tree - rose


Physical Description
Rose tree (bush) the gift of Mothers' Union on lawn at northwest corner of St. John's Church
To commemorate 
100 years of
Mothers' Union
1876 - 1976
planted 5th December 1976
Historical Details
While the centenary of Mothers' Union took place in 1976, the St. John's branch actually began in 1894. See linked entity.
The tree was "given by members of our Mothers' Union." - note recorded by the late Jenny Gill in the 1980s.
Uncertain at time of data entry whether the tree has survived.
plant - rose tree (bush?)
Dating of Item
1976 to present

Database Date:            Faculty Date:

January 8 2024;;December 5 1976;
Online Sources

Related Collection
St. John's Church Historical Items
Related Person or Organisation
Mothers Union