 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-035 receipt Church Missionary Society - Keith Kay donations 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-036 receipt Diocesan Council donation - Retired Clergy Fund homes 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-037 receipt Diocesan Council Bush Church Aid 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-038 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. donation 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-039 receipt Churchwardens Endowment Fund 9/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-040 receipt Diocesan Council voluntary payment 9/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-041 receipt 2 Diocesan Registry donation - Retired Clergy Fund homes 9/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-042 account Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 5/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-043 receipt S.P.C.K. donation 9/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-044 receipt Churchwardens Launceston General Hospital 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-045 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-046 honourarium A.H. Wells acting organist 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-047 salary R.W. Flood Verger 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-048 salary R.W. Flood Verger 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-049 salary R.W. Flood Verger 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-050 payment Bernice Vermesey T. Dicks' Fund 30/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-051 payment Bernice Vermesey T. Dicks' Fund 17/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-052 honourarium A.V. Maddick Curate 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-053 account 2 L.C.C. water supply 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-054 account Junior G.F.S. - I. Oates equipment 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-055 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-056 account Shield's Wood & Coal firewood 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-057 account Max Fry supply vacuum cleaner 7/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-058 account A.H. Massina & Co "envelopes" 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-059 account Fotheringhams repairs to flag 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-060 account Bewglass Motors supply paint and putty 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-061 account W. Hart & Sons supply clothes line 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-062 receipt Frank Ikin stamps for T. Dicks 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-063 account M.J. Tyson Agencies printing - annual report 21/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-064 account Braemar Engineering Co wash boiler baffle 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-065 account 2 Herd's Furniture Auctions light shades and stovette 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-066 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens hardboard 9/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-067 account  Greig's General Accessories cups and saucers 12/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-068 salary E.M. Price Clerk 6/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-069 account J.S. Caldwell - plumber iron sheeting and capping 7/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-070 account 3 Powell's Electrical repairs to lights 10/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-071 account  Launceston City Council rates - 103 Canning St 11/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-072 account  Charles Stuart Co. gold velvet curtains for reredos 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-073 account 3 Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-074 account  Garrott & Garrott postage for church 30/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-075 account  The Cleavers cleaning materials 22/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-076 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 6/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-077 honourarium A.H. Wells acting organist 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-078 salary R.W. Flood Verger 15/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-079 salary R.W. Flood Verger 29/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-080 salary T. Dicks Curate 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-081 payment Frank Ikin tax stamps for T. Dicks Jul-Sep 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-082 payment T. Dicks rent allowance 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-083 account The Cleavers broom etc 3/06/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-084 account Diocesan Book Society green stole 4/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-085 account J. Bingham repairs in Hall 3/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-086 account J. & T. Gunn statement 31/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-087 account McKinlays make and supply curtains - rectory 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-088 account Horace Oliver butcher 30/07/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-089 account Postmaster General telephone 25/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-090 honourarium A.V. Maddick Curate 21/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-091 receipt Diocesan Registry donation - Retired Clergy Fund homes 3/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-092 account Johnstone & Wilmot port wine 19/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-093 account 5 Launceston City Council rates 2/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-094 account  Findlays P/L repairs to sound equipment 28/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-095 account  Launceston Examiner advertisements 30/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-096 account Shield's Wood & Coal firewood 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-097 account Launceston City Council annual sewerage charge 2/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-098 account L.V. Merrington gravel for rectory 1/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-099 account Launceston Examiner Parish Messenger 13/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-100 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-101 account Launceston Examiner Parish Messenger 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-102 account Bewglass Motors supply paint 31/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-103 account M.J. Tyson Agencies stationery 9/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-104 account Powell's Electrical electrical repairs 2/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-105 receipt Churchwardens St Oswald's quarterly allowance 16/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-106 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-107 honourarium A.H.Wills acting organist 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-108 salary R.W. Flood Verger 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-109 salary R.W. Flood Verger 27/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-110 salary T. Dicks Curate 30/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-111 payment Frank Ikin tax stamps for T. Dicks 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-112 salary E.M. Price clerk 1/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-113 donation wardens donation - Stepney Trust 25/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-114 account 3 Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-115 account  Hinman, Wright & Manser - Churchwardens goods 4/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-116 account 3 N Z insurance insurance premiums 6/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-117 account  Garrott & Garrott postage 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-118 receipt ABC Painting service for window cleaning 27/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-119 account LCC water supply 12/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-120 account Jackson's Locks stencil 3/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-121 receipt 4 Equitable Building Society deposits 12/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-122 account  Powell's Electrical electrical repairs 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-123 account  Alex P. Clayton painting -cottage 1/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-124 account 2 G.W. Woolston printing Masonic Sevice sheets 18/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-125 account  The Cleavers cleaning materials 11/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-126 account  Hydro Electric Commission poles at glebe farm 14/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-127 account  K.R. Davis organ tuning 21/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-128 receipt Diocesan Registry Bishop's special fund 12/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-129 salary M.E. Shadwick acting verger 29/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-130 salary R.W. Flood Verger 10/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-131 salary R.W. Flood Verger 24/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-132 honourarium A.H.Wills acting organist 24/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-133 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 21/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-134 salary T. Dicks Curate 21/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-135 payment Frank Ikin tax stamps for T. Dicks 21/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-136 payment Gwen Manzoney garden 15/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-137 payment Clarice P Eberhard hire of chairs 13/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-138 salary R.W. Flood Verger 8/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-139 salary T. Dicks Curate 8/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-140 account Nortern Assurance Co. liability insurance 4/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-141 account Launceston Examiner advertisements 31/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-142 salary R.W. Flood Verger 22/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-143 salary L.N. Sutton Rector 22/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-144 payment Frank Ikin tax stamps for T. Dicks 29/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-145 account Powell's Electrical electrical work 18/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-146 statement Noyes Bros services rendered 5/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-147 receipt Diocesan Registry refund - wreath 17/11/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-148 salary E.M. Price clerk 3/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-149 payment T. Dicks reimbursement 3/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-150 account The Cleavers cleaning materials 3/10/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-151 account Northern Assurance Co. insurance premiums 17/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-152 account Cookes Colour mix Service cutting board 30/09/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-153 receipt Churchwardens Men's Fellowship 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-154 receipt Churchwardens C.E.B.S. 11/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-155 receipt Church Trustees - C of E loan repayment 9/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-156 payment A.V. Maddick farewell cheque 4/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-157 present R.W. Flood Verger - Christmas gift 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-158 salary Mrs T. Dicks clerical re pledge 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-159 salary A.V. Maddick Curate 31/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC 1983 3J-160 account Diocesan Fire Insurance insurance premiums 18/12/1957 ASAC C2A Box 16
Note: the 10 year gap in documents is yet to be resolved - location of these documents is unclear
SJC-2018 3T-001 booklet Missions to Seamen -Tas Annual Report 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-002 statement Diocesan Registrar Anglican Development assessment 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-003 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-004 card Mss D. Poole - Girl Guides thanks for use of Anglican Youth Centre (Kelso) 31/12/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-005 estimate Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co glebe farm insurance 14/03/1966 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-006 letter H. Jerrim to diocese authority to deduct from stipend 11/05/1966 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-007 letter Commonwealth Trading Bank banking - overdraft 14/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-008 letter Commonwealth Trading Bank banking - account review 3/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-009 salary H. Jerrim Rector 9/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-010 salary A. Chipman Curate 9/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-011 salary G.D. Wise Verger 9/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-012 receipt NZ Insurance renewal premium 10/07/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-013 account Hydro-Electric Comm. electricity supply 5/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-014 account Diocesan Fire Ins. Youth Centre (Kelso) insurance ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-015 account T.G. Calver repairs to organ 1/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-016 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-017 payment H. Jerrim telephone 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-018 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 27/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-019 account 2 Hydro-Electric Commission electricity supply 31/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-020 account  Selwyn Cox stationery 25/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-021 account  Johnstone & Wilmot Port wine 24/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-022 account  P.J. Dell bricks, gravel etc 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-023 account  Younger & Brown Sutton - bronze plaque 28/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-024 account  Brooks Furnishings lino in kitchen 30/05/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-025 account  Zerotherm (possibly heating system at sth ambulatory) 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-026 account  Gestetner supply foolscap paper 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-027 account  Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 29/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-028 account  W.R. Rolph & Sons printing 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-029 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 6/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-030 salary A. Chipman Curate 6/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-031 salary G.D. Wise Verger 6/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-032 adjustment H.A. Jerrim Rector 20/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-033 salary A. Chipman Curate 20/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-034 salary G.D. Wise Verger 20/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-035 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 20/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-036 account Gestetner copying supplies 31/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-037 account The Anglican supply of 200 "Modern Liturgy 24/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-038 account Northern Assurance Co. workers compensation insurance 30/06/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-039 account Launceston City Corporation water supply 23/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-040 account Examiner advertisements 7/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-041 account Examiner Printing annual report 27/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-042 account Selwyn Cox stationery 1/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-043 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-044 account J.Walch & Sons stationery 30/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-045 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 28/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-046 receipt Cleanquick dry cleaning 16/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-047 account Harvey Trinder insurance incl sound equipment 31/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-048 account William Crosby glass for heater 31/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-049 account General Electric Company light globes 10/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-050 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 29/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-051 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 29/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-052 salary A. Chipman Curate 29/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-053 salary G.D. Wise Verger 29/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-054 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 13/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-055 salary A. Chipman Curate 13/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-056 salary G.D. Wise Verger 13/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-057 account Selwyn Cox stationery 25/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-058 account Postal Dept telephone 31/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-059 account Gestetner copying supplies 31/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-060 account Hunter's Products cleaning supplies 8/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-061 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 27/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-062 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 2/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-063 account Powell's Electrical stovette repairs 31/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-064 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 22/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-065 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 1/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-066 salary G.D. Wise Verger 15/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-067 salary A. Chipman Curate 15/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-068 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 15/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-069 salary G.D. Wise Verger 1/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-070 salary A. Chipman Curate 1/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-071 account Hinton Lloyd - florist flowers supplied 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-072 account J.Walch & Sons stationery 27/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-073 account The Cleavers cleaning supplies 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-074 account Bendall Bros gravel 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-075 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-076 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-077 account 2 Hydro-Electric Commission electricity supply 25/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-078 account  Powell's Electrical lighting repair and supplies 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-079 account  J.& T. Gunn letterbox 28/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-080 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 24/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-081 account Gestetner copying supplies 22/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-082 account L.C.C. rates 28/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-083 account 2 St Leonards Bakery 3 doz rolls 16/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-084 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 29/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-085 salary G.D. Wise Verger 29/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-086 salary A. Chipman Curate 29/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-087 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 29/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-088 payment H.A. Jerrim H.E.C. account 22/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-089 receipt Overseas Department director's travelling refund 30/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-090 salary G.D. Wise Verger 12/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-091 salary A. Chipman Curate 12/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-092 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 12/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-093 account NZ Insurance renewal premium 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-094 account J.W. Walch & Sons stationery 19/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-095 account H.M. & M. Keetley caterers - garden party 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-096 account Alex Clayton wallpaper supply 1/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-097 account Len Cox rectory kitchen painting 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-098 receipt Alex Clayton painting 27/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-099 account R.E. Hingston - printer giving' enelopes 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-100 account Gestetner copying 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-101 account Examiner Printing advertisements 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-102 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 30/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-103 account Machens Bricks supply 1000 bricks 1/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-104 account Crisp Bros supply gate 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-105 salary G.D. Wise Verger 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-106 salary A. Chipman Curate 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-107 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-108 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 28/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-109 payment Beatrice V. Robinson air fare 14/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-110 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 10/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-111 salary G.D. Wise Verger 10/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-112 salary A. Chipman Curate 10/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-113 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 10/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-114 payment Beatrice V. Robinson air fare 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-115 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-116 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 26/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-117 account Johnstone & Wilmot Port wine 29/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-118 account The Anglican publications 15/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-119 account Abbotts Cordials cordial supplies 31/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-120 account Provident Fund Board superannuation provision 20/10/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-121 account J.R. Green cistern parts 1/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-122 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 29/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-123 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 30/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-124 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 22/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-125 account Launceston City Corporation water supply 30/09/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-126 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 24/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-127 salary G.D. Wise Verger 24/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-128 salary A. Chipman Curate 24/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-129 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 24/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-130 payment G.D. Wise extra work 24/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-131a receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 3/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-131b receipt C of E Tas Trustees capital repayment 22/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-132 salary G.D. Wise Verger 21/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-133 salary A. Chipman Curate 21/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-134 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 21/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-135 salary G.D. Wise Verger 7/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-136 salary A. Chipman Curate 7/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-137 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 7/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-138 account Diocese of Tas Church News subscription 12/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-139 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-140 account Provident Fund Board superannuation provision 12/12/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-141 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 3/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-142 salary Beatrice V. Robinson part stipend/ Sunday Schol 3/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-143 salary G.D. Wise Verger 3/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-144 salary A. Chipman Curate 3/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-145 account 2 Hydro-Electric Comm. Sunday School & church 24/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-146 account  J. Walch & Sons stationery 29/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-147 account  The Anglican purchased edition 26/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-148 account  Office Aids & Services printing Harold Holt service 29/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-149 account  P.J. Dell iron for rectory roof 14/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-150 account  Aust. Performing Right Assn license for hall 1/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-151 account  McKinlays umbrella 23/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-152 account  Church Missionary Society Bookshop communion breads and stationery 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-153 account  Examiner Printing record sheets 6/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-154 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 28/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-155 account French Bros recital poster 8/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-156 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 1/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-157 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 18/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-158 salary G.D. Wise Verger 18/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-159 salary A. Chipman Curate 18/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-160 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 18/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-161 payment H.A. Jerrim part H.E.C. account 4/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-162 salary G.D. Wise Verger 4/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-163 salary A. Chipman Curate 4/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-164 salary A. Chipman Curate 4/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-165 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 4/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-166 account J. Walch & Sons balloons for Sunday School 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-167 account City Guides advertisements 20/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-168 account R.E. Hingston - printer orders of service 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-169 account Gestetner copying supplies 8/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-170 account Hydro-Electric Commission rectory  8/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-171 account James Dunstan stationery 22/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-172 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 25/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-173 account Gestetner copying supplies 4/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-174 account French Bros signwriting 14/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-175 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-176 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 26/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-177 account 4 Launceston City Corporation rates 4/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-178 account  Harts hardware 7 doz cups, 3 doz plates 29/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-179 account  NZ Insurance renewal premium 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-180 account  Postal Dept telephone 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-181 account  James Dunstan stationery 22/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-182 account  The Cleavers cleaning supplies 2/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-183 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-184 salary Beatrice V. Robinson Sunday School  17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-185 salary G.D. Wise Verger 17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-186 salary A. Chipman Curate 17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-187 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 21/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-188 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 28/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-189 receipt Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co Miss D. Glover - organist rent 26/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-190 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 2/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-191 receipt C of E Tas Trustees repayment of endowment 21/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-192 salary G.D. Wise Verger 14/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-193 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 14/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-194 salary A. Chipman Curate 14/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-195 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 14/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-196 receipt Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co Miss D. Glover - organist 1/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-197 salary G.D. Wise Verger 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-198 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-199 salary A. Chipman Curate 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-200 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-201 account NZ Insurance renewal premium 17/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-202 account French Bros organ recital sign 26/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-203 account Powell's Electrical floodlights in dome 28/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-204 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 28/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-205 salary G.D. Wise Verger 28/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-206 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend 28/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-207 salary A. Chipman Curate 28/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-208 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 28/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-209 account 4 Launceston City Corporation rates 30/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-210 account  Launceston City Corporation water supply 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-211 salary R.S. Johnson Curate 26/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-212 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 26/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-213 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend 26/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-214 salary G.D. Wise Verger 26/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-215 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 26/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-216 account Johnstone & Wilmot Port wine 26/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-217 account French Bros glass repairs 10/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-218 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 2/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-219 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 12/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-220 salary R.S. Johnson Curate 12/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-221 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 12/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-222 salary G.D. Wise Verger 12/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-223 receipt Tas Methodist Assembly Casino meeting donation 25/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-224 account Gestetner copying supplies 30/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-225 account James Dunstan stationery 22/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-226 account Foot & Playsted printing cards 22/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-227 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 3/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-228 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 20/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-229 account J. Walch & Sons stationery 30/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-230 account French Bros Easter service sign 8/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-231 account J.T. Butler Frederick St driveway quotation and invoice 28/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-232 receipt Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 29/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-233 account Powell's Electrical repairs - urns and simmerstat 16/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-234 account B.L. Clifton piano tuned and overhauled 16/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-235 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 23/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-236 payment Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co Miss D. Glover - organist 30/06/1969 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-237 salary Beatrice V. Robinson stipend/ Sunday School 9/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-238 salary R.S. Johnson Curate 9/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-239 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 9/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-240 account J.R. Green cistern parts 17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-241 account Launceston City Corporation water supply 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-242 receipt Christian Television Assn subscription or hire 26/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-243 account Beck's Timber timber and hardware 15/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-244 account Examiner Printing Parish Messenger 31/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-245 account W.R. Rolph & Sons advertisements 31/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-246 account J.& T. Gunn door fittings 31/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-247 account French Bros signwriting 11/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-248 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 23/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-249 salary R.S. Johnson Curate 23/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-250 salary L.A. O'Neil Organist 23/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-251 account Gestetner copying supplies 31/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-252 account Johnstone & Wilmot Port wine 29/08/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-253 account Churchwardens - C.E.B.S hire of Kelso Camp 12/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-254 letter 3 Diocesan Registrar Kelso insurance and hire 30/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-255 remitance Rent-A-Car hire gas cooker 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-256 account Abbotts Cordials supply cordials 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-257 refund Beaconsfield Municipality Kelso Youth Centre rates remission 22/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-258 account Abbotts Cordials youth mission cordial supplies 30/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-259 refund Beck's Timber supply posts 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-260 account E.A. & B. Stone Kelso Youth Centre replace glass 28/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-261 account Abbotts Cordials youth mission cordial supplies 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-262 account J.& T. Gunn 3 padlocks 4/08/1966 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-263 notes Beaconsfield Municipality useful information - meetings, councillors, budget 31/12/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-264 letter Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co glebe rates 20/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-265 income Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co glebe rent - Derite plaster 14/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-266 statement Churchwardens Kelso Centre financial statements 30/06/1966 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-267 statement Churchwardens St. John's financial statement Jul-Dec 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-268 account Peters Ice Cream  Church Auxiliary - supply frozen goods - fair supplies 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-269 account Abbotts Cordials Supplies for Women's Guild - fair? 31/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-270 account St Leonards Bakery Supplies for Women's Guild - fair? 4/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-271 account Bender & Co. supplies for Anglican Youth Centre Kelso 4/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-272 account F.R. Bye Supplies for Women's Guild - fair? 6/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-273 account Cadbury-Pascall Supplies for Women's Guild - fair? 17/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-274 account F.H. Stephens Supplies for Women's Guild - fair? 6/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-275 account Vincent Chemical Sales supply aspirin 1/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-276 account Johnstone & Wilmot Port wine 29/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-277 statement Churchwardens   St. John's financial statements - July to Dec 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-278 account Woodfield & French concrete for Kelso 10/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-279 account 2 Hydro-Electric Commission Kelso electricity supply 31/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-280 account  C of E Tas Trustees Kelso loan repayment 10/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-281 account  Longford Motor Racing Assn stall rental 13/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-282 account  Beck's Timber supply 200 gallon tank 28/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-283 receipt NZ Insurance premium payment 31/01/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-284 account Hydro-Electric Comm. Kelso electricity supply 28/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-285 account A.E. Jack supply 2 plates 29/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-286 account Launceston Gas Co. supply cylinders and regulator for Kelso 6/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-287 account Diocesan Fire Ins. Kelso insurance 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-288 account C of E Tas Trustees Kelso loan repayment 1/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-289 account Hydro-Electric Commission Kelso electricity supply 6/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-290 receipt Inter-Church Aid Appeal Vietnam appeal 25/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-291 receipt Church of England Church Women Mrs Perry - Kettering offertory 13/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-292 receipt Bush Church Aid donation 8/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-293 receipt British & Foreign Bible Soc. donation 23/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-294 receipt CMS Overseas Department donation - general fund 26/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-295 receipt Inter-Church Aid Appeal Christmas Bowl donations 25/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-296 account 6 Diocesan Registrar assessment payment 30/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-297 receipt Gestetner copying supplies 11/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-298 letter Diocesan Registrar reminder for annual returns - diocesan financial state 1/06/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-299 legal Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co glebe property rates 21/11/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-300 legal Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co rent paid - Deerite 7/08/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-301 legal Ritchie & Parker A. Green & Co glebe farm rates 30/04/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-302 deposit Churchwardens   Children's Lenten offering 31/12/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-303 letter Methodist Church of Australasia - Harold Freeman Casino meeting - donation 1/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-304 letter Hospital Chaplain I.E.A. Booth request for donation to chaplaincy fund 6/03/1968 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-305 salary G.D. Wise Verger 23/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-306 salary A. Chipman Curate 23/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-307 salary H.A. Jerrim Rector 23/07/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3T-308 account Diocesan Fire Ins. Kelso insurance 31/12/1967 ASAC C2A Box 16
SJC-2018 3U-001 account Birchalls p/l stationery 3/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-002 account 2 Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 29/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-003 account G.W. Mance church lighting 30/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-004 account The Print Shop copying and typing 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-005 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-006 account Scripture Union Bookshop ministry materials 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-007 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 30/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-009 account J.S. Cox stationery 3/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-010 account Church Literature Press stationery 10/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-011 account GEC Electrical stove 14/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-012 account CMS Bookshop books 12/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-013 account Jimmy's perishables 12/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-014 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 26/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-015 account CMS Bookshop books 19/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-015 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-016 account NZ Insurance Group insurance premiums 1/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-017 account Westy's Carpet Service cleaning 4/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-018 account McElwee Bros plumber 28/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-019 account McKenzie's wine 10/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-020 account R.G. Randall & son p/l annual service - oil heater 18/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-021 account R.G. Randall & son p/l oil heater 8/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-022 account Prince's  square service station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-023 account Rentokill pest control 10/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-024 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-025 statement Ch W accounts for payment 1/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-026 schedule Ch W insurance schedule - properties 31/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-029 cash sales Ch W reimbursement 9/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-030 cash sales Y. Duffy office sundries 26/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-031 account 5 C.M.S. Bookshop books 1/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-032 account G.M. Jackson switch 1/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-033 receipt Diocesan Registrar remittance advice 30/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-034 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 1/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-035 cash sales petty cash office sundries 16/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-036 account Telecom telephone 3/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-037 account Gestetner copying materiala 16/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-038 cash sales petty cash office sundries 30/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-039 account Launceston Examiner adverts 27/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-040 account Office Aids & Services stationery 31/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-041 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 25/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-042 account Diocesan Registrar induction fee - David Jones 23/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-043 account Launceston City Council water rate 7/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-044 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 3/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-045 account Brooks and Waldron carpet repairs 13/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-046 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 1/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-047 account Remington service 26/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-048 account McElwee Bros curate's residence toilet 9/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-049 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 28/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-050 account 3 C.M.S. Bookshop ministry materials 1/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-051 schedule treasurer accounts for payment 1/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-053 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-054 letter Scrpture Union of Tas to Rector 23/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-056 account Launceston Examiner adverts 28/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-057 account Prince's  square service station petrol 1/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-058 account Telecom telephone 1/05/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-059 account Barratt's Music piano repairs 8/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-060 account McKenzie's wine 6/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-061 account City Electric install strip heaters 3/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-062 account Hydro-Electric Commission supply 4/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-063 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 1/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-064 account W.P. Martin electrical supplies 7/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-065 account Rentokil pest control 5/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-066 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-067 account Parish Office Parish Centre sundries 29/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-068 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-069 account The Flower Pot flowers 18/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-070 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 1/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-071 account 2 Telecom telephone 1/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-072 account  Gestetner copying materials 13/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-073 account  C.M.S. Bookshop commentaries 1/06/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-074 account  Hydro-Electric Commission supply to Elizabeth St 15/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-075 account  Diocesan Registrar insurance premiums 27/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-076 account  Nu-Sales Distributors mini HobNob 5/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-077 account  M.T.C. Jessup light globes 25/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-078 group cert Aust Tax Off B.M. Easther 1/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-079 account 2 Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger July +Aug 31/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-081 account LCC rates 5/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-082 account Ascot Services cleaning 31/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-083 account 3 Beck's Timber paint etc 33/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-084 account Royal School of Church Music Subscription 31/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-085 account Gestetner copying supplies 23/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-086 account GEC Electrical light globes 1/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-087 account 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 1/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-088 rct D.S. Gill sundries - various 13/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-089 rct John Stevenson car port 13/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-090 rct Diocesan Registrar insurance premiums 22/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-091 account Diocesan Registrar Lay Reader license R. Cartledge 22/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-092 payment Mss Vicki Mann exp Sunday School 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-093 payment iss Jennifer Jones exp Sunday School 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-094 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-096 receipt I.E.A. Booth hospitality 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-097 receipt Mrs Booth servers gowns 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-098 receipt M Easther postage 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-099 payment Miss S Brownrigg S.S 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-100 account Scripture Union Bookshop ministry materials 30/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-101 account Remington office machines repairs 21/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-102 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 5/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-103 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 1/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-104 account Laurie Pipe Organs repairs 20/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-105 account Laurie Pipe Organs organ tuning 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-106 account Hydro-Electric Commission supply 29/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-107 account Tarmak repairs - car park 7/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-108 account 4 LCC rates 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-110 payment I.E.A. Booth hospitality 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-111 receipt C.Y.C Ulverstoe accommadation 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-112 payment Ch W petty cssh sundries 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-113 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-114 payment Ch W Barratt's a/c to C. Ryland 17/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-115 account Johnstone & Wilmot wine 31/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-116 account J.B. Sulzberger plumbing 1/08/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-117 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-118 account Beck's Timber asstd timbers etc 28/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-119 account Prince's  square service station petrol 30/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-120 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-121 account Hydro-Electric Commission supply to Elizabeth St 10/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-122 account Hydro-Electric Commission supply to Elizabeth St 9/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-123 account Gestetner copying supplies 26/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-124 account G.W. Mance repairs 14/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-125 account Jacksons Lock & Brass stamp 2/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-126 payment Ch W office sundries 9/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-127 account Birchalls p/l stationery 25/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-128 account McKenzie's wine 1/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-130 account Ch W office sundries 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-131 payment Ch W gardening etc. 1/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-132 account Begent & Maguire washing machine - Elizabeth St 8/09/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-133 payment Ch W gardening etc. 26/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-134 payment Ch W gardening etc. 9/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-135 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-137 account 2 Beck's Timber scotia 28/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-138 account  Rentokil pest control 24/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-139 account  Office Aids & Services envelopes 25/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-140 account  Crisp Bros repairs handrail & gate 30/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-141 account  Baptist Book Store "Sound of Livig Water" 1/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-142 account  Prince's  square service station petrol 1/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-143 account  Launceston Examiner adverts 28/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-144 account  Foot & Playsted visiting cards printed 24/10/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-145 account  Jacksons Lock & Brass P.C. - urn 9/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-146 payment T. Cowell plants for garden 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-148 account Diocesan Registrar general license - W.C. Jones 27/07/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-149 statement Ch W annual mission giving 31/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-151 account Garden Tidy' gardening etc. 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-152 account J.S. Cox office sundries 22/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-153 payment M. Bird gardener 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-154 account LCC rates for Elizabeth St 3/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-155 account LCC water to Elizabeth St 3/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-156 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 1/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-157 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-158 account J.&T. Gunn window 30/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-159 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-160 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-161 account Telecom telephone 9/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-162 payment Mr Bird gardener 6/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-163 payment Mr Bird gardener 22/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-164 payment Mr Bird gardener 27/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-165 account J.&T. Gunn plumbing supplies 26/11/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-166 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-167 account 2 NZ Insurance Group car 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-168 account 2 L'ton Gas Co supply 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-169 account  Prince's  square service station petrol 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-170 account  The Print Shop copies 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-171 account  Hydro-Electric Commission supply to rectory 29/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-172 account  Hydro-Electric Commission supply to Elizabeth St 29/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-173 account  5 C.M.S. Bookshop ministry materials 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-174 account   Gestetner Ink 23/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-175 account   Roses for P.C. 28/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-176 account   W. Cowell for P.C. cash sale 29/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-177 account   McKenzie's wine 15/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-178 account   Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 2/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-179 donation Ch W Boy Scouts' Assn 13/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-180 account Scripture Union Bookshop for Sunday School 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-181 statement Ch W to Bird, gardener - Larsen, cleaning 30/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-182 account 2 Telecom rectory & office 30/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-183 account 5 QBE Insuarnce church, rectory, cottage, farm, Orford 1/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-184 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-185 payment Ern Davey labour 20/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-186 account Rentokil pest control 6/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-187 account J.J. Overweter & Son supply bricks sand labour 31/05/1905 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-188 account 2 Launceston Examiner adverts 1/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-189 account  Prince's  square service station petrol 1/01/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-190 account  McKenzie's wine 7/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-192 account Garden Tidy'   28/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-193 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-194 account A.A. Jones - plumber repairs in PC 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-195 statement Ch W monthly finances 28/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-196 account Birchalls p/l for Sunday School 1/12/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-197 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-198 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-199 receipt CBA loan account payment 12/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-200 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-201 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 1/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-202 account G.M. Jackson vehicle service 15/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-203 account McElwee Bros plumbing at rectory 3/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-204 account Foot & Playsted Parish Messenger 1/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-205 account LCC water rate 13/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-206 account Launceston Examiner adverts 1/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-207 account Diocesan Registrar parish giving 31/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-208 account Gestetner copying supplies 17/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-209 account Laurie Pipe Organs organ tuning 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-213 account 6 Church Missionary Society 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-214 account 3 CMS Bookshop 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-215 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 30/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-216 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-217 payment Ch W to Bird,gardener - Larsen, cleaning 1/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-218 account Hydro-Electric Commission supply 9/05/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-219 account McElwee Bros plumbing at rectory 30/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-220 account Prince's  square service station petrol 1/03/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-221 account Birchall's stationery 3/02/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3U-222 account G.M. Jackson car service costs 31/05/1977 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-001 account HEC electricity supply 11/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-002 account Gestetner printing supplies 30/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-003 account CMS bibles and prayer books 30/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-004 receipt Commonwealth Bank deposit - $3000 4/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-005 statement Estate of Genders estate disbursements 30/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-006 receipt Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 30/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-007 account J. & T. Gunn signwriting - car park 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-008 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 30/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-009 account J.R. Sulzberger cleaning of church spouting 4/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-010 account W.D & E. Ling concreting and garage work 30/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-011 account Peter Langford electrical - replace simmerstat on hall stove 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-012 account Princes Square Service Station clergy petrol 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-013 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 3/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-014 account Telecom Aust. telephone line and calls 2/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-015 account Foot and Playstead Parish Messenger printing 2/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-016 account The Print Shop stationery 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-017 account Examiner advertising 26/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-018 account Wendy Cowell supply of shrubs for office garden 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-019 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 22/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-020 statement Diocesan Registrar assessment payments 30/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-021 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 15/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-022 receipt Scripture Union Tas annual contribution 19/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-023 account K.J. Worden - Lindisfarne repair to church roof 13/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-024 receipt Commonwealth Bank deposit 27/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-025 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 8/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-026 receipt Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-027 receipt Boy Scouts Association hire of Carnacoo - Family Day 30/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-028 receipt NZ Victoria Insurance Group premium payment 20/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-029 account Scripture Union Bookshop pamphlets and publications 1/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-030 account Gestetner printing supplies 19/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-031 account Crisp Bros materials for carport 31/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-032 statement Chris Ryland - organist junior choir expenses 24/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-033 account Examiner advertising 28/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-034 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 23/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-035 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 21/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-036 account R. G. Randall & Son service and test oil heater 11/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-037 receipt Launceston City Council rates 2/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-038 account Hydro Electric Commission electricity supply 2/07/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-039 account McKenzies Pty Ltd wine 23/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-040 receipt S. Brownrigg morning tea expenses 20/11/1981 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-041 account Phoenix Studio stained glass window "Conversion of Saul" 11/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-042 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 1/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-043 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 25/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-044 account Karl Mantach Pty Ltd light globes 30/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-045 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 4/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-046 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 30/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-047 account Examiner printing 30/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-048 account John Selwyn Cox Pty Ltd stationery 9/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-049 account Foot and Playstead printing - pledge cards 3/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-050 account Examiner advertising 31/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-051 account Begent & McGuire washing machine 19/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-052 account Church Literature Press offering envelopes 14/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-053 account Tarmak Pty Ltd hotmix carpark 31/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-054 account Becks Timber Pty Ltd tas oak and plywood 7/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-055 receipt Bible Society loan for Bible Soc Sri Lanka exhibition 18/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-056 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 27/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-057 account Launceston City Council rates 24/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-058 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 20/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-059 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 24/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-060 account Laurie Pipe Organs tuning and maintenance of organ 1/04/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-061 account Examiner advertising 24/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-062 account Peter Langford maintenance - stove 28/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-063 account Becks Timber Pty Ltd timber and nails 8/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-064 account Birchalls Pty Ltd stationery 1/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-065 statement Diocesan Registrar assessment payments 31/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-066 receipt Overseas Dept C of E Tas palm crosses 23/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-067 account Diocesan Registrar insurance premiums 27/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-068 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 16/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-069 receipt Commonwealth Bank loan repayment 21/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-070 receipt Ministers Fraternal Lton advertising 23/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-071 account Sunday School expenses - Pirates Ahoy and Christmas BBQ 15/12/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-072 account W.D & E. Ling fencing repairs 21/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-073 account R & J Bradford extensions to carpark 12/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-074 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 23/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-075 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 20/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-076 account J. R. Sulzberger unblock drains at garage 15/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-077 account Department of Mission palm crosses 6/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-078 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 26/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-079 account Rentokill pest control 30/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-080 account Examiner advertising 27/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-081 account Foot and Playstead Parish Messenger printing 31/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-082 account Scripture Union Bookshop children ministry materials 8/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-083 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 6/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-084 account Remington Office Machines maintenance - typewriter 31/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-085 account J.R. Sulzberger clear gutters and drains - church & rectory 2/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-086 account Diocesan Registrar Quamby Cottage insurance 15/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-087 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 23/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-088 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 12/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-089 account Argyle Cookware crockery for Parish Centre 18/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-090 account Telecom Aust. telephone line and calls 12/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-091 account Rentokill pest control 30/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-092 account Gestetner copier requisites and repair 24/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-093 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 22/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-094 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 23/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-095 account New Zealand Insurance Co insurance premiums 31/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-096 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 20/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-097 account McKenzies Pty Ltd wine 31/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-098 account The Print Shop printing 31/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-099 account Examiner advertising 30/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-100 account Gas Company barbecue gas 24/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-101 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 19/01/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-102 account Telecom Aust. telephone line and calls 30/06/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-103 account Examiner advertising 25/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-104 account Rentokill pest control 16/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-105 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 29/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-106 account Tarmak Pty Ltd repair patching top car park 24/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-107 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 20/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-108 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 15/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-110 account Foot and Playstead Parish Messenger printing 1/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-111 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 15/12/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-112 account McElwee Bros unblock drains - parish centre 10/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-113 account G.W. Mance chancel spotlights 9/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-114 account Examiner advertising 31/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-115 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 31/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-116 account McKenzies Pty Ltd wine 4/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-117 account CMS Book Shop resources for ministry 20/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-118 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 17/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-119 account Scripture Union Bookshop resources for ministry 30/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-120 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 30/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-121 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 14/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-122 quotation Carney & French Floodlighting at St. John's 11/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-123 account John Selwyn Cox Pty Ltd giving envelopes and stationery 29/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-124 account Examiner advertising 30/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-125 account Foot and Playstead Parish Messenger printing 28/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-126 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 13/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-127 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 27/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-128 account Vestry to HWM request for payment of rates share by tenant - Glebe 8/11/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-129 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 17/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-130 account Launceston City Council water supply 16/10/78 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-131 account Launceston City Council rates 16/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-132 account Ritchie & Parker, Alfred Green & Co legal advice re restrictive covenants - Colonial Motor Inn 21/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-133 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 17/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-134 account Examiner advertising 31/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-135 account Jacksons Lock and Brass key cutting 18/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-137 account Rentokill pest control 18/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-138 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 6/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-139 account Diocesan Registrar assessment payments 30/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-140 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 29/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-141 statement parish treasurer wages for Mrs D Cartledge to cover Joan Ikin holiday period 11/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-142 refund Mutual Life & Citizens Co cancelled insurance refund 1/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-143 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 8/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-144 account J.R. Sulzberger clear gutters and drains - church & rectory 3/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-145 account Sasco  heater 14/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-146 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 30/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-147 account G.W. Mance supply and fit 5 spotlights 31/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-148 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 15/10/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-149 account Foot and Playstead annual report printing 150 copies 31/7/78 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-150 account Examiner advertising 24/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-151 account CMS Book Shop resources for ministry 30/04/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-152 account Becks Timber Pty Ltd supply Trudek and nails 5/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-153 account Australian Taxation Office group employer remittance 22/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-154 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 31/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-155 account New Zealand Insurance Co insurance premiums 24/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-156 account Telecom Aust. telephone line and calls 11/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-157 account Remington Office Machines copier requisites and repair 28/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-158 account Johnstone & Wilmot paper products - toilet rolls, hand towels 26/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-159 account Gestetner copier requisites and repair 31/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-160 account Garden Tidy hire and emptying of garden bale skip 17/09/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-161 account John Selwyn Cox Pty Ltd stationery 25/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-162 account Diocesan Registrar public liability insurance 19/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-163 account Birchalls Pty Ltd plasticene 1/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-164 account Jacksons Lock and Brass change locks on master key system 28/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-165 account Becks Timber Pty Ltd timber and hardware - delivery to 12 Kootara Place (residence of John Stevenson - likely joinery work for church or rectory) 15/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-166 account Princes Square Service Station petrol or service for staff vehicles, mower etc 30/06/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-167 overdue Lumleys reminder re expired personal accident insurance cover 21/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-168 account QBE Insurance insurance premiums 24/08/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3V-169 receipt various minor expense reimbursements 28/07/1978 ASAC C2A Box 17
SJC-2018 3W-001 (bundle) various correspondence etc 9/1973 to 12/1979 not individually listed 31/12/1979 ASAC C2A Box 17
ASJ-2024 ASJ2024.81 (bundle) various correspondence etc 5/1980 to 12/2009 not individually listed 31/12/2009 ASAC C2A Box 36
Series OC: Organ Correspondence 1845-1960
SJC-1983 OC-001 letter f. Thompson - Ch W job application, organist 28/6/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-002 letter Robert Sadler - Ch W job application, organist 27/6/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-002A receipt K Nairne payment for acting organist 1/7/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-003 letter Edmund Lefler - Ch W job application, organist 21/8/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-004 letter Thomas Rolfe - Ch W job application, organist 9/9/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-005 letter Ch W - Thomas Rolfe acceptance 16/09/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-006 letter Thos Rolfe - Ch W acceptance 12/09/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-007 letter Thos Rolfe - Ch W condition of organ 02/02/1846 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-007A receipt K Nairne payment for acting organist 7/4/1846 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-008 letter T.L. Beckford - Ch W job application, organist 23/09/1845 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-009 letter Thos Rolfe - Ch W leave of absence 06/11/1846 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-010 letter James Tremble - Ch W on choristers 27/10/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-011 letter F. Howson - Ch W (flyer) job application, organist 10/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-012 letter Thos Rolfe - Ch W on singing 03/01/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-013 letter J. Megson - Ch W re organist 29/03/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-014 letter Thos Rolfe - Ch W grievances 06/02/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-015 letter Mr Deane - Ch W re organist 09/06/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-016 receipt T.L. Beckford - Ch W salary 30/06/1847 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-017 letter Miss Amy Richardson - Ch w job application, organist 17/09/1883 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-018 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W re blower 15/09/1884 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-019 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W re blower 29/12/1885 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-020 letter Geo. Fincham - Ch W on payment 25/01/1886 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-021 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W Miss Wadham's payment 24/03/1886 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-022 letter Mr Lakin - W.W. Thornthwaite salary raise 30/03/1886 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-023 letter Mr Lakin - Miss Wadham on payment 31/03/1886 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-024 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W on repairs 03/12/1886 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-025 letter Miss Wadham - Ch W resignation 02/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-026 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W on Miss Wadham 03/05/1887 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-027 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W moving choir to chancel 09/03/1887 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-028 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W seating choir in chancel 08/04/1889 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-029 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W choir giving to offertory 14/05/1889 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-030 letter W.W. Thornthwaite - Ch W resignation 10/08/1889 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-031 letter Fincham & Hobday estimate for repairs 23/09/1891 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-032 letter H.L. Smith - Ch W resignation as organist 27/09/1897 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-032A notice E. Whitfeld organist vacant position 1/12/1897 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-032B invoice Geo. Fincham - Ch W organ repairs 10/4/1897 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-032C agreement Ch W to Fray duties of organist and choirmaster 1/4/1898 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-033 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W expenses & repairs 2/11/1912 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-033A invoice T. Sebright NSW supply organ keyboard 12/9/1898 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-034 letter J.H. Fray - Ch W agreement 20/02/1898 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-34A letter Ch W to J.H. Fray on pedals for organ 6/12/1898 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-34B invoice J.E. Dodd supply claribel and Viole Orchestre pipes 2/06/1904 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-035 letter J.H. Fray - Ch W on blower 4/09/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-036 letter J.E. Dodd - Ch W estimate on moving organ 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037 letter J.H.Fray - Ch W estimate on moving organ 30/11/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037A letter Ch W to J.H. Fray on resignation - thanks for service 21/08/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037B letter Mabel Evershed to Ch W accepting position and terms - organist 15/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037C letter Ch W to Mabel Evershed offering organist position and terms 15/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037D letter A.L. Wells to Ch W declining position of organist 16/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-037E letter Ch W to A.L. Wells offering organist position and terms 15/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-038 letter Geo. Fincham - Ch W report on state of organ 27/01/1906 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-038A letter J.W. Rule choir sec to Ch W loan of organ funds to building fund 27/07/1907 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-038B letter Ch W to Rule - choir sec thanks for loan of organ funds - guarantee 28/07/1907 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-038C invoice Geo. Fincham & Son regulating and tuning organ 15/03/1907 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-039 letter Myrea & Cartwright estimate new organ 13/10/1900 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-039A brochure J.E. Dodd - organ builders organ components and quality 13/10/1900 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-040 letter Thomas Sharp - Ch W rebuilding & new chamber 27/02/1893 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-041 notes on cathedral organ 31/12/1890 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-042 letter Geo. Fincham - Ch W specification  10/05/1910 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043 letter Geo. Fincham - Ch W specification  copy 10/05/1910 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043A letter Ch W to Mabel Evershed accepting resignation and acknowledgement of service 1/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043B letter Ch W to A.L. Wells notice to terminate employment as choirmaster 1/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043C letter Ch W to A.L. Wells thanks for five years service 2/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043D letter A.L. Wells to Ch W thanks for letter of thanks 43C 10/11/1911 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043E letter Ch W to G. King - City Band thanks for services and donation on occasion of consecration of extension 10/12/1911 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-043F letter Mabel Evershed to Ch W asking for release from engagement as organist - now appt to St. Paul's 30/11/1912 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-044 letter 17 Arthur Otto, J.E. Dodd & Ch W discussion on organ & organist 31/12/1905 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-045 letter  J.E. Dodd - Ch W specification 9/01/1901 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-046 letter  Norman & Beard Ltd specification & estimate 13/05/1908 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-046A letter G.F. Hopkins to Ch W justifying organ construction expenses on behalf of church 6/09/1913 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-047 letter  G.F. Hopkins - Ch W construction of chamber 9/06/1916 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-048 statement Ch W reports extracts over 8 years 31/12/1923 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-049 memo G.F. Hopkins  notes for consideration 7/11/1913 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-050 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W updated estimate for build 17/02/1914 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-051 letter G.F. Hopkins - Ch W specification 31/12/1914 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-052 report   The Organ at St John's ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-053 report G.F. Hopkins - Ch W progressreport 5/02/1921 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-054 statement G.F. Hopkins - Ch W specification & comparison with organ of Westminster RC Cathedral 10/11/1923 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-055 copy A.L. Green - Hopkins final cost request 16/06/1924 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-056 copy G.F. Hopkins - Ch W further work estimate 16/01/1925 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057 copy G.F. Hopkins - Ch W report 27/07/1929 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057A letter Ch W to Hill, Norman, Beard request for quotation, and notification of unsuccessful tender for organ building 26/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057B letter Ch W to Geo. Fincham & Sons final payment for contract work on organ 9/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057C quotation J & T Gunn to Fincham supply and fix timberwork for organ work 20/09/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057D letter A.R. Gee - organist to Ch W certifying completion of organ work by Fincham 11/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057E telegram Fincham to Ch W notifying departure of representative from Richmond Vic 14/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057F letter Fincham to Ch W request for progress payment - organ 29/06/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057G letter Fincham to Ch W thanks for complimentary report re organ work 15/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057H letter Ch W to Fincham progress payment for organ work 3/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057i letter Ch W to Fincham acceptance of tender for organ building work, attached to Fincham tender and initial request for same 30/05/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057J letter Ch W to Fincham progress payment for organ work 31/08/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057K invoice Howe & Simmons electricians lighting at organ and motor repairs 2/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057L invoice Geo. Fincham & Son supply of front pipes, action and sound boards for organ 1/10/1934 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057M letter Fincham to Ch W thanks for (possible Brownrigg drawing) in relation to completion of front pipes 2/01/1935 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057N letter Fincham to Ch W Thanks for very prompt final payment, and for Examiner article 6/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057O invoice Geo. Fincham & Son supply of parts and refurbishment of great and swell organs 1/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057P letter Fincham to Ch W acknowledgement of completion and apology and explanation for increased cost 1/10/1936 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-057Q letter Fincham to Ch W report on state of organ and repairs needed to great and swell organs 14/03/1936 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-059 letter F.V. Sadler - ChW job application, organist 19/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-060 letter A.J. Hobman - Ch W job application, organist 30/11/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-061 letter E.L. Amery - Ch W job application, organist 17/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-062 letter E.L. Thomas - Ch W job application, organist 17/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-063 letter Horace Webber - Ch W job application, organist 18/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-064 letter C.A. Maddocks - Ch W job application, organist 19/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-065 letter Charles A. Jarman - Ch W job application, organist 20/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-066 letter Mary L.S. Walker - Ch W job application, organist 14/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-067 letter Bishop - L.N. Sutton on Mrs Walker 20/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-068 letter L.N. Sutton - Mrs Walker 14/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-069 letter 2 Gladys I. Opie - Ch W job application, organist 28/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-070 letter  Revd Arrowsmith - Ch W on Miss Opie 29/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-071 letter  A. Wright Denniss job application, organist 29/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-072 letter  Geoffrey Dean Sibley - Ch W job application, organist 29/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-073 letter  A.E. Floyd - Ch W on L.A. O'Neill 17/12/1949 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-074 letter  L.A. O'Neill - Ch W job application, organist 2/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-075 letter  L.N. Sutton - L.A. O'Neill appontment as organist 19/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-076 letter  L.A. O'Neill - Ch W acceptance 20/01/1950 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-077 copy Ch W - K.R. Davis work on organ 10/05/1955 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-078 letter K.R. Davis - Ch W specification 26/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-079 letter Ch W - J.W. Walker rebuilding of organ 19/12/1958 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-080 copy Ch W - J.W. Walker rebuilding of organ 19/12/1958 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-081 copy Ch W - St David's Cathedral re cathedral organ 23/12/1958 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-082 copy Ch W - Geelong Grammar School 23/12/1958 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-083 letter J.W. Walker - Ch W report state of organ 2/01/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-084 letter St David's - Ch W Walkers - re cathedral organ 12/01/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-085 letter Geelong Grammar Sch - Ch W rebuild comparison 14/01/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-086 copy Ch W - St David's Cathedral reply re advice 15/01/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-087 letter J.W. Walker - Ch W import customs issues 11/02/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-088 letter Ch W - organ sub-committee re import licence 20/02/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-089 copy Ch W - organ sub-committee - Walker's re importing organ - components 20/02/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-090 copy Ch W - organ sub-committee - B. Greaves, W.A. organ specifications 20/02/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-091 letter B. Greaves - organ sub-committee reply 1/03/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-092 letter Department of Trade - L. Denham re import licence 6/03/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-093 copy L. Denham - Department of Trade reply 13/03/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-094 letter Ch W - J.W. Walker payment arrangements 25/03/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-095 copy L. Denham - F. Ikin on licence 1/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-096 leaflet The Organ of St John's Church' description of the new organ 31/12/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-097 leaflet The Organ of St John's Church' order of service/Dedication 19/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-098 letter Ch W - J.W. Walker & Sons invitation & comments re organ sound 23/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-099 notes Ch W historical account for organ leaflet 31/12/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-100 extracts from Ch W minutes & correspondence on organ 31/12/1929 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-101 policy Ch W - insurance organ pipes from England 28/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-102 letter Ch W - public invitation to dedication - 19/3/1961 14/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-103 draft Organ sub-committee - Ch W organ leaflet 31/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-104 letter copy from J.W. Walker further work required 9/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-105 letter Ch W - A.W. Collop re further work required 9/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-106 letter Ch W - sub-committee update re Walker's work 17/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-107 copy Ch W - Mr Greaves of Walker's additional organ work 20/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-108 letter Mr R. Greaves - L. Denham additional organ work 1/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-109 letter Mr Collop - Ch W delivery dates etc 6/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-110 copy Ch W - Mr Collop visit to St. John's 7/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-111 letter J.W. Walker & Sons - Ch W re import licence and deposit 6/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-112 letter Ch W - Collop completion date 15/05/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-113 letter Ch W - members of organ sub-committee update re Walker's work 2/06/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-114 letter Geelong Grammar Sch - Ch W reference re Walker's 12/06/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-115 letter Ch W - Collop specifications 2/07/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-116 notes meeting of sub-committee agenda for meeting 31/01/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-117 letter Ch W - Mr Collop specifications 30/07/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-118 letter J.W. Walker & Sons - Ch W receipt for bank draft 5/08/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-119 letter J.W. Walker & Sons - Ch W - K.R. Davis fees and arrangements 2/10/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-120 letter - Ch W import license 5/10/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-121 notes organ sub-committee on specifications 16/10/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-122 minutes organ sub-committee names of organ stops 30/09/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-123 copy Ch W - K. Davis dismantling 27/10/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-125 letter K.R. Davis - Ch W accepting work 8/11/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-126 copy L.A. O'Neill - Mr Collop specifications 8/11/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-127 telegram J.W. Walker - Ch W re reply 24/12/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-128 letter L. Denham - Ch W copy - request for reply 22/12/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-129 letter Mr Collop - L.A. O'Neill specifications 30/12/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-130 letter Ch W - government department application for licence to import goods 6/04/1959 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-131 copy Ch W - Mr Collop various issues 1/01/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-132 copy Mr Collop - L. Denham re specifications 6/01/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-133 letter Mr Collop - L. Denham - Rector of St. Stephen's Sandy Bay re Walker's 6/01/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-134 letter Mr Collop - L. Denham - T. Calver power supply for organ 4/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-135 letter Ch W - Mr Collop electrical supply 5/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-136 letter Parish of St Stephen Hobart - Ch W reply 10/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-137 notes sub-committee meeting agenda for meeting 11/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-138 letter Ch W - St Stephen's re their organ 11/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-139 letter Ch W - Collector of Custom export of organ pipes for remodelling 15/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-140 letter Ch W - Import Licencing Branch export of organ pipes for remodelling 16/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-141 letter Department of Trade - Ch W licence extension 19/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-142 letter L.A. O'Neill - Mr Collop tonal - pipes 24/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-143 letter Customs and Excise - Ch W reply re licence 25/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-144 letter Ch W - Collector of Customs licence now not applicable 26/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-145 letter Ch W - Commercial Union Assurance organ insurance 29/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-146 letter Ch W - Mr Collop in England pipe work 29/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-147 drawing ?? - Ch W Blower Chamber Sizes' 29/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-148 letter L. Denham - Mr Collop pipe work 8/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-149 letter L. Denham - L.A. O'Neill update 9/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-150 letter L. Denham - Mr F. Ikin payments 9/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-151 letter Ch W - Mr F. Ikin payments 16/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-152 letter Walker's - Ch W reply re pipe work 23/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-153 copy Walker's - Ch W - Mr Collop various issues 8/04/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-154 memo sub-committee members copies of 5 letters 12/04/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-155 notes Ch W - members of organ sub-committee financial 31/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-156 letter Ch W - K. Davis installation 31/03/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-157 letter Walker's, England - hW shipment 26/04/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-158 letter Walker's, England - hW console sketch (now in drawings at ASAC) 1/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-159 letter Ch W - Mr Collop console and blower 15/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-160 letter Ch W - Mr Collop console sketch 7/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-161 letter Walker's - Ch W on arrival of Mr A. Jones 22/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-162 letter Walker's - Ch W - Mr Collop packing and shipplin 24/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-163 letter Ch W - Minister for Customs import clearance 24/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-164 letter K.R. Campbell at Walker - Ch W dimensions etc 29/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-165 letter Minister for Customs - Ch W investigating query 29/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-166 letter Walkers - Mr Collop - Ch W supply of components 30/06/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-167 letter Mr Campbell at Walker's - Ch W arrival of A Jones organ builder 11/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-168 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell arrangements for arrival of A Jones 21/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-169 letter Ch W - Mr Callop details of new console 12/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-170 letter Mr Collop - Ch W dispatch of console and detail of blowers 22/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-171 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W travel arrangements A Jones 28/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-172 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell blowers, console 29/07/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-173 letter Minister for Customs - Ch W customs clearance - organ import 4/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-174 report Denham (Ch W) to vestry on rebuild 1957-1960 9/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-175 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell (Walkers) blowers, console 17/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-176 letter Walker's - Ch W bill of lading for imported organ parts 12/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-177 letter Ch W - Minister for Customs (Senator Henty) ackn. of help regarding imports 15/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-178 statement Ch W estimated cost of organ 16/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-179 letter Ch W - Diocesan Registrar release of funds for organ build 17/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-180 letter Custom & Excise (Sen. Henty) - Ch W approval for import 23/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-181 letter Ch W - Custom & Excise (Sen. Henty) ackn of approval 23/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-182 letter Diocesan Registrar - Ch W insurance cover for organ rebuild 8/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-183 break-up Walkers - Ch W list of cases on "Maripura 27/08/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-184 letter Walker's - Ch W bill of lading 9/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-185 letter Ch W - K. Davis settlement of account for work on organ specification 9/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-186 letter Ch W - Mr Collop request for costing of organ components - related to Brownrigg (H?) memorial 21/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-187 letter Ch W - Walker's arrival of organ parts 21/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-188 letter Walker's - Ch W cases on MV "Wellington 22/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-189 letter Walker's - Ch W cases on "Maripura" 28/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-190 letter Walker's - Ch W insurance cover for shipped organ parts 30/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-191 letter Walker's - Ch W updates re cost of rebuild 30/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-192 letter Ch W - Collop (Walkers UK) concern re documentation for imported parts 12/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-193 letter Ch W - Walkers cost increases - organ rebuild 12/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-194 letter Walker's - Ch W delay of shipping, incl. dispatch 21/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-195 receipt R.L. Mayhead - Customs Agents clearance for imports 3/10/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-196 letter Ch W - Mr Collop re consignment of organ parts 1/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-197 letter Ch W - Mr Capp of Walker's request for clarification re increased costs 2/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-198 letter Walkers - Ch W insurance of shipped consignment 3/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-199 break-up Walkers bill of lading on 'Port Wyndham' 5/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-200 a/c R.L. Mayhead - Customs Agents customs clearance 8/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-201 letter Ch W - Mr Capp of Walker's insurance query 15/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-202 letter Ch W - Mr Collop  damage to consigned pipes 15/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-203 notes organ sub-committee report on progress 2/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-204 letter Ch W - Northern Assurance Coy re damaged pipes 15/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-205 letter Ch W - Capp of Walker's contents of cases 15/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-206 letter Ch W - Collop of Walker's re damaged pipes 15/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-207 letter Ch W - Cap of Walker's acknowl. of payment receipt 18/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-208 letter Walker's - Ch W acknowl. of receipt of letter 25/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-209 letter Walker's - Ch W receipt and dispatch of replacements 28/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-210 letter Ch W - Capp of Walker's request for insurance documents 2/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-211 letter Walker's - Ch W re documents for 3rd consignment 5/09/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-212 letter Walker's - Ch W re damaged pipes claim 6/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-213 letter Walker's - Ch W packing lists for next consignment 8/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-214 break-up Walker's - Ch W loading on 'Imperial Star' 10/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-215 letter Ch W - Custom & Excise damaged components 19/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-216 letter Northern Assurance - Ch W request for original policy 28/11/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-217 letter Ch W - Northern Assurance  insurance policy copy supplied 19/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-218 letter J.W. Henty loss assessment - damaged pipes 23/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-219 letter Ch W - Capp of Walker's insurance discussion 23/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-220 letter Mr Collop - Ch W ackn of progress report and publicity 28/12/1960 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-221 letter Walker's - Ch W 5th consignment 4/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-222 letter Walker's - Ch W consignment note & bill of lading 9/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-223a letter Walker's - Ch W consignment note & bill of lading 13/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-223b a/c Walker's - R.L. Mayhead consignment note & bill of lading 13/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-223c notes Walker's  tariff note consignment note & bill of lading 13/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-224 a/c 2 Walker's - R.L. Mayhead customs due on organ parts 28/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-225 letter Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle NSW seeking advice for own project 16/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-226 note  Walker's - Ch W bill of lading 17/01/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-227 letter J.W. Henty damage assessment 3/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-229 letter Ch W - Keith Noake of Newcastle advice re customs for organ import 8/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-230 notes Walker's - Ch W concerning tuba and various notes 24/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-231 letter Ch W - J.W. Henty damage claim 28/02/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-232 letter Ch W - V.H. Good opening ceremony - matins and evening recital 30/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-233 letter Ch W - public invitation to 'opening' of rebuilt organ 14/03/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-234 letter Ch W - Mr Collop report on organ and minor adjustments still required 1/05/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-235 nvitation Ch W - public recital 4 June 1961 1/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-236 letter Ch W - Collop of Walker's final adjustments & request for invoice 14/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-237 sttement Ch W cost of organ rebuild 13/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-238 a/c Walker & Son organ rebuild invoice 30/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-239 letter Ch W - A. Jones re travel for Jones, organ builder 20/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-240 letter Walker's - Ch W re travel for Jones, organ builder 28/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-241 letter Walker's - Ch W invoice final 7/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-242 letter Ch W - Walker's clarification of costs 10/08/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-243 letter Ch W - Walker's report and final payment 14/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-244 letter Walker's - Ch W re payment of A. Jones, organ builder 16/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-245 letter A. Jones - Ch W re insurance 16/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-246 letter Walker's - Ch W re ongoing maintenance of organ 17/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-247 letter Ch W - A. Jones re insurance of consignment 18/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-248 letter Ch W - Capp of Walker's re insurance of consignment 18/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-249 letter Ch W - Collop of Walker's final letter of thanks 19/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-250 letter Mr Collop - Ch W response to final letter, and anticipation of coming to hear the organ 26/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-251 letter Ch W - A. Jones tuning and mainenance arrangements 27/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-252 letter Northern Assurance - Ch W re insurance claim 24/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-253 work card A. Jones - Ch W advising dates for organ tuning 18/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-254 letter Mr Capp - Ch W summary of revised costings 21/08/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-255 letter Ch W - Mr Capp of Walker's note accompanying payment 10/08/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-256 letter Ch W - A. Jones ackn receipt of payment 18/09/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-257 letter Ch W - A. Jones minor repairs needed 10/04/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-258 letter Ch W - A. Jones requesting maintenance visit 10/04/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-259 letter Ch W - Mr Capp of Walker's re ongoing maintenance of organ 14/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-260 letter Ch W - Watkins & Watson blower repairs - bearing 26/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-261 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell blower repairs and customs dues 17/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-261A letter Ch W - Mr Campbell organ tuning and servicing costs 17/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-262 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W request for outstanding payment 10/07/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-263 letter Mr Collop - Ch W re blower failure 27/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-264 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W organ maintenance arrangements & costs 27/07/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-265 letter Wakins & Watson bearing replacement for blower 24/09/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-266 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell organ maintenance arrangements & costs 24/09/1962 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-267 a/c J.W. Walker & Son tuning organ 18/01/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-268 a/c Ch W - J.W. Walker & Son organ maintenance arrangements & costs 18/01/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-269 letter Ch W - A. Jones minor repairs needed 25/02/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-270 letter Ch W - Bank of NSW payment note 25/02/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-271 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell querying items on invoice 25/02/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-272 list Mr Campbell of Walker's check list for tuning 4/04/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-273 list Mr Campbell of Walker's - Ch W list of faults found since Jan '63 31/12/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-273A letter Dorothy Glover organist to Ch W list of repairs and tuning concerns 29/03/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-274 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W organ maintenance arrangements & costs 19/03/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-275 letter Ch W - A. Jones minor repairs needed 29/03/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-276 letter Ch W - Mr V. Good on tuning costs 2/04/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-277 letter Ch W - Bank of NSW payment note 2/04/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-278 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W organ maintenance arrangements & costs 2/04/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-279 letter Ch W - Robert W. Elliston (Vic) on tuning and list of minor repairs 2/04/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-280 letter L.A. O'Neill - Walker's copy of estimate for further build - pedal trombone 15/05/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-281 letter Ch W - A. Jones re further build (pedal trombone)  1/06/1961 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-282 letter Ch W - A. Jones request for tuning 6/06/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-283 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell querying estimate for further build 6/06/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-284 letter Arthur Jones - Ch W travel arrangements A Jones 19/05/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-285 letter Ch W - Arthur Jones arrangements for tuning visit 20/06/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-286 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W maintenance arrangements 5/07/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-287 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell tuning concerns 11/07/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-288 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W updated quotation for pedal trombone 10/07/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-289 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell pedal trombone unlikely to go ahead, and dissatisfaction with Elliston's work 23/07/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-290 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W re tuning concerns 12/08/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-291 a/c J.W. Walker & Sons tuning 12/08/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-292 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell organ update 9/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-293 letter R.W. Elliston,  Walker's - Ch W tuning 25/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-294 letter Ch W - R.W. Elliston re tuning concerns 25/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-295 letter Ch W - A. Jones tuning and other problems 25/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-296 letter Ch W - R.W. Elliston tuning arrangements 30/09/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-297 letter Ch W - A. Jones tuning arrangements 14/10/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-298 letter Ch W - A. Jones electrical problems - organ 12/12/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-299 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell greetings 6/12/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-300 letter A. Jones - Ch W re tuning visit 20/12/1963 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-301 letter Ch W - A. Jones organist vacant position 20/01/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-302 letter Ch W - A. Jones recital - review 26/06/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-303 letter Ch W - A. Jones reply 31/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-304 letter A. Jones - Ch W re Walker's Australia - organ servicing 17/07/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-305 telegram Ch W - A. Jones requesting reply 17/09/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-306 letter A. Jones - Ch W various issues - organ 18/09/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-307 letter Ch W - A.Jones LCGS organ 28/09/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-308 letter Ch W - L.N. Sutton LCGS organ + report 14/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-309 questions   LCGS organ -stops 27/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-310 letter Ch W - A. Jones LCGS organ  27/10/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-312 letter A. Jones - Ch W LCGS organ  7/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-313 letter Ch W - Revd Max Hughes LCGS organ  4/11/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-314 report LCGS committee - Ch W LCGS organ 30/11/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-315 letter Ch W - A. Jones re tuning visit 7/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-316 letter Ch W - Revd Mervyn Stanton LCGS organ 7/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-317 letter Ch W - T.D. Room + draft - Collop LCGS organ 11/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-318 letter Ch W - Revd Max Hughes LCGS organ 15/12/1964 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-319 letter Ch W - Mr Stanley Brown re return of Lindsay O'Neill 26/01/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-320 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell of Walker's LCGS organ 20/01/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-321 letter Ch W - A. Jones of Walker's LCGS organ 29/01/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-322 letter A. Jones - Ch W organ tuning visit 29/01/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-323 letter Ch W - A. Jones of Walker's organ tuning visit 15/02/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-324 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W re LCGS organ 11/03/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-325 letter Ch W - Senator Henty LCGS organ - import duty 25/03/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-326 letter Senator Henty - Ch W LCGS organ reply re duty 30/03/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-327 letter Ch W - Senator Henty LCGS organ - import duty exemption 8/04/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-328 letter Senator Henty - Ch W LCGS organ - ministerial 31/03/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-329 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell of Walker's LCGS organ - ministerial 8/04/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-330 letter Ch W - Revd Max Hughes LCGS organ 9/03/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-331 letter Senator Henty - Ch W LCGS organ - duty exemption refused 20/04/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-332 letter Ch W - J.W. Walker & Sons LCGS organ 23/04/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-333 extracts detail fr. customs & tariffs duty on organs 31/12/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-334 letter Arthur Jones - Ch W organ tuning 27/06/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-335 letter Ch W - A. Jones of Walker's LCGS organ shipment 15/06/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-336 letter John Nichols - Ch W visit to St. John's 21/06/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-337 letter Ch W - John Nichols reply re visit to St. John's 4/07/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-338 letter Ch W - Brian H. Gordon LCGS organ 1/07/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-339 letter Ch W - T. Sorell of LCGS re organ import 1/07/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-340 letter Brian Gordon - Ch W reply re organ import 2/07/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-341 letter Ch W - Brian Gordon LCGS organ 7/07/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-342 letter Ch W - A. Jones repairs to St. John's organ 5/10/1965 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-343 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell of Walker's irregular visits 17/07/1966 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-344 letter K.R. Davis & Son - Ch W offer of professional services 29/07/1966 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-345 letter J.W. Walker - Ch W reply re organ repairs 23/09/1966 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-346 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell of Walker's repairs 29/07/1966 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-347 letter Ch W - Arthur Jones re visit and organ performance 30/09/1966 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-348 letter Ch W - Arthur Jones re visit and organ performance 27/02/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-349 letter J.W. Walker - Ch W supply of components 1/05/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-350 letter Ch W - Mr Capp of Walker's re supply of components 16/07/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-351 letter Mr Campbell - Ch W A. Jones being replaced by Mr. D. Hudd 2/08/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-352 letter L.A. O'Neill - Ch W overseas organ problems 23/08/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-353 letter Ch W - Mr Campbell of Walker's re Mr. D. Hudd 10/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-354 letter Mr Campbell = Ch W Re A. Jones - leaving Walkers 29/10/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-355 letter L.A. O'Neill - Mr Collop Re St. John's organ 9/12/1968 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-356 letter J.W. Walker - Ch W D. Hudd - change of address 26/02/1969 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-357 letter Mr Campbell of Walker's - Ch W withdrawal of Australian services 9/10/1970 ASAC C2A Box 20
SJC-1983 OC-358 memo Arthur Jones - Ch W tuning memos 31/12/1972 ASAC C2A Box 20
END OF SECTION OC, 1845-1960
Petitions and Faculties - 1911 onwards
This box contains a note signed by Jenny Gill as follows:
"These documents have now been catalogued and should remain in the numbered order in this box. JG"
Renumbered by BT April 2022 so that items are in chronological order.
50 Petitions and Faculties were digitised in Nov. 2021 by BT, covering period 1921 to 1984.
Extended with contents of further folder from parish office Dec. 2023
SJC 1983 PF-000 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens - consecration of new chancel 1/11/1911 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-001 faculty bishop or diocesan fallen soldiers memorial reredos 8/07/1921 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-002 faculty bishop or diocesan Weedon (Martin) memorial font 4/07/1924 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-003 faculty bishop or diocesan Hewton memorial organ screen and placement of organ console 2/07/1934 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-004 faculty bishop or diocesan Robinson memorial mosaic tablet 8/04/1936 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-005 faculty bishop or diocesan Eardley-Wilmot memorial mosaic tablet 3/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-006 faculty bishop or diocesan G F Hopkins memorial bronze plaque on organ 3/02/1936 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-007 faculty bishop or diocesan Beck Memorial mosaic panels 7/07/1937 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-008 faculty bishop or diocesan Lakin memorial window 11/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-009 faculty bishop or diocesan Taylor memorial window 11/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-010 faculty bishop or diocesan copy of A and A Harrap memorial window 11/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-011 faculty bishop or diocesan A and A Harrap memorial window 11/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-012 faculty bishop or diocesan Brownrigg memorial pulpit canopy 11/11/1938 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-013 faculty bishop or diocesan Cleaver Memorial Window 16/07/1940 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-014 faculty bishop or diocesan Stebbings Memorial Window 4/08/1941 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-015 faculty bishop or diocesan Martin memorial prayer desk 24/02/1944 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-016 faculty bishop or diocesan Beck Memorial plaque 20/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-017 faculty bishop or diocesan Dean memorial plaque 20/12/1945 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-018 faculty bishop or diocesan Memorial Carillon 4/04/1946 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-019 faculty bishop or diocesan Neil Gill Memorial plaque 19/02/1946 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-020 faculty bishop or diocesan Martin memorial window 24/07/1946 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-021 faculty bishop or diocesan Beck Memorial plaque 21/06/1946 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-022 faculty bishop or diocesan Beck Memorial window 3/11/1948 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-023 faculty bishop or diocesan A and F Green Memorial Window 14/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-024 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan Beck Memorial window 25/10/1948 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-025 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens A and F Green Memorial Window 1/09/1948 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-026 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens Lily Gee memorial mosaic tablet 6/10/1950 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-027 faculty bishop or diocesan crosses for sanctuary and side chapel 19/12/1951 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-028 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens -  crosses for sanctuary and side chapel 15/07/1951 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-029 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens Bungey memorial oak pedestals 12/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-030 faculty bishop or diocesan Bungey memorial oak pedestals 15/10/1952 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-031 faculty bishop or diocesan A R Gee memorial mosaic tablet 23/07/1953 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-032 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens A R Gee memorial mosaic tablet 22/06/1953 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-033 petition for faculty  incumbent and wardens Calver Memorial Window 15/11/1953 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-034 faculty bishop or diocesan Calver Memorial Window 19/01/1954 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-035 faculty bishop or diocesan Stebbeings Memorial Window 15/02/1956 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-036 faculty bishop or diocesan Williams memorial brass tablet 16/08/1957 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-037 faculty bishop or diocesan Christmas Memorial Window 17/10/1962 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-038 faculty bishop or diocesan Barrett interment Memorial plaque 21/10/1966 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-039 faculty bishop or diocesan Sutton interment Memorial plaque 27/04/1967 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-040 faculty bishop or diocesan Denham processional cross 5/08/1971 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-041 faculty bishop or diocesan Denham Memorial organ pipes and plaque 20/02/1975 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-042 faculty bishop or diocesan memorial garden in church grounds 20/02/1975 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-043 faculty bishop or diocesan Sutton thanksgiving cross 29/01/1976 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-044 faculty bishop or diocesan Morrah memorial window 21/02/1979 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-045
SJC 1983 PF-045A faculty bishop or diocesan Roach and Maynard memorial vases 27/03/1979 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-046 faculty bishop or diocesan Mabel Gee plaque on harmonium 22/05/1979 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-047 faculty bishop or diocesan Walsh memorial window 24/11/1981 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-048 faculty bishop or diocesan Henry Ikin interment memorial plaque 5/10/1981 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-049 faculty bishop or diocesan Douglas Gill memorial plaque 10/01/1984 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-050 faculty bishop or diocesan Pratt memorial flower stand 7/03/1984 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-051 faculty bishop or diocesan Broadland House window 10/10/1985 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-052 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan Alice Bullock flower stand 16/09/1983 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-053 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan Merle Ann White flower stand 16/09/1983 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-054 faculty bishop or diocesan Margaret L Rooney plaque 7/12/1984 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-055 faculty bishop or diocesan Christina Latta chalice & paten 6/02/1986 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-056 faculty bishop or diocesan Mary Esme Hortin window 2/02/1988 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-057 faculty bishop or diocesan carpet for St. John's interior 26/11/1987 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-058 faculty bishop or diocesan Dorothy A Davis clinical communion set 22/11/1990 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-059 faculty bishop or diocesan Sybil Brownrigg memorial plaque 13/08/1993 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-060 faculty bishop or diocesan Eleanor J Elizabeth Kiddle mem. Plaque 13/08/1993 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-061 faculty bishop or diocesan Shirley M Gill memorial plaque 24/01/2002 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-062 faculty bishop or diocesan Elsie M Jessop memorial plaque 20/12/2001 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-063 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan W.G. Genders plaque re-installation 30/06/2004 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-064 faculty bishop or diocesan Kathleen H Sutton memorial plaque 16/09/2005 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-065 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan WWI memorial book and display case 15/10/2008 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-066 petition for faculty  bishop or diocesan Marie L. Wing memorial plaque 19/04/2010 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC 1983 PF-067 faculty bishop or diocesan John Youl headstone relocation 7/11/2011 ASAC C2A Box 5
END OF SECTION PF, Petitions and Faculties
Series SP: 1838-1984
SJC-1981 Sp-001 Gallery T.W. Hall Contractor 07/04/1838 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-002 Chancel Peter Mills / Henry W. Lloyd Architect / Builder 16/8/1866 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-003 Parsonage Henry Conway Architect 21/02/1905 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-004 Organ Thomas Sharp Organist / Builder 25/02/1893 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-005 Organ J.E. Dodd Organist / Builder 23/02/1911 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-006 Report Alex. North Architect 20/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-006A Nave rebuild Alexander North Architect 30/06/1937 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-007 Organ K.R. Davies Organ Builder 26/12/1956 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-008 Organ Plan 1 J.W. Walker & Son Builder (document not found) 31/01/1958 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-009 Organ Plan 2 J.W. Walker & Son Builder 4/11/1958 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-010 Organ Plan 3 J.W. Walker & Son Builder 22/12/1959 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-011 Organ Plan 4 J.W. Walker & Son Builder 14/07/1959 ASAC C2A Box 5
51C-1981 Sp-012 Hall, alterations R. Smith, Willing & Newron Architect 1/02/1960 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-013 Verger's Cottage R. Smith, Willing & Newron Architect 1/07/1963 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-014 Meeting rooms Tandy, Pryor & Rogers Architect 1/05/1974 ASAC C2A Box 5
SIC-1981 Sp-015 Restoration T.V. Tandy / J. & T. Gunn Architect / Builder 1/09/1981 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-016 Narthex / Gallery T.V. Tandy / Bushby Bros Architect / Builder 1/09/1981 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-017 Vestries / ante-rooms Alex North Architect - 1901-1910 31/12/1910 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-018 Parish Centre 1974 Tandy, Pryor & Rogers Architect's drawings, minutes of Meeting Rooms cttee, correspondence 31/05/1974 ASAC C2A Box 5
SJC-1981 Sp-019 Rectory various Designs, planning applications, renovations for rectory 2005-2014 7/11/2014 ASAC C2A Box 5
Series CW - Annual Reports of St. John's Church
SJC-1981 CW-01  1837 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-02  1838 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-03 1839 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-04 1840 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-05  1841 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-06 1842 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-07 1843 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-08  1844 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-09  1845 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-10 1846 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-11  1847 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-12  1848 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-13  1849 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-14 1850 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-15  1851 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-16  1852 Financial accounts, seat holders, offertory funds - also printed copy ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-17 1853 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-18 1854 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-19 1855 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-20 1856 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-21  1857 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-22  1858 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-23  1859 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-24  1860 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-25  1861 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-26  1862  Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-27  1863 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-28 1864 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-29 1865 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-30 1866 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-31  1867 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-32  1868 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-33 1869 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-34 1870 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-35 1871 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-36 1872 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-37 1873 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-38  1874 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-39  1875 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-40  1876 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-41  1877 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-42  1878 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-43  1879 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-44  1880 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-45  1881 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-46  1882 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-47  1883 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-48  1884 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-49  1885 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-50  1886 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-51  1887 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-52  1888 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-53  1889 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-54  1890 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-55  1891    Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-56  1892 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-57  1893 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-58  1894 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-59  1895 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-60  1896 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-61  1897 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-62  1898 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-63  1899 Church wardens annual reports (including financial) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-66 1900 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-67 1901 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-68 1902 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-69 1903 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-70 1904 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-71 1905 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-72 1906 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-73 1907 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-74 1908 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-75 1909 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-76 1910 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-77 1911 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-78 1912 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-79 1913 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-80 1914 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-81 1915 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-82 1916 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-83 1917 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-84 1918 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-85 1919 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-86 1920 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-87 1921 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-88 1922 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-89 1923 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-90 1924 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-91 1925 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-92 1926 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-93 1927 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-94 1928 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-95 1929 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-96 1930 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-97 1931 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-98 1932 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-99 1933 no document - copy of newspaper summary instead ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-100 1934 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-101 1935 no document - copy of newspaper summary instead ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-102 1936 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-103 1937 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-104 1938 no document - copy of newspaper summary instead ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-105 1939 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-106 1940 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-107 1941 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-108 1942 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-109 1943 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-110 1944 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-111 1945 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-112 1946 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-113 1947 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-114 1948 incomplete reports only ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-115 1949 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-116 1950 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-117 1951 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-118 1952 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-119 1953 no document ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-120 1954 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-121 1955 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-122 1956 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-123 1957 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-124 1958 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-125 1959 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-126 1960 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-127 1961 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-128 1962 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-129 1963 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-130 1964 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-131 1965 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-132 1966 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-133 1967 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-134 1968 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-135 1969 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-136 1970 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-137 1971 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-138 1972 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-139 1973 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-140 1974 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-141 1975 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-142 1976 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-143 1977 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-144 1978 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-145 1979 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-146 1980 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-147 1981 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-148 1982 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-149 1983 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-150 1984 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-151 1985 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-152 1986 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-153 1987 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-154 1988 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-155 1989 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-156 1990 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-157 1991 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-158 1992 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-159 1993 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-160 1994 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Report ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-161 1995 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Financial ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-162 1996 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-163 1997 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-164 1998 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-165 1999 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-166 2000 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-167 2001 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-168 2002 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-169 2003 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-170 2004 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-171 2005 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-172 2006 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-173 2007 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-174 2008 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-175 2009 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-176 2010 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-177 2011 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-178 2012 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-179 2013 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-180 2014 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-181 2015 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-182 2016 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-183 2017 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-184 2018 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-185 2019 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Rep & Fin ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-186 2020 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Rep & Fin ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-187 2021 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Rep & Fin ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-188 2022 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Rep & Fin ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-189 2023 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Rep & Fin ASAC C2A Box 24
SJC-1981 CW-190 2024 Church wardens annual reports and balance sheets (booklet form) Missing Reports ASAC C2A Box 24
Added to catalogue in Dec. 2022 but change of plan because the documents weren't invoices, receipts etc as pasted into books from series 1T to series 3
SJC-1981 1T-119 St. John's Church WWI active service lists: chaplains, servicemen, the fallen, nurses
SJC-1981 1X-130 list Collins' Mercantile Assurance estate of Mrs. F. C. Williams 19/11/1919
SJC-1981 1Y-160 bequest St. Aidan's Church parish boundaries 30/11/1920
SJC-1982 2H-136 memo LCC to rector Thanks for acccommodating flood refugees 27/04/1929
SJC-1982 2H-137 letter LCC to clergy information on power outage, and request for donation of clothing etc for flood refugees 7/04/1929
SJC-1982 2H-138 letter Bishop to parishes Details of diocesan flood appeal, including destruction of church on Cape Barren Island 7/05/1929
SJC-1982 2E-134 letter J & T Gunn reading desk and chair to match existing 30/11/1926
SJC-1982 2E-135 quotation J & T Gunn table for alms dish but more information needed for episcopal chair 6/12/1926
SJC-1982 2E-136 quotation A. North, architect re drawings for episcopal chair, sedilia, reading desk and alms table 5/11/1926
SJC-1982 2M-206 letter A. North - architect Specifications and drawings- chancel roof, dome door and railing, carving designs 7/06/1935
SJC-1982 2M-207 account A. North - architect complaint re use of galvanised nails to affix roof tiles, also concern re uncured timber for same 13/07/1935
SJC-1982 2M-208 letter J & T Gunn to North response to complaint re roofing nails 16/07/1935
SJC-1982 2M-209 letter A North to J & T Gunn nail problem - agreement to visit site 17/07/1935
SJC-1982 2M-210 letter A North to wardens to inform of the roof nail issue - not to be made public 20/07/1935
SJC-1982 2M-211 letter A North to J & T Gunn accepting standard of remedy to nail issue 20/07/1935
SJC-1982 2M-212 letter A North to wardens designs for 8 capitals, and completion of remediation of roof nail issue 1/11/1935
SJC-1982 2L-118 letter Ethel Hopwood to wardens donation of Prayer Book and Holy Scriptures related to Archdeacon Browne - his own? 3/11/1934 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2P-164 letter East, Roy Smith & Willing - architects schemes & costing for lighting of new nave 27/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2P-165 quotation Aust. General Electric lighting options for new nave 26/10/1938 ASAC C2A Box 12
SJC-1982 2Q-260 specification Gordon Cumming carving of choir stall canopies 17/06/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2Q-261 quotation A North to wardens carving of choir stall canopies 1/09/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2Q-262 letter A North to wardens use of Australian flora for carving designs 1/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2Q-263 letter A North to wardens report on completed carving - building completion report anticipated 6/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2Q-264 letter North to Cumming query re account for capitals - unlikely that choir stall canopies would go ahead due to wartime. 6/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2Q-265 letter Cumming to North cost of carving of capitals, and query regarding go-ahead of choir stall canopies 4/10/1939 ASAC C2A Box ??
SJC-1982 2T-214 letter S Brownrigg to vestry thanks for reduction of tennis club rental 4/10/1941 ASAC C2A Box ??