Dorothy (Dorrie) Agnes Davis

Individual, P131

Dorothy Agnes Davis (1906 - 1986) Dorrie was born on 27th September 1906 daughter of Arthur William Davis, commercial traveller, and Clara Cecilia. Dorrie was educated at the Launceston Church Grammar School when it was situated in Elizabeth Street. In those days a few girls were permitted to attend. At school and when she was a young adult, she played a great deal of tennis and won many trophies.

Throughout her working life Dorrie held a number of appointments, mostly of the nursing kind. For twenty-two years she was companion to Miss Ada Harrap. She also worked at St. Margaret's Nursing Home in York Street and the Fred French Home still in Amy Road. For a few years she was receptionist in the consulting rooms of Dr N. Gollan.

In her retirement, Dorrie concerned herself with the good work of the R.S.P.C.A. She also took over the management of the Church Missionary Society Book Shop in St. John Street. Dorrie died at Low Head on 13th September 1986 and in her memory a silver pyx was presented to St. John's. The inscription was not available at time of printing.

Extract from 'Engraved in Memory' by J.S.Gill. 1988
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clinical communion set - memorial to Dorothy Agnes Davis (Memorial to)