Arthur Evans memorial window
Arthur Evans memorial window

Arthur Evans memorial window


Physical Description
Arthur Evans (1848-1921) was involved in banking and mining in Launceston and Tasmania. He was a member of St. John's Church and later, St. Oswald's. See linked biography.
This window was erected in the porch of St. Oswald's, Trevallyn after his death in 1921. It depicts an Evans coat-of-arms with the inscription:
In Memory of
Arthur Evans
Born 15 January 1848
Died 24 May 1921
Historical Details
Likely made by Brookes, Robinson & Co, this window is the only dedicated memorial window in the St. Oswald's Church building, which passed into private hands during 2022. At the time of writing, the current owner intended to keep the church building fitted as a church, to become available for community use. The adjoining hall has been converted into a residence for the owner.
stained and painted glass, lead cames
Dating of Item
1821 to present

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Related Collection
Stained Glass of St. John's and All Saints Churches
Related Person or Organisation
Arthur Evans