

Physical Description
upright piano donated when Sunday School was still located in the former hall (pre-1975), but now in Parish Centre
No inscription.
Historical Details
It is hoped that more detail will emerge about the acquisition of the piano that was moved to the new Parish Centre in the 1970s. A possible clue is an appeal in the Parish Messenger in March 1954, seeking the donation of a new piano. Could this instrument have resulted from that appeal? It is certainly relatively modern, as pianos go.
The late Jenny Gill noted that the piano was donated anonymously at the time, but she disclosed that it had been the gift of the Misses Scott, Essie Irene (died 1973) and Ella Eileen (died 1966).
cast iron, wood and other materials
Dating of Item
1954 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 8 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items