Prayer Books AAPB- given as gifts or memorials


Physical Description
'An Australian Prayer Book' was in use in the Anglican Church during the 1980s and later. Editions found at St. John's included the 1978 blue cover edition.
Donors could have an inscription written inside the cover.
In the case of the prayer books listed here, they were largely paid for by the funeral fees for those listed. Revd. Ernest Horth relinquished the fees to allow them to be used to purchase the prayer books. It is assumed that the families of the deceased agreed to this.
This publication was superseded in 1995 by 'A Prayer Book for Australia". Where possible, the superseded books were gifted to other parishes, and in some cases, to mission-supported churches overseas.
Historical Details
During the 1980s, parishioners and others were invited to donate the cost of new hymn books, service books and bibles, on the basis that they could have an inscription inside the cover as a memorial to a departed loved one, or as a gift for various reasons. It is unlikely that all the donations and inscriptions of this publication have been recorded, but many are listed in the linked pdf file.
Dating of Item
1983 to present

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Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items