Foundation stone for transept, chancel, sanctuary and vestries


Physical Description
Foundation stone for transept, chancel, sanctuary and vestries located on exterior east wall of sanctuary adjoining Elizabeth St. driveway.
To the Glory of God
This stone was laid by Sir Arthur E. Havelock, G.C.S.I., C.C.M.G., C.C.I.E., Gov. of Tasmania, Feb. 4th. 1902.
The Foundation Stone of Original Church having been laid by Sir George Arthur, Lieut. Governor
28th January 1825.
Historical Details
The laying of the foundation stone was a grand occasion, which robed clergy and choir accompanying dignitaries. The Halleujah Chorus was sung during the ceremony. See photos of laying of foundation stone via link.
Note that the date carved on the stone for the laying of the original foundation stone is incorrect, and should read 28th December 1824.
stone with carved lettering
Dating of Item
1902 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 18 2024;;February 4 1902;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items