Picture Galleries
Some of the thousands of photos and images covering the history of All Saints Anglican Network. We have many more to process and add to this gallery, but would welcome contributions covering aspects of the life of St. John’s and other congregations in the Tamar region.
1939 ca baptistery. Note the polished floorboards and empty niches on wall, now filled by memorial plaques.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca baptistery. Perhaps decorated for Easter.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca communion table in chapel. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca view from south-east, after the 1937 enlargement of the nave. The present south door was not opened until the construction of the Parish Centre on this part of the grounds in the 1970s.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - view to chancel and pulpit from Westminster gallery. By this stage, the organ screen and pulpit canopy had been added.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca Holy Table on former plinth and against wall. The panelling with carved grapes around the top level platform now forms a decorative pelmet for the projector screen.
Photo from album presented
1939 ca communion table in chapel. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
Late 1930s view from chapel to chancel. The organ front is in place, installed by Fincham in 1935, the organ screen appears to be installed, and the pulpit has its canopy.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View along south ambulatory alongside the then new nave. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca rose window
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca - View east from cupola. The roof of the old Sunday School hall is visible in foreground. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View to pulpit from north entrance doorway. This later image shows the pulpit canopy and organ screen, still with entrance from north, in place.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca organ screen with console still facing south.
Note the door to allow access by the organist.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1935 or later. The organ front is in place, installed by Fincham in 1935.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View of interior of church looking east. The pulpit canopy and organ screen are in place. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View east from cupola. The roof of the old Sunday School hall is visible in foreground. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View of interior of church looking east. The pulpit canopy and organ screen are in place. Public address speakers of the era can be seen on the columns. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View of interior of church looking east. The pulpit canopy and organ screen are in place. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View of interior of church looking east. The pulpit canopy and organ screen are in place. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View of interior of church looking east. The pulpit canopy and organ screen are in place. Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca church and Sunday School with glimpse of earlier cottage.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca - view from choir to chapel. The canopy over the pulpit appears to have been installed in the late 1930s. An earlier microphone on a stand next to the prayer desk has been replaced by one attached to the top of the desk.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - view from choir to chapel. The canopy over the pulpit appears to have been installed in the late 1930s.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca church view from northwest. Photo is same date as similar view with 3 cars, because one car is parked in the same spot.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca - view from choir to chapel. The canopy over the pulpit appears to have been installed in the late 1930s.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - view from choir to chapel. The canopy over the pulpit appears to have been installed in the late 1930s. An earlier microphone on a stand next to the prayer desk has been replaced by one attached to the top of the desk.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca church and Sunday School with glimpse of earlier cottage.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca - View north-west from cupola.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca - View south-west from tower.
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.
1939 ca church and Sunday School with glimpse of earlier cottage.
Photo from album "presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939"
1939 ca church view from northwest. Photo is same date as similar view with 1 car, because one car is parked in the same spot on right. Horse-drawn transport continued well into the 1950s.
Photo from album 'presented to Charles J Greaves - in appreciation, from Harold B Brownrigg - 25th May 1939'
1930 ca St John's from north west. A lightweight crane is being used, evidently to replace the weathercock. A worker can be seen in a very precarious position!
Part of collection of photos, lantern slides and negatives belonging to Harold B Brownrigg.