St. John's Church Vestry and Parish Council minutes 1965-2002


Physical Description
Location: ASAC C2A large box 12
Minutes of monthly meetings of St. John’s Church vestry 1965-1995
Minutes of monthly meetings of St. John’s Church vestry 1996-2002
Minutes of parish annual meetings are included for a number of years, but can also be viewed in All Saints History Collection : Documents and Texts : Annual Reports - Churchwardens, Parish and Financial [ASJ2024.75] (white boxes 24 & 25).
Reports of longer-lasting vestry sub-committees – Building and Maintenance (some Finance), Pastoral Committee, Education Committee, Children’s ministries etc have been removed for separate storage.
Minutes of vestry meetings from 1935 to 1965 are held in minute books at All Saints Archive Centre.
Historical Details
The minutes of vestry meetings include a great deal of detail about the organisation and finances of St. John's Church, the state of the buildings, building projects - successful and otherwise, aspects of ministry and outreach programs, and to some extent, the personalities - clergy, wardens, vestrymen, vestry women and later, parish councillors.
Dating of Item

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

October 1 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives