Building projects, improvements and maintenance - St. John's 1974-2007


Physical Description
ASAC C2A box 38
  • 1956-64 Church lighting
  • 1974 Parish Centre project
  • 1974-75 Colonial Motor Inn motel units
  • 1996 parish office extension
  • 2007 Town House development proposal and plans
Historical Details
From the very earliest years, there were constant suggestions for improvement of St. John's buildings and facilities. Many were not gone ahead with. Some went to the stage of architects being commissioned, plans being drawn up, and in one case, deposits being taken from interested buyers for townhouses before the project was shelved.
Projects arose from needs such as more seating in the church or deteriorating buildings, or to create short or long term revenue streams through better use of church properties.
Other projects arose from the need to bring buildings up to contemporary standards - lighting and heating, for instance.
Dating of Item

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

July 9 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives