communion table - church sanctuary


Physical Description
Carved timber communion table (also known as altar) in main church sanctuary. No inscription. The late Jenny Gill filed a list of contributors to the cost of the table, but the sum of £2/11/0 at top of the list would clearly not be the cost of the item.
Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jane Jones, Mr. J.F. Jones, Mr. Wiseman, Miss B. Tolson, Pearl Tolson, Lily Huston, N. Turner, S. Turner, Ada Evans, Nellie Diggis, Cissie Diggis, Mary Armitage, Tapp, Brown, Ila Findley, Mr. Axup, Mrs Axup, Benjamin, Clark, I Evershed, Ethel Grubb, Hudson, Nellie Jones, Chrissie Jones, Mr. Harry Smith, Edwards,, A.Edwards, Tas McClymont, Arthur Jones, A.L.Wells, Armitage, Bear.
Historical Details
The communion table was likely was one of several items contributed to the furnishing of the sanctuary in the years following the dedication of the extension in 1911. It was not in place for the service of consecration in November that year. No date is recorded for this object, and there is no faculty (diocesan permit) found for it to date.
That the name A.L.Wells appears on the list of donors suggests the table was made very soon after the consecration in Nov. 1911, because Wells died suddenly in August 1913.
The late Jenny Gill attributed the carving to Gordon Cumming, but it could also have been the work of Hugh Cunningham, whose work adorns the nearby choir stalls.
Around 1970, John Stevenson was responsible for modifying the sanctuary communion table from its previously curved eastern side, to allow it to stand away from the east wall when liturgical trends changed (priest faces congregation during the Great Thanksgiving). The table was little used after the 1990s, when a portable table was introduced for use, firstly at the chancel steps, then on the dais constructed in 2003.
polished Tasmanian hardwood
Dating of Item
1912 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 3 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items