mosaic ceiling - dome in transept


Physical Description
blue and gold mosaic decorative ceiling - transept dome
No inscription. Gift of Alexander North
Historical Details
Alexander North was the chief architect of both the 1901 and 1938 extensions of St. John's Church. He was, of course, paid well for his services, but the dome mosaic, one of the most eye-catching features of his beautiful designs for the interior of St. John's, was his gift to the church. It was not until the 1980s that the blue surfacing that covered the rest of the dome was matched in the chancel, santuary, chapel and baptistery areas, and then to a much lower standard.
ceramic mosaic - blue and gold, likely made using the opus sectile technique
Dating of Item

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 3 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items
Related Person or Organisation
Alexander North