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Setting of Holy Communion by Darke in F ()
Murray Johnson, 30 May 1970Part of the Other series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
Historical recording - Full Service of Holy Communion to Setting by Harold Darke in F
1 Organ improvisations, Lindsay O’Neill
2 Kyrie Eleison
3 Summary of the Law and Collects
4 Epistle, Reader: Laurence Denham
5 Hymn: Jesu, To Thy Table Led: Heiliger Geist
6 Gospel, Reader: Rev’d Murray Johnson (Assistant Priest)
7 Sermon: Rev’d Murray Johnson
8 Creed, Soloist: Rev’d Hugh Girvan
9 Hymn: Lord Enthroned In Heavenly Splendour: Bryn Calfaria
10 Confession and Absolution
11 Sersum Corda
12 Sanctus and Benadictus, Soloist: Valerie Proverbs
13 Consecration: Rev’d Hugh Girvan (Rector)
14 Agnus Dei, Soloist: Barry Easther
15 and improvisation
16 Hymn: Thou Who At Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray: Song 1
17 Prayers
18 Gloria In Excelsis
19 Blessing
20 Poslude
Lindsay O’Neill Organist/Choirmaster, Rodney Ford assistant organist
Recorded 30th May 1970
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