Memorials and Biographies of St. John’s and All Saints Network

The great majority of the biographical notes published here have been kindly provided by respected Launceston historian, Jenny Gill, and were originally published in her book Engraved in Memory, J.S.Gill. 1988. Miss Gill has herself updated some of the information due to changes since her book was published.

As is the case with church buildings worldwide, there are many memorials associated with St. John’s Church, including plaques, windows, items of furniture, vases, chalices and contributions to the building and maintenance of the organ. They make fascinating reading, and add to our understanding of life in Launceston in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Added to these are further biographies or links to other websites, relating to past clergy and parishioners – the people of St. John’s Launceston over nearly 200 years.  Since becoming part of All Saints Anglican Network, memorials and biographies of people associated with other present and former churches associated with the parish have also begun to be added to this list, beginning with those associated with stained glass windows at St. Aidan’s Church.

You are welcome to contact us if you believe information in any of the biographies is inaccurate or incomplete. We are especially keen to receive biographical information about the many former clergy for whom we currently don’t have any details.

Memorials in this contents page have been marked with M. Other biographies are marked B.
