Frances Elizabeth Green

Organization, P065
Frances Elizabeth Green (1840 - 1905) was born in Launceston, the only daughter of Richard and Hannah Green (linked below). There is discrepancy in the entry in "Engraved in Memory" - J. Gill 1988, as she lists a son, Francis, born 1840, which is clearly the daughter, Frances Elizabeth, baptised at St. John's on 13th Feb. 1840. She did not marry, and died in Melbourne in 1905.
Several memorials in St. John's Church are connected with the family. These are described in the entry for Richard Green (snr), linked below.
Extract from 'Engraved in Memory' by J.S.Gill. 1988 also Launceston Family Album - Frances Elizabeth Green
Related object
Green Family memorial window (contributor)
Related people
Richard Green (Snr) (is child of)
Richard Green (sibling of)
Alfred Green (sibling of)
Edwin Jackson Green (sibling of)
Arthur Green (sibling of)
Online Sources