choir stalls in chancel
choir stalls in chancel
choir stalls in chancel

choir stalls in chancel


Physical Description
Elaborately carved hardwood choir stalls in chancel of St. John's Church - 3 rows on each side - the gift of the Girls' Friendly Society. 
To the Glory of God
presented by
The Girls' Friendly Society

Historical Details
The choir stalls, installed in the years following the consecration of the transepts, chancel and sanctuary in 1911, were designed by Alexander North, and feature elaborate carvings by Hugh Cunningham, of Tasmanian fauna.
No faculty (diocesan permit) located to date, but likely covered by a general faculty for "the extension", as it was called. 
polished Tasmanian hardword
Dating of Item
1912 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 1 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items
Related Person or Organisation
Girls Friendly Society (GFS)