Memorial garden at St. John's


Physical Description
Memorial garden in church grounds adacent to north ambulatory of nave. 
Church of St. John
Garden of Remembrance
'I am the Resurrection and the Life'
John 11: 25
Historical Details
The memorial garden was built in 1975 for the interment of ashes of deceased parishioners. The names of the deceased are entered into a large register, and record is kept of the location of individual interments.
In 2022, a columbarium wall was built just north of the memorial garden, to allow for re-interment of ashes from the former columbarium at St. David's Church, Riverside, but with capacity for many further interments of deceased parishioners.
sandstone and garden plants and materials
Dating of Item
1975 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 8 2024;;February 20 1975;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items