Georgiana Oakden

Individual, P038
Georgiana Oakden (nee Cowie) (1811-1899) was born at Hornsey, Crouch End, Middlesex, England. Little is known of her life other than that she married Philip Oakden in 1839 at Launceston, their marriage resulting in 6 children. See linked article for Philip Oakden, her husband.

Georgiana died on 22nd March 1899 aged 87. At St. John's Church a stained-glass window was erected in her memory. It features 'St. Mary' and has the following simple inscription:
MARCH 22ND 1899

Extract from 'Engraved in Memory' by J.S.Gill. 1988
Related objects
Philip and Georgiana Oakden Memorial Window (contributor)
Memorial eagle lectern - Emma Oakden (contributor)
Related people
Philip Oakden (is spouse of)
Emma Oakden (is parent of)
Maria Jane Parramore (is parent of)
Online Sources