Orders of Service, Special Services and Christmas/Easter Services


Physical Description
ASAC C2A Boxes 31 & 32
These orders of service and associated documents relate to special and significant services held in St. John’s Church
  • Advent, Christmas and carol services
  • Good Friday and Easter services
  • Rotary services
  • Harvest Festival services
  • St. John Ambulance Brigade services
  • Good Neighbour Council services
  • Coronations and royal funeral observances
    • 1901 Memorial Service – Q. Victoria
    • 1901 Funeral of Q. Victoria
    • 1910 Day of funeral of Edward VII
    • 1911 Coronation of George V
    • 1935 25 year of reign of George V
    • 1937 Coronation of George V1
    • 1953 Coronation of Elizabeth II
  • Launceston Church Grammar School and Broadland House School
    • Founders Day services
    • 1929 Term Service
    • 1946 Centenary Service
  • Wartime services and victory thanksgiving services, anniversary services eg Coral Sea
    • 1928 Toc H Armistice Commemoration Service
    • 1939 special prayers for use during war
    • 1945 Thanksgiving for cessation of hostilities in Europe
    • 1946 Thanksgiving for victory
  • 1911 Dec 3rd Consecration of chancel & transepts
  • 1938 Nov. 2nd Consecration of nave
  • Thanksgiving for completion of stage 1 of restoration of St. John’s 12th Dec. 1982
  • ABC-TV "Divine Service" at St. John's - 17th April 1983
  • Celebration of 200 Years of Anglican Ministry in Northern Tasmania 21 May 2011
  • Launch of All Saints Anglican Network 3 Feb. 2019
  • 1945 (Women’s) World Day of Prayer
  • Ordinations and collations
  • Induction services for clergy/incumbents
  • Commissioning of chaplains to university
  • Academic and school year services
  • Empire Day and Commonwealth Day services (1950s)
  • Commissioning of missionaries
  • Liturgical welcomes for church dignitaries
  • Farewell services for clergy/incumbents and bishops
  • Dedication of Parish Centre and Garden of Remembrance
  • Dedication of gifts and memorials
  • Anniversary services for St. John’s – 160th etc
  • Prayer services for parliamentarians, governments, local government, civic services
  • Dedication of organ upgrades, and organ appeal fund documents
  • Generation service (youth outreach)
  • Dedication of Batman Bridge (May 1968)
  • Organ recitals and concerts
  • Music concerts and recitals
  • Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) events and services
  • Marriage services (a few)
  • Funeral and Memorial Services including:
    • Sir Kenneth Green (March 1961)
    • Bishop Cranswick
    • Sir Richard Green K.B.E.
    • Sir Winston Churchill
    • Sir Denham Henty
    • Frances Maude Dean
    • George Harrison (Nov. 1982)
    • Roderic O’Connor (Nov. 1982)
    • Kathleen Jean Menzies A.M.
    • Robert Baden Powell
    • Harold Vernon Jones
    • Harry Joseph Harris (Jul. 1989)
    • Cheryl Ray Kerr (1989)
    • Mavis Nellie Ranahan (1989)
    • Marjorie Rooney (April 1983)
    • Lillian Grace Powell (1984)
    • State funeral – Lance Armstrong
  • Devotional or conference services eg Taizé
  • Charles Street School service (April 1976)
  • Peters family reunion (1988)
  • World Sheep and Wool Congress 1989
  • Dedication of Broadland House window (Dec. 1986)
  • Launceston General Hospital 125th Anniversary service
  • John Dell and descendants thanksgiving service
Historical Details
Apart from regular Sunday services, St. John's has been the home of countless special services, for great and small occasions, as well as our seasonal services for Christmas and Easter. Our collection is by no means complete, but encompasses a great range of occasions.
Dating of Item

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

February 6 2024;
Online Sources