Bequests to St. John's Church


Physical Description
Contents of St. John’s Estates and Bequests bundle
ASAC C2A Box 23
These documents relate to bequests and trusts and estates
made to and through St. John’s Church.
1938 - George E Harrap
1945 – Albert William Monds
1953 – Ada Mary Harrap
1953 – May G. Harrap
1954 – George Milburn Beck
1955  - Sarah Stebbeings
1956 – Hermann Rupp Lakin
1957 – Ethel Jane Platt
1957 – A.B. Thirkell
1958 - anonymous
1959 – E.C. Murray
1961 – Hedley Ernest Hardman
1961 – George Kenyon
1962 – William Edward Nillson
1967 – M.E. Bird
1967 – C.W. Calver
1970 – Frederick James Jones
1971 – Laurence Denham
1973 – Eva Clara Green
1975 – Alice Hales Hogarth
1977 – Margaret Duff Morrah
1978 – John Nixon Gee
1978 – Mary Rosanna Francis Quick
1979 – Marion Winifred Genders
1979 – Elsie Isabel Oates
1980 – Dorothy Edna Genders
1980 – William Butler
1981 – Cecil Margaret Baillie
1982 – Dorothy Glover
1984 – M.W. Genders
1984 – Ruby Evelyn Gee

1984 – Kate Reed
1986 – E.M. French
1987 – Joan Walsh (nee Carr)
1987 – Dorothy Agnes Davis
1987 – Mabel M. Munro
1988 – Dorothy Wooldridge
1988 – Mary Esme Hortin
1991 – Gertrude White-Parsons
1992 – Sybil Mary Brownrigg
1993 – Charles James Stuart Sanderson
1994 – H.C.A. Pitt

2002 – Dorothy May Newman
1997 – Tasman Calver
1997 – Elsie May Jessop
2002 – Henry Carilla Sullivan
2003 – Edith Marianne Barwick
2006 – Audrey Ethel Radford
2007 – Irene Pearl Greig
2011 – Margaret Elizabeth Thorn
2018 - Alfred John Green
Historical Details
Documents associated with bequests made to St. John's Church, deceased estates managed by officers of St. John's, and bequest trusts managed by St. John's.
Some relate to bequests to fund memorials such as stained glass windows or liturgical furniture and other items.
Dating of Item
1950 - 2010

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

October 17 2023;
Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives