Hymn books AHB- given as gifts or memorials


Physical Description
The Australian Hymn Book was in use in the Anglican Church during the 1980s and later. Editions found at St. John's included the 1989 Melody Line Edition.
Donors could have an inscription written inside the cover.
Historical Details
During the 1980s, parishioners and others were invited to donate the cost of new hymn books, service books and bibles, on the basis that they could have an inscription inside the cover as a memorial to a departed loved one, or as a gift for various reasons. Not all the donations and inscriptions have been recorded, but some are listed here.
Gift of: Date: Memorial to: Inscription:
Robyn Gillespie 1985 Craig John Gillespie Given in memory of Craig John Gillespie
Died 15 August 1984
by his wife Robyn and daughters Jane and Jennifer
paper with cardboard covers and binding and covering materials
Dating of Item
1979 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items