St. John's Mission House


Physical Description
Contents of St. John’s Mission House bundle
ASAC C2A Box 22
Mission House was in Canning St, opposite Brickfields reserve.
  • Income & Expenditure 1931-33
  • Receipts and accounts – 1946 to 1951
  • Cash book – 1933-1934
  • Cash book – 1946 – 1948
  • Services & Meetings - 1910-1947
  • Sunday School collections – 1943 – 1947 (closure)
  • Inventories of furniture and items – crockery etc (1936 and 1946)
  • General correspondence – 1903 – 1946 (very much incomplete)
  • Photograph – (via QVMAG) Alderman J.W. Pepper – Mayor of Launceston (laid foundation stone 24/5/1905)
Historical Details
See linked article about the Mission House of St. John's Church. The Mission House was first established in the 1890s in the former Queen's Head Hotel, Wellington St. 
By 1905 the work had grown sufficiently for a completely new building to be opened in Canning St, opposite Brickfields Reserve. 
The work may have been dependent on the quality and personalities of the staff employed for it. By the 1940s, the building and hall went through a period of various uses, and eventually it was sold to the Education Department for use as a student hostel.
Dating of Item
1890 - 1970

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Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives