hand rails at chancel steps - gift of Matron McClymont


Physical Description
Pair of removable handrails to assist communicants to ascend/descend chancel stairs. The gift of Matron L. McClymont
No inscription
Historical Details
Matron L.M. McClymont was employed at the Launceston Home for Invalids in the early 1950s. Little else is known about her, but it is interesting that her contribution to the church was an aid for the elderly and frail. The late Jenny Gill recorded that she was with the Launceston General Hospital in September 1950, when the rails were donated, but this might be a misunderstanding. The gift was noted in the Parish Messenger  of Sept. 1950
wooden rails with brass legs
Dating of Item
1939 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 5 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items