Consultations, Reports and Ministries


Physical Description
ASAC C2A  Box 35
Reports and consultations on ministry, parish life, future development including:
  • Review of Sunday services
  • Parish statistics
  • Launceston (diocesan) Boundaries Commission - 1984-1986
  • External consultations on parish development
  • National Church Life Survey reports
  • 1992 Partners in Mission
  • 1996 Moving Out - Moving On (diocesan)
  • 2001 Parish Consultation (Southland Ministries)
  • 2001-2003 Launceston "Conversations" regarding viability of parishes, ministries etc
  • 2004 St. John's Business Plan (draft)
  • 2005 A Healthy Church, Transforming Life (diocesan)
  • 2013 Serving God - Serving Others incl. list of 59 ministries and people involved in each.
Historical Details
As the role of the church became less central in community and individual lives in the latter part of the 20th century and into the 21st, there was a succession of discussions, consultations (sometimes involving external consultancy firms or invited ministers) and analyses, including statistical, aiming to improve the future direction and viability of the church and its ministries.
Dating of Item
1963 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

April 30 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives