Archived historical papers - Archdeaconry of Launceston ASAC C1B Box 22


Physical Description
Correspondence of Archdeacon of Launceston - 1940s to 1970s
Includes correspondence to/from St. Paul's, Deloraine, Beaconsfield, Hadspen, Ross, St. Helen's, Evandale, Flinders Island, St. Mary's (town), Fingal, Derby-Ringarooma, Cressy, Campbell Town, Longford, Westbury, Hagley
Historical Details
A large collection of documents of many types has come in from centres that are either closed, or no longer function as a separate parish. We do not have the resources to individually catalogue each of the documents, but the contents of each box are listed, should research be needed.
Dating of Item

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

May 15 2024;
Online Sources

Related Collection
All Saints Documentary Archives